Why the current GOP leadership is un-American and cowardly .....

Interestingly enough, that’s also been about the time that the rash of sexual harassment stories have been flooding the news. I guess that’s telling the people that merely saying “Grab ‘em by the pussy” isn’t quite as bad as actually doing it, and then acting outraged at the guy who says it.

I am sure that many evangelical pastors will soon introduce such language in their sermons as a show of solidarity with Trump......
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

MORON.....the orange fuck's "approval" ratings speak for themselves......and DROPPING by the damn day......All that is left are a bunch of racist, stupid pigs (like you) still thinking that this guy "speaks" for America.

So no one can disagree with you without being mentally ill? I love our system,
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)

Can’t say I disagree, but for different reasons. Trump just sits at home a tweets. He’s a tweeter, and he doesn’t really care what gets done, he just wants something done, which is why he pushes the BS that Ryan sends his way.
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

What if all the liberals tried something different?

What if the MSM tried supporting him? I think if CNN and the Democrats started supporting him and working with him, his supporters would probably turn on him. . .


A few months ago, I thought, hmmm. . . If Sanders ran in 2020, surely he would slaughter Trump. Now? I'm not so sure.

I read an article recently, and it was not encouraging.

Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election, Democrats Say
Read the comments on this article. It would seem that folks are quite happy with the current president, at least over a possible Democratic challenger?
You said: Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

That is the most childish answer. Worse, it's been used forever. About everything.

If you stop defending the Irish, support for them would grow.

If you stop defending the gays, support for them would grow.

If you stop defending the blacks, support for them would grow.

And so on,

ad naseum!

It's pitiful,


A lot of folks have always seen how clearly corrupt and what a low life he is.

However, as the media and folks like Nat use flimsy hyperbole and flaky issues, "fence" sitters begin to see the other extreme, if they hadn't seen it before.

Well, the above is pretty inane.......

Let's say, for argument sake, that my rhetoric about the fat clown is way over the top......

Tell me how THAT impacts on your life VERSUS what the fat, orange moron does by his tweets, lies, screwed up flip-flopping statements that are placing the entire planet in danger......

So, go on, compare my bashing of trump with what the idiot says and does..........

I know Trump, everything he does is calculated. If you think any of it is serious, you are as dumb as most of the folks on here think you are. . .

None of all of that stuff you are bitching about has any impact on anyone's life unless they let it. Clearly it is impacting your life greatly. You are about to have a stroke over his silly antics it would appear.

You do know he was previously in entertainment? He's not an idiot, wise up buddy, he's a joker.

Let's see, you are on the left, and he is on the right, correct?

"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right"

I guess you are playing the clown while he is merely joking. . .
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

What if all the liberals tried something different?

What if the MSM tried supporting him? I think if CNN and the Democrats started supporting him and working with him, his supporters would probably turn on him. . .


A few months ago, I thought, hmmm. . . If Sanders ran in 2020, surely he would slaughter Trump. Now? I'm not so sure.

I read an article recently, and it was not encouraging.

Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election, Democrats Say
Read the comments on this article. It would seem that folks are quite happy with the current president, at least over a possible Democratic challenger?
You said: Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

That is the most childish answer. Worse, it's been used forever. About everything.

If you stop defending the Irish, support for them would grow.

If you stop defending the gays, support for them would grow.

If you stop defending the blacks, support for them would grow.

And so on,

ad naseum!

It's pitiful,



I've never heard any of that.
You do know he was previously in entertainment? He's not an idiot, wise up buddy, he's a joker.

Well, the ABOVE then speaks volumes about the idiot that you helped to get elected, doesn't it?

......and don't try to say you voted for third party.....that bullshit line doesn't work anymore.....
You CANNOT compromise with an insane megalomaniac....in the same way that we could not compromise with a Hitler or a Pol Pot, or.....as we're finding out,a Kim Jung-Un...
No compromise with traitors, scumbags and commies. We came perilously close to becoming a communist shithole because we were willing to compromise.
^^^ And here's my point, again, loud & clear.

We have to get past this, and I have no idea how cooler heads are going to prevail.

And here's my point...it's fools like you who insist there's no right and wrong, and who insist that we MUST compromise with scumbags, who got us into this pickle in the first place.

No. We don't have to compromise. We have chosen not to. That's why we elected Trump.
I hope your dad gets better. I voted for McMullin. The boomers could have done the same.

Pointing out Trump's weakness is not whining, it's a fact. Trump is not growing stronger: not legislatively, not executively, not in the public opinion.

He must be removed.
I'm not sure McMullin was available on the ballot in every state. Added to that, you had the prisoner dilemma with him, the media ensured that. No one really seriously believed he had a chance. If the LWV had control of the debates again, this would not be a problem, would it? That is the corruption of the establishment at work, this you know. There is no way the establishment would have tolerated McMullin, any more than they would have tolerate Trump.

As far as "removing Trump?"
That's what elections are for.

The reason there is so much acrimony, is there is still a war going on with in the Deep State and the Bureaucratic Establishment. It carries over into the elite press, and those who let their thinking be affected by the CFR media, are easily manipulated by that.

It was my opinion that the all of these big media personalities and political folks being brought down by accusations of harassment by women were part of a larger strategy to take Trump down.

These older men were quite sure that although they DNC was clearly playing dirty politics in the Roy Moore election, (note the yearbook scam that they refuse to put up to forensic analysis,) there isn't anything short of a JFK or Nixion type break-in to pin on the POTUS that will do the job.

NOT that they won't quit trying. Trump is a private sector man, and the interests of the private sector are here to stay.

The media, big intel. and other huge interests will not stop trying to take him down, but he has some powerful allies.

Much of what the public sees? That is all a distraction, and purposeful one too. He throws out red meat for the low info voters, he needs them. It is the higher IQ, higher educated ones that are more easily swayed by the slick propaganda of Madison Ave.

There is no dilemma with Trump. He needs to be removed via Amendment XXV. Better now before there is "moore" to come.

Amendment XXV was put there to remove a President for non-political reasons, for when a person became incapacitated or committed some illegal activity.

For you folks that want to use it because you don't like the guys politics? That would establish a very dangerous precedent.

If you can, in fact, show that he committed some crime, I'm all for it. If you can get Hillary to come out and ADMIT that she rigged the primary vote via Voter Caging, Cross Check, Vote spoilage, etc. and that Trump and the GOP were using the same tactics? Hell, I'm on board with that. The process is always more important than politics.

But there is a reason WHY both Kerry and Gore rolled over. Because the elites are all on the same side. They are all there to protect THEIR system that screws US over. They are all thieves and crooks. You can't nail Trump w/o nailing everyone in D.C. I think folks are finding that out with this whole harassment issue.

To this day, everyone thinks that Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob. The truth of the matter is it was about Chinagate. Yet the press had to cover-up the real story b/c it involved so much more, the real truth could never get out b/c it would have meant a real house cleaning.

They can't take Trump down w/o taking the whole damn system down. So they will just have to suffer with his surgical removal of the corruption he doesn't like.
You do know he was previously in entertainment? He's not an idiot, wise up buddy, he's a joker.

Well, the ABOVE then speaks volumes about the idiot that you helped to get elected, doesn't it?

......and don't try to say you voted for third party.....that bullshit line doesn't work anymore.....

Ah. . . so now you are blaming me for your feelings. Nice.

Telling me what I have done, making assumptions, etc.

You are really a piece of work.
There is no justification made above the would prevent Trump being removed by Amendment XXV: it can be used for political reasons, yes, but he is a Clear and Present Danger to America.

savannahman only looks at certain polls.

Gallup 11/27 - 11/29 1500 A 36 57 -21
Rasmussen Reports 11/27 - 11/29 1500 LV 42 56 -14
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19
You do know he was previously in entertainment? He's not an idiot, wise up buddy, he's a joker.

Well, the ABOVE then speaks volumes about the idiot that you helped to get elected, doesn't it?

......and don't try to say you voted for third party.....that bullshit line doesn't work anymore.....

Don't ever recall saying I didn't vote for him.....

I did.....

I'd do it again.........

I lurk this board from time to time just to see if you'll ever get over your massive butthurt.

I am also looking for your next stupid prediction.......


You lost.

Suck on it hard.
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)
Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

What if all the liberals tried something different?

What if the MSM tried supporting him? I think if CNN and the Democrats started supporting him and working with him, his supporters would probably turn on him. . .


A few months ago, I thought, hmmm. . . If Sanders ran in 2020, surely he would slaughter Trump. Now? I'm not so sure.

I read an article recently, and it was not encouraging.

Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election, Democrats Say
Read the comments on this article. It would seem that folks are quite happy with the current president, at least over a possible Democratic challenger?
You said: Did it ever occur to you that the more you whine, the stronger support for him grows?

That is the most childish answer. Worse, it's been used forever. About everything.

If you stop defending the Irish, support for them would grow.

If you stop defending the gays, support for them would grow.

If you stop defending the blacks, support for them would grow.

And so on,

ad naseum!

It's pitiful,



The only thing pitiful here is you, the result of a failed system of education.
Don't ever recall saying I didn't vote for him.....

I did.....

I'd do it again.........

So, NO ONE would ever "accuse" of getting smarter....Please stay as dumb as you are.....We need you as an example to convince our kids what happens when you flunk out of junior high....and, thanks..
Interestingly enough, that’s also been about the time that the rash of sexual harassment stories have been flooding the news. I guess that’s telling the people that merely saying “Grab ‘em by the pussy” isn’t quite as bad as actually doing it, and then acting outraged at the guy who says it.

I am sure that many evangelical pastors will soon introduce such language in their sermons as a show of solidarity with Trump......

If you wish to go Evangelical. There is a parable. Remove the plank from your own eye before pointing out the speck in your brothers eye.

First, get your own house in order. It’s obvious that the Liberals and Democrats have a real issue with power and sex. It is now so prevalent, that it is becoming the issue that women candidates hope to use to win the primary.

Want To End Sexual Harassment? AG Hopeful Says 'Elect Candidate Who Doesn't Have A Penis'

So what this Democratic Candidate is saying is painfully obvious. Pick a Democratic Woman for office because Democratic Men are unprofessional and will, not may, conduct sexual harassment.

It sounds like your own house has a bit of cleaning first. Of course, I’ve been saying things like that for a while. I said that when Hillary was essentially nominated before she announced.
Don't ever recall saying I didn't vote for him.....

I did.....

I'd do it again.........

So, NO ONE would ever "accuse" of getting smarter....Please stay as dumb as you are.....We need you as an example to convince our kids what happens when you flunk out of junior high....and, thanks..

Want to know why you lost the election in 2016? That attitude right there. The Solid Blue Wall. The unassailable rampart that was the Rustbelt states would see Hillary into the White House. Those solid Democratic Voters, the heartland that mattered. Those awesome folks went from Union Hero’s in the morning to idiotic racist sexist homophobic scum before the sun rose again.

Stop ignoring the populist issues, and stop calling the voters you NEED idiots.
Stop ignoring the populist issues, and stop calling the voters you NEED idiots.

First, this topic is NOT about the election.....stop the diversion....

Second, the populist issues inanity is bullshit, since 3 million more popular votes were cast AGAINST the orange clown,.
The lack of response to Trump's increasing insanity by the current GOP leadership is mostly based on fear that the orange clown will turn on them with his tweets and schoolyard bullying.....BUT, even more cowardly, the wish to get reelected and satisfy their donors in passing tax "reform," may be the main reason why they are silent, choosing to sacrifice the welfare of this country for a few more years in power.

Perhaps IF these cowards can "boast" over passing the tax reforms, they will finally wake the fuck up and stand up to this madness..........We may survive the upcoming royal screwing of the middle class from these tax give-away, BUT, we may not survive this thoroughly flawed scourge of an administration.

This issue is WAY BEYOND partisanship......and history (if someone is left to write it) will label these cowards with infamy. (Take notice,McConnell and Ryan, et al.)

I'm not GOP, but I like the guy. Sound ideas. The world's on notice. Illegals on notice. Economy cruising. America first.

The way he bitchslaps the Democrats and the media into constant howling hysterics with his tweets is phenomenal.

1. The world is on notice. Yes that is true. The world view us a arrogant, racist, dumb, moron, bigots and ignorant idiot. We are the laughingstock. That is how/where this petulant little kid POTUS put us.
TWEETS——— He just retweet’s a racist bigoted hate group against Muslims from Europe.
This is the POTUS PROMOTING HATRED AND DIVISIVENESS. Just imagine what other countries are thinking of us. Just imagine how fucked up that is. Just pure incompetence, ignorance and ineptness

2. Illegals on notice. They are always on notice. Obama has deported more illegals in 2016 compared to Trump 2017. Not even close.

3. Economy was already cruising 2015 and 16. It just carried to. 2017———- That has nothing to do with this lousy POTUS.
. Economy was already cruising 2015 and 16. It just carried to. 2017———- That has nothing to do with this lousy POTUS.

You will NEVER find ONE Trump cult member honest enough to admit the above.....NEVER !!!

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