Why the anger

So your saying you haven't anything but your opinion......Got it. What a buffoon. :lol:

No that isn't what I'm saying but dumbasses like you can only exist on a board by putting words in other's mouths. Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I'm not putting words into your mouth bentdick. You stated that Bush lied and I'm asking for your sources...other than your left wing talking points. You can't come up with one, so I'm just saying your stating your opinion. Dang...why the anger?

I don't think anybody is going to get a reasonable answer from this nut.
All you said was that he wasn’t qualified to be Governor? Regardless, the discussion was about qualifications for being President and experience as Governor is a significant qualification for a President.

he wasn't qualified to be governor. and if his daddy weren't george h.w. bush, he never would have been.

As I recall, if Ann Richards hadn't been Ann Richards, he never would have been.

Why the anger

what did you expect armageddon to be like? some puff of smoke , and you'd sittin' next to Jerry Garcia on the rapture bus?

No that isn't what I'm saying but dumbasses like you can only exist on a board by putting words in other's mouths. Do you think I'm dumb enough to waste time posting links for your bitch ass?

I'm not putting words into your mouth bentdick. You stated that Bush lied and I'm asking for your sources...other than your left wing talking points. You can't come up with one, so I'm just saying your stating your opinion. Dang...why the anger?

I don't think anybody is going to get a reasonable answer from this nut.

Quote the post where I said bush lied.
Lol! Ego check. You actually think I care who you have more respect for? I don't give a fuck you arrogant asswipe. Rinata called someone "stupid" for posting facts she did not like and has absolutely refused to own her mistake while calling others stoopid in the process. If that is the kind of person you have "more respect for" then I'm flattered you have less respect for me.

Stop lying. You're such a typical baghead. Lie, lie, lie.

You're such a cocksucking **** because you will say anything regardless of how false because you have no abilitiy.

Are you a drunk, on meth, or just plain psychotic?? Whatever it is, you need help badly.
And you have already surpassed me in the world of embarrassment.

I don't think so. The person that would surpass you in this capacity hasn't been born. Idiot.

Between you and me your beaten just like the POS in the white house.

I have to explain this to my niece all the time!!! You are = You're not Your!!!

Your phone is ringing.
You're so handsome.
Your lipstick is smeared.
You're my friend.
I don't think so. The person that would surpass you in this capacity hasn't been born. Idiot.

Between you and me your beaten just like the POS in the white house.

I have to explain this to my niece all the time!!! You are = You're not Your!!!

Your phone is ringing.
You're so handsome.
Your lipstick is smeared.
You're my friend.

Fuck off you don't like it don't read it.
I really don't give a fuck and I know so fuck off.
seriously, you guys need to find a healthy release for this anger.

What are you, his Uncle??? Stop saying, "you guys". There is only one person on here that is behaving abominably. Please address your remarks that way.

Please stop pretending you aren't contributing just as much. In fact, I've never seen you not contribute that to a thread.
Av: I am not clear on what you were hoping to achieve. Some people HAVE expressed some opinions on "why so much anger." Others have spent a good deal of time engaged in very retarded trash-cross-talk. Some have dabbled in both of those conversations. Into each life a little rain must fall.

Into all threads, regardless of original intent, a little retarda and a little bent-dick must fall. Ignore their static. They are certainly not worth getting worked up over.

Hell, you can also ignore the commentary of intelligent folks like me who dwell too much in the world which Retarda infests. Or at least so much of my contributions which dwells too much in bent-dick's realm.

Stop worrying about that shit. Why not focus just on the relevant replies (or the relevant portions, anyway)?
seriously, you guys need to find a healthy release for this anger.

What are you, his Uncle??? Stop saying, "you guys". There is only one person on here that is behaving abominably. Please address your remarks that way.

Please stop pretending you aren't contributing just as much. In fact, I've never seen you not contribute that to a thread.

You are just saying that because of differing views. I never talk in that kind of language and you are going to say that I have contributed as much as that animal?? You're a liar. Show me one post of mine where I have used language like that. LANGUAGE is what this is about.
What are you, his Uncle??? Stop saying, "you guys". There is only one person on here that is behaving abominably. Please address your remarks that way.

Please stop pretending you aren't contributing just as much. In fact, I've never seen you not contribute that to a thread.

You are just saying that because of differing views. I never talk in that kind of language and you are going to say that I have contributed as much as that animal?? You're a liar. Show me one post of mine where I have used language like that. LANGUAGE is what this is about.

You're an unbelievably self righteous cocksucking ****.
please stop pretending you aren't contributing just as much. In fact, i've never seen you not contribute that to a thread.

you are just saying that because of differing views. I never talk in that kind of language and you are going to say that i have contributed as much as that animal?? You're a liar. Show me one post of mine where i have used language like that. Language is what this is about.

you're an unbelievably self righteous cocksucking ****.


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