Why the current GOP leadership is un-American and cowardly .....

The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)

Hitting the rubbing alcohol again gnat?

Your lies are pretty lame.
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.

So, Hillary has it in the bag, brite boi.
Stop ignoring the populist issues, and stop calling the voters you NEED idiots.

First, this topic is NOT about the election.....stop the diversion....

Second, the populist issues inanity is bullshit, since 3 million more popular votes were cast AGAINST the orange clown,.

And if this was England, or Canada, or another nation with a Parlimentary system instead of the Electoral College system we use, that old complaint would be Germaine. Instead, we live in a nation where the electoral system has been established for a while. Every single President, since George Washington, has been elected the same way. Only now, when you lost by the same rules that has been in place for more than 240 years, is it unfair.

Those populist issues, that you deride, won the most electoral votes from the states. I don’t know if you noticed, but the job title from George Washington through Barack Obama to Trump was President of the United States. Not Prime Minister of the American People. The United States. We are united because we give the STATES the ability to elect our leader.

This thread, like every one in the POLITICS forum is about the election. The last one, the next one, the one after that. The way to win those elections, is vitally important if you wish to move from the minority where you are stuck screaming it’s unfair, and you are all idiots, to the governing majority. That is where those populist issues come in.

Pick one, say legalization of marijuana. Polling shows that 60% of the population is in favor of it. That is a pretty big majority. If you get all of those votes, you would win a huge majority in the House, and the Senate, and if Trump vetoed the bills you sent, which he would, you would also win the White House. Now, this one alone isn’t enough.

You are going to have to actually listen to the people, instead of shouting at them that they are stupid for not thinking the way you believe they should. I know it will be hard. But you can try it at home. Watch TV and try not shouting at it. When you master that, in four or five months, then go to where the people who don’t agree with you are. Coffee shops outside your safe zone.

Personally, I don’t think you can do it. You are far too arrogant to ever listen to anyone who disagrees with anything you say. If someone disagreed with a color definition. You would probably jump their shit and call them idiots. I can see it now. “You moron, that is not scarlet, that is Vermillion. Moron.

You don’t help your cause. You actually hurt it. You can’t support your politicians, and get the change you want, because you are incapable of conducting yourself in anything approaching an adult manner. You can’t debate, and you aren’t about to. You just rant and rave and act like a spoiled brat.

In other words, to put it in terms that you understand. Pull the silver spoon out of your ass and get over yourself. Get a hobby. You’ll be happier, and chances are things will work out anyway.
There is no justification made above the would prevent Trump being removed by Amendment XXV: it can be used for political reasons, yes, but he is a Clear and Present Danger to America.

savannahman only looks at certain polls.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19

Hi I linked to the RCP average. Those are all in there, I’m sure.


Damn it man. What will we do now. The numbers are trending up. Looks like two points so far. If this continues, why what a disaster it would be right?
You CANNOT compromise with an insane megalomaniac....in the same way that we could not compromise with a Hitler or a Pol Pot, or.....as we're finding out,a Kim Jung-Un...
No compromise with traitors, scumbags and commies. We came perilously close to becoming a communist shithole because we were willing to compromise.
^^^ And here's my point, again, loud & clear.

We have to get past this, and I have no idea how cooler heads are going to prevail.

And here's my point...it's fools like you who insist there's no right and wrong, and who insist that we MUST compromise with scumbags, who got us into this pickle in the first place.

No. We don't have to compromise. We have chosen not to. That's why we elected Trump.
I "insist there's no right and wrong"?

Link, please.
Want to know why you lost the election in 2016? That attitude right there. The Solid Blue Wall. The unassailable rampart that was the Rustbelt states would see Hillary into the White House. Those solid Democratic Voters, the heartland that mattered. Those awesome folks went from Union Hero’s in the morning to idiotic racist sexist homophobic scum before the sun rose again.

Stop ignoring the populist issues, and stop calling the voters you NEED idiots.
The false assumption on your part is that your idea of America is what won the election. You do not represent the heartland. In rejecting HRC, the heartland did not accept your neo-fascist alt right philosophy.
Chart in 125 is upside down, the negative in red and the positive in black
Damn it man. What will we do now. The numbers are trending up. Looks like two points so far. If this continues, why what a disaster it would be right?

Here are the real numbers in an easier to understand format.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19[/QUOTE]
Chart in 125 is upside down, the negative in red and the positive in black
Damn it man. What will we do now. The numbers are trending up. Looks like two points so far. If this continues, why what a disaster it would be right?

Here are the real numbers in an easier to understand format.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19

And as the pic I posted shows. Those numbers are higher than two weeks ago.
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.
Lost in a world reality never knew....
Chart in 125 is upside down, the negative in red and the positive in black
Damn it man. What will we do now. The numbers are trending up. Looks like two points so far. If this continues, why what a disaster it would be right?

Here are the real numbers in an easier to understand format.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19
All proven media liars and spinners.
Trump is not sane. That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late.

Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!
Dude, Obama left office in January.
Cool your jets.
If 8 yrs of a professional troublemaker/communist /race-baiting criminal didn't destroy America, Trump isn't about either.
Chart in 125 is upside down, the negative in red and the positive in black
Damn it man. What will we do now. The numbers are trending up. Looks like two points so far. If this continues, why what a disaster it would be right?

Here are the real numbers in an easier to understand format.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19
Want to know why you lost the election in 2016? That attitude right there. The Solid Blue Wall. The unassailable rampart that was the Rustbelt states would see Hillary into the White House. Those solid Democratic Voters, the heartland that mattered. Those awesome folks went from Union Hero’s in the morning to idiotic racist sexist homophobic scum before the sun rose again.

Stop ignoring the populist issues, and stop calling the voters you NEED idiots.
The false assumption on your part is that your idea of America is what won the election. You do not represent the heartland. In rejecting HRC, the heartland did not accept your neo-fascist alt right philosophy.

Jake, you need to put the broad brush down, and try to think for yourself. It would be a new experience, I admit, but try it. You might like it.

The issues that won the election for Trump were thus. A) Hillary was a terrible candidate. This was hoped to be offset by the famed Blue Wall, which crumbled, and how bad a candidate Trump was. But in head to head polling, Hillary did better against Trump than she did any other candidate except Jeb.

B) Trade. A majority of people supposedly supported the TPP. But both Trump and Hillary were against it. The only problem was that Hillary helped negotiate it, and in her book called it the Gold Standard of trade deals. Then she edited her book to take that out, but it had already been published. Just think of this my friend. If Hillary had done one of two things, she might have been President on this issue. She could have remained consistent on the TPP, she could have avoided crowing about how awesome she was.

People, especially those in the Rust Belt, were sick of watching their manufacturing jobs go to Mexico. Trump was smart enough to play up the news where more factories were announcing the move to Mexico as the campaign progressed. NAFTA has cost more than a million manufacturing jobs, a million households where voters are not likely to be supportive of more trade deals. A million families who want the old ones gone. Even if it is just two people in each house, that is a hell of a lot of votes in jeopardy over one issue don’t you think?

C) Border Security. The people complaining that we are racist for wanting to secure our borders all live behind fences, which supposedly don’t work. But this issue has been one that has hurt politicians before. When W. was President we saw much the same response, people sent bricks to Congress if you have forgotten that little kerfluffle. Bush tried to call them Racists, which only served to fire up the opponents more. I know, I sent a brick after they called us racists for wanting for the nation what they had for their homes. Hypocrisy does not sell well with the voting public.

I should note, that calling those who wish to stop ILLEGAL immigration racists is counterproductive. Remember when NBC sent plants into a NASCAR event to see if they could film some anti Muslim sentiment among the Rednecks? It bombed, terribly. The fans didn’t care if you were wearing Muslim garb. NASCAR SMACKS DOWN NBC

But the rhetoric continued that racism was rampant among the fans, despite evidence.

D) Guns. Gun makers probably wanted Hillary elected more than you did. Hillary was going to continue the Obama rhetoric on guns, which would keep sales sky high. Many people have commented that Obama was one of the best gun salesmen in history. Now, with Trump in charge, sales have fallen off, badly. Remington Arms is in danger of going into bankruptcy, or flat out defaulting. A mere year since the election, and one of the nations larges manufacturers of firearms is in danger of going under. I’m betting that they are funding the Democrats for the midterms to the limit of each employees ability in the hopes they can again get some anti-gun threats going.

But the voters on the other hand don’t want the Gun grabbers to win. I mentioned above that one of the populist issues that Democrats could embrace is legalization of Marijuana. 60% of the people support it. Now, Guns are the same sort of passionately held belief. If the Democrats would throw the anti gun crap onto the rubbish pile of history they could start making inroads with those rural voters and more conservative voters who would then vote for them. About 40% of the voters support an assault weapons ban. That is after Las Vegas man. If you can’t get above 50% support after a mass shooting, you don’t have a prayer of winning on the issue.

No matter who won, some issues I cared about were going to suffer. If Hillary had won, then Trade was going to suffer, more trade deals and more lost manufacturing with the resulting loss of middle class blue collar jobs. If Trump won, I was going to lose ground on another issue I cared about, reform and accountability for the police. I am absolutely opposed to militarization of the police.

Now, I don’t know if that’s alt right. I hope not. Because if that is now the definition of alt right, then the Democrats are so far gone that they will never recover. I’ve said many times, I voted for Obama. I’ve voted Democrat. I would not vote for Hillary no matter what. When I saw the corruption running amok in the DNC, I refused to vote for any Democrat. But nothing could be allowed to threaten the coronation.
I noticed you zoomed in on my bait, and nibbled as expected.

So what if Trump pisses off a tin pot asshat like Un? Sucking up to him hasn't done squat.

Maybe standing up makes the people around him more likely to coup d'etat his ass if Un decides to get frisky.

Your whole "Trump is Un (really Hitler) idiocy deserves the scorn of every non TDS sufferer on this board.

IDIOT.............NK is UNSTABLE....a relatively small encounter could precipitate to nukes going back and forth killing millions within a few hours and from the ensuing fallout.....SK, China, Russia and Japan are all in the crossfire and YOU still defend this fucking clown's school-yard bullying tactics ?

They would be unstable if we tickled their balls and told them they were a wonderful person.

Another "Me mad at Trump, me vent like a retard" post from Nat-dip.
Trump is not sane. That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late.

Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!
Dude, Obama left office in January.
Cool your jets.
If 8 yrs of a professional troublemaker/communist /race-baiting criminal didn't destroy America, Trump isn't about either.

If you truly believe this comment ^^^, you are even dumber and more reality challenged then even I believed. Trump is unfit to be POTUS, that is a known fact evidenced by his immaturity, petulance, lack of experience and lack of self control.

Jim Croce lyrics are mindful of Big Jim Walker and We the rational and grounded people are Willie McCoy:

You don't step on superman's cape lyrics - Google Search

BTW, the Republican Leadership in the Senate is getting ready to pass a bill without one hearing. Not a single one, and there are some things we are not hearing from them:
  • The Tax Bill's effect on the budget
  • The impact on the GNP
  • Country First (that was shit canned along with Big Tent and compassionate conservative
  • Method to make sure repatriated corporate profits create jobs and not be used to reward the executive management team and stockholders
Only the biddable and the foolish support this major piece of legislation, and member of Congress who put their job ahead of the American People.
Last edited:

You demonstrate, once again, that ignorance is accompanied by arrogance.

A year has passed, and these are the numbers that show Trump is simply disliked by the solid majority of Americans.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19

Trump could have been a president of all America but has shown he does not want to, and all America understands his choice.

You demonstrate, once again, that ignorance is accompanied by arrogance.

A year has passed, and these are the numbers that show Trump is simply disliked by the solid majority of Americans.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19

Trump could have been a president of all America but has shown he does not want to, and all America understands his choice.

You just won’t learn. Let me put it this way. Those populist issues that the Democrats are eschewing, is keeping them from turning dislike of Trump, into electoral victory and popularity.

You see, it’s not enough for the people to dislike your enemy, they have to like you enough to go to the polls and vote for YOU.


Once again, we are going into the election with the message from the Democrats being exactly the same as the message in the last several. We suck, but the Republicans suck more. Sucking less hasn’t gotten the Democrats electoral victory. It can’t even get them to lead in the polls against a nut like Moore. Moore is still in the lead.

Sucking less is a starting point, not the finish. Idiot.
SavnnahMan continues with 'white is black' and 'good is bad' and 'the alt right are right on track for victory'.

    • PoliticsNewsweek
      Trump Has Now Urged Seven Officials to Help End the Russia Probes
      President Donald Trump has pushed at least seven officials to put an end to investigations at various levels of government into whether his campaign helped Russia meddle in the 2016 presidential election. On Thursday The New York Times revealed that over the summer Trump urged members of the Senate-including those leading the Senate Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation-to wrap up their investigations.


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