Why stop at free college?

You must admit yourself that is exactly what you are on here preaching. Those who have assumed their responsibility are not preaching what you preach. Suck it up.

Once again, what is your perception of my financial situation and the status of my kids? I'd like to know who you believe you are communicating with.

Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.

If that is something that you find valuable, please do. It's kind of stupid in the face of reality, though.

Let's say that I am a self interested small business owner who's got no problem sending my kids through college. What possible reasons could I have for wanting our federal government to ensure that every American young person attains the highest level of education which their personal strengths will allow them to attain?

Can you imagine why I would gladly participate in such an endeavor?

You can do that now! Donate to the scholarship fund of your favorite college or university.
Don't work? Lol. I earn a paycheck, own a home, and commute to work. Guys like me get taxed more than anybody .

Who do you work for?
why must you open this up? Hes a liberal, you know he will come back with some really high paid important job, or that he owns a business with a billion employees who all make a million or more a year because he is so generous.
The truth that he sweeps the barber shop floor on friday nights is not ever going to be revealed
I think the truth is that he's a government employee. In other words, he's worse than a useless tick on the ass of society.
having spent the last 10 years of my IT profession as a government employee,,,
I have to agree with you. I was overpaid, had no consequences for not completing projects on time, was able to keep the internet up most of the day.
I think its part of the reason I said the hell with it and quit.
I left a job that paid really really well and am now back in college while working at a mental facility counseling and monitoring medications for the patients for next to nothing. (see? I can admit I dont make shit) but it is so much more rewarding to be in a position to help someone that wants help than it was to be in a position that was just there to generate income.

I'm an IT professional, and I've worked on a few government projects. I see how government employees "work." Your description is far too flattering. I've seen government employees sleeping at their desks. I've seen others that had computer games on their screens every minute of every working hour. But it would be worse if they actually did their jobs. That would just mean more government oppression.
hey, at least I was honest about it. I didnt try to make it sound like it was the hardest most important job in the world.
and as far as the computer games, I did seriously improve my skills at internet 8-ball. LOL
Honestly, I don't think a high school diploma is absolutely necessary for life. There are plenty of people who are able to provide for themselves without one.

Yeah, they're called thieves and drug dealers.

You're a joke. You're actually advocating that the country would be better off if we became a less educated people. This kind of nonsense highlights the rotting slime that displaced your brain.

We have the most educated population EVER and yet they can't figure out how to pay their own debts????

Yep, complete waist of money.

Yes indeed, let's provide more education to fools
Agree...one of the first generations of college graduates whose pay scale does not enable them to pay their college debts

While supporting the same policies that drive wages downward.

Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public

You don't benefit because Timmy can give you the correct change back for your Big Mac?
Once again, what is your perception of my financial situation and the status of my kids? I'd like to know who you believe you are communicating with.

Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

I pay local taxes for those functions, which I avail myself of on a regular basis. Sending someone else's kids to free who do not merit such consideration is what I do not support.
I agree with this.
If we do end up with free college, I would really like to see requirements for kids to be eligible for the program. A grade point average through high school that shows that the student has the desire to learn would be one. NO racial quotas, make it totally based on proven performance.
Never allow the government to dictate which field a student should be in. Let the student decide what they want to do.
To give a kid free college that slacks off all the way through school, ends up with a 2.0 average and a negative student record would be a total waste of money.
Making the students meet standards in order to receive the free college would most likely result in better performance at the lower education levels. I bet even the parents would start to get involved if it meant their kid was going to get more free shit.
There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....

Most of today's widespread corruption in education is in the for-profit scams.

If college were 'free' to all, paid for by taxes, restricted to schools willing to accept restraints on their costs in exchange for government funded tuition,

much of all the other money that has to go into college tuition now, from grants, to scholarships, to financial aid, etc., etc.,
would no longer be needed. That's the beneficial tradeoff.

Plus, if all students, otherwise eligible, are entitled to it, no one can complain that 'free' college is just one more bennie for the poor.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
A professor is just someone that failed at a real life...

That was a stupid thing to say.

No shit. Loser professors hang around adoring co eds all day, have summers off, get sebaticles , tenure .

Best job ever!

That has to be the worst use of a word beyond your education I have seen in a while!
Should we charge people to go to high schools ?
proof that you dont work.
There is this thing called a property tax....

Don't work? Lol. I earn a paycheck, own a home, and commute to work. Guys like me get taxed more than anybody .
why would you ask if people wanted to pay for high school then? we already do pay it, through our taxes.

If you ask nicely, I will explain why what you are saying is helping to make Timmy's point.

There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....

Most of today's widespread corruption in education is in the for-profit scams.

If college were 'free' to all, paid for by taxes, restricted to schools willing to accept restraints on their costs in exchange for government funded tuition,

much of all the other money that has to go into college tuition now, from grants, to scholarships, to financial aid, etc., etc.,
would no longer be needed. That's the beneficial tradeoff.

Plus, if all students, otherwise eligible, are entitled to it, no one can complain that 'free' college is just one more bennie for the poor.
That last statement is very important.
all students are eligible. This means that a child who's parents have a net worth of a few million is just as eligible as the student who's parents are behind on all their bills. Family income can not play a part in this.
I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

I'm a Navy brat, I know the struggles and sacrifices families go through so yeah I'll stand for them every time. Here is a thought, want a college education get off your ass, enlist and earn one. How's that?

Oh yeah? Hey what's your feeling about gov workers and the benefits they earn? . Say teachers???

Overpaid and incompetent.

Thank you for that uniformed opinion!

When was the last decade you were in a school for more than a student program?
Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public

Children are future taxpayers. Are you not saying then that only non child bearers should have to pay education taxes?

I'm good with that
There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....

Most of today's widespread corruption in education is in the for-profit scams.

If college were 'free' to all, paid for by taxes, restricted to schools willing to accept restraints on their costs in exchange for government funded tuition,

much of all the other money that has to go into college tuition now, from grants, to scholarships, to financial aid, etc., etc.,
would no longer be needed. That's the beneficial tradeoff.

Plus, if all students, otherwise eligible, are entitled to it, no one can complain that 'free' college is just one more bennie for the poor.
That last statement is very important.
all students are eligible. This means that a child who's parents have a net worth of a few million is just as eligible as the student who's parents are behind on all their bills. Family income can not play a part in this.

That's the way it should be. Millionaire's kids go to public high school at the same 'tuition' as the kids on welfare.
There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....

Most of today's widespread corruption in education is in the for-profit scams.

If college were 'free' to all, paid for by taxes, restricted to schools willing to accept restraints on their costs in exchange for government funded tuition,

much of all the other money that has to go into college tuition now, from grants, to scholarships, to financial aid, etc., etc.,
would no longer be needed. That's the beneficial tradeoff.

Plus, if all students, otherwise eligible, are entitled to it, no one can complain that 'free' college is just one more bennie for the poor.
That last statement is very important.
all students are eligible. This means that a child who's parents have a net worth of a few million is just as eligible as the student who's parents are behind on all their bills. Family income can not play a part in this.

That's the way it should be. Millionaire's kids go to public high school at the same 'tuition' as the kids on welfare.

It is cute to watch far left drones destroy their own religious narratives with posts like this.
GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

I'm a Navy brat, I know the struggles and sacrifices families go through so yeah I'll stand for them every time. Here is a thought, want a college education get off your ass, enlist and earn one. How's that?

Oh yeah? Hey what's your feeling about gov workers and the benefits they earn? . Say teachers???

Overpaid and incompetent.

Thank you for that uniformed opinion!

When was the last decade you were in a school for more than a student program?
really, teachers are overpaid and incompetent?
lets see, if they have illegals in the class they have to slow down so an interpreter can translate for the unwashed spawn of fence jumpers.
If they have a problem child, they have to deal with him gently and with respect while ignoring the rest of the class that wants to learn.
if half the class never shows up, and the overall class grades are low because of it, the teacher is at fault for not being able to teach properly.
If a student hits them or throws a desk at them, they have to accept that and not protect themselves.
I honestly have no clue why anyone would choose to teach.
As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public

I agree with that as well. Or at the very least, have parents pay a much higher property tax than those of us without children in school.

That property tax is on you all your life. I haven't had a kid in public school in years. I do have grandchildren in public schools though. I do get the Homestead Exemption and another little exemption for being over 65. They came along some years ago and sold us on voting in a state lottery. They told us the lottery would solve all the problems within the public school system. They have signs up all along the Interstate that indicates how many millions of dollars the lottery has generated for the public schools. The school are still shitty. The teachers got a big raise. The administrators got a big raise. The Teacher's union is one of the best deals around. The teachers have volunteer assistants and are always off on one holiday or another and have more sick and vacation leave than the members of Congress have. It's almost impossible to fire one of them even for poor performance. The number of school system employees have grown astronomically. The students continue to score low on their tests. More government growth. Waste and abuse.

Agreed. We went through the same thing here when they were trying to sell us the lottery: the money will help the schools. Well, it did.

The state provided funds to the school especially those in dire need. Once the lottery started to send money to the school system, the state said "Well, you don't need our money anymore" and it became a windfall for the state instead of the schools. The schools are in no better shape than before the lottery, but the state is doing just fine.
There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....

Most of today's widespread corruption in education is in the for-profit scams.

If college were 'free' to all, paid for by taxes, restricted to schools willing to accept restraints on their costs in exchange for government funded tuition,

much of all the other money that has to go into college tuition now, from grants, to scholarships, to financial aid, etc., etc.,
would no longer be needed. That's the beneficial tradeoff.

Plus, if all students, otherwise eligible, are entitled to it, no one can complain that 'free' college is just one more bennie for the poor.
That last statement is very important.
all students are eligible. This means that a child who's parents have a net worth of a few million is just as eligible as the student who's parents are behind on all their bills. Family income can not play a part in this.
But then we are right back where we started, the wealthy students get the best pre-college education and would get the most scholarships. We need somehow to make education in the pre-college schools more equal. A student that begins his or her education in some school districts has little chance of college and perhaps even of high school. There is something dramatically wrong with our education system.
As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public

I agree with that as well. Or at the very least, have parents pay a much higher property tax than those of us without children in school.
And those who live in safe neighborhoods should not have to pay for increased police for those in high crime neighborhoods

They don't. Do you have a point behind this statement??????
There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....

Most of today's widespread corruption in education is in the for-profit scams.

If college were 'free' to all, paid for by taxes, restricted to schools willing to accept restraints on their costs in exchange for government funded tuition,

much of all the other money that has to go into college tuition now, from grants, to scholarships, to financial aid, etc., etc.,
would no longer be needed. That's the beneficial tradeoff.

Plus, if all students, otherwise eligible, are entitled to it, no one can complain that 'free' college is just one more bennie for the poor.
That last statement is very important.
all students are eligible. This means that a child who's parents have a net worth of a few million is just as eligible as the student who's parents are behind on all their bills. Family income can not play a part in this.
But then we are right back where we started, the wealthy students get the best pre-college education and would get the most scholarships. We need somehow to make education in the pre-college schools more equal. A student that begins his or her education in some school districts has little chance of college and perhaps even of high school. There is something dramatically wrong with our education system.

Rich parents and their kids don't want to have to compete with poor kids for future good paying jobs in America.
Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....

Most of today's widespread corruption in education is in the for-profit scams.

If college were 'free' to all, paid for by taxes, restricted to schools willing to accept restraints on their costs in exchange for government funded tuition,

much of all the other money that has to go into college tuition now, from grants, to scholarships, to financial aid, etc., etc.,
would no longer be needed. That's the beneficial tradeoff.

Plus, if all students, otherwise eligible, are entitled to it, no one can complain that 'free' college is just one more bennie for the poor.
That last statement is very important.
all students are eligible. This means that a child who's parents have a net worth of a few million is just as eligible as the student who's parents are behind on all their bills. Family income can not play a part in this.
But then we are right back where we started, the wealthy students get the best pre-college education and would get the most scholarships. We need somehow to make education in the pre-college schools more equal. A student that begins his or her education in some school districts has little chance of college and perhaps even of high school. There is something dramatically wrong with our education system.

Rich parents and their kids don't want to have to compete with poor kids for future good paying jobs in America.

total bullshit. are you a human being or a talking point repeating machine?

most rich people are rich because they worked harder than the others, were smarter than the others, had more talent than the others, or discovered something that everyone wanted.

We are not all equal in ability, we will not all have equal results in life. That's the way it is, always has been, and always will be. Whoopi Goldberg will always have more money than you do.
Well, all you liberals that espouse the ideas of "their fair share" and "spread the wealth" should perhaps take a look at all the ridiculous salaries that your dear college propagan... er, uh, professors collect for doing 3 days of work per week for 9 months out of the year. Didn't Fauxcahontas collect a $350k yearly salary for her part time teaching schedule?

Gee, I can't understand why the price of indoctrination/education is going up.

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