Why Socialism would be very difficult to adopt in the U.S.

That's total bullshit. In practice, "social control" always means government control. There simply is no other way for society to control the means of production.

Actually, that's not true. A free market is a form of non-governmental social control.

Here's the bottom line: socialism is government control of the means of production. Any other claims are pure moonshine.

Not really. The true heart of socialism has more to do with the fundamental structure and relationships of those involved in a given enterprise. For example, the NFL is essentially a cooperative. It's structure is inherently socialist, and government has nothing to do with that.

There's a common, and misguided, adage that socialism works, it's just the people who mess it up. In reality, it's not "people" who mess it up. It's government who messes it up. Socialism works when it's exercised by people who freely choose to engage in it. When socialism is forced on people though government mandate, that's when things turn to shit.
Of course, there are many reasons why socialism is an anathema for many Americans....mostly in the right wing political sphere.

First, we are a nation that spews the rhetoric that we "love peace", but the reality is that we are neo-colonists (the euphemistic term for regime changers) we spend an inordinate amount of tax dollars on defense/offense (just listen to Carly Fiorina's speeches) and any country that has succeeded with socialism seldom indulges in war.

Second, we are so multicultural and multi-ethnical that most middle class (and poorer class) white skinned folks openly state, "I will NEVER be willing to give my hard earned money to those mooching darkies.)

But most of all, we could never easily become "socialists" (although many morons on the right think that Obama has already made us such)...because the term is hugely misunderstood by the uneducated masses who would willingly pay huge amounts of money to some private entity for a particular service, and bitch and moan when taxed by the federal government for that same service.

Because it hasn't worked anywhere else. And don't say Europe...the only way they can pay for their socialism is by having the U.S. pay for their military defense.
It works fine in Europe except when your idiot GOP heroes wreck the world AGAIN- they'er ALL happier than us. They spend 2/3 as much as us on defense, again thanks to your a-hole defense dept crony Pubs, dupe.

Yeah, socialism is so great that one capitalist country can send it all swirling down the toilet bowl.
That's total bullshit. In practice, "social control" always means government control. There simply is no other way for society to control the means of production.

Actually, that's not true. A free market is a form of non-governmental social control.

Now you're back to claiming that socialism is a form of capitalism.

Here's the bottom line: socialism is government control of the means of production. Any other claims are pure moonshine.

Not really. The true heart of socialism has more to do with the fundamental structure and relationships of those involved in a given enterprise. For example, the NFL is essentially a cooperative. It's structure is inherently socialist, and government has nothing to do with that.

The NFL is a government protected monopoly. It's also a corporation. According to your theory, every corporation is a socialist entity. the term "socialist" is meaningless unless you are talking about government control.

There's a common, and misguided, adage that socialism works, it's just the people who mess it up. In reality, it's not "people" who mess it up. It's government who messes it up. Socialism works when it's exercised by people who freely choose to engage in it. When socialism is forced on people though government mandate, that's when things turn to shit.

Socialism never works.
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Is Social Security socialism?

No, it's a Socialist ideal.

And a false hope.

But, in reality it has some socialist components.

But is not socialist.

Of course it's socialist.
So is Social Security communistic?

Seems so...
So is Medicare, F*cking Old people
The VA... Bloody cheap ass hero, still sucking us for their service...
EPA... You know people could choose not to breath the coal polluted air...
Is Social Security socialism?

No, it's a Socialist ideal.

And a false hope.

But, in reality it has some socialist components.

But is not socialist.

Of course it's socialist.
So is Social Security communistic?

Seems so...
So is Medicare, F*cking Old people
The VA... Bloody cheap ass hero, still sucking us for their service...
EPA... You know people could choose not to breath the coal polluted air...

Put down the bong and go to bed.
It's hysterical the way you leftwing morons keep insisting that socialism is a form of capitalism.

Ah, whereas some people try to hide their stupidity, Bri flaunts it.......

Capitalism is someone using a bank loan to open up a day care center to take care of slow-witted bripart clones.........Socialism is that same someone contributing through taxation for a better road leading to that care center KNOWING full well that others will also use that road to attend left wing gatherings.
Now you're back to claiming that socialism is a form of capitalism.

No I didn't. But you tend to lock yourself into predetermined molds with blinders, so you're destined to fall into straw man arguments.

The NFL is a government protected monopoly.

That's bullshit. But even if it were true, it has no bearing on my point. The NFL essentially operates on a cooperative model. The league as a whole generates collective revenue, and the individual franchises all receive an equal cut of the total revenues, minus operating expenses. So, even if a team doesn't reach the Super Bowl, that franchise will receive a 1/32 portion of the profits from that event.

According to your theory, every corporation is a socialist entity.

That's more bullshit. What part of "the fundamental structure and relationships of those involved in a given enterprise" did you not understand?

the term "socialist" is meaningless unless you are talking about government control.

And more bullshit still. Just because you've chosen to put on blinders to everything except your own chosen brand of uneducated, ignorant tripe about what constitutes socialism does not mean that your "view" has any relevance or significance to the rest of the world external from your own cranium filled ass.

Socialism never works.

The NFL would beg to disagree with you. There are many a communal settlement across the US who would beg to disagree as well.

You really need to stop trying to sell your own version of beliefs and get educated with the reality. Trust me, these liberals have read up on every last thing out there on socialism and its many forms, ideas, histories, etc. They're experts on this shit. You aren't going to convince them to move away from socialism by appealing to ignorance and thumping your chest. Get edumuhcated and engage in a constructive conversation. You'll win over far more hearts and minds that way. And we need all the soldiers we can get if we're going to fight back against government socialism.
It's hysterical the way you leftwing morons keep insisting that socialism is a form of capitalism.

Ah, whereas some people try to hide their stupidity, Bri flaunts it.......

Capitalism is someone using a bank loan to open up a day care center to take care of slow-witted bripart clones.........Socialism is that same someone contributing through taxation for a better road leading to that care center KNOWING full well that others will also use that road to attend left wing gatherings.

So how is the later example better than the former?
No, it's a Socialist ideal.

And a false hope.

But, in reality it has some socialist components.

But is not socialist.

Of course it's socialist.
So is Social Security communistic?

Seems so...
So is Medicare, F*cking Old people
The VA... Bloody cheap ass hero, still sucking us for their service...
EPA... You know people could choose not to breath the coal polluted air...

Put down the bong and go to bed.

You see he runs for a personal insult when he loses...
One more time for the density quotient of right wing half brains:

Capitalism is practiced by Wall Street bankers when there are huge profits to be made.

Socialism is practiced by the same Wall Street bankers when their gambling (with other people's money) goes awry, and they beg the tax payers of this country to bail them out.
One more time for the density quotient of right wing half brains:

Capitalism is practiced by Wall Street bankers when there are huge profits to be made.

Socialism is practiced by the same Wall Street bankers when their gambling (with other people's money) goes awry, and they beg the tax payers of this country to bail them out.

So socialism is the system that everyone hates, right?
One more time for the density quotient of right wing half brains:

Capitalism is practiced by Wall Street bankers when there are huge profits to be made.

Socialism is practiced by the same Wall Street bankers when their gambling (with other people's money) goes awry, and they beg the tax payers of this country to bail them out.

So socialism is the system that everyone hates, right?

The bankers have to be saved for the overall good because without a functioning bank system the whole economy collapses.
One more time for the density quotient of right wing half brains:

Capitalism is practiced by Wall Street bankers when there are huge profits to be made.

Socialism is practiced by the same Wall Street bankers when their gambling (with other people's money) goes awry, and they beg the tax payers of this country to bail them out.

So socialism is the system that everyone hates, right?

The bankers have to be saved for the overall good because without a functioning bank system the whole economy collapses.

This is the same reason you have an Army or Navy. To protect the country.
So socialism is the system that everyone hates, right?

No, nitwit, my objective was to point out both the hypocritical interpretation and bastardization of socialism by capitalists who...at the same time.....deride it.

That's your hypocritical interpretation of capitalism. The people you call "capitalists" aren't necessarily supporters of capitalism. They're just bankers and investment brokers. Whether they go begging for government handouts is beside the point. The government handouts that you despise on the one hand are correctly described as socialism. Government handouts don't occur under true capitalism. They mostly happen under rule by Democrats.
One more time for the density quotient of right wing half brains:

Capitalism is practiced by Wall Street bankers when there are huge profits to be made.

Socialism is practiced by the same Wall Street bankers when their gambling (with other people's money) goes awry, and they beg the tax payers of this country to bail them out.

So socialism is the system that everyone hates, right?

The bankers have to be saved for the overall good because without a functioning bank system the whole economy collapses.

Bankers looking for a handout are always going to claim the entire economy will collapse of they don't get what they want. Suckers like you believe them.
One more time for the density quotient of right wing half brains:

Capitalism is practiced by Wall Street bankers when there are huge profits to be made.

Socialism is practiced by the same Wall Street bankers when their gambling (with other people's money) goes awry, and they beg the tax payers of this country to bail them out.

So socialism is the system that everyone hates, right?

The bankers have to be saved for the overall good because without a functioning bank system the whole economy collapses.

This is the same reason you have an Army or Navy. To protect the country.

Looting the country isn't protecting it.

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