Why Socialism would be very difficult to adopt in the U.S.

Communism and social are always voted in. And the only way to get rid of it is war.
Where was communism ever voted in?

What difference does that make? When has anyone ever voted to allow the state to confiscate their property? It will never happen, which means socialism can never be adopted by a majority vote.
So you admit communism was never voted in. Err, people are perfectly fine with taxes, it's how every country works. Damn socialists.

Communism is socialism, numskull, and what you call "socialism" is more accurately called the welfare state.

The biggest chunk of welfare goes to corporations and the rich, how can that be Socialism?
It's just unfair GOP socialism lol. Pander to the rich and corps much? Hater dupes are the only people in the world who think communism is socialism now. Feel the Bern.
ocialism would be difficult to adopt in the USA because armed citizens would rise up and throw the puke socialist traitors in prison!

Go back to your basement and play with your guns, Blues......This topic is way above your half brain.
ocialism would be difficult to adopt in the USA because armed citizens would rise up and throw the puke socialist traitors in prison!

Go back to your basement and play with your guns, Blues......This topic is way above your half brain.

If I need the opinion of someone with an IQ of 80 I'll call on you, until then go back to watching your afternoon cartoons.
Is Social Security socialism?

There is a socialistic component to it.

But it is not socialism according to the more common definition.
And what is that more common definition?

This is pretty close (from what I know)

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership and/or social control[1] of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy,[2][3] as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.[4][5] "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership (achieved by nationalization), citizen ownership of equity, or any combination of these.

the next sentence does make this pronouncement:

There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them.

Which means what I call "common" really may only mean it is what I am used to.

Can't say.
Socialism would be difficult to adopt in the USA because armed citizens would rise up and throw the puke socialist traitors in prison!
That's communism, brainwashed function moron.

OMG the projection is epic. Nobody is talking about communism stupid.
Except the dupes like you...Socialism is democratic, communism NOT. Socialis is just fair capitalism with a safety net. Here we have shytte socialism, thanks to greedy idiot Pubs and their chumps like you.
Socialism would be difficult to adopt in the USA because armed citizens would rise up and throw the puke socialist traitors in prison!
That's communism, brainwashed function moron.

OMG the projection is epic. Nobody is talking about communism stupid.
Except the dupes like you...Socialism is democratic, communism NOT. Socialis is just fair capitalism with a safety net. Here we have shytte socialism, thanks to greedy idiot Pubs and their chumps like you.

Are you in the wrong thread again? Go to the front desk maybe they can help you.
Is Social Security socialism?

There is a socialistic component to it.

But it is not socialism according to the more common definition.
And what is that more common definition?

This is pretty close (from what I know)

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership and/or social control[1] of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy,[2][3] as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.[4][5] "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership (achieved by nationalization), citizen ownership of equity, or any combination of these.

the next sentence does make this pronouncement:

There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them.

Which means what I call "common" really may only mean it is what I am used to.

Can't say.
Communism is pure socialism. Pure anything suqs. Call it social democracy or democratic socialism if you can't join the real world, dupe.
Socialism would be difficult to adopt in the USA because armed citizens would rise up and throw the puke socialist traitors in prison!
That's communism, brainwashed function moron.

OMG the projection is epic. Nobody is talking about communism stupid.
Except the dupes like you...Socialism is democratic, communism NOT. Socialis is just fair capitalism with a safety net. Here we have shytte socialism, thanks to greedy idiot Pubs and their chumps like you.

Are you in the wrong thread again? Go to the front desk maybe they can help you.
STUPID talking points and STUPID insults...
Of course, there are many reasons why socialism is an anathema for many Americans....mostly in the right wing political sphere.

First, we are a nation that spews the rhetoric that we "love peace", but the reality is that we are neo-colonists (the euphemistic term for regime changers) we spend an inordinate amount of tax dollars on defense/offense (just listen to Carly Fiorina's speeches) and any country that has succeeded with socialism seldom indulges in war.

Second, we are so multicultural and multi-ethnical that most middle class (and poorer class) white skinned folks openly state, "I will NEVER be willing to give my hard earned money to those mooching darkies.)

But most of all, we could never easily become "socialists" (although many morons on the right think that Obama has already made us such)...because the term is hugely misunderstood by the uneducated masses who would willingly pay huge amounts of money to some private entity for a particular service, and bitch and moan when taxed by the federal government for that same service.

Not just Obama but every progressive since T. Roosevelt.
We have become a Welfare State which is a form of Socialism.
This guy really explains it very well.
The Welfare State Is Really Socialism in Disguise
This topic reminds me of the story about the national politician who campaigned on a party platform promoting the Welfare State. His stump speech was filled with promises of all the government services that he would fight for, if the voters would just elect him to Congress. He promised to meet all of the people’s needs relating to childcare, education, nutrition, housing, transportation, healthcare, pensions, and good-paying jobs for every citizen. Finally, at one town hall meeting, a boy raised his hand and asked, “Why would we need jobs?”

Yes, just as when we were children, everyone wants to ride in the wagon, but nobody wants to pull the wagon! It’s a principle which is so simple that even a child can understand it.

The newly invented rights wipe out real rights — and turn the people who actually create the goods and services into servants of the State. It’s the same as if the federal government were to proclaim a universal right to a car, or a computer, or a cell phone: not that you are free to earn those things by your own effort, but that you have some moral claim to be given those things free of charge, with no action on your part, simply as handouts from a benevolent Welfare State.

Socialism is clearly evident in this process. The Welfare State is not hard-core Socialism per se, because it does not necessarily require the total elimination of private ownership of the means of production and distribution. But enormous bureaucracies have been created to tax, subsidize, and regulate businesses, and the federal government owns 34 percent of our nation’s total land area. Furthermore, two-thirds of the federal budget is devoted to programs that are engaged in wealth redistribution.

Hence, it would not be inaccurate to claim that the Welfare State is Socialism in disguise. In any case, we can be absolutely certain of this: the Welfare State is not Americanism in disguise!
Is Social Security socialism?

There is a socialistic component to it.

But it is not socialism according to the more common definition.
And what is that more common definition?

This is pretty close (from what I know)

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership and/or social control[1] of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy,[2][3] as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.[4][5] "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership (achieved by nationalization), citizen ownership of equity, or any combination of these.

the next sentence does make this pronouncement:

There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them.

Which means what I call "common" really may only mean it is what I am used to.

Can't say.
Communism is pure socialism. Pure anything suqs. Call it social democracy or democratic socialism if you can't join the real world, dupe.

When we want your spam...you'll be notified.

Until then, kindly extract your head from your rear.
Yep, the meanings and applications of various words change over time, socialism isn't what it used to be, it is now applied differently. The red scare still affects the idiots though.

What you mean is that commiemscumbags like you are trying to change socialism's image by lying about it.
Err, it doesn't matter what a word used to mean or how you want to apply it to make a point, socialism, in the first world, is used to reference things like universal healthcare, publicly owned railways, etc.. This is how it is applied, if you can't understand that, what a shame. Keep living in fear.

Bripat just makes up his own definitions if the generally accepted and documented ones don't support his views.
Of course, there are many reasons why socialism is an anathema for many Americans....mostly in the right wing political sphere.

First, we are a nation that spews the rhetoric that we "love peace", but the reality is that we are neo-colonists (the euphemistic term for regime changers) we spend an inordinate amount of tax dollars on defense/offense (just listen to Carly Fiorina's speeches) and any country that has succeeded with socialism seldom indulges in war.

Second, we are so multicultural and multi-ethnical that most middle class (and poorer class) white skinned folks openly state, "I will NEVER be willing to give my hard earned money to those mooching darkies.)

But most of all, we could never easily become "socialists" (although many morons on the right think that Obama has already made us such)...because the term is hugely misunderstood by the uneducated masses who would willingly pay huge amounts of money to some private entity for a particular service, and bitch and moan when taxed by the federal government for that same service.

Because it hasn't worked anywhere else. And don't say Europe...the only way they can pay for their socialism is by having the U.S. pay for their military defense.
Socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.

Wrong. Socialism is keeping the middle class down.

Taxed based services are Socialist ideals in that they are funded by everyone.

They are funded by everyone whether anyone wants them or not.

That's why it sucks.

So which tax based services don't you want?

I don't want any of them.

Then move to Canada. Oh wait......

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