Why the anger

Temper, temper. I was just trying to help you. Dope.

Did I ask you for your help?

When you see someone drowning, do you ask them if they need help before you do anything?? Never mind. You probably do. :lol:

Despite your liberal views that the world needs your help, I don't need it. And as for drowning if you have supported obama you are the reason we are in this mess. Your vote an apporval is why we are here. So to hell with yours or any liberal's help I do not want it nor do I need it.
Did I ask you for your help?

When you see someone drowning, do you ask them if they need help before you do anything?? Never mind. You probably do. :lol:

Despite your liberal views that the world needs your help, I don't need it. And as for drowning if you have supported obama you are the reason we are in this mess. Your vote an apporval is why we are here. So to hell with yours or any liberal's help I do not want it nor do I need it.

If you are so able to help yourself, then why don't you???
bigrebnc1775 simply cannot stand the fact that the far right Republicans messed up America from 1994 to 2006, with the help of Clinton and some prominent members of the minority Democratic politicians.

This will take years to fix. "Free market forces" will destroy the country. The Boehners, etc., will destroy the country if let them back in power. Thank heavens that is not going to happen.
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When you see someone drowning, do you ask them if they need help before you do anything?? Never mind. You probably do. :lol:

Despite your liberal views that the world needs your help, I don't need it. And as for drowning if you have supported obama you are the reason we are in this mess. Your vote an apporval is why we are here. So to hell with yours or any liberal's help I do not want it nor do I need it.

If you are so able to help yourself, then why don't you??? And stop blaming Obama. This recession started in 2007 under GWB.

I am doing fine I live a fullfilled life I do not need the government unlike you. Wasn't obama a senator in 2007?
bigrebnc1775 simply cannot stand the fact that the far right Republicans messed up America from 1994 to 2006, with the help of Clinton and some prominent members of the minority Democratic politicians.

This will take years to fix. "Free market forces" will destroy the country. The Boehners, etc., will destroy the country if let back in power. Thank heavens that is not going to happen.

What it took the Republicans 12 years to do obama and company has tripled in 3 years.
Not at all. The stock markets are 50% higher on the average than the last day of Bush's administration. Unemployment is going down, far beneath that of Reagan's peak unemployment in a much less stressful recession, Iraq is winding down (finally), and we are going to have to make hard decisions about Afghanistan. Americans are split almost equally about Obama doing the job, while Americans are about 5:1 against giving the GOP congress another chance to mess things up. You are going to have a long time in the minority to think about the GOP's generational crimes and mistakes, bigrebnc1775.
Not at all. The stock markets are 50% higher on the average than the last day of Bush's administration. Unemployment is going down, far beneath that of Reagan's peak unemployment in a much less stressful recession, Iraq is winding down (finally), and we are going to have to make hard decisions about Afghanistan. Americans are split almost equally about Obama doing the job, while Americans are about 5:1 against giving the GOP congress another chance to mess things up. You are going to have a long time in the minority to think about the GOP's generational crimes and mistakes, bigrebnc1775.

If they were 50% higher the day Bush left office that means the democrats were in control of congress.What was the economy when the Republicans lost controlk of congress compared to what it is now?
There is no comparison of merit, bigrebnc1775. The recession was in the making from 1994 through 2006 under the GOP, and began slipping in 2007. Bush frustrated all efforts to repair the damage while he was president until the very final months of his administration. Your inference does not work, son. The GOP is responsible overwhelmingly for where are at, and the moderate Republicans who are brave enough and the Democrats are responsible for bringing it back this far. There is a long way to go yet, because of the GOPs mistakes, and the Americans will continue to trust the Dems to fix it.
There is no comparison of merit, bigrebnc1775. The recession was in the making from 1994 through 2006 under the GOP, and began slipping in 2007. Bush frustrated all efforts to repair the damage while he was president until the very final months of his administration. Your inference does not work, son. The GOP is responsible overwhelmingly for where are at, and the moderate Republicans who are brave enough and the Democrats are responsible for bringing it back this far. There is a long way to go yet, because of the GOPs mistakes, and the Americans will continue to trust the Dems to fix it.

With your kind of thinking one could say the recession started with FDR. No way is what you said true. But a child would think foolish things to get asttention
There is no comparison of merit, bigrebnc1775. The recession was in the making from 1994 through 2006 under the GOP, and began slipping in 2007. Bush frustrated all efforts to repair the damage while he was president until the very final months of his administration. Your inference does not work, son. The GOP is responsible overwhelmingly for where are at, and the moderate Republicans who are brave enough and the Democrats are responsible for bringing it back this far. There is a long way to go yet, because of the GOPs mistakes, and the Americans will continue to trust the Dems to fix it.

With your kind of thinking one could say the recession started with FDR. No way is what you said true. But a child would think foolish things to get asttention

Well, I guess they don't teach logic at Boonesboro Gap, there, bigreb, so I will not think harshly of your inability to reason.
There is no comparison of merit, bigrebnc1775. The recession was in the making from 1994 through 2006 under the GOP, and began slipping in 2007. Bush frustrated all efforts to repair the damage while he was president until the very final months of his administration. Your inference does not work, son. The GOP is responsible overwhelmingly for where are at, and the moderate Republicans who are brave enough and the Democrats are responsible for bringing it back this far. There is a long way to go yet, because of the GOPs mistakes, and the Americans will continue to trust the Dems to fix it.

With your kind of thinking one could say the recession started with FDR. No way is what you said true. But a child would think foolish things to get asttention

Well, I guess they don't teach logic at Boonesboro Gap, there, bigreb, so I will not think harshly of your inability to reason.

Boonesboro? your reasoning is flawed.
Despite your liberal views that the world needs your help, I don't need it. And as for drowning if you have supported obama you are the reason we are in this mess. Your vote an apporval is why we are here. So to hell with yours or any liberal's help I do not want it nor do I need it.

If you are so able to help yourself, then why don't you??? And stop blaming Obama. This recession started in 2007 under GWB.

I am doing fine I live a fullfilled life I do not need the government unlike you. Wasn't obama a senator in 2007?

Yes, of course!!! Silly me!!! Obama WAS a senator in 2007. And all by his lonesome he was able to mess up the whole country, right??? Geez, you're an ass.
you are just saying that because of differing views. I never talk in that kind of language and you are going to say that i have contributed as much as that animal?? You're a liar. Show me one post of mine where i have used language like that. Language is what this is about.

you're an unbelievably self righteous cocksucking ****.

View attachment 10883

No need to open your mouth for me......I'm not putting my meat sword in that std tunnel and it's been stretched out by donkey dick so much it would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
Well, I guess they don't teach logic at Boonesboro Gap, there, bigreb, so I will not think harshly of your inability to reason.

Boonesboro? your reasoning is flawed.

Give it up. Jake is making you look like a chump!! :lol:

You and jakeass go hand in hand. Of course you are going to approve of him one chump to another. Are you as insane a jakeass is? Don't answer that question because it is a foregone conclusion yes you are.
Boonesboro? your reasoning is flawed.

Give it up. Jake is making you look like a chump!! :lol:

Chump?/Chimp? You pickem!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

A mirror image of yourself hugmynutsack
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Well, I guess they don't teach logic at Boonesboro Gap, there, bigreb, so I will not think harshly of your inability to reason.

Boonesboro? your reasoning is flawed.

Give it up. Jake is making you look like a chump!! :lol:

Jokey is entirely unequipped to make anybody look like a chump. Well, except for dishonest douche bag twat rags like you Retarda who announce that they agree with that bombastic babbling buffoon. That DOES tend to show you for the chump you are, Retarda.
Boonesboro? your reasoning is flawed.

Give it up. Jake is making you look like a chump!! :lol:

Jokey is entirely unequipped to make anybody look like a chump. Well, except for dishonest douche bag twat rags like you Retarda who announce that they agree with that bombastic babbling buffoon. That DOES tend to show you for the chump you are, Retarda.

At least jakeass and rinata are staying in the contextr of the thread. They are showing a lot of anger. I would suggest some K-Y jelly but they might think it was used for spreading on toast and become sick so I won't suggest that.
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