Why Socialism Is the Failed Idea That Never Dies

Have a government to steal your money and give it away to other people. What could possibly go wrong?
Yet, right wingers refuse to abolish wasteful programs like our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

You are confused Moon Bat. It is not about waste. All government programs are wasteful.

Socialism is about thievery. The fucking government stealing your money and giving it away to greedy assholes that didn't earn the money. Disgusting and a disastrous economic model that destroys countries.

So I guess welfare does not bother you. Corporate bankruptcy that bails out private enterprise because of the potential job loss that would occur if they went belly up. Military contracts to businesses who make parts for the military and jack up the price when selling it to the government.

When people talk about the pay that federal employees get and the benefits. Yet Department heads make big money for a short stay. They do not have to have experience, just deep pockets to donate.

Trump's daughter and husband flying around on air force one without Trump.
I'll keep it simple, a % of the population are lazy deadbeat losers who want other people to work and pay THEIR bills.
Which of the following are 'deadbeat losers'?
1) Retirees on SS
2) military disabled veterans
3) the diisabled
4) people laid off from their jobs because the only manufacturing plant was shut down and exported to China
5) Democrats
I can pick Many European countries and compare them to the US....apart from few pockets in the US Americans has a very poor life quality compared to Europeans. In some states and areas it is even worse than some third world countries. But if you dont travel to see the difference you will beleive the lie of america is the greatest country in the world.
True Socialism/Marxism/Communism, appeals to the inherently....LAZY. They have a "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, mentality. A "I didn't earn it, but I want it anyway," thought process. It boils down to simple jealousy and an unwillingness to study, work hard and strive to achieve actual goals. Their idea of life is to sit in their parents basement or a spare room, while mommy and daddy, or somebody else, keeps giving them stuff. They're a drain on society and keep wanting more and more and more.
I'll keep it simple, a % of the population are lazy deadbeat losers who want other people to work and pay THEIR bills.
Which of the following are 'deadbeat losers'?
1) Retirees on SS
2) military disabled veterans
3) the diisabled
4) people laid off from their jobs because the only manufacturing plant was shut down and exported to China
5) Democrats

5) Democrats, the asshole Dems keep telling me I'm not paying my fair share when I pay my share and the share of many other deadbeat losers.
Have a government to steal your money and give it away to other people. What could possibly go wrong?
Yet, right wingers refuse to abolish wasteful programs like our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

You are confused Moon Bat. It is not about waste. All government programs are wasteful.

Socialism is about thievery. The fucking government stealing your money and giving it away to greedy assholes that didn't earn the money. Disgusting and a disastrous economic model that destroys countries.

So I guess welfare does not bother you. Corporate bankruptcy that bails out private enterprise because of the potential job loss that would occur if they went belly up. Military contracts to businesses who make parts for the military and jack up the price when selling it to the government.

When people talk about the pay that federal employees get and the benefits. Yet Department heads make big money for a short stay. They do not have to have experience, just deep pockets to donate.

Trump's daughter and husband flying around on air force one without Trump.

Yes welfare bothers me. No welfare, subsidies, bailouts, grants or entitlements no matter if it is a Republican that does it or a Democrat.

There is a legitimate need for some government workers like in Defense, courts, police etc and they should be paid prevailing wages for their work.

What the hell we don't need is a big bloated out of control debt ridden bureaucracy that feeds the filthy welfare state. Not on the Federal level, not on the state level and not on the local level.

The problem with living in a Republic is that it allow the greedy welfare assholes to vote in representatives that use the government to steal money and that is despicable.

What we need is a much stronger Bill of Rights that protects Americans from the abuses of government, like taking our money and giving it away to the welfare queens.
Have a government to steal your money and give it away to other people. What could possibly go wrong?
Yet, right wingers refuse to abolish wasteful programs like our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

You are confused Moon Bat. It is not about waste. All government programs are wasteful.

Socialism is about thievery. The fucking government stealing your money and giving it away to greedy assholes that didn't earn the money. Disgusting and a disastrous economic model that destroys countries.

So I guess welfare does not bother you. Corporate bankruptcy that bails out private enterprise because of the potential job loss that would occur if they went belly up. Military contracts to businesses who make parts for the military and jack up the price when selling it to the government.

When people talk about the pay that federal employees get and the benefits. Yet Department heads make big money for a short stay. They do not have to have experience, just deep pockets to donate.

Trump's daughter and husband flying around on air force one without Trump.

Yes welfare bothers me. No welfare, subsidies, bailouts, grants or entitlements no matter if it is a Republican that does it or a Democrat.

There is a legitimate need for some government workers like in Defense, courts, police etc and they should be paid prevailing wages for their work.

What the hell we don't need is a big bloated out of control debt ridden bureaucracy that feeds the filthy welfare state. Not on the Federal level, not on the state level and not on the local level.

The problem with living in a Republic is that it allow the greedy welfare assholes to vote in representatives that use the government to steal money and that is despicable.

What we need is a much stronger Bill of Rights that protects Americans from the abuses of government, like taking our money and giving it away to the welfare queens.
I would believe you more, if you complained nine hundred times more about the Rich than the Poor.
The main problem is that we don’t have good capitalism.

What is “good capitalism”? We’ve evolved by no longer using slaves as Africa and many other nations still engage in. We have evolved and now have standards and regulations unlike China and other nations that pay children $0.20 per pair to manufacture Nike sneakers.
I'll keep it simple, a % of the population are lazy deadbeat losers who want other people to work and pay THEIR bills.
Right wingers are intellectually lazy. Corporate welfare is alive and well and nobody is calling CEOs lazy.

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.

Is this a :206: rich people have more money than me post? Get a job loser earn your own damn money, hell start a business.
Right wingers are intellectually lazy. Corporate welfare is alive and well and nobody is calling CEOs lazy.

LMAO what "corporate welfare" be specific then I'll destroy you.
lol. No, you won't or you would have had a rebuttal for it.

How about the time the Richest were too rich to fail.
You mean too big to fail? The banks?
I thought I heard it on the news, but that was a while ago. The phrase stuck in my mind, I guess.

But, for the sake of argument, let's go with AIG.

For decades, AIG was a global powerhouse in the business of selling insurance. But in September 2008, the company was on the brink of collapse.--https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/09/american-investment-group-aig-bailout.asp

According to the right wing, the Poor should be able to handle their money and not need bailouts.
So you're throwing shit out there as facts in a forum that is pretty much about debate when you "thought you heard it on the news".

Nice - You're a fucking hack. Learn something cuz you're pretty much ignorant. Probably a 28 year old Millennial.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are nothing but Socialism. Does the right wing complain about that form of socialism? No, they only complain about socialism for the Poor.
Yet Joe Biden wrote the biggest piece of legislation to fight crime back in the 90's and it took Trump to start tearing it down with first step act. But - democrat!

BTW, the government really has only two jobs - National security and safety and infrastructure. That is written into the constitution. Go read a book FFS.
I'll keep it simple, a % of the population are lazy deadbeat losers who want other people to work and pay THEIR bills.
Right wingers are intellectually lazy. Corporate welfare is alive and well and nobody is calling CEOs lazy.

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.

Is this a :206: rich people have more money than me post? Get a job loser earn your own damn money, hell start a business.
Right wingers are intellectually lazy. Corporate welfare is alive and well and nobody is calling CEOs lazy.

LMAO what "corporate welfare" be specific then I'll destroy you.
lol. No, you won't or you would have had a rebuttal for it.

How about the time the Richest were too rich to fail.
You mean too big to fail? The banks?
I thought I heard it on the news, but that was a while ago. The phrase stuck in my mind, I guess.

But, for the sake of argument, let's go with AIG.

For decades, AIG was a global powerhouse in the business of selling insurance. But in September 2008, the company was on the brink of collapse.--https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/09/american-investment-group-aig-bailout.asp

According to the right wing, the Poor should be able to handle their money and not need bailouts.
So you're throwing shit out there as facts in a forum that is pretty much about debate when you "thought you heard it on the news".

Nice - You're a fucking hack. Learn something cuz you're pretty much ignorant. Probably a 28 year old Millennial.
lol. You need a valid rebuttal not just plain fallacy. Even promiscuous women can be less full of fallacy than You.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are nothing but Socialism. Does the right wing complain about that form of socialism? No, they only complain about socialism for the Poor.
Yet Joe Biden wrote the biggest piece of legislation to fight crime back in the 90's and it took Trump to start tearing it down with first step act. But - democrat!

BTW, the government really has only two jobs - National security and safety and infrastructure. That is written into the constitution. Go read a book FFS.
Yet, right wingers only complain about social services for the Poor. Our welfare clause is General and we don't have a general warfare clause. Why not complain about our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that y'all don't want to pay for with your tax cut economics, anyway.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are nothing but Socialism. Does the right wing complain about that form of socialism? No, they only complain about socialism for the Poor.
Yet Joe Biden wrote the biggest piece of legislation to fight crime back in the 90's and it took Trump to start tearing it down with first step act. But - democrat!

BTW, the government really has only two jobs - National security and safety and infrastructure. That is written into the constitution. Go read a book FFS.
Yet, right wingers only complain about social services for the Poor. Our welfare clause is General and we don't have a general warfare clause. Why not complain about our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that y'all don't want to pay for with your tax cut economics, anyway.
I have never heard anyone complain about basic social services for the poor. No one. I have never complained about helping out the poor. In fact, I support it. I think we should be putting more federal dollars into the inner-city schools - more than what the "well to do" areas get. Unbalance that equation. I'm all for equal outcome of education in K-12. The complaint is towards the other things the dems want. Such as Universal Basic Income - what a load of shit.

Helping out the poor should come with strings though. If I have to take a drug test to work and earn money, those that get some of the money I make should be held accountable and do so as well. It only makes basic fucking sense.
Capitalism provides jobs, needed good and services, prosperity and wealth.

Socialism provides jackshit and squanders the money made by Capitalism.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are nothing but Socialism. Does the right wing complain about that form of socialism? No, they only complain about socialism for the Poor.
Yet Joe Biden wrote the biggest piece of legislation to fight crime back in the 90's and it took Trump to start tearing it down with first step act. But - democrat!

BTW, the government really has only two jobs - National security and safety and infrastructure. That is written into the constitution. Go read a book FFS.
Yet, right wingers only complain about social services for the Poor. Our welfare clause is General and we don't have a general warfare clause. Why not complain about our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that y'all don't want to pay for with your tax cut economics, anyway.
Trump is working on pulling troops out of the middle east. That is the breeding ground for creating more terrorists from the damage we do there. Our political involvement in the middle east has been fucked up for over 50 years.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are nothing but Socialism. Does the right wing complain about that form of socialism? No, they only complain about socialism for the Poor.
Yet Joe Biden wrote the biggest piece of legislation to fight crime back in the 90's and it took Trump to start tearing it down with first step act. But - democrat!

BTW, the government really has only two jobs - National security and safety and infrastructure. That is written into the constitution. Go read a book FFS.
Yet, right wingers only complain about social services for the Poor. Our welfare clause is General and we don't have a general warfare clause. Why not complain about our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that y'all don't want to pay for with your tax cut economics, anyway.
I have never heard anyone complain about basic social services for the poor. No one. I have never complained about helping out the poor. In fact, I support it. I think we should be putting more federal dollars into the inner-city schools - more than what the "well to do" areas get. Unbalance that equation. I'm all for equal outcome of education in K-12. The complaint is towards the other things the dems want. Such as Universal Basic Income - what a load of shit.

Helping out the poor should come with strings though. If I have to take a drug test to work and earn money, those that get some of the money I make should be held accountable and do so as well. It only makes basic fucking sense.
Same terms and conditions for corporate welfare?
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are nothing but Socialism. Does the right wing complain about that form of socialism? No, they only complain about socialism for the Poor.
Yet Joe Biden wrote the biggest piece of legislation to fight crime back in the 90's and it took Trump to start tearing it down with first step act. But - democrat!

BTW, the government really has only two jobs - National security and safety and infrastructure. That is written into the constitution. Go read a book FFS.
Yet, right wingers only complain about social services for the Poor. Our welfare clause is General and we don't have a general warfare clause. Why not complain about our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that y'all don't want to pay for with your tax cut economics, anyway.
Trump is working on pulling troops out of the middle east. That is the breeding ground for creating more terrorists from the damage we do there. Our political involvement in the middle east has been fucked up for over 50 years.
It was right wingers who insisted we had to go over there in the first place just to prove they don't know how to win their wars.
Socialism keeps coming back because there isn't really anyone challenging the bs premises on which it is built - collectivism, altruism, contempt for pleasure, pessimism and skepticism.

Since Socialism is an evasion of reality, it is no surprise that the economic argument does not convince them.

The actual problem is that their worldview is one where people are too dumb to look after themselves and that the group is the primary unit of existence. Furthermore, they argue we cannot really know anything for certain and that money and other pleasures are inherently evil. The so called "Right" of today actually agrees with all of these premises which is why we see figures like Bernie and AOC rising to popularity - No one is there to challenge them.

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