Why Statistics Are Fun


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
You can manipulate them so easily. I was a master of it in my career, I could make up look like it was down and left right.

You see it all of the time with this virus. Before that it was global warming. Here’s social distancing metrics, giving Wyoming an F because people are moving around.

No shit, Sherlock. Most in Wyoming need to drive 50 miles to buy a stick of butter.

You can manipulate them so easily. I was a master of it in my career, I could make up look like it was down and left right.

You see it all of the time with this virus. Before that it was global warming. Here’s social distancing metrics, giving Wyoming an F because people are moving around.

No shit, Sherlock. Most in Wyoming need to drive 50 miles to buy a stick of butter.

people will use ether pre capita or percentage depending on which stat looks better
The old saying "There are lies, there are damn lies and then there are statistics" was never more in play than now. How many Corona Virus deaths are actually death by other causes with traces of corona virus present in the deceased? Which countries are cheating on their statistics? How is New York doing on social distancing statistics with their subways packed?
If I lived in Wyoming I'd have a Covid-19 patient spit in my mouth just to end things faster.
The old saying "There are lies, there are damn lies and then there are statistics" was never more in play than now. How many Corona Virus deaths are actually death by other causes with traces of corona virus present in the deceased? Which countries are cheating on their statistics? How is New York doing on social distancing statistics with their subways packed?

Useless semantics. CV doesn't kill. The pneumonia or the COPD or inability to breathe, BROUGHT ON BY the CV, is what kills. Just as "guns don't kill, bullets kill; bullets; don't kill, the resulting organ failure kills"... etc.
Statistics has become dominated by correlations rather than cause-effect analysis, and predictions rather than probabilities. Which team winning the World Series does not cause the stock market to go up or down, and asymptotic curves do not exist in the real world.
Wyoming need to drive 50 miles to buy a stick of butter.

Pretty sure I'd learn to make my own.

Statistics has become dominated by correlations rather than cause-effect analysis, and predictions rather than probabilities. Which team winning the World Series does not cause the stock market to go up or down, and asymptotic curves do not exist in the real world.

Wait! Are you saying this ain't an accurate method of representing facts?!

You can manipulate them so easily. I was a master of it in my career, I could make up look like it was down and left right.

You see it all of the time with this virus. Before that it was global warming. Here’s social distancing metrics, giving Wyoming an F because people are moving around.

No shit, Sherlock. Most in Wyoming need to drive 50 miles to buy a stick of butter.

I've been to Wyoming. You need to work hard just to FIND another person. Even harder if you want to find someone with Covid.

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