Why the Democrat frenzy over Chris Christie?

My impression of the Bridgegate flap and media focus on Christie is simply he was the GOP front-runner for party's nomination for 2016. So liberal media went into attack mode and inflated a minor thing into an international story to eliminate Christie from any chance at getting the GOP nod.

A not-uncommon tactic.

A minor thing? Ask those who were caught in the jam how minor it was.
It seems that none on the left can see the connection with the political witch hunt that came soon after the polls which showed that Christie could beat Hillary.

Accusations are not proof. Until there is actual proof that he had a part in it, then I will believe that he lied about it.

It is really to bad that the left can not see the corruption and downright deceitful way that lefties have become.

Why is it that the right can see the corruption in their own party but the left refuses to see it in theirs?

Many Republican voters do not like Christie because he is part of the political machine. The very thing that Conservators and Moderates are trying to fight against.

The FACT that two of his top appointees have taken the 5th A. doesn't bother you at all?
My impression of the Bridgegate flap and media focus on Christie is simply he was the GOP front-runner for party's nomination for 2016. So liberal media went into attack mode and inflated a minor thing into an international story to eliminate Christie from any chance at getting the GOP nod.

A not-uncommon tactic.

A minor thing? Ask those who were caught in the jam how minor it was.

Othwise know as every New Yorker, New Jerseyian, and Conneticutian (is that right) on any given day?

The Bridge thing didnt create traffic, it just created MORE traffic in one location.
There is a special level of hell meant for people who do really bad bad things in life: It's having to be in the same room as a 'bull dyke' on the rag in perpetuity namely Maddcow.

Or being in the same room as Hannity or Beck over at Fox. Extremes of any sort are not wise for our society, especially not right now. History never gives favorable accounts of societies flirting with extremes...
My impression of the Bridgegate flap and media focus on Christie is simply he was the GOP front-runner for party's nomination for 2016. So liberal media went into attack mode and inflated a minor thing into an international story to eliminate Christie from any chance at getting the GOP nod.

A not-uncommon tactic.

Rod Blagojevich corruption charges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What was the excuse back then?

Wrong doing by corrupt political officials always makes the news.

And it should.
Democrats made Christie a republican front runner for the purpose of attacking him at an opportune time.
Democrats made Christie a republican front runner for the purpose of attacking him at an opportune time.

I suspect that Christie is not fully embraced by either radical end of the political spectrum. Which is why he would win in a heartbeat in 2016. Define radical? OK: either pro gay marriage on the one side or anti-birth control on the other, pro fracking/petrolium over green energy.

The vast majority of Americans want nothing to do with either platform. If they were fully informed about the potential dangers, looking out way ahead, like 100 years from now and the damage from such policies to our country, they would REALLY want nothing to do with them. Now it's just an instinctive, visceral repulsion. But the intellectual rejections of those extremes are even more frightening and valid.
It seems that none on the left can see the connection with the political witch hunt that came soon after the polls which showed that Christie could beat Hillary.

Accusations are not proof. Until there is actual proof that he had a part in it, then I will believe that he lied about it.

It is really to bad that the left can not see the corruption and downright deceitful way that lefties have become.

Why is it that the right can see the corruption in their own party but the left refuses to see it in theirs?

Many Republican voters do not like Christie because he is part of the political machine. The very thing that Conservators and Moderates are trying to fight against.

The FACT that two of his top appointees have taken the 5th A. doesn't bother you at all?

Yes, just like Lois Lerner took the 5th for the IRS scandal.
We keep telling you the corruption is in both parties.
I mean the election is three years away, which is an eternity when it comes to politics. It appears that the Democrats have done their internal polling and the results have caused panic among the ranks: that a Christie candidate will beat Hillary in a general election. So they are calling out their propaganda arm aka the mainstream media to start attacking Christie from now.

What exactly are they accusing Christie of? A BRIDGE CLOSURE? Does that come anywhere close to lying in the face of the American people and blaming the death of an American ambassador and three others on an American producing a spoof video mocking Mohammed?

I wasn't a big fan of Christie anyhow, but the more I see how viciously the media is obsessed and attacking him so early, the more I respect Christie on how he's handling these shameless attacks.

Methinks your attack on Democrats is shameless. Christie has only himself to blame for the pickle he's in, and likley won't survive.

His top appointments have all taken the 5th A. Anyone who has watched his demeanor with the press sees the difference in his behavior since this story broke.
He's already been tried and convicted of it by the media. Where's the evidence?

And besides "payback" for political opponents and adversaries is nothing new. Our Mafia Mob Boss President has been ordering "hits" on adversaries for the last 5 years.
I mean the election is three years away, which is an eternity when it comes to politics. It appears that the Democrats have done their internal polling and the results have caused panic among the ranks: that a Christie candidate will beat Hillary in a general election. So they are calling out their propaganda arm aka the mainstream media to start attacking Christie from now.

What exactly are they accusing Christie of? A BRIDGE CLOSURE? Does that come anywhere close to lying in the face of the American people and blaming the death of an American ambassador and three others on an American producing a spoof video mocking Mohammed?

I wasn't a big fan of Christie anyhow, but the more I see how viciously the media is obsessed and attacking him so early, the more I respect Christie on how he's handling these shameless attacks.

Uhmm.. what's going on is the democrat party trying to get the republicans to put Christie on the ticket. Christie has a huge democrat fan base. And he should, he's a RINOs wet dream. Any negative press is just a front for the show. It's all part of the "big con."
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It seems that none on the left can see the connection with the political witch hunt that came soon after the polls which showed that Christie could beat Hillary.

Accusations are not proof. Until there is actual proof that he had a part in it, then I will believe that he lied about it.

It is really to bad that the left can not see the corruption and downright deceitful way that lefties have become.

Why is it that the right can see the corruption in their own party but the left refuses to see it in theirs?

Many Republican voters do not like Christie because he is part of the political machine. The very thing that Conservators and Moderates are trying to fight against.

The FACT that two of his top appointees have taken the 5th A. doesn't bother you at all?

Yes, just like Lois Lerner took the 5th for the IRS scandal.
We keep telling you the corruption is in both parties.
Exactly. The president lies in the face of the American people over Ben Ghazi and the media yawns. He uses the IRS to go after people, he causes millions of Americans to loose their health care insurance or have their premiums increased, and they yawn again. Any republican president would have been crucified and impeached over the things this president has done so far.

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