Why the anger

The simple fact is that the two dodos are arguing they did not deny something that was in fact in their own links. Absolute incompetence and general all around prickery on their part.

Lol....this oughta be fun. Did you ever figure out the diff between a given name and a nickname you dumbass?
I am going to defend myself when people tell lies about me. I am sick of the lying viciousness of Republicans, conservatives, teabag faces, or whatever these people call themselves.

And I beg to differ. They are about as different from me as different can get.

I'm quite different from you because when I make an error and it has been pointed out I simply admit I was wrong. When you're proven wrong you whine like a little **** and close your eyes so tight you kick yourself in the back of your head.

Don't talk to me like that, you worthless piece of shit. Maybe you call your mother that name, but I'm not going to take it. And again, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I was not wrong. In addition to being a worthless human being, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.

Try to pay attention you smelly rancid fucking ****. Gerald ford did not have a son named Jack because his given name was John. Do you understand the diff between given names and nicknames you dumbass cocksucking backwards redneck ass sucking ****?
I'm quite different from you because when I make an error and it has been pointed out I simply admit I was wrong. When you're proven wrong you whine like a little <snip> and close your eyes so tight you kick yourself in the back of your head.

Don't talk to me like that, you worthless piece of shit. Maybe you call your mother that name, but I'm not going to take it. And again, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I was not wrong. In addition to being a worthless human being, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.

Back off curvelight. I agree with more of what you say than what Rinata says, but I have a greater amount of respect for Rinata than I do for you.

Lol! Ego check. You actually think I care who you have more respect for? I don't give a fuck you arrogant asswipe. Rinata called someone "stupid" for posting facts she did not like and has absolutely refused to own her mistake while calling others stoopid in the process. If that is the kind of person you have "more respect for" then I'm flattered you have less respect for me.
The claim that President Bush "lied" is often made, but it has never (not once, ever) been substantiated. And I am curious: with links and valid support, could anybody offer any kind of evidence that President Bush "lied?" And, putting aside the trite claim that he allegedly "lied us into war(s)," pray tell. What exactly did he supposedly "lie" about?

The very nature of espionage and intelligence gathering is laden with degrees of uncertainty. There are very few intelligence reports that are released without caveats and qualifiers. The NIE's issued regarding Iraq and there possible WMD holdings and/or capabilities ALL contained a variety of those caveats and qualifiers that described the less than certain qualities of the raw intelligence used to create the estimate. Some of the information was extremely dated. Some of it was single sourced. Some of it was based upon satellite photo interpretation. Some of it came from sources who clearly had ulterior motives... etc., etc.

SO... when President Bush and his team all used various forms of the statement, "THERE IS NO DOUBT" when discussing Saddam's possession of stockpiles of WMD's, those were LIES. Now...if they had said, "There is LITTLE doubt" or "I have no doubt", those statements would not have clearly been lies. But to make the statement that doubt did not exist about Saddam having stockpiles of WMD's.... those statements were all lies, because degrees of doubt and uncertainty DID exist.

To tell the American people that there was no doubt that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's and then to repeatedly imply that there was an ongoing buddy-buddy relationship between Saddam and Al Qaeda and the further implication that Saddam could give one of his CERTAIN WMD's to Osama THAT VERY MOMENT was part of the ploy that Team Bush used to create the urgency to invade NOW. And that ploy was, as shown above, based upon a LIE.

I hope that answers your question.

well good. it looks like it did.:lol:

Wrong again. Your lack of patience, kid, is your problem. Work on that.
Don't talk to me like that, you worthless piece of shit. Maybe you call your mother that name, but I'm not going to take it. And again, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I was not wrong. In addition to being a worthless human being, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.

Back off curvelight. I agree with more of what you say than what Rinata says, but I have a greater amount of respect for Rinata than I do for you.

Lol! Ego check. You actually think I care who you have more respect for? I don't give a fuck you arrogant asswipe. Rinata called someone "stupid" for posting facts she did not like and has absolutely refused to own her mistake while calling others stoopid in the process. If that is the kind of person you have "more respect for" then I'm flattered you have less respect for me.

Calling one stupid is not the same as calling one the word you used.
Back off curvelight. I agree with more of what you say than what Rinata says, but I have a greater amount of respect for Rinata than I do for you.

Lol! Ego check. You actually think I care who you have more respect for? I don't give a fuck you arrogant asswipe. Rinata called someone "stupid" for posting facts she did not like and has absolutely refused to own her mistake while calling others stoopid in the process. If that is the kind of person you have "more respect for" then I'm flattered you have less respect for me.

Calling one stupid is not the same as calling one the word you used.

When you use one ad hom you use them all. I don't live in the PC fantasyworld where there are degrees of ad homs. Whether you call someone stoopid or a **** you are saying the exact same thing.
The very nature of espionage and intelligence gathering is laden with degrees of uncertainty. There are very few intelligence reports that are released without caveats and qualifiers. The NIE's issued regarding Iraq and there possible WMD holdings and/or capabilities ALL contained a variety of those caveats and qualifiers that described the less than certain qualities of the raw intelligence used to create the estimate. Some of the information was extremely dated. Some of it was single sourced. Some of it was based upon satellite photo interpretation. Some of it came from sources who clearly had ulterior motives... etc., etc.

SO... when President Bush and his team all used various forms of the statement, "THERE IS NO DOUBT" when discussing Saddam's possession of stockpiles of WMD's, those were LIES. Now...if they had said, "There is LITTLE doubt" or "I have no doubt", those statements would not have clearly been lies. But to make the statement that doubt did not exist about Saddam having stockpiles of WMD's.... those statements were all lies, because degrees of doubt and uncertainty DID exist.

To tell the American people that there was no doubt that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's and then to repeatedly imply that there was an ongoing buddy-buddy relationship between Saddam and Al Qaeda and the further implication that Saddam could give one of his CERTAIN WMD's to Osama THAT VERY MOMENT was part of the ploy that Team Bush used to create the urgency to invade NOW. And that ploy was, as shown above, based upon a LIE.

I hope that answers your question.

At the risk of over-simplifying your contention, you seem to be making the argument that because President Bush stated our belief that Saddam "had" weapons of mass destruction in a more categorical way than our "intelligence" actually justified, that makes him a liar.

Well, while your contention does have some merit to it (imho), in terms of logic and the clarity of your syllogism, I would have to disagree with you all the same. It would be a more valid argument (imho) if so many others, including his predecessor and a whole array of liberal Democrats had not reached essentially the same conclusion based on the same evidence. In other words, when enough folks come to the same conclusion, it is unreasonable to suggest that any one person expressing that conclusion is engaged in "lying."

One can be mistaken without being a "liar."

One can express one's self with a degree of imprecision without being a "liar," either.

And before suggesting that a person is a liar, the question of motive rears its ugly little head. Specifically, before arguing that President Bush deliberately "lied" to "get us into war," one should (to be fair) examine the logic of the proposition that President Bush was a man of such a character as would make him view the lives of our fighting men and women in such a cavalier manner. I frankly do not see how anybody can make that claim about President Bush.

They say things like he was "stupid," but lots of people who were in a spot of having discussions with him came to very different conclusions.

They say he was a dry drunk. Well, he surely did have some substance abuse problems in his past, but nobody has ever shown that he took the problem into his years as President.

"They" say lots of stupid stuff, but, generally, "they" come up empty when called upon to back those things up.


Holy shit you are fucking stoopid. The bush admin controlled much of the info provided to legislators at that time and what they did not do is share all available info and that is what made it dishonest. You can stay hyper-focused on the word "liar" but no amount of dancing can tap away the irrefutable fact the bush admin presented very closely picked info to sell the iraq agenda which made it dishonest.

No, asshole sucker. You are (as always) the stupid one. Hell, you're so defective you still don't even know how to spell the word "stupid."

And, as always, PussyPuddle, you are also massively wrong. No surprise. That is your normal state of existence, after all. President Bush did not control the information you propaganda gobbling retard.

He received the information and shared it, you blood cloth.

FURTHERMORE, you completely subjugated useful idiot, the information, the "information" that advised us all that Saddam HAD WMDs was in the possession of the White House BEFORE President Bush was ever even elected.

Good Lord, you fucking willfully-blind morons of the uber left are truly incapable of independent rational thought.

Wipe the drool off your chin, you scumbag retard, pack you back-pack and take that overdue summer vacation. School will be waiting for you at summer's end. You will be one of the oldest students in the third grade class, but you will still be the dumbest.
At the risk of over-simplifying your contention, you seem to be making the argument that because President Bush stated our belief that Saddam "had" weapons of mass destruction in a more categorical way than our "intelligence" actually justified, that makes him a liar.

Well, while your contention does have some merit to it (imho), in terms of logic and the clarity of your syllogism, I would have to disagree with you all the same. It would be a more valid argument (imho) if so many others, including his predecessor and a whole array of liberal Democrats had not reached essentially the same conclusion based on the same evidence. In other words, when enough folks come to the same conclusion, it is unreasonable to suggest that any one person expressing that conclusion is engaged in "lying."

One can be mistaken without being a "liar."

One can express one's self with a degree of imprecision without being a "liar," either.

And before suggesting that a person is a liar, the question of motive rears its ugly little head. Specifically, before arguing that President Bush deliberately "lied" to "get us into war," one should (to be fair) examine the logic of the proposition that President Bush was a man of such a character as would make him view the lives of our fighting men and women in such a cavalier manner. I frankly do not see how anybody can make that claim about President Bush.

They say things like he was "stupid," but lots of people who were in a spot of having discussions with him came to very different conclusions.

They say he was a dry drunk. Well, he surely did have some substance abuse problems in his past, but nobody has ever shown that he took the problem into his years as President.

"They" say lots of stupid stuff, but, generally, "they" come up empty when called upon to back those things up.


Holy shit you are fucking stoopid. The bush admin controlled much of the info provided to legislators at that time and what they did not do is share all available info and that is what made it dishonest. You can stay hyper-focused on the word "liar" but no amount of dancing can tap away the irrefutable fact the bush admin presented very closely picked info to sell the iraq agenda which made it dishonest.

No, asshole sucker. You are (as always) the stupid one. Hell, you're so defective you still don't even know how to spell the word "stupid."

And, as always, PussyPuddle, you are also massively wrong. No surprise. That is your normal state of existence, after all. President Bush did not control the information you propaganda gobbling retard.

He received the information and shared it, you blood cloth.

FURTHERMORE, you completely subjugated useful idiot, the information, the "information" that advised us all that Saddam HAD WMDs was in the possession of the White House BEFORE President Bush was ever even elected.

Good Lord, you fucking willfully-blind morons of the uber left are truly incapable of independent rational thought.

Wipe the drool off your chin, you scumbag retard, pack you back-pack and take that overdue summer vacation. School will be waiting for you at summer's end. You will be one of the oldest students in the third grade class, but you will still be the dumbest.

Lol! Holeeeeee fuck! Your stoopid ass actually believes the bush admin simply "shared" the information!

You've just re-solidified your place in Ignorance History to claim the Bush admin did not control the info.
Holy shit you are fucking stoopid. The bush admin controlled much of the info provided to legislators at that time and what they did not do is share all available info and that is what made it dishonest. You can stay hyper-focused on the word "liar" but no amount of dancing can tap away the irrefutable fact the bush admin presented very closely picked info to sell the iraq agenda which made it dishonest.

No, asshole sucker. You are (as always) the stupid one. Hell, you're so defective you still don't even know how to spell the word "stupid."

And, as always, PussyPuddle, you are also massively wrong. No surprise. That is your normal state of existence, after all. President Bush did not control the information you propaganda gobbling retard.

He received the information and shared it, you blood cloth.

FURTHERMORE, you completely subjugated useful idiot, the information, the "information" that advised us all that Saddam HAD WMDs was in the possession of the White House BEFORE President Bush was ever even elected.

Good Lord, you fucking willfully-blind morons of the uber left are truly incapable of independent rational thought.

Wipe the drool off your chin, you scumbag retard, pack you back-pack and take that overdue summer vacation. School will be waiting for you at summer's end. You will be one of the oldest students in the third grade class, but you will still be the dumbest.

Lol! Holeeeeee fuck! Your stoopid ass actually believes the bush admin simply "shared" the information!

You've just re-solidified your place in Ignorance History to claim the Bush admin did not control the info.

Yet, you haven't sourced anything to the contrary.....just YOUR opinion. :eusa_whistle:
Yet, you haven't sourced anything to the contrary.....just YOUR opinion. :eusa_whistle:

If you don't know politics 101 you're better off staying in the flame zone you dumb bitch. Keep embarrassing yourself.....you've got nothing to lose and mountains of more ignorance to gain.
I'm quite different from you because when I make an error and it has been pointed out I simply admit I was wrong. When you're proven wrong you whine like a little <snip> and close your eyes so tight you kick yourself in the back of your head.

Don't talk to me like that, you worthless piece of shit. Maybe you call your mother that name, but I'm not going to take it. And again, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I was not wrong. In addition to being a worthless human being, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.

Back off curvelight. I agree with more of what you say than what Rinata says, but I have a greater amount of respect for Rinata than I do for you.

Thank you.
Oh boy you are fucking stoopid. I'm not the one who claimed they didn't have a son named jack. Someone else made that claim and you called him "stupid" based on you linking a story that used his nickname and not his given name. What the hell is wrong with sickos like you who absolutely refuse to address simple facts?

Is this all you have to do all day?? Get a job, ass hole. There must be something you can do, dumb as you are.

I have my own business you dumb ****.

Yeah, sure you do. Nobody that talks gutter talk and is as obnoxious as you are could own and run a successful business.
Yet, you haven't sourced anything to the contrary.....just YOUR opinion. :eusa_whistle:

If you don't know politics 101 you're better off staying in the flame zone you dumb bitch. Keep embarrassing yourself.....you've got nothing to lose and mountains of more ignorance to gain.

So your saying you haven't anything but your opinion......Got it. What a buffoon. :lol:
I'm quite different from you because when I make an error and it has been pointed out I simply admit I was wrong. When you're proven wrong you whine like a little **** and close your eyes so tight you kick yourself in the back of your head.

Don't talk to me like that, you worthless piece of shit. Maybe you call your mother that name, but I'm not going to take it. And again, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I was not wrong. In addition to being a worthless human being, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.

Try to pay attention you smelly rancid fucking ****. Gerald ford did not have a son named Jack because his given name was John. Do you understand the diff between given names and nicknames you dumbass cocksucking backwards redneck ass sucking ****?

Look, I told you to stop talking to me the way you talk to your Mom and probably your wife. I know it's hard because you're so angry. You know you're wrong and it kills you. Yes, John was his given name but he has always gone by Jack. So get bent, idiot. You're wrong, I'm right. Deal with it.
Don't talk to me like that, you worthless piece of shit. Maybe you call your mother that name, but I'm not going to take it. And again, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I was not wrong. In addition to being a worthless human being, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.

Back off curvelight. I agree with more of what you say than what Rinata says, but I have a greater amount of respect for Rinata than I do for you.

Lol! Ego check. You actually think I care who you have more respect for? I don't give a fuck you arrogant asswipe. Rinata called someone "stupid" for posting facts she did not like and has absolutely refused to own her mistake while calling others stoopid in the process. If that is the kind of person you have "more respect for" then I'm flattered you have less respect for me.

Stop lying. You're such a typical baghead. Lie, lie, lie.
Don't talk to me like that, you worthless piece of shit. Maybe you call your mother that name, but I'm not going to take it. And again, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I was not wrong. In addition to being a worthless human being, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.

Try to pay attention you smelly rancid fucking ****. Gerald ford did not have a son named Jack because his given name was John. Do you understand the diff between given names and nicknames you dumbass cocksucking backwards redneck ass sucking ****?

Look, I told you to stop talking to me the way you talk to your Mom and probably your wife. I know it's hard because you're so angry. You know you're wrong and it kills you. Yes, John was his given name but he has always gone by Jack. So get bent, idiot. You're wrong, I'm right. Deal with it.

Probably calls his spawn those names, also.
Lol! Ego check. You actually think I care who you have more respect for? I don't give a fuck you arrogant asswipe. Rinata called someone "stupid" for posting facts she did not like and has absolutely refused to own her mistake while calling others stoopid in the process. If that is the kind of person you have "more respect for" then I'm flattered you have less respect for me.

Calling one stupid is not the same as calling one the word you used.

When you use one ad hom you use them all. I don't live in the PC fantasyworld where there are degrees of ad homs. Whether you call someone stoopid or a **** you are saying the exact same thing.

That did it. You just proved to the entire word what an idiot you really are. OMG!!! How dumb!!
Is this all you have to do all day?? Get a job, ass hole. There must be something you can do, dumb as you are.

I have my own business you dumb ****.

Yeah, sure you do. Nobody that talks gutter talk and is as obnoxious as you are could own and run a successful business.

Lol.....so you're as arrogant as stoopid......which probably explains why you do gangbangs for free. Or do you have to pay the farmer to rent the horses you stoopid ****? I've had a successful business for over four years but you go on thinking you're smart enough to dissect people on a board you ignorant cocksucking ****.
Yet, you haven't sourced anything to the contrary.....just YOUR opinion. :eusa_whistle:

If you don't know politics 101 you're better off staying in the flame zone you dumb bitch. Keep embarrassing yourself.....you've got nothing to lose and mountains of more ignorance to gain.

So your saying you haven't anything but your opinion......Got it. What a buffoon. :lol:

No that isn't what I'm saying but dumbasses like you can only exist on a board by putting words in other's mouths. Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

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