Why that scandalous dossier on Trump will not matter much...


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Billdo was "frolicking" in the Oral Office and you libtardos claim he was the best President since Lincoln.

Looks to me like Trump is the one peeing on the Democrats heads.
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Billdo was "frolicking" in the Oral Office and you libtardos claim he was the best President since Lincoln.

Looks to me like Trump is the one peeing on the Democrats heads.

I seem to recall a big tado about that.
Because if there was something to it, the media would have released it in October
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

IF, if, if, if, if, if, if, if
Billdo was "frolicking" in the Oral Office and you libtardos claim he was the best President since Lincoln.

Looks to me like Trump is the one peeing on the Democrats heads.

Moron.........Clinton WAS impeached....so, what do you think is in store in Trump's future?

CONVERSELY, my point is that NO one can shame someone who has NO morality of ethics....like your orange clown.
Billdo was "frolicking" in the Oral Office and you libtardos claim he was the best President since Lincoln.

Looks to me like Trump is the one peeing on the Democrats heads.

Moron.........Clinton WAS impeached....so, what do you think is in store in Trump's future?

CONVERSELY, my point is that NO one can shame someone who has NO morality of ethics....like your orange clown.
Russia will have quite a job in store finding "compromising" material on Ol' Donald. LOL
Maybe that's a good thing--having such an ethics free President that there is no threat of blackmail. Just trying to find the silver lining.
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Well, it seems that Putin has a history of using video tapes to compromise his people in the past, it's one of his favorites.
Here's a little taste, which complete with one of his many secretly taped blackmail tools.
Russian activist's leaked sex tape a cautionary tale
This clearly shows, it could of happened.
That's the strangest argument ever made even at a time when liberals are at their strangest and craziest.
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"
yep and he's already said rightwingers wouldn't care if he shot someone on 5th ave
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Exactly, Stage 3.


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Not only will this not affect him, but he is 100%confident that it wont. You all saw the press conference, he was more confident up there than hes ever been, I loved to see it. Same reason he called out CNN on their fake news. Its nothing to him now, just another story and he can laugh about it because him, and all of his supporters know its a last effort to try and destroy this man before he takes office. Its like were immune to this garbage now and it makes us laugh to watch the children on the left just continue to fail.
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Boys will be boys will not cover this one. Trump wasn't categorically denying having that conversation and Bushie wasn't suspected of blackmailing him with it.
Not only will this not affect him, but he is 100%confident that it wont. You all saw the press conference, he was more confident up there than hes ever been, I loved to see it. Same reason he called out CNN on their fake news. Its nothing to him now, just another story and he can laugh about it because him, and all of his supporters know its a last effort to try and destroy this man before he takes office. Its like were immune to this garbage now and it makes us laugh to watch the children on the left just continue to fail.
Trumpovitch is a short timer matty,,,and what you call garbage is really the filth this man carries with him
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Remember when Slick was sexually harassing women in the Oval Office and your answer was "so what?"
Billdo was "frolicking" in the Oral Office and you libtardos claim he was the best President since Lincoln.

Looks to me like Trump is the one peeing on the Democrats heads.

Moron.........Clinton WAS impeached....so, what do you think is in store in Trump's future?

CONVERSELY, my point is that NO one can shame someone who has NO morality of ethics....like your orange clown.
Russia will have quite a job in store finding "compromising" material on Ol' Donald. LOL
Maybe that's a good thing--having such an ethics free President that there is no threat of blackmail. Just trying to find the silver lining.

After Obama and Slick, classic. Your hypocrisy has no bounds
The only link that can be made between that infamous dossier on Trump, vis-a-vis his visits to Russia, is that the modus operandi is indeed what the old KGB (now, FSB) has always done to compile data on a prominent person for possible blackmail when needed.

But regardless if the dossier is scandalous fiction or not, it may NOT matter at all when it comes to Trump. Were the dossier be proven accurate (or partially accurate) Trump would just shrug it off as yet another, "boys will be boys" excuse. Let's be honest here, Trump supporters fully "forgave" trump for his "pussy-grabbing" antics and his less than stellar treatment of women as sex objects. Family values, religiosity claims and ethical standards mean little to right wingers who are enamored with building a wall, repatriating illegals and repealing the ACA.

So, even if (highly unlikely) the dossier were proven to be correct about the Donald frolicking with Russian prostitutes, Trump.......and his loyal acolytes...would just smile and openly state, "so what?"

Remember when Slick was sexually harassing women in the Oval Office and your answer was "so what?"
no it wasn't the one act was disgusting but not worth removing a president ... and now ""he did it too"" is what you justify this with??

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