Why the current GOP leadership is un-American and cowardly .....

That you need to compare a political opponent to mass murdering or tyranical idiots shows you just can't deal with people who disagree with you.

Well, how would you "rate" a fucking clown who is currently in charge, risking a war with NK that would have over a million deaths in just a few hours???..........Or a fucking clown who re-tweets false videos that embolden the crazed, radical Muslims to practice their evil, murderous deeds?

Just like that Sarah Hickabee Sanders (the NEW Baghdad Bob) telling us that even though the videos that Trump re-tweeted my be fake, if Trump does it the act is "just" because he is president.

So we should just let North Korea get nukes?

Don't care about the video, except I like that it makes you idiots froth at the mouth and ignore the other awesome things he is doing like selecting strict constructionists to the courts.
And there are plenty of videos insulting christians out there, don't see them being all "jihad jihad jihad" over it.

Democrats invented fake but accurate, you are just pissed the other side is using it now.

N. Korea has nukes, and just like us N. Korea has an unstable person with his finger on the button. Our unstable person continues to insult the kook who has his finger on the button.

Do you believe this is sane? I don't, and I'm not alone. Trump has created all by himself the current world wide chaos. Denial by Trump supporters has become epidemic, and until they recognize what is happening, they are enabling a megalomaniac with a very big gun.

You are seriously trying to Equate Kim Jong Un with Trump? All that shows is that you have lost all bearing on reality.

So sucking Kim Jong Un's dick is better foreign policy?

The more you try to make the current situation into some sort of catastrophe the more idiotic you TDS sufferers look.

Up your zoloft dosage.

Straw Man again Marty? The more you post such comments ( "So sucking Kim Jong Un's dick is better foreign policy?" ) the less respect I have for you, and there was very little left).

I noticed you zoomed in on my bait, and nibbled as expected.

So what if Trump pisses off a tin pot asshat like Un? Sucking up to him hasn't done squat.

Maybe standing up makes the people around him more likely to coup d'etat his ass if Un decides to get frisky.

Your whole "Trump is Un (really Hitler) idiocy deserves the scorn of every non TDS sufferer on this board.
Adults compromise through communication, patience, reason, humility and honesty.

You CANNOT compromise with an insane megalomaniac....in the same way that we could not compromise with a Hitler or a Pol Pot, or.....as we're finding out,a Kim Jung-Un...

You're referring to the previous narcissistic brown buffoon who lied to the country every day.
Do you believe this is sane? I don't, and I'm not alone. Trump has created all by himself the current world wide chaos. Denial by Trump supporters has become epidemic, and until they recognize what is happening, they are enabling a megalomaniac with a very big gun.

yes, my friend, you're FAR from alone as a worried American and reading various publications from other countries, our home-grown maniac has virtually the entire world on edge.

Some right wing moron will say that this is "good," but they're just trying to defend their narrow mindsets. Their Pyrrhic victory should scare them also.
Just in case you missed Morning Joe today - EPIC rant right up the alley of OP


WOW......I had missed that (of course, Trump cultist will say that Scarborough is a RINO) but he is right on target......Where is Mathis and Kelly? Where is Pence? Where is McConnell and Ryan?
I noticed you zoomed in on my bait, and nibbled as expected.

So what if Trump pisses off a tin pot asshat like Un? Sucking up to him hasn't done squat.

Maybe standing up makes the people around him more likely to coup d'etat his ass if Un decides to get frisky.

Your whole "Trump is Un (really Hitler) idiocy deserves the scorn of every non TDS sufferer on this board.

IDIOT.............NK is UNSTABLE....a relatively small encounter could precipitate to nukes going back and forth killing millions within a few hours and from the ensuing fallout.....SK, China, Russia and Japan are all in the crossfire and YOU still defend this fucking clown's school-yard bullying tactics ?
Democrats are justifying their support of North Korea. Better to support North Korea as they send their bombs over than see Trump remain in office.

you are a really fucked up moron......So, your "conclusion" is that democrats are backing NK???
REALLY????..........How damn stupid are you?
"Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?" is a false statement.

Nothing of the sort is happening, only the reverse.

What is happening is the cultural fence sitters (think Mac1958 et al) are being marginalized, and the chasm grows between Trump/supporters and the rest of America.

Maybe "support" is the wrong word.

A lot of folks have always seen how clearly corrupt and what a low life he is.

However, as the media and folks like Nat use flimsy hyperbole and flaky issues, "fence" sitters begin to see the other extreme, if they hadn't seen it before.

Even if they agree with your POV, they might also believe that forcing it down America's throat via fiat is not the right course of action.

If you don't believe that the conservatives should be able push their culture and POV on the nation, what made how the secularists passed the ACA anything but criminal?

How the left is going about their crusade reveals them as being intolerant and hypocritical. When we look up how they are supposed to defend civil rights and civil liberties, it appears they only have tolerance for their agenda now. This is what the other side had been saying for some time now. . . .

Before now, folks in the middle thought they were being cranks. When Nat posts thread like this?

Well. . . it's hard not to believe they have a point.

I just visited my father in the hospital. He was also being visited there by a golfing buddy. These two boomers had always voted conservative, all there lives. OTH, they voted for Obama.

They had been thinking of casting a vote for Sanders, though they despised his economic policies, they viewed him as the only honest and sane candidate in the race. Sometimes, character counts more than anything else to some folks. IOW, it didn't matter to them where any of the candidates stood on respective issues, it just mattered if they were decent people.

Well, when the corruption in the DNC knocked out Sanders leaving Hillary, you can imagine who these seventy year old men went for. And the more you folks whine about how "insane" Trump seems b/c he points out the corruption of the system . . . . .

Comments such as, "They call her Pocahontas up on capitol hill. . "

Well, don't they? Sure, it was very a un-statesmen like say, it was uncouth, it was absolutely vulgar, but let's face it, that IS what they were saying, they say it on this forum, b/c she is a GD hypocrite. Telling lies about her past, flipping houses and then criticizing the policy, starting out as a Republican, then finding out it would be better for her career and switching sides? Seriously?

All of these pols are the same. NOT ONE ONCE of integrity among them. AND TRUMP IS NOT ANY DIFFERENT, except for the fact, he does not pretend to be.

And the more you whine about it, the stronger Trump grows for saying so. . . ironically, even though HE is exactly the same. I don't know WHY you insist on holding him to a higher standard. He never, EVER, made any pretenses to have any higher standards. Shit, he told you that in the primary debates.

If you elect a snake, don't be surprised when it bites you. I sure as hell am not.
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

What if all the liberals tried something different?

What if the MSM tried supporting him? I think if CNN and the Democrats started supporting him and working with him, his supporters would probably turn on him. . .


A few months ago, I thought, hmmm. . . If Sanders ran in 2020, surely he would slaughter Trump. Now? I'm not so sure.

I read an article recently, and it was not encouraging.

Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election, Democrats Say
Read the comments on this article. It would seem that folks are quite happy with the current president, at least over a possible Democratic challenger?
It's just not going to happen.

Both sides are currently locked into manic hyperbole mode, everyone on the other side is Hitler, the world is ending because of the other side.

We need to somehow marginalize the lunatics. I have no ideas on how to do that.

NOPE......this is beyond mere politics.....Trump is showing CLEAR signs of INSANITY and DEMENTIA.
It is your duty as a human being to at least pick up a tire iron and March against the white house to remove Trump from office.

This should be nominated for one of the best posts of 2017. It cracked me up.

Like I told Mac. Witty repartee.
I hope your dad gets better. I voted for McMullin. The boomers could have done the same.

Pointing out Trump's weakness is not whining, it's a fact. Trump is not growing stronger: not legislatively, not executively, not in the public opinion.

He must be removed.
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partQUOTEstory (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

What if all the liberals tried something different?

What if the MSM tried supporting him? I think if CNN and the Democrats started supporting him and working with him, his supporters would probably turn on him. . .


A few months ago, I thought, hmmm. . . If Sanders ran in 2020, surely he would slaughter Trump. Now? I'm not so sure.

I read an article recently, and it was not encouraging.

Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election, Democrats Say
Read the comments on this article. It would seem that folks are quite happy with the current president, at least over a possible Democratic challenger?
It's just not going to happen.

Both sides are currently locked into manic hyperbole mode

Not exactly true. There are fundamental differences between two diametrically opposed philosophies - one traditional American, the other totalitarian Euro-socialist - for which there can be no compromise.
Oh, I see plenty of manic, binary thinking from both ends.

"No compromise". There it is. And it just doesn't work in a large, complicated republic.

No compromise with traitors, scumbags and commies. We came perilously close to becoming a communist shithole because we were willing to compromise.
Wow, talk about hyperbole.

We came much closer to becoming a fascist state then a communist one.

Explain why Roosevelt never prosecuted that coup that Smedley Butler blew the whistle on?

Hell, back in the day, we threw folks in jail just for being socialists. Not so for fascists.

Do you know we still consider corporations people? I shit you not.

It's all part of our corporatism corruption problem. In fact, the ACA itself is a shining example of, not communism, but fascism.

Remember, fascist states need war and a nationalized population to survive. Most folks utter the words, "support the troops" w/o a second thought. Do they understand the policies, the WAR policies? Shit no, nobody really understands how or why we are, and have been at continual war, more than any other state on the planet since WWII.

So don't talk about us becoming a "communist shithole." One day, maybe sooner, maybe later, the global elites will make the U.S. government the bad guy, just like they made the German government the bad guy, and we will all suffer. . . .

You can count on that.
I hope your dad gets better. I voted for McMullin. The boomers could have done the same.

Pointing out Trump's weakness is not whining, it's a fact. Trump is not growing stronger: not legislatively, not executively, not in the public opinion.

He must be removed.
I'm not sure McMullin was available on the ballot in every state. Added to that, you had the prisoner dilemma with him, the media ensured that. No one really seriously believed he had a chance. If the LWV had control of the debates again, this would not be a problem, would it? That is the corruption of the establishment at work, this you know. There is no way the establishment would have tolerated McMullin, any more than they would have tolerate Trump.

As far as "removing Trump?"
That's what elections are for.

The reason there is so much acrimony, is there is still a war going on with in the Deep State and the Bureaucratic Establishment. It carries over into the elite press, and those who let their thinking be affected by the CFR media, are easily manipulated by that.

It was my opinion that the all of these big media personalities and political folks being brought down by accusations of harassment by women were part of a larger strategy to take Trump down.

These older men were quite sure that although they DNC was clearly playing dirty politics in the Roy Moore election, (note the yearbook scam that they refuse to put up to forensic analysis,) there isn't anything short of a JFK or Nixion type break-in to pin on the POTUS that will do the job.

NOT that they won't quit trying. Trump is a private sector man, and the interests of the private sector are here to stay.

The media, big intel. and other huge interests will not stop trying to take him down, but he has some powerful allies.

Much of what the public sees? That is all a distraction, and purposeful one too. He throws out red meat for the low info voters, he needs them. It is the higher IQ, higher educated ones that are more easily swayed by the slick propaganda of Madison Ave.
A lot of folks have always seen how clearly corrupt and what a low life he is.

However, as the media and folks like Nat use flimsy hyperbole and flaky issues, "fence" sitters begin to see the other extreme, if they hadn't seen it before.

Well, the above is pretty inane.......

Let's say, for argument sake, that my rhetoric about the fat clown is way over the top......

Tell me how THAT impacts on your life VERSUS what the fat, orange moron does by his tweets, lies, screwed up flip-flopping statements that are placing the entire planet in danger......

So, go on, compare my bashing of trump with what the idiot says and does..........
From this short thread alone...

Are you like this in real life?
IDIOT.............NK is UNSTABLE....a relatively small encounter could precipitate to nukes going back and forth killing millions within a few hours and from the ensuing fallout.....SK, China, Russia and Japan are all in the crossfire and YOU still defend this fucking clown's school-yard bullying tactics ?
Sure, moron......keep on harping that Obama's "FROWN" skinned really triggered your racist sensibilities.
you are a really fucked up moron......So, your "conclusion" is that democrats are backing NK???
REALLY????..........How damn stupid are you?
MORON......get off that fucking fence........I DO NOT have the power to fuck the entire planet......Your.....(and its is YOUR lack of a spine to stand up to evil)....orange clown does, not me or any other liberal on here.....The off that pot..
MORON.......these tax reforms are a SCAM adding $1.5 TRILLION to the debt (so much for you fuck heads, fiscal responsibility) and the taxes on those making LESS than $75 K WILL go UP......AFTER the midterm elections. Wake the fuck up.....
Not frothing, nitwit.....Just holding up a mirror but you right wing, cult members cannot see what is happening because your heads are right up Trump's fat ass......How is the view there, BTW???
yeah, that's a "brilliant" half assed defense of the GOP cowardly response to Trump's rising insanity.
Yeah.....that really "brilliant"....You voted to put in a fucking idiot that would make the GOP (Trump's party) even MORE cowardly?
So, nitwit....you're in full agreement with Trump that....
Keep licking his ass, and keep bending over.....I guess you've grown to like it......
MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.
Trump will ALWAYS have a fucked up base of 1/3 of America's bigots, racists and morons.
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.

Actually, his poll numbers have been headed up for the last couple weeks according to RCP. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Interestingly enough, that’s also been about the time that the rash of sexual harassment stories have been flooding the news. I guess that’s telling the people that merely saying “Grab ‘em by the pussy” isn’t quite as bad as actually doing it, and then acting outraged at the guy who says it.

The problem is that all you, and the others who constantly rant about how awful Trump is from the time you wake until you finally pass out fitfully is that you are inoculating the people. What he actually does isn’t as bad as you are making it out to be. The Melania Trump Christmas Decoration hysteria is a perfect example. More and more people are realizing that nothing any Trump does will ever be acceptable to the hysterical folks decrying him.

From a high of 46% approval, he hit the bottom of 38% before headed back up now. I think it’s been going on long enough to be a real indicator instead of just a fluke. I think you believe that too, which is why you are again getting more outraged by the moment. God forbid if the people start thinking that Trump might not be that bad. Especially considering that the Democratic Leadership is either sexually harassing people, or covering up for those on their side of the aisle who is sexually harassing folks.

You, and the rest of the Democrats, have yet to figure out one simple truth. Before you can win elections, you have to have populist policy to run with. I know, it’s a radical idea. But it seems to work whenever it is tried. Find a couple populist policies that you can live with, and then run with them. Don’t just shout that everyone who disagrees with your issue of limited public support is a racist, bigot, sexist, hate filled, Nazi.
From this short thread alone...

Are you like this in real life?
IDIOT.............NK is UNSTABLE....a relatively small encounter could precipitate to nukes going back and forth killing millions within a few hours and from the ensuing fallout.....SK, China, Russia and Japan are all in the crossfire and YOU still defend this fucking clown's school-yard bullying tactics ?
Sure, moron......keep on harping that Obama's "FROWN" skinned really triggered your racist sensibilities.
you are a really fucked up moron......So, your "conclusion" is that democrats are backing NK???
REALLY????..........How damn stupid are you?
MORON......get off that fucking fence........I DO NOT have the power to fuck the entire planet......Your.....(and its is YOUR lack of a spine to stand up to evil)....orange clown does, not me or any other liberal on here.....The off that pot..
MORON.......these tax reforms are a SCAM adding $1.5 TRILLION to the debt (so much for you fuck heads, fiscal responsibility) and the taxes on those making LESS than $75 K WILL go UP......AFTER the midterm elections. Wake the fuck up.....
Not frothing, nitwit.....Just holding up a mirror but you right wing, cult members cannot see what is happening because your heads are right up Trump's fat ass......How is the view there, BTW???
yeah, that's a "brilliant" half assed defense of the GOP cowardly response to Trump's rising insanity.
Yeah.....that really "brilliant"....You voted to put in a fucking idiot that would make the GOP (Trump's party) even MORE cowardly?
So, nitwit....you're in full agreement with Trump that....
Keep licking his ass, and keep bending over.....I guess you've grown to like it......
MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.
Trump will ALWAYS have a fucked up base of 1/3 of America's bigots, racists and morons.

YEP.........I have NO tolerance for either orange morons who abuse their power status, NOR do I have any tolerance for such wanna-be despots' enablers.
From this short thread alone...

Are you like this in real life?
IDIOT.............NK is UNSTABLE....a relatively small encounter could precipitate to nukes going back and forth killing millions within a few hours and from the ensuing fallout.....SK, China, Russia and Japan are all in the crossfire and YOU still defend this fucking clown's school-yard bullying tactics ?
Sure, moron......keep on harping that Obama's "FROWN" skinned really triggered your racist sensibilities.
you are a really fucked up moron......So, your "conclusion" is that democrats are backing NK???
REALLY????..........How damn stupid are you?
MORON......get off that fucking fence........I DO NOT have the power to fuck the entire planet......Your.....(and its is YOUR lack of a spine to stand up to evil)....orange clown does, not me or any other liberal on here.....The off that pot..
MORON.......these tax reforms are a SCAM adding $1.5 TRILLION to the debt (so much for you fuck heads, fiscal responsibility) and the taxes on those making LESS than $75 K WILL go UP......AFTER the midterm elections. Wake the fuck up.....
Not frothing, nitwit.....Just holding up a mirror but you right wing, cult members cannot see what is happening because your heads are right up Trump's fat ass......How is the view there, BTW???
yeah, that's a "brilliant" half assed defense of the GOP cowardly response to Trump's rising insanity.
Yeah.....that really "brilliant"....You voted to put in a fucking idiot that would make the GOP (Trump's party) even MORE cowardly?
So, nitwit....you're in full agreement with Trump that....
Keep licking his ass, and keep bending over.....I guess you've grown to like it......
MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.
Trump will ALWAYS have a fucked up base of 1/3 of America's bigots, racists and morons.

YEP.........I have NO tolerance for either orange morons who abuse their power status, NOR do I have any tolerance for such wanna-be despots' enablers.
Okay, thanks.
I hope your dad gets better. I voted for McMullin. The boomers could have done the same.

Pointing out Trump's weakness is not whining, it's a fact. Trump is not growing stronger: not legislatively, not executively, not in the public opinion.

He must be removed.
I'm not sure McMullin was available on the ballot in every state. Added to that, you had the prisoner dilemma with him, the media ensured that. No one really seriously believed he had a chance. If the LWV had control of the debates again, this would not be a problem, would it? That is the corruption of the establishment at work, this you know. There is no way the establishment would have tolerated McMullin, any more than they would have tolerate Trump.

As far as "removing Trump?"
That's what elections are for.

The reason there is so much acrimony, is there is still a war going on with in the Deep State and the Bureaucratic Establishment. It carries over into the elite press, and those who let their thinking be affected by the CFR media, are easily manipulated by that.

It was my opinion that the all of these big media personalities and political folks being brought down by accusations of harassment by women were part of a larger strategy to take Trump down.

These older men were quite sure that although they DNC was clearly playing dirty politics in the Roy Moore election, (note the yearbook scam that they refuse to put up to forensic analysis,) there isn't anything short of a JFK or Nixion type break-in to pin on the POTUS that will do the job.

NOT that they won't quit trying. Trump is a private sector man, and the interests of the private sector are here to stay.

The media, big intel. and other huge interests will not stop trying to take him down, but he has some powerful allies.

Much of what the public sees? That is all a distraction, and purposeful one too. He throws out red meat for the low info voters, he needs them. It is the higher IQ, higher educated ones that are more easily swayed by the slick propaganda of Madison Ave.

There is no dilemma with Trump. He needs to be removed via Amendment XXV. Better now before there is "moore" to come.

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