Why the current GOP leadership is un-American and cowardly .....

Adults compromise through communication, patience, reason, humility and honesty.

You CANNOT compromise with an insane megalomaniac....in the same way that we could not compromise with a Hitler or a Pol Pot, or.....as we're finding out,a Kim Jung-Un...
No, you're just a partisan hack. Both parties aren't worthy of occupying the bottom of an outhouse.

yeah, that's a "brilliant" half assed defense of the GOP cowardly response to Trump's rising insanity.
We conservatives have been complaining about the lack of a spine in the GOP for a while now. That’s why we voted Trump into office.

Yeah.....that really "brilliant"....You voted to put in a fucking idiot that would make the GOP (Trump's party) even MORE cowardly?
Thank God for President Donald Trump. He is what this country needed and has us on the path to retiring greatness again.

have some more orange kool aid.......Its what cultists need to remain "loyal."......LOL
Adults compromise through communication, patience, reason, humility and honesty.

You CANNOT compromise with an insane megalomaniac....in the same way that we could not compromise with a Hitler or a Pol Pot, or.....as we're finding out,a Kim Jung-Un...

That you need to compare a political opponent to mass murdering or tyranical idiots shows you just can't deal with people who disagree with you.
As I read parts of this thread....it occurs to me that the OP is mentally perturbed.

Can someone make sure he has no access to guns, knives or vehicles before it's too late please?
No, you're just a partisan hack. Both parties aren't worthy of occupying the bottom of an outhouse.

yeah, that's a "brilliant" half assed defense of the GOP cowardly response to Trump's rising insanity.

The only rising insanity is on the left, an example of which is your posting, which has descended into utter drivel over the past year in a predictable linear fashion.
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.

Liberal intolerance and hatred ^^^ I'm sorry who's insane??? :laugh:
That you need to compare a political opponent to mass murdering or tyranical idiots shows you just can't deal with people who disagree with you.

Well, how would you "rate" a fucking clown who is currently in charge, risking a war with NK that would have over a million deaths in just a few hours???..........Or a fucking clown who re-tweets false videos that embolden the crazed, radical Muslims to practice their evil, murderous deeds?

Just like that Sarah Hickabee Sanders (the NEW Baghdad Bob) telling us that even though the videos that Trump re-tweeted my be fake, if Trump does it the act is "just" because he is president.
Your level of indoctrination is off the charts. You have lost any grip on reality.

Get help before you make headlines.

Whoever Nat4900 is...that person needs to be on a terrorist watch list. All kidding aside, he has a dangerous mentality and state of mind.
The only rising insanity is on the left, an example of which is your posting, which has descended into utter drivel over the past year in a predictable linear fashion.

So, nitwit....you're in full agreement with Trump that:

Obama is a Kenyan Muslim????? (Trump STILL thinks so)
...and that the voice in the Access Hollywood tape is not really his???

Go on, DEFEND that type of insanity.......
That you need to compare a political opponent to mass murdering or tyranical idiots shows you just can't deal with people who disagree with you.

Well, how would you "rate" a fucking clown who is currently in charge, risking a war with NK that would have over a million deaths in just a few hours???..........Or a fucking clown who re-tweets false videos that embolden the crazed, radical Muslims to practice their evil, murderous deeds?

Just like that Sarah Hickabee Sanders (the NEW Baghdad Bob) telling us that even though the videos that Trump re-tweeted my be fake, if Trump does it the act is "just" because he is president.

So we should just let North Korea get nukes?

Don't care about the video, except I like that it makes you idiots froth at the mouth and ignore the other awesome things he is doing like selecting strict constructionists to the courts.
And there are plenty of videos insulting christians out there, don't see them being all "jihad jihad jihad" over it.

Democrats invented fake but accurate, you are just pissed the other side is using it now.
The only rising insanity is on the left, an example of which is your posting, which has descended into utter drivel over the past year in a predictable linear fashion.

So, nitwit....you're in full agreement with Trump that:

Obama is a Kenyan Muslim????? (Trump STILL thinks so)
...and that the voice in the Access Hollywood tape is not really his???

Go on, DEFEND that type of insanity.......

Nah, it's him.

I just don't care about the fluff he uses to distract idiots like you from what he is actually doing.
I just don't care about the fluff he uses to distract idiots like you from what he is actually doing.

Keep licking his ass, and keep bending over.....I guess you've grown to like it......
So we should just let North Korea get nukes?

MORON....NK ALREADY does.........."that's a news flash for your half brain to mull over....LOL)

They have clunky, drag it into a hole and detonate large size small yield nukes, not the small, sophisticated place on top of a missile and flatten Tokyo or Seattle nukes yet.

What would YOU do to prevent them from getting those?
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.

Speaking of showing signs of insanity..... :rolleyes:

When I look at all Donald's rantings and ravings and then compare them to yours, there's little difference, you're both given to frequent fits of irrationality and public outbursts that would make a victim of Tourette syndrome blush.

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