Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

Let's see, the boy's first name Dylan doesn't even make the top 20 most popular names but two boys named Dylan are mass killers. Dylan Klebold murdered fellow students at Columbine H.S. and Dylan Roof murdered Black worshipers during a Christian service. Using the same logic as the Conferate flag shouldn't we ban the name Dylan?
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
Of course everyone is not a Millennial. Most are just idiots in general.
There were four UNION STATES, KY MD MO DE, that had legal slavery during the civil war. Those 4 states had a combined total of 400,000 slaves.!! Yes, the south had 3.6 million slaves but the point remains that both sides had slave states .

For the 8 millionth time, the CW was not about slavery. The idea is absurd. The media is telling another of it's whopper lies.

Easier to hate your opposition than accept the possibility neither side held moral superiority. If we were just as bad as the Southern side, then hating them helps things.

Continues to this day with how the US designates various countries as our enemy, or the bad guys. In fact we're every bit as bad, and often far worse than those we call enemy. But it's hard to be in power when you admit those sorts of truths. Better then to perpetuate the myth someone other than yourself is the bad guy, or on the side of evil.
Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

Hi, SS.

For some it is. Though for many it is about wishing to deflect the human dysfunction harming many kids born to immature moms who have not acquired the skills, PATIENCE and means to raise and nurture a peaceful, fairly happy child.

I grew up listening to peaceful Motown musicians whose music conditioned me to believe are talented, peaceful people worthy of my respect and admiration for writing music about love and peace.

What did this Roof character grow up listening to?

What messages are many of today's popular music performers sending to grade school kids waking up in the morning and tuning into their fav contemporary music station?

so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
Of course everyone is not a Millennial. Most are just idiots in general.
and yet you treat everyone who doesnt agree with you like one.....even saying so many times....just sayin....
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....

His obsession with "millennials" is strange to say the least. :D
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
Of course everyone is not a Millennial. Most are just idiots in general.
and yet you treat everyone who doesnt agree with you like one.....even saying so many times....just sayin....

Get off my lawn, whippersnapper! :lol:
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
Of course everyone is not a Millennial. Most are just idiots in general.
and yet you treat everyone who doesnt agree with you like one.....even saying so many times....just sayin....

Get off my lawn, whippersnapper! :lol:

so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
Of course everyone is not a Millennial. Most are just idiots in general.
and yet you treat everyone who doesnt agree with you like one.....even saying so many times....just sayin....
No just the ones like you.
There were four UNION STATES, KY MD MO DE, that had legal slavery during the civil war. Those 4 states had a combined total of 400,000 slaves.!! Yes, the south had 3.6 million slaves but the point remains that both sides had slave states .

For the 8 millionth time, the CW was not about slavery. The idea is absurd. The media is telling another of it's whopper lies.

Not only THAT, but the Union added the slave state of West Virginia in 1863, in the middle of the war!

Now... in fairness, Delaware didn't have that many slaves. You see, one of the pre-war ideas for getting rid of slavery was for the Federal government to purchase the freedom of slaves from their owners. They did this in Delaware where there weren't a massive amount of slaves and it worked well. I imagine the plantation owners in the deep South would have been very interested in such a deal, but one was never offered.

It's difficult to explain the aspects of slavery in context because we don't relate to 1861 context. In our world and universe, slavery is morally wrong and this is understood, pretty much universally throughout society. Such was not the case in 1861. We view a slave as a black human being who was being denied their human rights... not the case in 1861. Most of society "justified" slavery by viewing slaves as sub-human creatures, they weren't humans like white people. Therefore, the idea that they had Constitutional rights was as absurd as someone today trying to claim horses or dogs should have them.

Most of the people fighting for abolition were doing so from a position of compassion and not equality. The same as someone today might advocate against dog fighting or cock fighting because it's inhumane treatment of animals and not because those animals are considered equal to humans. The very issue of slavery itself was not about civil rights for black people in 1861. But it is difficult for us to even imagine that context. It is so far removed from today's perspective that we can't imagine such a stark contrast.

The reason slavery was an issue (and it WAS) is because slaves were legitimately-owned property according to SCOTUS and US Law.
"Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery."

It's not...

Like every other Leftist notion, it's about cultural subversion.
More like DIVERSION from the fact that the historic awesome young black President has done NOTHING for your run of the mill :blsmile:.
Let's see, the boy's first name Dylan doesn't even make the top 20 most popular names but two boys named Dylan are mass killers. Dylan Klebold murdered fellow students at Columbine H.S. and Dylan Roof murdered Black worshipers during a Christian service. Using the same logic as the Conferate flag shouldn't we ban the name Dylan?
One should immediately suspect the upbringing of anyone named Dylan.
There were four UNION STATES, KY MD MO DE, that had legal slavery during the civil war. Those 4 states had a combined total of 400,000 slaves.!! Yes, the south had 3.6 million slaves but the point remains that both sides had slave states .

For the 8 millionth time, the CW was not about slavery. The idea is absurd. The media is telling another of it's whopper lies.
The hard Left right now is controlled by a toxic mix of hatred and elitism. They feel intellectually superior to southerners, whose lifestyles may indeed be slower and simpler. I do wonder if they're jealous of this, though. While the hardcore lefties put all this energy into insulting and hating and mocking southerners, those same southerners seem clearly more content to me.

Looks like a simpler, humbler lifestyle may really anger narcissistic, hateful people.

There were four UNION STATES, KY MD MO DE, that had legal slavery during the civil war. Those 4 states had a combined total of 400,000 slaves.!! Yes, the south had 3.6 million slaves but the point remains that both sides had slave states .

For the 8 millionth time, the CW was not about slavery. The idea is absurd. The media is telling another of it's whopper lies.
The hard Left right now is controlled by a toxic mix of hatred and elitism. They feel intellectually superior to southerners, whose lifestyles may indeed be slower and simpler. I do wonder if they're jealous of this, though. While the hardcore lefties put all this energy into insulting and hating and mocking southerners, those same southerners seem clearly more content to me.

Looks like a simpler, humbler lifestyle may really anger narcissistic, hateful people.


They feel intellectually superior to southerners,

Probably with good reason. The vast majority of flag lovers are also the dumbest among us.

Poll Majority sees Confederate flag as Southern pride - CNNPolitics.com

"Among whites, there's a sharp divide by education, and those with more formal education are less apt to see the flag as a symbol of pride. Among whites with a college degree, 51% say it's a symbol of pride, 41% one of racism. Among those whites who do not have a college degree, 73% say it's a sign of Southern pride, 18% racism."

Is slavery wrong? By today's standards, YES. By standards in the 1800s, not nearly as much. If we have to memories of slavery from that era, George Washington's artifacts are the first to go.
The Confederacy was built on pure evil

I don't see any merit in defending it
It is not clear that there is really 'hatred' for the organization called the Confedracy that attempted to end the Perpetual Union. It could more probably be called contempt and disgust.
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
Of course everyone is not a Millennial. Most are just idiots in general.
and yet you treat everyone who doesnt agree with you like one.....even saying so many times....just sayin....
No just the ones like you.
but we know better dont we?....your posts are out there,its kinda hard to put a spin on this....

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