Why the anger

In other words, you magnify everything Obama's done and minimalize everything Bush had done.

Could you tell me how being an editor of a law review qualifies you to be President?

Not at all. If you want to magnify what Bush has done, have at it. But be prepared for it to be shot down in flames.

It's not being the editor of law review itself that qualifies him, it's the whole package. What he has done with his life. There are those that see the words 'community 'organiser' and say it equals 'Marxist' without even looking into what he did for those three years. Getting up every day trying to sort out problems in some of the poorest parts of Chicago. Trying to make a crappy and corrupt political system work. People assume - with no evidence - that because he was from Chicago, he is somehow tainted. Why? Where is the proof? That a huge problem I have found on these messageboards with a lot of right wingers, is they live in a sound bite world and don't look deeply, or try and be curious about how it really was. They are almost a microcosm of the Bush mindset....

Are you talking about the guy who votes "present"? Yes, that IS a sign of some great leadership.
Not at all.

Then why was it you left out Bush's years as Governor, yet listed Obama's years as a Senator?:eusa_liar:

That was addressed in a previous post...add it to the list if you like....

Barry was Senator for 4 years, but really only played the part for 2 years, as he was campaigning for the other 2. If Barry is qualified, then I guess you would have to say that Bush was qualified, also. What we can say is that they were not and are not dynamic by any definition. So I don't really know who has bragging rights.
All you said was that he wasn’t qualified to be Governor? Regardless, the discussion was about qualifications for being President and experience as Governor is a significant qualification for a President.

he wasn't qualified to be governor. and if his daddy weren't george h.w. bush, he never would have been.

We probably would have never heard of him either.


This is really a non starter, as you could say that for a lot of the politicians. Like the Kennedy's, and the Rockefeller's, and the Clinton's. Somebody is always riding someone else's coatails.
Back off curvelight. I agree with more of what you say than what Rinata says, but I have a greater amount of respect for Rinata than I do for you.

Lol! Ego check. You actually think I care who you have more respect for? I don't give a fuck you arrogant asswipe. Rinata called someone "stupid" for posting facts she did not like and has absolutely refused to own her mistake while calling others stoopid in the process. If that is the kind of person you have "more respect for" then I'm flattered you have less respect for me.

Stop lying. You're such a typical baghead. Lie, lie, lie.

You're such a cocksucking **** because you will say anything regardless of how false because you have no abilitiy.
So your saying you haven't anything but your opinion......Got it. What a buffoon. :lol:

No that isn't what I'm saying but dumbasses like you can only exist on a board by putting words in other's mouths. Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I'm not putting words into your mouth bentdick. You stated that Bush lied and I'm asking for your sources...other than your left wing talking points. You can't come up with one, so I'm just saying your stating your opinion. Dang...why the anger?

It is putting words in my mouth you dumbass because I never said I can't provide evidence. What was mysterious about:

Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?
how exactly is our current President more qualified?

Editor of the Harvard Law Review
President of the Harvard Law Review
State senator for 7 years
Professor of law for 12 years
Community organiser for three years
Senator for 4 years

Could go a lot more indepth into those individual parts of his career...

Owned a Baseball team
Owned a company that tanked
Helped Daddy in election campaigns

In other words, you magnify everything Obama's done and minimalize everything Bush had done.

Could you tell me how being an editor of a law review qualifies you to be President?

This is the kind of intellectual dishonesty I'm talking about. Why pretend he went directly from harvard law review editing to POTUS?
he wasn't qualified to be governor. and if his daddy weren't george h.w. bush, he never would have been.

We probably would have never heard of him either.


This is really a non starter, as you could say that for a lot of the politicians. Like the Kennedy's, and the Rockefeller's, and the Clinton's. Somebody is always riding someone else's coatails.

Wow sherlock! You've discovered nepotism! Dumbass. If anything you just showed how obushama broke through many barriers because he wasn't riding anyone's coat tails in the same way others have. He shamelessly exploited himself as an African American when he isn't and he definitely sold out his church but he didn't have the bennies of the families listed.
No that isn't what I'm saying but dumbasses like you can only exist on a board by putting words in other's mouths. Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I'm not putting words into your mouth bentdick. You stated that Bush lied and I'm asking for your sources...other than your left wing talking points. You can't come up with one, so I'm just saying your stating your opinion. Dang...why the anger?

It is putting words in my mouth you dumbass because I never said I can't provide evidence. What was mysterious about:

Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

twistedtwat PussyPuddle has no honor, no dignity, no use for honesty and is a flaming coward. When the ball-less scumbag pretends that he is simply refusing to waste time what he's actually saying is that 'yes, in fact, he has no ability to prove-up the dishonest bullshit things he has been called-on.'
IMO Bush wasn't qualified in any way, shape or form to hold the top political office in the US. And please, don't give me this "he was governor of Texas" BS - he wasn't qualified to do that job either.

how exactly is our current President more qualified?

Editor of the Harvard Law Review
President of the Harvard Law Review
State senator for 7 years
Professor of law for 12 years
Community organiser for three years
Senator for 4 years

Could go a lot more indepth into those individual parts of his career...

Owned a Baseball team
Owned a company that tanked
Helped Daddy in election campaigns

Getting on any law school's Law Review is an accomplishment associated with academic superiority. It would be a more convincing argument about President Obama if we could see his transcripts (undergrad and law school). But we can't. His fault. Wonder what he's so diligently hiding.

Being a State Senator means he was able to fool a sufficient number of willfully foolish liberoidal Dems to win a local election. Considering his record, there, however, it doesn't qualify as anything particularly meritorious. ANYONE can vote "present."

He was NOT a professor of law. Get the actual facts and stop lapping up the bullshit swill he idiots get spoon fed by the hand-maiden media. He was essentially a guest lecturer. And having heard some of the stupid shit he has said on the topic of our Constitution, it does not appear that he was actually properly qualified for that task, either.

Community Organizer? Please. Being the Saul Alinsky acolyte front man for a series of money grubbing liberoidal causes is not qualification for ANY job in the real world, much less the Office of President of the United States.

And his stint as U.S. Senator is the same shit -- on a slightly more lofty plane -- as his stint as a state senator.

The mindless hero worship of the man behind the fraud is pretty silly of you liberoidal tools.

What did the prick ever actually accomplish? As editor or member of the Law Review, what did he WRITE that qualifies as scholarly? What did he write at all? Where are his academic transcripts? On what pieces of legislation did he stand up and stake a claim pronouncing "I stand on principle for THIS!"? As an ACORN-type front man, what did he actually accomplish? As a visiting lecturer, what academic views of our Constitution has he ever articulated other than bemoaning the FACT that it is not designed for the bullshit "redistributive justice" malarkey he happens to personally favor?

President Obama strikes me as probably being a decent father to his kids. Excellent. I respect that aspect of who and what he is a good deal. But let's not pretend that it qualifies him to be President. What actually DOES qualify him to be President (other than his being older than 35, allegedly a Natural Born Citizen)?

Nothing. America voted for a mere polished image. We collectively fucked up.
No that isn't what I'm saying but dumbasses like you can only exist on a board by putting words in other's mouths. Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I'm not putting words into your mouth bentdick. You stated that Bush lied and I'm asking for your sources...other than your left wing talking points. You can't come up with one, so I'm just saying your stating your opinion. Dang...why the anger?

It is putting words in my mouth you dumbass because I never said I can't provide evidence. What was mysterious about:

Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I think you are really dumb enough, yes.
So again, with no facts your just stating your opinion.....got it.
We probably would have never heard of him either.


This is really a non starter, as you could say that for a lot of the politicians. Like the Kennedy's, and the Rockefeller's, and the Clinton's. Somebody is always riding someone else's coatails.

Wow sherlock! You've discovered nepotism! Dumbass. If anything you just showed how obushama broke through many barriers because he wasn't riding anyone's coat tails in the same way others have. He shamelessly exploited himself as an African American when he isn't and he definitely sold out his church but he didn't have the bennies of the families listed.

WTF are you talking about? I thought Immie was talking about Jr.
You really are dumb enough. :lol:
I'm not putting words into your mouth bentdick. You stated that Bush lied and I'm asking for your sources...other than your left wing talking points. You can't come up with one, so I'm just saying your stating your opinion. Dang...why the anger?

It is putting words in my mouth you dumbass because I never said I can't provide evidence. What was mysterious about:

Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

twistedtwat PussyPuddle has no honor, no dignity, no use for honesty and is a flaming coward. When the ball-less scumbag pretends that he is simply refusing to waste time what he's actually saying is that 'yes, in fact, he has no ability to prove-up the dishonest bullshit things he has been called-on.'

You're the stoopid Snitch Bitch that claimed the Bush admin didn't control the info on wmd. How fucking retawwwrded do you have to be or is it a Liability just to be you?
I'm not putting words into your mouth bentdick. You stated that Bush lied and I'm asking for your sources...other than your left wing talking points. You can't come up with one, so I'm just saying your stating your opinion. Dang...why the anger?

It is putting words in my mouth you dumbass because I never said I can't provide evidence. What was mysterious about:

Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I think you are really dumb enough, yes.
So again, with no facts your just stating your opinion.....got it.

You sooper dumbass. It is a well known fact the bush admin controlled the info regarding wmd and it is so commonly known that only the most ignorant of fuckwads would actually contest it. If I was dumb enough I would have posted links but I'm smart enough to know you're a dishonest **** so why waste the time?

Also pay attention to dialogue.....it is comparing bush to obushama so your sooper insightful comment on nepotism was a fucking waste. Much like your existence.
It is putting words in my mouth you dumbass because I never said I can't provide evidence. What was mysterious about:

Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I think you are really dumb enough, yes.
So again, with no facts your just stating your opinion.....got it.

You sooper dumbass. It is a well known fact the bush admin controlled the info regarding wmd and it is so commonly known that only the most ignorant of fuckwads would actually contest it. If I was dumb enough I would have posted links but I'm smart enough to know you're a dishonest **** so why waste the time?

Also pay attention to dialogue.....it is comparing bush to obushama so your sooper insightful comment on nepotism was a fucking waste. Much like your existence.

Don't get me wrong, bentdick, you do have a right to your opinion on what you consider Bush lies. But you aren't backing up your opinion with facts.
It is putting words in my mouth you dumbass because I never said I can't provide evidence. What was mysterious about:

Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I think you are really dumb enough, yes.
So again, with no facts your just stating your opinion.....got it.

You sooper dumbass. It is a well known fact the bush admin controlled the info regarding wmd and it is so commonly known that only the most ignorant of fuckwads would actually contest it. If I was dumb enough I would have posted links but I'm smart enough to know you're a dishonest **** so why waste the time?

Also pay attention to dialogue.....it is comparing bush to obushama so your sooper insightful comment on nepotism was a fucking waste. Much like your existence.

No, no....Immie was being specific about commenting on Jr. Wow....you really are dumb enough. :eusa_whistle:
I think you are really dumb enough, yes.
So again, with no facts your just stating your opinion.....got it.

You sooper dumbass. It is a well known fact the bush admin controlled the info regarding wmd and it is so commonly known that only the most ignorant of fuckwads would actually contest it. If I was dumb enough I would have posted links but I'm smart enough to know you're a dishonest **** so why waste the time?

Also pay attention to dialogue.....it is comparing bush to obushama so your sooper insightful comment on nepotism was a fucking waste. Much like your existence.

Don't get me wrong, bentdick, you do have a right to your opinion on what you consider Bush lies. But you aren't backing up your opinion with facts.

You asswipes keep focusing on the word "lies" and it's for the simple reason that regardless of what facts are presented you will dance around redefining "lie" until you've fooled yourself into believing you've accomplished something. No matter how you spin it the entire iraq agenda was dishonest from the beginning.

You fuckwads are so transparently hypocritical you point to international law (Saddam violated UN Resolutions) to justify the invasion and when it's shown the invasion was illegal by international law you then claim international law is meaningless. You're a fucking dickidiot.
CurveLight, Liability, and Meister all huddled together under the sheet whispering sweet nothings to each other. :rofl:
CurveLight, Liability, and Meister all huddled together under the sheet whispering sweet nothings to each other. :rofl:

The lying pussy known as Jokey has nothing of any value to say, so what we see, instead, are numerous posts of his where he demonstrates his pathetic lack of wit. He adds smilies to provide a clue as to what he thinks should be considered "funny."

Jokey, are you still pretending to be a "Republican?"

Are you laboring under the delusion, still, that anybody believes your transparent obvious lie?

Your credibility is even lower than curvelight's.
I think you are really dumb enough, yes.
So again, with no facts your just stating your opinion.....got it.

You sooper dumbass. It is a well known fact the bush admin controlled the info regarding wmd and it is so commonly known that only the most ignorant of fuckwads would actually contest it. If I was dumb enough I would have posted links but I'm smart enough to know you're a dishonest **** so why waste the time?

Also pay attention to dialogue.....it is comparing bush to obushama so your sooper insightful comment on nepotism was a fucking waste. Much like your existence.

No, no....Immie was being specific about commenting on Jr. Wow....you really are dumb enough. :eusa_whistle:

I have not been paying any attention to the BS between you and Curvelight. I have no idea what is going on between you, but yes, I was commenting on Bush and only Bush.

You sooper dumbass. It is a well known fact the bush admin controlled the info regarding wmd and it is so commonly known that only the most ignorant of fuckwads would actually contest it. If I was dumb enough I would have posted links but I'm smart enough to know you're a dishonest **** so why waste the time?

Also pay attention to dialogue.....it is comparing bush to obushama so your sooper insightful comment on nepotism was a fucking waste. Much like your existence.

Don't get me wrong, bentdick, you do have a right to your opinion on what you consider Bush lies. But you aren't backing up your opinion with facts.

You asswipes keep focusing on the word "lies" and it's for the simple reason that regardless of what facts are presented you will dance around redefining "lie" until you've fooled yourself into believing you've accomplished something. No matter how you spin it the entire iraq agenda was dishonest from the beginning.

You fuckwads are so transparently hypocritical you point to international law (Saddam violated UN Resolutions) to justify the invasion and when it's shown the invasion was illegal by international law you then claim international law is meaningless. You're a fucking dickidiot.

Again, WTF are you talking about? I never would have pulled the trigger in Iraq, and have stated time and time again that I was against the invasion of the country. I'm just saying that Bush didn't lie to get us in there. Our intel was so screwed up that we had to rely on faulty data. Try to stay on the topic, bent.

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