Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
I left at 18. My parents were very conservative. With an attitude like "If I want an opinion from you, I will give you one". I could be a slave or independent on my own. Like most Republicans, there was no negotiation. They were pro Nixon. They felt Reagan was a let down after he raised taxes so much and created an enormous deficit. They loved Bush until they found out the Bush Tax Cuts went mostly to the rich but what put them over the top was because of Iraq. They felt so lied to. They could never forgive the GOP for that debacle. I heard my mom once say it's too bad no one "took him out". I told her to stop saying those things. He is president and if someone heard her, she could be investigated. She doesn't like Obama for exactly the same reason other Republicans don't like him.
Is slavery wrong? By today's standards, YES. By standards in the 1800s, not nearly as much. If we have to memories of slavery from that era, George Washington's artifacts are the first to go.
No, they knew it was wrong in the 18th Century.

Many accepted it -- but they knew it was wrong.

It wasn't until about the 1830's - 40's the South started calling it a blessing and to own slaves was biblical and actually virtuous.
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
I left at 18. My parents were very conservative. With an attitude like "If I want an opinion from you, I will give you one". I could be a slave or independent on my own. Like most Republicans, there was no negotiation. They were pro Nixon. They felt Reagan was a let down after he raised taxes so much and created an enormous deficit. They loved Bush until they found out the Bush Tax Cuts went mostly to the rich but what put them over the top was because of Iraq. They felt so lied to. They could never forgive the GOP for that debacle. I heard my mom once say it's too bad no one "took him out". I told her to stop saying those things. He is president and if someone heard her, she could be investigated. She doesn't like Obama for exactly the same reason other Republicans don't like him.
is that the story of why you hate Republicans and became obsessed with them?.........
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
I left at 18. My parents were very conservative. With an attitude like "If I want an opinion from you, I will give you one". I could be a slave or independent on my own. Like most Republicans, there was no negotiation. They were pro Nixon. They felt Reagan was a let down after he raised taxes so much and created an enormous deficit. They loved Bush until they found out the Bush Tax Cuts went mostly to the rich but what put them over the top was because of Iraq. They felt so lied to. They could never forgive the GOP for that debacle. I heard my mom once say it's too bad no one "took him out". I told her to stop saying those things. He is president and if someone heard her, she could be investigated. She doesn't like Obama for exactly the same reason other Republicans don't like him.
is that the story of why you hate Republicans and became obsessed with them?.........
I don't hate anybody. But if there is hate and obsession, it's Republicans for Obama. And you know that to be the truth. Come on. Admit it.
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
I left at 18. My parents were very conservative. With an attitude like "If I want an opinion from you, I will give you one". I could be a slave or independent on my own. Like most Republicans, there was no negotiation. They were pro Nixon. They felt Reagan was a let down after he raised taxes so much and created an enormous deficit. They loved Bush until they found out the Bush Tax Cuts went mostly to the rich but what put them over the top was because of Iraq. They felt so lied to. They could never forgive the GOP for that debacle. I heard my mom once say it's too bad no one "took him out". I told her to stop saying those things. He is president and if someone heard her, she could be investigated. She doesn't like Obama for exactly the same reason other Republicans don't like him.
is that the story of why you hate Republicans and became obsessed with them?.........
I don't hate anybody. But if there is hate and obsession, it's Republicans for Obama. And you know that to be the truth. Come on. Admit it.
I don't hate anybody
yea and its so easy to see that with your posts....
Come on. Admit it
as i have stated many times....the far right ones yes....
Is slavery wrong? By today's standards, YES. By standards in the 1800s, not nearly as much. If we have to memories of slavery from that era, George Washington's artifacts are the first to go.

We are judging by today's standards only.
When 75% of black folks are offended by that flag and see it as absolutely racist, then it is. Period.

Anyone who believes that slavery was anything other than the ultimate form of racism, the physical practice of the idea of natural white supremecy, is delusional.
We can debate which came first, slavery or racism in historical terms, but looking backwards with modern sensibilities,( where we are all operating from), it is undeniable.

To even attempt to defend the confederacy or it's flags and symbols without even a thought to those (75% of black folks who see it as racist), who were the actual victimized class, only serves to reinforce the idea of inherint racism. We see a lot of talk about heritage and pride and not much about how those most affected feel.
Is slavery wrong? By today's standards, YES. By standards in the 1800s, not nearly as much. If we have to memories of slavery from that era, George Washington's artifacts are the first to go.
No, they knew it was wrong in the 18th Century.

Many accepted it -- but they knew it was wrong.

It wasn't until about the 1830's - 40's the South started calling it a blessing and to own slaves was biblical and actually virtuous.

Yep. About the same time that abolitionists started gaining a following.
Anyone who believes that slavery was anything other than the ultimate form of racism, the physical practice of the idea of natural white supremecy, is delusional.

You think white supremacy is false??? Then why are america and europe and australia and canada so advanced while africa and its one billion people have never gotten out of the stone age - except for rhodesia and south africa which were built by whites.
so you got tea bagged?......hey shit happens....
Your mom called. You are 35. It's time to move out.
see this is what im saying politico....everyone to you is a "millennial"....i moved out at 19 and never looked back,and was born kinda before 1980....dont let the obsession get to you.....then you will be like your buddy dean....
I left at 18. My parents were very conservative. With an attitude like "If I want an opinion from you, I will give you one". I could be a slave or independent on my own. Like most Republicans, there was no negotiation. They were pro Nixon. They felt Reagan was a let down after he raised taxes so much and created an enormous deficit. They loved Bush until they found out the Bush Tax Cuts went mostly to the rich but what put them over the top was because of Iraq. They felt so lied to. They could never forgive the GOP for that debacle. I heard my mom once say it's too bad no one "took him out". I told her to stop saying those things. He is president and if someone heard her, she could be investigated. She doesn't like Obama for exactly the same reason other Republicans don't like him.
Your experience was not with conservatives. I feel sorry for you.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand".

And so... we were united. Through the incalculable bloodshed of Americans.

I believe that no American of that era, nor their heritage or symbolisms or practices and beliefs of the time, should be denigrated or desecrated in such a manner as has been put forth by the current President of the United States or the Democrat leadership or the Liberal media.

Yet here we are, a Nation being shit upon and spat upon by ignorant reprobates hell-bent on re-writing our own country's history in the name of political correctness and herd mentality.

Fuck that motherfucker Obama, his sheep followers, and all you hypocrite snot-nosed Liberal ass-wipes.
Anyone who believes that slavery was anything other than the ultimate form of racism, the physical practice of the idea of natural white supremecy, is delusional.

You think white supremacy is false??? Then why are america and europe and australia and canada so advanced while africa and its one billion people have never gotten out of the stone age - except for rhodesia and south africa which were built by whites.

[rey-siz-uh m]

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

It's the democratic party's plan to get black votes...you know...so when they get elected they can tell their black consituents that they don't have a say in their Christian beliefs opposing gay marriage.

They already have the black vote.
It was however the Repub governors and Repub state legislators that removed those flags.It would not have happened otherwise.
True. The Democrat KKK was on the South Carolina Capitol steps Saturday in a display of confederate flags. On the opposite side was the Black Panthers, the Democrat Party's latter day slaves.
Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

It's the democratic party's plan to get black votes...you know...so when they get elected they can tell their black consituents that they don't have a say in their Christian beliefs opposing gay marriage.

They already have the black vote.
It was however the Repub governors and Repub state legislators that removed those flags.It would not have happened otherwise.
True. The Democrat KKK was on the South Carolina Capitol steps Saturday in a display of confederate flags. On the opposite side was the Black Panthers, the Democrat Party's latter day slaves.

Funny isn't it?
It's funny how the defenders of the flag say it's all about pride and heritage, yet there's the Klan waving the flag proudly on behalf of all of you.
Funny isn't it?
It's funny how the defenders of the flag say it's all about pride and heritage, yet there's the Klan waving the flag proudly on behalf of all of you.

So... If the Klan were waving a rainbow flag we could assume that all you Gay Pride folks are racists?

The Klan does not represent ME. They are doing NOTHING on behalf of ME!

YOU are trying to stigmatize ME based on a sick twisted stereotype in your bigoted mind.
Funny isn't it?
It's funny how the defenders of the flag say it's all about pride and heritage, yet there's the Klan waving the flag proudly on behalf of all of you.

So... If the Klan were waving a rainbow flag we could assume that all you Gay Pride folks are racists?

The Klan does not represent ME. They are doing NOTHING on behalf of ME!

YOU are trying to stigmatize ME based on a sick twisted stereotype in your bigoted mind.

The comparison with the rainbow flag is simply retarded. The history and symbolism of each couldn't be more different. You are stigmatized for supporting the American swastika. Your position on that flag and it's history says what you support loud a proud. We all get it. At least the Klan is honest about how they feel. Most supporters hide behind " pride and heritage" but we all know what that really means.
Funny isn't it?
It's funny how the defenders of the flag say it's all about pride and heritage, yet there's the Klan waving the flag proudly on behalf of all of you.

So... If the Klan were waving a rainbow flag we could assume that all you Gay Pride folks are racists?

The Klan does not represent ME. They are doing NOTHING on behalf of ME!

YOU are trying to stigmatize ME based on a sick twisted stereotype in your bigoted mind.

The comparison with the rainbow flag is simply retarded. The history and symbolism of each couldn't be more different. You are stigmatized for supporting the American swastika. Your position on that flag and it's history says what you support loud a proud. We all get it. At least the Klan is honest about how they feel. Most supporters hide behind " pride and heritage" but we all know what that really means.

That may be what it means to you, but you're an idiot.
Funny isn't it?
It's funny how the defenders of the flag say it's all about pride and heritage, yet there's the Klan waving the flag proudly on behalf of all of you.

So... If the Klan were waving a rainbow flag we could assume that all you Gay Pride folks are racists?

The Klan does not represent ME. They are doing NOTHING on behalf of ME!

YOU are trying to stigmatize ME based on a sick twisted stereotype in your bigoted mind.

The comparison with the rainbow flag is simply retarded. The history and symbolism of each couldn't be more different. You are stigmatized for supporting the American swastika. Your position on that flag and it's history says what you support loud a proud. We all get it. At least the Klan is honest about how they feel. Most supporters hide behind " pride and heritage" but we all know what that really means.

That may be what it means to you, but you're an idiot.

Why do you feel that the opinion of white folks concerning that flag carries more weight than the 75% of black folks who see it as racist and have been victimized by those who have flown that flag for the last 150 years?
Why are you so comfortable and eager to offend black folks by supporting and displaying that flag?

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