Why Socialism would be very difficult to adopt in the U.S.

If you don't want it or decide it's not worth it then you shouldn't be taxed to provide it.

that reminds me of public skoolzs, why should i have to pay for someone else's brats to be indoctrinated in todays socialist union dominated public skoolz ??
I actually don't mind paying a little in for schools. Not public ones but preschool through 12th as long as the money goes not to teacher unions but the actual students school of choice. Reduce the department of education to a handful of people that simply hand out the vouchers for kids schooling. From there the parents pick a school and hand them the voucher to be cashed.
Christ, that's what we had before 100 years of reform. Smaller classes are what are needed in "Bad" schools.
And your 100 years of reform has delivered shit. We don't need smaller classes in bad schools, WTF would that do? Let the garbage union teacher get more one on one time to promote stupidity? We need the school to close and be replaced by one that is up to the job.
Socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.

Wrong. Socialism is keeping the middle class down.

They why do socialist countries like Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, etc., have such thriving middle classes? Social democracy is the most successful form of government and produces societies with better income for all. People are happier, healthier, better educated, and they live longer than Americans.

Without a thriving middle class, there is no one to purchase the goods and services the corporations are selling, and every year the American middle class is losing ground, as more and more wealth gets funneled upwards.

Those countries are all welfare states like the United States.
Check. We are a welfare (socialist) state, just totally pandering to the rich because of our sillly voters. see sig, last line.

A welfare state is largely capitalist. In other words, it's not an example of socialism.
If you don't want it or decide it's not worth it then you shouldn't be taxed to provide it.

that reminds me of public skoolzs, why should i have to pay for someone else's brats to be indoctrinated in todays socialist union dominated public skoolz ??
I actually don't mind paying a little in for schools. Not public ones but preschool through 12th as long as the money goes not to teacher unions but the actual students school of choice. Reduce the department of education to a handful of people that simply hand out the vouchers for kids schooling. From there the parents pick a school and hand them the voucher to be cashed.
Christ, that's what we had before 100 years of reform. Smaller classes are what are needed in "Bad" schools.

What they need is to get the government out of the business of running them.
Has anyone on these boards defined socialism as yet? There are a number of types, maybe fifteen or so, and Marx's socialism, the one that led to communism was quickly dropped by the USSR as unworkable,
Today most western nations are a mixture of socialism and capitalism, and generally the argument is about the percentages of each.
I still wonder what socialism really is?
Those are welfare states. Why is it that these so-called "successful socialist countries" always have large amounts of capitalism? The answer is that capitalism is the only thing that allows them to continue functioning.

No, nitwit......those countries are practicing DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM.

No, they are practicing capitalism with a smattering of socialism in the mix. There is no such thing as "democratic socialism." The term is an oxymoron.
And under eminent domain the people vote to let the state take someone else's property, not their own. The conversion to socialism would require the state to take control of all businesses and all farms. That is never going to be accomplished without bloodshed.

I can't believe the many stupid "conclusions" that one can make in just a couple of sentences.
So you're on my side then. You shouldn't be paying taxes to lower the cost (subsidize) something you don't want. Socialism is screwing you to the tune of several million hamburgers a year. Then again my taxes are subsidizing your veggie soup but it all become a giant cluster of shit that we should just eliminate. If carrots get to expensive you can't have any. If beef ribs get too expensive I can find something else to eat as well. Pay market price for your own choices.

My point was (and is) that we are already functioning in a socialistic manner; however, the term "socialism" scares the hell out of right wingers because they're mostly uneducated and revert to silly statements, such as :

It never works
Its taking my money to give to others
I don't want to be a commie.....
.....and such other "pearls of wisdom"

Socialism should scare the hell out of any rational person because it's the road to slavery, poverty and mass starvation.
And under eminent domain the people vote to let the state take someone else's property, not their own. The conversion to socialism would require the state to take control of all businesses and all farms. That is never going to be accomplished without bloodshed.

I can't believe the many stupid "conclusions" that one can make in just a couple of sentences.

Of course, you can't explain why they are supposedly stupid.
There is no such thing as "democratic socialism." The term is an oxymoron.

I'll be sending that little statement to the 2 dozen plus countries that practice "democratic socialism".......and I'll tell them that, according to you.....they've been misusing that term for more than 3/4 of a century.

I'm sure they'll be sending you letters of "gratitude" for clearing that up.
There is no such thing as "democratic socialism." The term is an oxymoron.

I'll be sending that little statement to the 2 dozen plus countries that practice "democratic socialism".......and I'll tell them that, according to you.....they've been misusing that term for more than 3/4 of a century.

I'm sure they'll be sending you letters of "gratitude" for clearing that up.

Yeah, sure you will.

What makes you think I give a crap about their opinion or yours?
Socialism should scare the hell out of any rational person because it's the road to slavery, poverty and mass starvation.

.....and, don't forget to also include, nation-wide constipation and pimples.
You know why socialism will not be "adopted", dumbass? It is because it would contravene the U.S. Constitution and, therefore, be fucking illegal.

Put the fucking bong down, asshole!!!!!

Another reasons why socialism cannot be adopted in this country???

Its because there are too many of moronic Buzzes around that have a 5th grade education but still vote for tea baggers.

Another reason: extreme resistance by the majority of us that do not want socialism and who regularly exercise our Second Amendment right. Honestly, most socialists, anarchists, communists, or whatever the fuck the far left wants to call themselves generally cannot operate a weapon worth a shit. How are you going to overcome the resistance to such stupidity? Throw your bongs and Widespread Panic CDs at us?

Today most western nations are a mixture of socialism and capitalism, and generally the argument is about the percentages of each.

I actually agree.......so, my questions remain......Why are right wingers so scared of the term socialism, while in the midst of practicing it?....AND
Why are countries that openly accept socialism (the democratic kind) have populations that are rated so much happier than ours?
Another reason: extreme resistance by the majority of us that do not want socialism and who regularly exercise our Second Amendment right. Honestly, most socialists, anarchists, communists, or whatever the fuck the far left wants to call themselves generally cannot operate a weapon worth a shit. How are you going to overcome the resistance to such stupidity? Throw your bongs and Widespread Panic CDs at us?

Find a corner or under your bed and keep playing with your little "weapon" Buzzy.

(what a dolt !!!)
If you don't want it or decide it's not worth it then you shouldn't be taxed to provide it.

that reminds me of public skoolzs, why should i have to pay for someone else's brats to be indoctrinated in todays socialist union dominated public skoolz ??
I actually don't mind paying a little in for schools. Not public ones but preschool through 12th as long as the money goes not to teacher unions but the actual students school of choice. Reduce the department of education to a handful of people that simply hand out the vouchers for kids schooling. From there the parents pick a school and hand them the voucher to be cashed.
Christ, that's what we had before 100 years of reform. Smaller classes are what are needed in "Bad" schools.

What they need is to get the government out of the business of running them.
Rather than some POS corporation. Check out those Boooshie colleges...omg
You know why socialism will not be "adopted", dumbass? It is because it would contravene the U.S. Constitution and, therefore, be fucking illegal.

Put the fucking bong down, asshole!!!!!

Another reasons why socialism cannot be adopted in this country???

Its because there are too many of moronic Buzzes around that have a 5th grade education but still vote for tea baggers.

Another reason: extreme resistance by the majority of us that do not want socialism and who regularly exercise our Second Amendment right. Honestly, most socialists, anarchists, communists, or whatever the fuck the far left wants to call themselves generally cannot operate a weapon worth a shit. How are you going to overcome the resistance to such stupidity? Throw your bongs and Widespread Panic CDs at us?

My 30.06 with scope will disagree, Pub dupe functional moron.
You know why socialism will not be "adopted", dumbass? It is because it would contravene the U.S. Constitution and, therefore, be fucking illegal.

Put the fucking bong down, asshole!!!!!

Another reasons why socialism cannot be adopted in this country???

Its because there are too many of moronic Buzzes around that have a 5th grade education but still vote for tea baggers.

Another reason: extreme resistance by the majority of us that do not want socialism and who regularly exercise our Second Amendment right. Honestly, most socialists, anarchists, communists, or whatever the fuck the far left wants to call themselves generally cannot operate a weapon worth a shit. How are you going to overcome the resistance to such stupidity? Throw your bongs and Widespread Panic CDs at us?

We're socialists, STUPID! lol

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