Why the anger

Who the heck cares whether Ford had a son named Jack or if it was just his nickname? It's completely irrelevant and yet you guys are letting yourselves become angry and bitter towards one another. For what? To prove a point? Because your pride won't let you drop it? Because your pride won't let you forgive one another for some irrelevant fact? Because rather than being mature and compassionate you decide to attack the other people there personally for some irrelevant piece of information.

You guys are pretending you're so very different and better than one another. In reality, you are all exactly the same.

You're missing the point. If people can't be honest about something as silly as this then what's the point of debating real issues?
His own link refers to Jack Ford. bigrebnc1775 is merely a troll.

A lying troll.

Oh, the irony

The ceaselessly dishonest troll, Jokey, is likely incapable of seeing why your comment, Meister, is so entirely on the money. But Jokey's self-inflicted blindness doesn't change the fact that your observation IS completely and utterly on the mark.

Gerald Ford's son (like President John F. Kennedy) may have been somewhat informally known as "Jack." In fact, I know he was informally known as "Jack." Trolls like Jokey attempt to convert this factoid into something much more important than it is.

John is also known as Jack. Check. BFD.

How long will the ineffectual and dishonest troll, Jokey, continue to attempt to deflect by harping on this insignificant fact? We shall see . . . .

When they have nothing else, this is what you get. It's their moment of glory, let's not try and ruin it. :lol:
We all know you are a troll, bigrebnc1775. Anybody who goes to your site will find it. At least two of us copied it straight from the site and posted it. Info was posted from other sites that demonstrated you were wrong.

You are a liar before God and man.

I will out you every time you do it.
We all know you are a troll, bigrebnc1775. Anybody who goes to your site will find it. At least two of us copied it straight from the site and posted it. Info was posted from other sites that demonstrated you were wrong.

You are a liar before God and man.

I will out you every time you do it.

what a buffoon
You didn't know it was his nickname until I pointed that out. You googled "jack ford" and scanned the page looking for that name. Upon finding the Time article you linked you thought you had evidence proving he did have a son named Jack but instead of checking facts you went with your petty desire to try and prove someone wrong on something so petty.

You can pretend you didn't fuck up but with you being the only visitor that Fantasy Land will get lonely. Very quickly.

OMG!! You are such an ass!! All of you bagheads are nuts, I swear to God. I didn't goof or try intentionally to prove anyone wrong. I liked Gerald Ford as a person and I really admired his wife and followed the family happenings. Steven was a soap star, Susan had her prom at the WH, blah, blah, blah. They also had a son named Jack. Even though it's his nickname, that is how he is referred to in almost any article or news program. Not by his given first name.

Now, pay attention. If I had said that, I would have been asked for proof or called a liar. So I looked for a reputable source and I found it in TIME MAG, you big horses ass. That is the problem with you ignorant bagheads. You think you know it all. All you do is assume and you're usually wrong, as in this case. Get help. I'm serious. You are really gone.

Lol......I promise you will not spontaneously combust if you admit a fuck up. You tried to claim he had a son named Jack and tried to use a Time article to prove while not knowing the article used his nickname. Keep denying your mistake.......

It's your fantasy. Spin it any kind of way you want. I'm done with you clowns. You're both nuts.
OMG!! You are such an ass!! All of you bagheads are nuts, I swear to God. I didn't goof or try intentionally to prove anyone wrong. I liked Gerald Ford as a person and I really admired his wife and followed the family happenings. Steven was a soap star, Susan had her prom at the WH, blah, blah, blah. They also had a son named Jack. Even though it's his nickname, that is how he is referred to in almost any article or news program. Not by his given first name.

Now, pay attention. If I had said that, I would have been asked for proof or called a liar. So I looked for a reputable source and I found it in TIME MAG, you big horses ass. That is the problem with you ignorant bagheads. You think you know it all. All you do is assume and you're usually wrong, as in this case. Get help. I'm serious. You are really gone.

Lol......I promise you will not spontaneously combust if you admit a fuck up. You tried to claim he had a son named Jack and tried to use a Time article to prove while not knowing the article used his nickname. Keep denying your mistake.......

It's your fantasy. Spin it any kind of way you want. I'm done with you clowns. You're both nuts.

His nickname was Jack. It's what we used. You and bigrebnc1775 are stupid if you think anyone is buying your nonsense. You got called out, you were shown to be stupid, and you still keep screaming. That is why the center and left are going to continue to stomp the right in the elections.
OMG!! You are such an ass!! All of you bagheads are nuts, I swear to God. I didn't goof or try intentionally to prove anyone wrong. I liked Gerald Ford as a person and I really admired his wife and followed the family happenings. Steven was a soap star, Susan had her prom at the WH, blah, blah, blah. They also had a son named Jack. Even though it's his nickname, that is how he is referred to in almost any article or news program. Not by his given first name.

Now, pay attention. If I had said that, I would have been asked for proof or called a liar. So I looked for a reputable source and I found it in TIME MAG, you big horses ass. That is the problem with you ignorant bagheads. You think you know it all. All you do is assume and you're usually wrong, as in this case. Get help. I'm serious. You are really gone.

Lol......I promise you will not spontaneously combust if you admit a fuck up. You tried to claim he had a son named Jack and tried to use a Time article to prove while not knowing the article used his nickname. Keep denying your mistake.......

It's your fantasy. Spin it any kind of way you want. I'm done with you clowns. You're both nuts.

You called someone stupid for saying gerald didn't have a son named Jack but when it's explained that is true because his real name is john you try to dance off your fuck up. What is the worst that can happen for admitting a mistake? Why are you so wrapped up in your fantasy of infallibility?
Lol......I promise you will not spontaneously combust if you admit a fuck up. You tried to claim he had a son named Jack and tried to use a Time article to prove while not knowing the article used his nickname. Keep denying your mistake.......

It's your fantasy. Spin it any kind of way you want. I'm done with you clowns. You're both nuts.

You called someone stupid for saying gerald didn't have a son named Jack but when it's explained that is true because his real name is john you try to dance off your fuck up. What is the worst that can happen for admitting a mistake? Why are you so wrapped up in your fantasy of infallibility?

Why is your needle stuck on Jack Ford?? When you said that Gerald and Betty had no son named Jack, you were wrong. Plain and simple.

I have no problem with saying I'm wrong about anything, but I wasn't. Also, I think you need to ask yourself these two questions, dear, not someone else.
Betty and Gerald have a son by the name of Jack, whose formal name is John.

bigrebnc1775 and curvelight are mentally ill to carry their mistake this far.
I am just courious why didn't you use this link?
Gerald Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was itr because Jack Ford is not a recognized name for Gerald Fords son?

Jack is the recognized name for him with those who knew him and those who knew he was. Obviously you did not have a clue, once again demonstrating you are really quite challenged mentally and emotionally.

At least you did not make any threats this time. That's smart.

Not in that fucking link Jack is not recognized. moron. You nothing but a little piss ant to me.

Look at the little boy get mad and use his big cuss words!!! Are you stamping your feet too?? :lol::lol::lol:
I am just courious why didn't you use this link?
Gerald Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was itr because Jack Ford is not a recognized name for Gerald Fords son?

Now you're starting to really embarrass yourself. This is all you can find to argue about?? The man is referred to as Jack, whether you like it or not.

And you have already surpassed me in the world of embarrassment.

I don't think so. The person that would surpass you in this capacity hasn't been born. Idiot.
You didn't know it was his nickname until I pointed that out. You googled "jack ford" and scanned the page looking for that name. Upon finding the Time article you linked you thought you had evidence proving he did have a son named Jack but instead of checking facts you went with your petty desire to try and prove someone wrong on something so petty.

You can pretend you didn't fuck up but with you being the only visitor that Fantasy Land will get lonely. Very quickly.

OMG!! You are such an ass!! All of you bagheads are nuts, I swear to God. I didn't goof or try intentionally to prove anyone wrong. I liked Gerald Ford as a person and I really admired his wife and followed the family happenings. Steven was a soap star, Susan had her prom at the WH, blah, blah, blah. They also had a son named Jack. Even though it's his nickname, that is how he is referred to in almost any article or news program. Not by his given first name.

Now, pay attention. If I had said that, I would have been asked for proof or called a liar. So I looked for a reputable source and I found it in TIME MAG, you big horses ass. That is the problem with you ignorant bagheads. You think you know it all. All you do is assume and you're usually wrong, as in this case. Get help. I'm serious. You are really gone.

Lol......I promise you will not spontaneously combust if you admit a fuck up. You tried to claim he had a son named Jack and tried to use a Time article to prove while not knowing the article used his nickname. Keep denying your mistake.......

You poor thing. It's amazing what's important to you.
Who the Piece of Shit in the White House?

No. The PIECE OF SHIT left on January 20, 2009. I was talking about our current prez. The one with the brain. :)

Proving how utterly stupid you are, Retarda.

If you had a brain and if that brain had a measurable IQ, even a retard such as you would be able to see that President Obama is a fucking idiot. He is a poseur. He is in WAY over his head and the few decisions he makes tend to be almost universally wrong. (He has made a few correct calls, though, to be objective in this regard, so it is fair to say that he is smarter than you -- which isn't saying much of course.)

Why don't you take a running jump into the middle of Lake Stupid and stay there. Take the other ignorant bagheads from this site with you.
No. The PIECE OF SHIT left on January 20, 2009. I was talking about our current prez. The one with the brain. :)

Proving how utterly stupid you are, Retarda.

If you had a brain and if that brain had a measurable IQ, even a retard such as you would be able to see that President Obama is a fucking idiot. He is a poseur. He is in WAY over his head and the few decisions he makes tend to be almost universally wrong. (He has made a few correct calls, though, to be objective in this regard, so it is fair to say that he is smarter than you -- which isn't saying much of course.)

Why don't you take a running jump into the middle of Lake Stupid and stay there. Take the other ignorant bagheads from this site with you.[/QUOTE]
no. The piece of shit left on january 20, 2009. I was talking about our current prez. The one with the brain. :)

proving how utterly stupid you are, retarda.

If you had a brain and if that brain had a measurable iq, even a retard such as you would be able to see that president obama is a fucking idiot. He is a poseur. He is in way over his head and the few decisions he makes tend to be almost universally wrong. (he has made a few correct calls, though, to be objective in this regard, so it is fair to say that he is smarter than you -- which isn't saying much of course.)

why don't you take a running jump into the middle of lake stupid and stay there. Take the other ignorant bagheads from this site with you.
View attachment 10850
Who the heck cares whether Ford had a son named Jack or if it was just his nickname? It's completely irrelevant and yet you guys are letting yourselves become angry and bitter towards one another. For what? To prove a point? Because your pride won't let you drop it? Because your pride won't let you forgive one another for some irrelevant fact? Because rather than being mature and compassionate you decide to attack the other people there personally for some irrelevant piece of information.

You guys are pretending you're so very different and better than one another. In reality, you are all exactly the same.

I am going to defend myself when people tell lies about me. I am sick of the lying viciousness of Republicans, conservatives, teabag faces, or whatever these people call themselves.

And I beg to differ. They are about as different from me as different can get.

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