Why the current GOP leadership is un-American and cowardly .....

The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
I don't think they are cowardly at all. They have been very bold in their rape of the American people.

Have you enjoyed yourself ?
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

What if all the liberals tried something different?

What if the MSM tried supporting him? I think if CNN and the Democrats started supporting him and working with him, his supporters would probably turn on him. . .


A few months ago, I thought, hmmm. . . If Sanders ran in 2020, surely he would slaughter Trump. Now? I'm not so sure.

I read an article recently, and it was not encouraging.

Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election, Democrats Say
Read the comments on this article. It would seem that folks are quite happy with the current president, at least over a possible Democratic challenger?
It's just not going to happen.

Both sides are currently locked into manic hyperbole mode, everyone on the other side is Hitler, the world is ending because of the other side.

We need to somehow marginalize the lunatics. I have no ideas on how to do that.
Trump is not sane. That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late.

Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!

this isn't "both sides". the person in the White House isn't normal or decent or sane. and the people in the majority party spend most of their time lying for him instead of protecting the country FROM him.
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

What if all the liberals tried something different?

What if the MSM tried supporting him? I think if CNN and the Democrats started supporting him and working with him, his supporters would probably turn on him. . .


A few months ago, I thought, hmmm. . . If Sanders ran in 2020, surely he would slaughter Trump. Now? I'm not so sure.

I read an article recently, and it was not encouraging.

Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election, Democrats Say
Read the comments on this article. It would seem that folks are quite happy with the current president, at least over a possible Democratic challenger?
It's just not going to happen.

Both sides are currently locked into manic hyperbole mode, everyone on the other side is Hitler, the world is ending because of the other side.

We need to somehow marginalize the lunatics. I have no ideas on how to do that.
Trump is not sane. That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late.

Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!

this isn't "both sides". the person in the White House isn't normal or decent or sane. and the people in the majority party spend most of their time lying for him instead of protecting the country FROM him.
First off, there has been no President that we have ever had that has been, "normal."

They have all been disconnected and all live in a world that is remote from mainstream America.

Next, whether he is "decent" or not, is by far a values judgement, and I really do believe your perception is being clouded by MSM propaganda. This particular one that we have now has lived a lot of his life in a fish bowl, so it is pretty easy to get unflattering bits of candid conversation that was meant to be spoken in private on camera.

And as far as "sane?" I don't think anyone that runs for the oval office is really that sane. But you would be hard pressed to prove he is any more crazy than any of the rest of them.
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on . . . .

Nah, sorry, Nat, seems more like the lack of response to the Left's increased charges of insanity are simply falling on deaf ears because they are all BULL. Not one of them has a drop of substance to it. The Left is just a lot of NOISE, like a small child constantly pulling at his mommy's apron crying about the bully under his bed making him afraid at night! STOP HIM, MOMMY! STOP HIM! What is more concerning (or perhaps amusing) is the lack of response within the ranks of the DNC to a few of the more sane and erudite of its members for THEM to stop the increasing acts of insanity, just STFU, grow a pair, and start doing something for the people of this country rather than just sucking up oxygen and desk space in Washington DC.

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