why some are against the assault rifle ban is the same reason libbs protect late term abortion .

although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
So, what the fuck would you assfucks do if abortion was ended. You would have no excuse left to throw in any argument about anything.

Most lste term abortions are because of health factors.

You know RealDumbDave when you made the claim that most late term abortions are because of health factors but didn’t have the balls to include a link supporting your (made up) claim, I had to do my own research. So guess what I found? Yep, as usual, you’re wrong.

Data on late-term abortions in the United States

View attachment 274035


This study you posted is using different parameters for what it is calling "late term abortions" than everyone else.

Late term abortion, is 3rd trimester abortions... which begins at 26 to 28 weeks.

Your guy is using 20 weeks... as his own start point, as late term.

It's deceiving and leads to Apple vs oranges results.

Thanks for pointing that out, but again, neither you nor RealDave included a link to support your assertions. I am still looking for facts/links that show late term abortion is after 26 weeks, and that most are done for health issues.
although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
So, what the fuck would you assfucks do if abortion was ended. You would have no excuse left to throw in any argument about anything.

Most lste term abortions are because of health factors.

You know RealDumbDave when you made the claim that most late term abortions are because of health factors but didn’t have the balls to include a link supporting your (made up) claim, I had to do my own research. So guess what I found? Yep, as usual, you’re wrong.

Data on late-term abortions in the United States

View attachment 274035

Late term abortions defined at 20 weeks? Convenient. Where some states state 24 weeks as a limit. These skew the elective aspect.

Dumbdave- provide links or bow out of the debate.
Weapons have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

The meaning of the word is people have the right to live in a nation without the government persecuting them or kicking them out.

Liberty has absolutely nothing to do with abortion or a weapon.

People need to learn the meaning of words in the English language.

  1. 1.
    the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.
    "compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty"
    synonyms: independence, freedom, autonomy, sovereignty, self government, self rule, self determination, home rule; More
  2. 2.
    the power or scope to act as one pleases.
    "individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences"
    synonyms: freedom, independence, free rein, freeness, license, self-determination; More

Ok so how is a weapon going to preserve your liberty?

If you raise a weapon to anyone in our government such as the police or military, you're dead before you can pull the trigger.

How is a weapon going to allow you to do as you please? Does that include murder if it pleases you?

Weapons have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

You just use that word because it sounds patriotic to you.

How is the government violating your liberty if you don't have a weapon?

I've never owned a weapon and my liberty has not been taken from me. No one in America is doing anything to preserve my liberty. If someone in the government violates my liberty all I have to do is go to court. No sane person is going to pick up a weapon to shoot someone in the government because they believe someone in the government violated their liberty. The insane who do pick up a weapon against our government end up either dead or in prison.

Liberty has absolutely nothing to do with weapons. You want a weapon because of one or more of the following reasons:

1. You're paranoid.
2. You have a small penis
3. You don't believe you have any control of your life
4. You believe that your weapon gives you manhood
5. You like to intimidate people
6. You like to kill living beings
7. You like to hear things go BOOM.

My guess is you have a small penis and you believe you don't have any control of your life. That's why you fight so much to have a weapon.

No one has had to protect themselves from our government since the civil war. In fact, anyone who raises a weapon to our police or military is dead before they can pull the trigger.

People in America use their weapons to hunt, sport shooting and in the very rare instances protect themselves or family.

No one needs a weapon to preserve their liberty here in America and no weapon gives them or ensures liberty.

Just be honest. Stop lying.

A weapon can preserve my life

One cannot have liberty if one is not alive
although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
So, what the fuck would you assfucks do if abortion was ended. You would have no excuse left to throw in any argument about anything.

Most lste term abortions are because of health factors.

You know RealDumbDave when you made the claim that most late term abortions are because of health factors but didn’t have the balls to include a link supporting your (made up) claim, I had to do my own research. So guess what I found? Yep, as usual, you’re wrong.

Data on late-term abortions in the United States

View attachment 274035


This study you posted is using different parameters for what it is calling "late term abortions" than everyone else.

Late term abortion, is 3rd trimester abortions... which begins at 26 to 28 weeks.

Your guy is using 20 weeks... as his own start point, as late term.

It's deceiving and leads to Apple vs oranges results.

Thanks for pointing that out, but again, neither you nor RealDave included a link to support your assertions. I am still looking for facts/links that show late term abortion is after 26 weeks, and that most are done for health issues.
I believe I read that in a study too. I'm on my Kindle now and it's a pain searching on it, but when I get to my desk top or laptop, I will look for the link for you.... May not be till tomorrow or late tonight.
why some are against the assault rifle ban is the same reason libbs protect late term abortion .
The health of the mother?
The health of Liberty
Interesting. So I take it you too are against a ban on late term abortion, in the interest of liberty?
i believe in the rights of the unborn .... and abortion should only be done when the mothers life is endangered by giving birth,not her life style but her life !
Liberty has absolutely nothing to do with weapons.

Every country that has stripped the right to be armed away from it's people has eventually turned on them. History is REPLETE with evidence of this, and even if you were t to ignore the following FACTS:


....you can STILL witness it happening today.

Venezuela banned private gun ownership in 2012. By 2017 the Maduro regime had provided guns to over 400,000 "loyalists". By 2018 the UN was screaming about hundreds of arbitrary killings by Venezuelan security forces under the guise of "fighting crime". In April of this year, Venezuelan APC's were broadcast live on international TV RUNNING OVER CIVILIANS.

You're a goddamn fool if you think the West is "oh so enlightened" that it's governments won't turn on it's own people once it knows they can't shoot back. Need more proof? Look at the UK. Guns are all but completely banned, and they are jailing people for offensive tweets. Do you understand that? THEY ARE LITERALLY PUTTING PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR SAYING MEAN THINGS ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. You think it's gonna stop there??

It truly amazes me that we live in a time where the entirety of human knowledge and history is accessible from the palm of your hand, and there are people like you who are still so willfully FUCKING STUPID.
although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
So, what the fuck would you assfucks do if abortion was ended. You would have no excuse left to throw in any argument about anything.

Most lste term abortions are because of health factors.

You know RealDumbDave when you made the claim that most late term abortions are because of health factors but didn’t have the balls to include a link supporting your (made up) claim, I had to do my own research. So guess what I found? Yep, as usual, you’re wrong.

Data on late-term abortions in the United States

View attachment 274035


This study you posted is using different parameters for what it is calling "late term abortions" than everyone else.

Late term abortion, is 3rd trimester abortions... which begins at 26 to 28 weeks.

Your guy is using 20 weeks... as his own start point, as late term.

It's deceiving and leads to Apple vs oranges results.

Thanks for pointing that out, but again, neither you nor RealDave included a link to support your assertions. I am still looking for facts/links that show late term abortion is after 26 weeks, and that most are done for health issues.
I believe I read that in a study too. I'm on my Kindle now and it's a pain searching on it, but when I get to my desk top or laptop, I will look for the link for you.... May not be till tomorrow or late tonight.
What I read is medical journals and studies on the medically necessary late term abortions... I can't find the study I had read, but found some other links.

None have accurate figures for the whole USA or for the world, just studies done in certain regions, or cities in the USA and other countries like France...

Part of the problem with getting accurate results for larger regions is not being able to extrapolatethe studies they have done is because ''late term abortion has no medical or consistent meaning... some say after 21 weeks, some say after 24 weeks (viability) and some use 28 weeks, the third trimester to define 'late term'

ALL of the doctors that do work in gynecology or obstetrics say there is 1 thing that is certain, is politicians should have no say in this late term abortion issue... it should be them, the Doctors, and the parents of the deformed or terminal child to be, or the woman when her health is involved.

one most recent study from San Fran, said 50% of late term were medical issues... some, where the abortion could have been done prior to ''late term'' if the mother had gotten the tests earlier on their baby's condition, some were given false results when they did test for de-formalities that were deadly for the child and told their baby was fine... only in late term with a new test... to find out they were wrong and the baby to be is doomed...

in some cases, tests show abnormalities in earlier months and abortion necessary... but there is a chance, if they hold off and do the test again in 3rd trimester, that the tests will show a more accurate result, and the baby is going to live and be normal... so some women put off the abortion in hopes that the 3rd trimester test, will show their baby is fine...

And the other 50% were women who were slow to make up their minds on abortion due to domestic abuse of their baby's father, or they were drug abusers, or mostly, they were poor or could not access an abortion earlier due to various state laws and had to go to another State to get one

So if these reports I just read are accurate, you are right... medical reasons alone, are not the majority of late term abortions if you use 21 weeks and beyond as the parameter of 'late term', if you use the 3rd trimester as late term, then it is in the majority, medical reasons.

Kimport, a medical sociologist at UCSF whose research focuses on gender, sexuality and social movements, followed up on the research in 2018 with 28 new interviews of women who got later abortions. She said about half were lacking critical health information about their fetus earlier in their pregnancy. Kimport described in an interview how one woman was told by her doctors that something in her 20-week scan looked suspicious but it wasn’t until weeks later that it was clear the fetus had significant abnormalities.

The other half of the women had challenges finding a provider, getting necessary approvals from doctors in states that require them, or had financial constraints. All the women in the study traveled to other states to get the procedure done.

“These are people who wanted an early abortion and tried to get one but were unable to do so because of the substantial obstacles that were placed in their path,” Kimport said.

Here are some links... none really have a definitive answer...


The reasons for termination of pregnancy in the third trimester. - PubMed - NCBI

Facts are Important: Abortion Care Later in Pregnancy is Important to Women’s Health - ACOG
Weapons have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

The meaning of the word is people have the right to live in a nation without the government persecuting them or kicking them out.

Liberty has absolutely nothing to do with abortion or a weapon.

People need to learn the meaning of words in the English language.

  1. 1.
    the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.
    "compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty"
    synonyms: independence, freedom, autonomy, sovereignty, self government, self rule, self determination, home rule; More
  2. 2.
    the power or scope to act as one pleases.
    "individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences"
    synonyms: freedom, independence, free rein, freeness, license, self-determination; More

Ok so how is a weapon going to preserve your liberty?

If you raise a weapon to anyone in our government such as the police or military, you're dead before you can pull the trigger.

How is a weapon going to allow you to do as you please? Does that include murder if it pleases you?

Weapons have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

You just use that word because it sounds patriotic to you.

How is the government violating your liberty if you don't have a weapon?

I've never owned a weapon and my liberty has not been taken from me. No one in America is doing anything to preserve my liberty. If someone in the government violates my liberty all I have to do is go to court. No sane person is going to pick up a weapon to shoot someone in the government because they believe someone in the government violated their liberty. The insane who do pick up a weapon against our government end up either dead or in prison.

Liberty has absolutely nothing to do with weapons. You want a weapon because of one or more of the following reasons:

1. You're paranoid.
2. You have a small penis
3. You don't believe you have any control of your life
4. You believe that your weapon gives you manhood
5. You like to intimidate people
6. You like to kill living beings
7. You like to hear things go BOOM.

My guess is you have a small penis and you believe you don't have any control of your life. That's why you fight so much to have a weapon.

No one has had to protect themselves from our government since the civil war. In fact, anyone who raises a weapon to our police or military is dead before they can pull the trigger.

People in America use their weapons to hunt, sport shooting and in the very rare instances protect themselves or family.

No one needs a weapon to preserve their liberty here in America and no weapon gives them or ensures liberty.

Just be honest. Stop lying.
OK, I challenge you to be honest and stop lying. Thanks for Trusting Trump your leader.
No, the blacks were treated like shit for many years from our framers, why did they not know that dignity comes from God?? Also the poor are right now with food, health care and housing. There is no justice in the US, money talks and that is the way it has always been.

Yep...in the US and everywhere throughout human history.
Oh...you think it's ONLY the USA where there were slaves and people went hungry?
See....it's not the human condition....or slavery you ever cared about....it's demonizing the United States of America, (and Christianity)....that's your agenda.

Slavery in Britain
Slavery in Britain - Wikipedia

Slavery in EUROPE
Europeans and the Slave Trade into the 1700s

Slavery in Africa
Slavery in Africa
No, the blacks were treated like shit for many years from our framers, why did they not know that dignity comes from God?? Also the poor are right now with food, health care and housing. There is no justice in the US, money talks and that is the way it has always been.

Yep...in the US and everywhere throughout human history.
Oh...you think it's ONLY the USA where there were slaves and people went hungry?
See....it's not the human condition....or slavery you ever cared about....it's demonizing the United States of America, (and Christianity)....that's your agenda.

Slavery in Britain
Slavery in Britain - Wikipedia

Slavery in EUROPE
Europeans and the Slave Trade into the 1700s

Slavery in Africa
Slavery in Africa
Modern-day Moslems are into the slavery thing
Every country that has stripped the right to be armed away from it's people has eventually turned on them. History is REPLETE with evidence of this, and even if you were t to ignore the following FACTS:

View attachment 274144 :

....you can STILL witness it happening today.

Venezuela banned private gun ownership in 2012. By 2017 the Maduro regime had provided guns to over 400,000 "loyalists". By 2018 the UN was screaming about hundreds of arbitrary killings by Venezuelan security forces under the guise of "fighting crime". In April of this year, Venezuelan APC's were broadcast live on international TV RUNNING OVER CIVILIANS.

You're a goddamn fool if you think the West is "oh so enlightened" that it's governments won't turn on it's own people once it knows they can't shoot back. Need more proof? Look at the UK. Guns are all but completely banned, and they are jailing people for offensive tweets. Do you understand that? THEY ARE LITERALLY PUTTING PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR SAYING MEAN THINGS ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. You think it's gonna stop there??

It truly amazes me that we live in a time where the entirety of human knowledge and history is accessible from the palm of your hand, and there are people like you who are still so willfully FUCKING STUPID.

So true.
Never, EVER allow these fools like Dana to convince (or force) you to lay down your arms. No matter the cost. No matter the sacrifice.
And the day will come that they will take over the government and demand you do so. As sure as the Sun rises, that day in America is coming.
As history PROVES repeatedly, the day you allow them to do so, is the exact same day they will ruthlessly persecute and put you and your family in peril.

Allowing them to disarm you is akin to submitting to slavery but worse. They could use slaves, they have no use for you.

"They" scoff, and say it'll never happen. "F" them. Again, it just happened in another Country with a Constitution.......Venezuela.
although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
So, what the fuck would you assfucks do if abortion was ended. You would have no excuse left to throw in any argument about anything.

Most lste term abortions are because of health factors.

You know RealDumbDave when you made the claim that most late term abortions are because of health factors but didn’t have the balls to include a link supporting your (made up) claim, I had to do my own research. So guess what I found? Yep, as usual, you’re wrong.

Data on late-term abortions in the United States

View attachment 274035


This study you posted is using different parameters for what it is calling "late term abortions" than everyone else.

Late term abortion, is 3rd trimester abortions... which begins at 26 to 28 weeks.

Your guy is using 20 weeks... as his own start point, as late term.

It's deceiving and leads to Apple vs oranges results.

Thanks for pointing that out, but again, neither you nor RealDave included a link to support your assertions. I am still looking for facts/links that show late term abortion is after 26 weeks, and that most are done for health issues.
I believe I read that in a study too. I'm on my Kindle now and it's a pain searching on it, but when I get to my desk top or laptop, I will look for the link for you.... May not be till tomorrow or late tonight.

The only source I have found, other than the source from the link I included, is Wikipedia. Wikipedia cites 3 articles from Medical Journal. 2 of those 3 use 20 weeks. At this point it seems apparent that 20 weeks is the most widely recognized definition of late term.
Late termination of pregnancy - Wikipedia

A late termination of pregnancy often refers to an induced ending of pregnancy after the 20th week of gestation, i.e. after a fetal age (time since conception) of about 18 weeks. The exact point when a pregnancy becomes late-term, however, is not clearly defined. Some sources define an abortion after 16 weeks as "late".[11] In three articles published in 1998 in the same issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) two chose the 20th week of gestation and one chose the 28th week of gestation as the point where an abortion procedure would be considered late-term.[12][13][14]
Because they erroneously thought Blacks were less human
And now they erroneously think military style semi automatic rifles should be easily accessible.
All rights should be easy to exercise, including the right to own and use any "bearable arm" for traditionally lawful purpose.
"Bearable arms" are those "in common use" for said "traditionally lawful proposes" and includes 'assault weapons'.
Look dickbreath, the assault rifle ban is geared toward mass shootings.
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
Weapons have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

Thanks for pointing that out. I misunderstood history. On closer inspection, the combatants on Lexington Green were in fact holding fly swatters. There were no firearms involved. Undisputable fact. I have been reeducated.


Look dickbreath, the assault rifle ban is geared toward mass shootings.
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
You are a certifiable jackass

dead during the ban
2019 study from New York University’s School of Medicine. A group led by epidemiologist Charles DiMaggio homed in on mass shooting deaths. (Other research has tracked the number of times mass shootings happened, which is not the same thing.)

Researchers define mass shootings in different ways. Following the FBI’s definition, DiMaggio’s group looked at incidents where at least four people died.

In raw numbers, they found that mass shooting deaths fell during the years of the ban, and rose afterwards. DiMaggio shared his data. "

53 during the ban, 309 since.

Did assault weapon ban bring down mass shooting deaths?
Look dickbreath, the assault rifle ban is geared toward mass shootings.
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
You are a certifiable jackass

dead during the ban
2019 study from New York University’s School of Medicine. A group led by epidemiologist Charles DiMaggio homed in on mass shooting deaths. (Other research has tracked the number of times mass shootings happened, which is not the same thing.)

Researchers define mass shootings in different ways. Following the FBI’s definition, DiMaggio’s group looked at incidents where at least four people died.

In raw numbers, they found that mass shooting deaths fell during the years of the ban, and rose afterwards. DiMaggio shared his data. "

53 during the ban, 309 since.

Did assault weapon ban bring down mass shooting deaths?

The assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on the murder rate because mass shootings account for 1% or less of all murders

So thinking that banning one type of rifle will have an effect on the murder rate has been shown to be incorrect.

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