Why stop at free college?

There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?
because that would put too much pressure on high schools and would open it up to widespread corruption....
There are so many scholarships, grants, and loan programs available that few people who are qualified and truly committed cannot attend college because of cost alone.

Most people who drop out of college come to the conclusion - on their own - that it was not the best choice for them.

Then why not consolidate all that into a univeral entitlement?

"People who are qualified and truly committed..."
You must admit yourself that is exactly what you are on here preaching. Those who have assumed their responsibility are not preaching what you preach. Suck it up.

Once again, what is your perception of my financial situation and the status of my kids? I'd like to know who you believe you are communicating with.

Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.

If that is something that you find valuable, please do. It's kind of stupid in the face of reality, though.

Let's say that I am a self interested small business owner who's got no problem sending my kids through college. What possible reasons could I have for wanting our federal government to ensure that every American young person attains the highest level of education which their personal strengths will allow them to attain?

Can you imagine why I would gladly participate in such an endeavor?

I would certainly expect you to as long as it was paid for by someone other than you against that individual's will.

You are not making an attempt to have a mature discussion here, are you? Let me try again.

I am perfectly fine with a portion of my tax dollars being used to subsidize the cost of higher education.....both academic and vocational....so that no American young person who desires said education is denied due to inability to pay.

Do you understand this time? We are talking about my hard earned money here.....as well as yours. Granted......you earned yours when it was much easier.....but I won't hold that against you.

Now....given that you have grasped the concept, why would I be willing to have my tax dollars spent in such a way? Have you any thoughts on that?

Then just go out and pick a young person and send him/her to college yourself. Put your money where your mouth is but don't impose your view that some other citizen should do the same. You have no right to dictate how my hard earned money is spent. Just because you may bbe fine with it does not mean everyone else is fine with it.
I agree

And if you supported the Iraq war you should have just gone and fought it yourself
Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.

Not everyone can complete college and that is the truth.

Not everyone completes HS either. I guess you're arguing for making all education available only to those who can pay.

That's what this is really about: blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded rightwing dogma, which maintains that those who cannot afford to go to college shouldn't have the opportunity.

This illustrates the idiocy of both extremes, where Sanders' advocacy of 'college for everyone' is naïve and unfounded, and the right's notion that only those who can afford it should go to college, which is reprehensible and wrong.
Sanders does not want everyone to go to college

But he wants college accessible to everyone
He wants everyone's bank account to be accessible by the federal government... Lol

Yeah, kind of like an I-phone. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Once again, what is your perception of my financial situation and the status of my kids? I'd like to know who you believe you are communicating with.

Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public
Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public

I agree with that as well. Or at the very least, have parents pay a much higher property tax than those of us without children in school.
Please explain to me exactly why you believe I actually give a rat's ass as to your financial situation? I'm not begging you for any of your money.

View attachment 64158

Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public
...and we wonder why the country is broke.
Well, my friend, you have claimed that I am begging for others to pay for my kids' education. That led me to believe that you think I'm unable to do so. So....I asked what you believed my financial situation to be. It's simple.

It seems as though you don't want to pursue that line of discussion further. Maybe you'll refrain from making retarded comments like that in future.

As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public

I agree with that as well. Or at the very least, have parents pay a much higher property tax than those of us without children in school.
And those who live in safe neighborhoods should not have to pay for increased police for those in high crime neighborhoods
As long as you continue to preach that someone should foot the bill for someone else for a college education, healthcare, or anything else, I will continue to accuse you of begging. Suck it up.
But wait....there's more

Someone is footing the bill for police, fire protection, roads, clean water, safe food and drugs

We are indeed a nation of freeloaders

Apples and oranges. Yes, the public does fund things that benefit most if not all the public. We all eat, we all use drugs of some kind, we all use roads and need the police and fire departments.

We all don't need college. Since college only benefits those that attend college, it shouldn't be funded by the public. It should be funded by the individuals it does benefit.
Many, many people don't have children but are still taxed for schools

Since schools only benefit those with children, it shouldn't be funded by the public

I agree with that as well. Or at the very least, have parents pay a much higher property tax than those of us without children in school.
And those who live in safe neighborhoods should not have to pay for increased police for those in high crime neighborhoods
We have socialism to thank for that fuckup...
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

The socialists/fascist/berner axis of evil want

1- to be fed
2- to be insured
3- to have their thirst quenched
4- to invade every country on the face of mother earth
5- to imprison every american, especially Libertarians
6- free college education
7- to be clothed

What a ridiculous list.

First, these are GOP dreams:

4- to invade every country on the face of mother earth
5- to imprison every american, especially Libertarians

Second, you think Socialism and Fascism are the same thing? Do you have any idea how that makes you look?

From our standpoint a government supremacist can be a left or rightwinger. One wants to tyrannize us in the name of the state the other in the name of a god.

Fascism is a branch of socialism - fascists typically want to regulate economies while the socialists want to own the means of production outright.

Your standpoint is delusional and paranoid, completely devoid of fact or merit; it is reactionary idiocy, predicated on an idealized American past that never actually existed.

Your standpoint is delusional and paranoid, completely devoid of fact or merit; it is reactionary idiocy, predicated on an idealized concept of fascism/socialism that can not possibly exist.
It doesn't take long to go back to GI bashing does it?

You're the one who said people join the military for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

I'm a Navy brat, I know the struggles and sacrifices families go through so yeah I'll stand for them every time. Here is a thought, want a college education get off your ass, enlist and earn one. How's that?

Oh yeah? Hey what's your feeling about gov workers and the benefits they earn? . Say teachers???
You're the one who said people join the military for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

I'm a Navy brat, I know the struggles and sacrifices families go through so yeah I'll stand for them every time. Here is a thought, want a college education get off your ass, enlist and earn one. How's that?

Oh yeah? Hey what's your feeling about gov workers and the benefits they earn? . Say teachers???

What about them? Did they defend this nation? Nope, bad analogy
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
A professor is just someone that failed at a real life...

Are u kidding ? What's a better gig than professor ?
I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

I'm a Navy brat, I know the struggles and sacrifices families go through so yeah I'll stand for them every time. Here is a thought, want a college education get off your ass, enlist and earn one. How's that?

Oh yeah? Hey what's your feeling about gov workers and the benefits they earn? . Say teachers???

What about them? Did they defend this nation? Nope, bad analogy

No they only deal with educating out youth.
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
A professor is just someone that failed at a real life...

That was a stupid thing to say.
Should we charge people to go to high schools ?

That's not the question. Let's take some more of your logic. Since High Schools are essential to young people, what are your thoughts on food? That's pretty essential, too. Should food be free as well? It'll certainly keep you alive longer than a diploma would.

We have a food stamp program. Where the fuck have you been?

Free for EVERYONE???
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
A professor is just someone that failed at a real life...

That was a stupid thing to say.

No shit. Loser professors hang around adoring co eds all day, have summers off, get sebaticles , tenure .

Best job ever!
GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

I'm a Navy brat, I know the struggles and sacrifices families go through so yeah I'll stand for them every time. Here is a thought, want a college education get off your ass, enlist and earn one. How's that?

Oh yeah? Hey what's your feeling about gov workers and the benefits they earn? . Say teachers???

What about them? Did they defend this nation? Nope, bad analogy

No they only deal with educating out youth.

You're off on some tangent that in no way deals with my comment. Silliness is just silliness

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