why some are against the assault rifle ban is the same reason libbs protect late term abortion .

Because they erroneously thought Blacks were less human
And now they erroneously think military style semi automatic rifles should be easily accessible.
All rights should be easy to exercise, including the right to own and use any "bearable arm" for traditionally lawful purpose.
"Bearable arms" are those "in common use" for said "traditionally lawful proposes" and includes 'assault weapons'.
You just make up shit as you go along. The USSC said you are wrong.
Look dickbreath, the assault rifle ban is geared toward mass shootings.
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
You are a certifiable jackass

dead during the ban
2019 study from New York University’s School of Medicine. A group led by epidemiologist Charles DiMaggio homed in on mass shooting deaths. (Other research has tracked the number of times mass shootings happened, which is not the same thing.)

Researchers define mass shootings in different ways. Following the FBI’s definition, DiMaggio’s group looked at incidents where at least four people died.

In raw numbers, they found that mass shooting deaths fell during the years of the ban, and rose afterwards. DiMaggio shared his data. "

53 during the ban, 309 since.

Did assault weapon ban bring down mass shooting deaths?

The assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on the murder rate because mass shootings account for 1% or less of all murders

So thinking that banning one type of rifle will have an effect on the murder rate has been shown to be incorrect.

Jesus Fuck, how many times does it take for a dumbass like you to get it.
Look dickbreath, the assault rifle ban is geared toward mass shootings.
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
You are a certifiable jackass

dead during the ban
2019 study from New York University’s School of Medicine. A group led by epidemiologist Charles DiMaggio homed in on mass shooting deaths. (Other research has tracked the number of times mass shootings happened, which is not the same thing.)

Researchers define mass shootings in different ways. Following the FBI’s definition, DiMaggio’s group looked at incidents where at least four people died.

In raw numbers, they found that mass shooting deaths fell during the years of the ban, and rose afterwards. DiMaggio shared his data. "

53 during the ban, 309 since.

Did assault weapon ban bring down mass shooting deaths?

The assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on the murder rate because mass shootings account for 1% or less of all murders

So thinking that banning one type of rifle will have an effect on the murder rate has been shown to be incorrect.

Jesus Fuck, how many times does it take for a dumbass like you to get it.

It wasn't passed to stop mass shootings either. It was passed as a bill against all violent crime

WHo's the dummy now?

The U.S. Once Had A Ban On Assault Weapons — Why Did It Expire?

"Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act" — commonly called the assault weapons ban.

It prohibited the manufacture or sale for civilian use of certain semi-automatic weapons that could be converted to fire automatically. The act also banned magazines that could accommodate 10 rounds or more.

Feds: Dayton Gunman's Friend Helped Hide Body Armor And Ammo From Shooter's Parents

"Assault weapons — military-style firearms designed to fire rapidly — are a threat to our national security, and we should treat them as such," Biden wrote in his weekend op-ed. "Anyone who pretends there's nothing we can do is lying — and holding that view should be disqualifying for anyone seeking to lead our country."

The earlier ban was enacted as a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, an election-year package meant to show that Democrats were "tough on crime."

Times were different then. More Americans said they worried about violent crime and the threat associated with criminals armed with powerful weapons.

So among other things, Biden and Democrats got behind stricter sentencing guidelines and expanding the category of federal crimes punishable with the death penalty.

At the time, Biden defended the legislation against charges of weakness by saying: "We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill."
Look dickbreath, the assault rifle ban is geared toward mass shootings.
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
You are a certifiable jackass
Says the smegma-crazy who knows he can only offer a post-hoc fallacy to support his nonsense.

Since you avoided it the first time, I'll give you another opportunity to illustrate you know you cannot support your claim:

See below. Explain how it is possible for the 1994 AWB to have an effect on mass shootings.

How do you identify an "assault rifle" and how are we going to solve the problem of crazies killing people if we ban them? Jihad Major Nadal gunned down a dozen of his men with an Army issue 9mm pistol.
Look dickbreath, the assault rifle ban is geared toward mass shootings.
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
You are a certifiable jackass

dead during the ban
2019 study from New York University’s School of Medicine. A group led by epidemiologist Charles DiMaggio homed in on mass shooting deaths. (Other research has tracked the number of times mass shootings happened, which is not the same thing.)

Researchers define mass shootings in different ways. Following the FBI’s definition, DiMaggio’s group looked at incidents where at least four people died.

In raw numbers, they found that mass shooting deaths fell during the years of the ban, and rose afterwards. DiMaggio shared his data. "

53 during the ban, 309 since.

Did assault weapon ban bring down mass shooting deaths?

The assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on the murder rate because mass shootings account for 1% or less of all murders

So thinking that banning one type of rifle will have an effect on the murder rate has been shown to be incorrect.

Jesus Fuck, how many times does it take for a dumbass like you to get it.

It wasn't passed to stop mass shootings either. It was passed as a bill against all violent crime

WHo's the dummy now?

The U.S. Once Had A Ban On Assault Weapons — Why Did It Expire?

"Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act" — commonly called the assault weapons ban.

It prohibited the manufacture or sale for civilian use of certain semi-automatic weapons that could be converted to fire automatically. The act also banned magazines that could accommodate 10 rounds or more.

Feds: Dayton Gunman's Friend Helped Hide Body Armor And Ammo From Shooter's Parents

"Assault weapons — military-style firearms designed to fire rapidly — are a threat to our national security, and we should treat them as such," Biden wrote in his weekend op-ed. "Anyone who pretends there's nothing we can do is lying — and holding that view should be disqualifying for anyone seeking to lead our country."

The earlier ban was enacted as a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, an election-year package meant to show that Democrats were "tough on crime."

Times were different then. More Americans said they worried about violent crime and the threat associated with criminals armed with powerful weapons.

So among other things, Biden and Democrats got behind stricter sentencing guidelines and expanding the category of federal crimes punishable with the death penalty.

At the time, Biden defended the legislation against charges of weakness by saying: "We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill."

"Efforts to create restrictions on assault weapons at the federal government level intensified in 1989 after 34 children and a teacher were shot and five children killed in Stockton, California with a semi-automatic Kalashnikov pattern rifle.[1][2][3] The Luby's shooting in October 1991, which left 23 people dead and 27 wounded, was another factor.[4] The July 1993 101 California Street shooting also contributed to passage of the ban. The shooter killed eight people and wounded six. Two of the three firearms he used were TEC-9 semi-automatic handguns with Hell-Fire triggers.[5] The ban tried to address public concerns about mass shootings by restricting firearms that met the criteria for what it defined as a "semiautomatic assault weapon", as well as magazines that met the criteria for what it defined as a "large capacity ammunition feeding device".[6]:1–2"

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

Clearly said that mass hootings were the dive to pass the Assault Rifle Ban.

So please STFU .

The AWB was part of a larger bill but the AWB was there because of mass shootings,
Ironic,, given that most such shootings are committed with handguns, and the 'assault weapon' ban could not possibly have an effect on said shootings.
You are a certifiable jackass

dead during the ban
2019 study from New York University’s School of Medicine. A group led by epidemiologist Charles DiMaggio homed in on mass shooting deaths. (Other research has tracked the number of times mass shootings happened, which is not the same thing.)

Researchers define mass shootings in different ways. Following the FBI’s definition, DiMaggio’s group looked at incidents where at least four people died.

In raw numbers, they found that mass shooting deaths fell during the years of the ban, and rose afterwards. DiMaggio shared his data. "

53 during the ban, 309 since.

Did assault weapon ban bring down mass shooting deaths?

The assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on the murder rate because mass shootings account for 1% or less of all murders

So thinking that banning one type of rifle will have an effect on the murder rate has been shown to be incorrect.

Jesus Fuck, how many times does it take for a dumbass like you to get it.

It wasn't passed to stop mass shootings either. It was passed as a bill against all violent crime

WHo's the dummy now?

The U.S. Once Had A Ban On Assault Weapons — Why Did It Expire?

"Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act" — commonly called the assault weapons ban.

It prohibited the manufacture or sale for civilian use of certain semi-automatic weapons that could be converted to fire automatically. The act also banned magazines that could accommodate 10 rounds or more.

Feds: Dayton Gunman's Friend Helped Hide Body Armor And Ammo From Shooter's Parents

"Assault weapons — military-style firearms designed to fire rapidly — are a threat to our national security, and we should treat them as such," Biden wrote in his weekend op-ed. "Anyone who pretends there's nothing we can do is lying — and holding that view should be disqualifying for anyone seeking to lead our country."

The earlier ban was enacted as a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, an election-year package meant to show that Democrats were "tough on crime."

Times were different then. More Americans said they worried about violent crime and the threat associated with criminals armed with powerful weapons.

So among other things, Biden and Democrats got behind stricter sentencing guidelines and expanding the category of federal crimes punishable with the death penalty.

At the time, Biden defended the legislation against charges of weakness by saying: "We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill."

"Efforts to create restrictions on assault weapons at the federal government level intensified in 1989 after 34 children and a teacher were shot and five children killed in Stockton, California with a semi-automatic Kalashnikov pattern rifle.[1][2][3] The Luby's shooting in October 1991, which left 23 people dead and 27 wounded, was another factor.[4] The July 1993 101 California Street shooting also contributed to passage of the ban. The shooter killed eight people and wounded six. Two of the three firearms he used were TEC-9 semi-automatic handguns with Hell-Fire triggers.[5] The ban tried to address public concerns about mass shootings by restricting firearms that met the criteria for what it defined as a "semiautomatic assault weapon", as well as magazines that met the criteria for what it defined as a "large capacity ammunition feeding device".[6]:1–2"

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

Clearly said that mass hootings were the dive to pass the Assault Rifle Ban.

So please STFU .

The AWB was part of a larger bill but the AWB was there because of mass shootings,
And none of that was mentioned in the description of the bill as it worked its way through congress

It was billed as an anti violent crime bill not a mass shooting prevention bill

And it did nothing to lower the murder rate or reduce crime

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You just make up shit as you go along. The USSC said you are wrong.
You are fully aware of the fact you cannot cite a ruling, and the text of that ruling, to that effect.
The USSC has ruled that guns can be regulated.
Thank you for confirming you fully aware of the fact you cannot cite a ruling, and the text of that ruling, to the effect you claim.
As you know, it does not matter how many times you repeat this post hoc fallacy, it does nothing to address the fact that the 1994 had no effect on mass shootings because it did nothing to reduce the availability of ; assault weapons - as proven below.

Clearly said that mass hootings were the dive to pass the Assault Rifle Ban.
Post hoc fallacy.

See below. Tell us how the AWB could have an effect on mass shootings.

View attachment 274273

Some were banned my model.

The Statistics say the ban did have an effect.

Is trhis where you are going to tell me that a shooter with an AR-15 will kill no more people than with a handgun.
You are a certifiable jackass

dead during the ban
2019 study from New York University’s School of Medicine. A group led by epidemiologist Charles DiMaggio homed in on mass shooting deaths. (Other research has tracked the number of times mass shootings happened, which is not the same thing.)

Researchers define mass shootings in different ways. Following the FBI’s definition, DiMaggio’s group looked at incidents where at least four people died.

In raw numbers, they found that mass shooting deaths fell during the years of the ban, and rose afterwards. DiMaggio shared his data. "

53 during the ban, 309 since.

Did assault weapon ban bring down mass shooting deaths?

The assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on the murder rate because mass shootings account for 1% or less of all murders

So thinking that banning one type of rifle will have an effect on the murder rate has been shown to be incorrect.

Jesus Fuck, how many times does it take for a dumbass like you to get it.

It wasn't passed to stop mass shootings either. It was passed as a bill against all violent crime

WHo's the dummy now?

The U.S. Once Had A Ban On Assault Weapons — Why Did It Expire?

"Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act" — commonly called the assault weapons ban.

It prohibited the manufacture or sale for civilian use of certain semi-automatic weapons that could be converted to fire automatically. The act also banned magazines that could accommodate 10 rounds or more.

Feds: Dayton Gunman's Friend Helped Hide Body Armor And Ammo From Shooter's Parents

"Assault weapons — military-style firearms designed to fire rapidly — are a threat to our national security, and we should treat them as such," Biden wrote in his weekend op-ed. "Anyone who pretends there's nothing we can do is lying — and holding that view should be disqualifying for anyone seeking to lead our country."

The earlier ban was enacted as a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, an election-year package meant to show that Democrats were "tough on crime."

Times were different then. More Americans said they worried about violent crime and the threat associated with criminals armed with powerful weapons.

So among other things, Biden and Democrats got behind stricter sentencing guidelines and expanding the category of federal crimes punishable with the death penalty.

At the time, Biden defended the legislation against charges of weakness by saying: "We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill."

"Efforts to create restrictions on assault weapons at the federal government level intensified in 1989 after 34 children and a teacher were shot and five children killed in Stockton, California with a semi-automatic Kalashnikov pattern rifle.[1][2][3] The Luby's shooting in October 1991, which left 23 people dead and 27 wounded, was another factor.[4] The July 1993 101 California Street shooting also contributed to passage of the ban. The shooter killed eight people and wounded six. Two of the three firearms he used were TEC-9 semi-automatic handguns with Hell-Fire triggers.[5] The ban tried to address public concerns about mass shootings by restricting firearms that met the criteria for what it defined as a "semiautomatic assault weapon", as well as magazines that met the criteria for what it defined as a "large capacity ammunition feeding device".[6]:1–2"

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

Clearly said that mass hootings were the dive to pass the Assault Rifle Ban.

So please STFU .

The AWB was part of a larger bill but the AWB was there because of mass shootings,
And none of that was mentioned in the description of the bill as it worked its way through congress

It was billed as an anti violent crime bill not a mass shooting prevention bill

And it did nothing to lower the murder rate or reduce crime

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

It had to do with why the AWB was written in the bill. You are just being a stubborn jackass because your dishonesty was exposed.
Clearly said that mass hootings were the dive to pass the Assault Rifle Ban.
Post hoc fallacy.
See below. Tell us how the AWB could have an effect on mass shootings.
View attachment 274273
Some were banned my model.
And yet, anyone who wanted to could legally get their hands on a new AR15 -- that is, the AWB did not affect the availability of 'assault weapons'.
That being the case, tell us how the AWB could have any effect on mass shootings.
The Statistics say the ban did have an effect.
It does not matter how many times you repeat a post hoc fallacy, it remains a post hoc fallacy.
You are just being a stubborn jackass because your dishonesty was exposed.
The anti-gun loons refuse to address these basic truths about the 1994 'assault weapon'; ban, and cling to their unsupportable fantasy that it had an effect on mass shootings.

As you can see., the 1994 could not possibly have had an effect, because it did nothing to reduce the availability of the weapons is supposedly banned.

AWB AK.jpg
The assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on the murder rate because mass shootings account for 1% or less of all murders

So thinking that banning one type of rifle will have an effect on the murder rate has been shown to be incorrect.

Jesus Fuck, how many times does it take for a dumbass like you to get it.

It wasn't passed to stop mass shootings either. It was passed as a bill against all violent crime

WHo's the dummy now?

The U.S. Once Had A Ban On Assault Weapons — Why Did It Expire?

"Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act" — commonly called the assault weapons ban.

It prohibited the manufacture or sale for civilian use of certain semi-automatic weapons that could be converted to fire automatically. The act also banned magazines that could accommodate 10 rounds or more.

Feds: Dayton Gunman's Friend Helped Hide Body Armor And Ammo From Shooter's Parents

"Assault weapons — military-style firearms designed to fire rapidly — are a threat to our national security, and we should treat them as such," Biden wrote in his weekend op-ed. "Anyone who pretends there's nothing we can do is lying — and holding that view should be disqualifying for anyone seeking to lead our country."

The earlier ban was enacted as a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, an election-year package meant to show that Democrats were "tough on crime."

Times were different then. More Americans said they worried about violent crime and the threat associated with criminals armed with powerful weapons.

So among other things, Biden and Democrats got behind stricter sentencing guidelines and expanding the category of federal crimes punishable with the death penalty.

At the time, Biden defended the legislation against charges of weakness by saying: "We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill."

"Efforts to create restrictions on assault weapons at the federal government level intensified in 1989 after 34 children and a teacher were shot and five children killed in Stockton, California with a semi-automatic Kalashnikov pattern rifle.[1][2][3] The Luby's shooting in October 1991, which left 23 people dead and 27 wounded, was another factor.[4] The July 1993 101 California Street shooting also contributed to passage of the ban. The shooter killed eight people and wounded six. Two of the three firearms he used were TEC-9 semi-automatic handguns with Hell-Fire triggers.[5] The ban tried to address public concerns about mass shootings by restricting firearms that met the criteria for what it defined as a "semiautomatic assault weapon", as well as magazines that met the criteria for what it defined as a "large capacity ammunition feeding device".[6]:1–2"

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

Clearly said that mass hootings were the dive to pass the Assault Rifle Ban.

So please STFU .

The AWB was part of a larger bill but the AWB was there because of mass shootings,
And none of that was mentioned in the description of the bill as it worked its way through congress

It was billed as an anti violent crime bill not a mass shooting prevention bill

And it did nothing to lower the murder rate or reduce crime

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

It had to do with why the AWB was written in the bill. You are just being a stubborn jackass because your dishonesty was exposed.


The assault weapons ban was an anti crime bill

Many democrat votes were certainly swayed by a mass shooting but that was not the reason for the bill and not why Biden drafted it

The assault weapons ban was an anti crime bill

Many democrat votes were certainly swayed by a mass shooting but that was not the reason for the bill and not why Biden drafted it
That's silly

They didn't ban the weapons that were used in 98% of asaults. Just the ones that looked scary.

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