Why the anger

Who the heck cares whether Ford had a son named Jack or if it was just his nickname? It's completely irrelevant and yet you guys are letting yourselves become angry and bitter towards one another. For what? To prove a point? Because your pride won't let you drop it? Because your pride won't let you forgive one another for some irrelevant fact? Because rather than being mature and compassionate you decide to attack the other people there personally for some irrelevant piece of information.

You guys are pretending you're so very different and better than one another. In reality, you are all exactly the same.

You're missing the point. If people can't be honest about something as silly as this then what's the point of debating real issues?

proving how utterly stupid you are, retarda.

If you had a brain and if that brain had a measurable iq, even a retard such as you would be able to see that president obama is a fucking idiot. He is a poseur. He is in way over his head and the few decisions he makes tend to be almost universally wrong. (he has made a few correct calls, though, to be objective in this regard, so it is fair to say that he is smarter than you -- which isn't saying much of course.)

why don't you take a running jump into the middle of lake stupid and stay there. Take the other ignorant bagheads from this site with you.
View attachment 10850

Do you go to an old school or something?? No wonder you're so damn dumb. You think your post is so funny, don't you?? It's not. It's lame. Just like you.
why don't you take a running jump into the middle of lake stupid and stay there. Take the other ignorant bagheads from this site with you.
View attachment 10850

Do you go to an old school or something?? No wonder you're so damn dumb. You think your post is so funny, don't you?? It's not. It's lame. Just like you.

My best day at being lame can't hold a candle to your worst day at being lame, rinata. They threw away the recipe on lame after you showed up. Their work was done. :lol:
Who the heck cares whether Ford had a son named Jack or if it was just his nickname? It's completely irrelevant and yet you guys are letting yourselves become angry and bitter towards one another. For what? To prove a point? Because your pride won't let you drop it? Because your pride won't let you forgive one another for some irrelevant fact? Because rather than being mature and compassionate you decide to attack the other people there personally for some irrelevant piece of information.

You guys are pretending you're so very different and better than one another. In reality, you are all exactly the same.

I am going to defend myself when people tell lies about me. I am sick of the lying viciousness of Republicans, conservatives, teabag faces, or whatever these people call themselves.

And I beg to differ. They are about as different from me as different can get.

I'm quite different from you because when I make an error and it has been pointed out I simply admit I was wrong. When you're proven wrong you whine like a little **** and close your eyes so tight you kick yourself in the back of your head.
Lol......I promise you will not spontaneously combust if you admit a fuck up. You tried to claim he had a son named Jack and tried to use a Time article to prove while not knowing the article used his nickname. Keep denying your mistake.......

It's your fantasy. Spin it any kind of way you want. I'm done with you clowns. You're both nuts.

His nickname was Jack. It's what we used. You and bigrebnc1775 are stupid if you think anyone is buying your nonsense. You got called out, you were shown to be stupid, and you still keep screaming. That is why the center and left are going to continue to stomp the right in the elections.

Gerald ford did not have a son named jack and that is a proven fact. Do you not understand the difference between a given name and a nickname?
It's your fantasy. Spin it any kind of way you want. I'm done with you clowns. You're both nuts.

You called someone stupid for saying gerald didn't have a son named Jack but when it's explained that is true because his real name is john you try to dance off your fuck up. What is the worst that can happen for admitting a mistake? Why are you so wrapped up in your fantasy of infallibility?

Why is your needle stuck on Jack Ford?? When you said that Gerald and Betty had no son named Jack, you were wrong. Plain and simple.

I have no problem with saying I'm wrong about anything, but I wasn't. Also, I think you need to ask yourself these two questions, dear, not someone else.

Oh boy you are fucking stoopid. I'm not the one who claimed they didn't have a son named jack. Someone else made that claim and you called him "stupid" based on you linking a story that used his nickname and not his given name. What the hell is wrong with sickos like you who absolutely refuse to address simple facts?
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

Didn't necessarily hate Bush ....

As for the other I could go on for day, but umm ... ummm let me tell you .... hes causing more harm than good and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if he went away PERMANENTLY!!!
No. The PIECE OF SHIT left on January 20, 2009. I was talking about our current prez. The one with the brain. :)

Proving how utterly stupid you are, Retarda.

If you had a brain and if that brain had a measurable IQ, even a retard such as you would be able to see that President Obama is a fucking idiot. He is a poseur. He is in WAY over his head and the few decisions he makes tend to be almost universally wrong. (He has made a few correct calls, though, to be objective in this regard, so it is fair to say that he is smarter than you -- which isn't saying much of course.)

Why don't you take a running jump into the middle of Lake Stupid and stay there. Take the other ignorant bagheads from this site with you.

Wow, Retarda, that was lame even by your pathetic "standards."

And that new phrase you are presently over-employing, "baghead," absolutely dull stuff. From you, of course, nothing else is expected.

Look, Retarda, you are a rancid lowlife troll and dumber than a box of rocks. So cram your always worthless advice up your retarded liberoidal ass and enjoy your cramps, you nasty disgusting vile little beyotch.

And as you spend your useless days watching your tragically stupid hero, President Obama, fucking everything up, just be thankful that you retards are fully represented these days in the Executive Branch.
Who the heck cares whether Ford had a son named Jack or if it was just his nickname? It's completely irrelevant and yet you guys are letting yourselves become angry and bitter towards one another. For what? To prove a point? Because your pride won't let you drop it? Because your pride won't let you forgive one another for some irrelevant fact? Because rather than being mature and compassionate you decide to attack the other people there personally for some irrelevant piece of information.

You guys are pretending you're so very different and better than one another. In reality, you are all exactly the same.

I am going to defend myself when people tell lies about me. I am sick of the lying viciousness of Republicans, conservatives, teabag faces, or whatever these people call themselves.

And I beg to differ. They are about as different from me as different can get.

True. They are usually reasonable, rational, honest and decent. Not a thing like you, Retarda.
It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.
At least he's cleaning-UP the mess BUSHCO left, in Afghanistan!!!

It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.

The claim that President Bush "lied" is often made, but it has never (not once, ever) been substantiated. And I am curious: with links and valid support, could anybody offer any kind of evidence that President Bush "lied?" And, putting aside the trite claim that he allegedly "lied us into war(s)," pray tell. What exactly did he supposedly "lie" about?

And the claim that he "expanded" Presidential powers is similarly lacking in support -- other than by reference to things like the PATRIOT Act which makes the claim unfair. OF COURSE that act did expand governmental power, but that begs the question. Was such expansion, under the circumstances we live with these days, actually a "bad" thing? If so, how? No buzz-words for an answer will suffice. Spell it out.

I certainly agree that President Bush had his faults and made mistakes. Who hasn't?

But it is President Obama who spends his days lying his ass off. And we all know why. It's because he is (despite the PR campaign foisted off on all of us by the lapdog media) a truly stupid person. He's in way the hell over his head. He has no fixed principles. He is indecisive largely as a result of that. And he is afraid that people are going to figure out that he's just an empty fucking suit. Well, guess what? The secret is out.
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It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.

The claim that President Bush "lied" is often made, but it has never (not once, ever) been substantiated. And I am curious: with links and valid support, could anybody offer any kind of evidence that President Bush "lied?" And, putting aside the trite claim that he allegedly "lied us into war(s)," pray tell. What exactly did he supposedly "lie" about?

And the claim that he "expanded" Presidential powers is similarly lacking in support -- other than by reference to things like the PATRIOT Act which makes the claim unfair. OF COURSE that act did expand governmental power, but that begs the question. Was such expansion, under the circumstances we live with these days, actually a "bad" thing? If so, how? No buzz-words for an answer will suffice. Spell it out.

I certainly agree that President Bush had his faults and made mistakes. Who hasn't?

But it is President Obama who spends his days lying his ass off. And we all know why. It's because he is (despite the PR campaign foisted off on all of us by the lapdog media) a truly stupid person. He's in way the hell over his head. He has no fixed principles. He is indecisive largely as a result of that. And he is afraid that people are going to figure out that he's just an empty fucking suit. Well, guess what? The secret is out.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post......
It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.

The claim that President Bush "lied" is often made, but it has never (not once, ever) been substantiated. And I am curious: with links and valid support, could anybody offer any kind of evidence that President Bush "lied?" And, putting aside the trite claim that he allegedly "lied us into war(s)," pray tell. What exactly did he supposedly "lie" about?

And the claim that he "expanded" Presidential powers is similarly lacking in support -- other than by reference to things like the PATRIOT Act which makes the claim unfair. OF COURSE that act did expand governmental power, but that begs the question. Was such expansion, under the circumstances we live with these days, actually a "bad" thing? If so, how? No buzz-words for an answer will suffice. Spell it out.

I certainly agree that President Bush had his faults and made mistakes. Who hasn't?

But it is President Obama who spends his days lying his ass off. And we all know why. It's because he is (despite the PR campaign foisted off on all of us by the lapdog media) a truly stupid person. He's in way the hell over his head. He has no fixed principles. He is indecisive largely as a result of that. And he is afraid that people are going to figure out that he's just an empty fucking suit. Well, guess what? The secret is out.


For Sky Dancer.

I'd like to see her response.
It impossible to discuss these two presidents rationally. Bush lied. Expanded presidential powers to an unprecedented extent, led the country into an unneccessary war by lying to us an set himself up as a divine king answering to no one.

His administration was cynical secretive and corrupt.

Obama has made some mistakes. He came in with such promise and he hasn't been radical enough.

The claim that President Bush "lied" is often made, but it has never (not once, ever) been substantiated. And I am curious: with links and valid support, could anybody offer any kind of evidence that President Bush "lied?" And, putting aside the trite claim that he allegedly "lied us into war(s)," pray tell. What exactly did he supposedly "lie" about?

And the claim that he "expanded" Presidential powers is similarly lacking in support -- other than by reference to things like the PATRIOT Act which makes the claim unfair. OF COURSE that act did expand governmental power, but that begs the question. Was such expansion, under the circumstances we live with these days, actually a "bad" thing? If so, how? No buzz-words for an answer will suffice. Spell it out.

I certainly agree that President Bush had his faults and made mistakes. Who hasn't?

But it is President Obama who spends his days lying his ass off. And we all know why. It's because he is (despite the PR campaign foisted off on all of us by the lapdog media) a truly stupid person. He's in way the hell over his head. He has no fixed principles. He is indecisive largely as a result of that. And he is afraid that people are going to figure out that he's just an empty fucking suit. Well, guess what? The secret is out.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post......

Well it is clear that PussyPuddle's psychotic obsession with me doesn't help him avoid his fixation on being a perpetual liar. Sorry MenstrualMess, but you're not my type. I stick with humans. Cowardly lying twats like you don't make the cut.

In any event, my response to a post in this thread has nothing to do with "whining." That bogus assertion is simply further mindless dishonesty from PussyPuddle. One can expect nothing else from such a cowardly lying little puss.

And let it be underscored that the prissy little coward also managed to avoid addressing the point. Cheesey cheap little sissy efforts at deflection are one of his stocks in trade. But, since he's a coward, I guess I'll just go ahead and highlight PussyPuddle's cowardice by restating the challenge:

Can anyone establish (with proper quotes and links) that President Bush lied us into any war?

Even PussyPuddle is free to try, if he ever finds his micro-nadz. Although there's obviously no real chance that he ever will -- or ever could. :lol:
Human nature never fails to amaze me. Intellectually inferior cavemen continue to try and impress others using foul, vile, and profane language. The real masters go one step further by name-calling.

I will continue to pray for your warped, twisted, and perverse souls in hope that God will forgive you. I have forgiven you but He is not as forgiving.

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