Why the Democrats are the party of slavery and victimization


We are here to show our support for Obama, ObamaCare, affirmative action, amnesty for illegal immigrants, gun control, gay marriage, and higher taxes.

And one other thing. We are going to burn this Confederate flag, because it is racist and we believe black lives matter!
And you all are making a fuss over taking the dem Jackson off the 20... Interesting...

No more calls! We have a winner.
Telling it like it is. I bet most libs can't get through this video. The truth is too hard and they'll probably run off to their safe spaces.

Slavery ended 150 years ago.

And yet the Dems are still wanting to apologize and make reparations to people who no longer exist.

Thing is, the Dems have more or less enslaved many Americans in different ways. Too many are hopelessly dependent on government and will never know true independence. Others are enslaved by way of increasing taxes.

Slavery did end, yet the Dems still manage to keep people angry over it. And they falsely claim that the parties switched places because they can't own up to the past and admit that it was Dems who strongly objected to ending slavery. It was Dems who fought against equal rights. It was Dems who started the KKK. It was Dems who feared the free slaves and sought to win them over by encouraging dependency. It's the Dems who still do everything in their power to keep people divided by race and class. It's the Dems who insist that blacks cannot function as well as whites. They claim they cannot support themselves, obtain an ID or learn as well.

It's the left that has no faith in people of color and try to cover it by claiming that racism stops people from succeeding. It's leftist policies over decades that have conned people into trusting the hand that feeds them and blames anything and everything but the real reason.

Some get it. Others like remaining ignorant. Somehow, the left has convinced many that it's no use trying and much better to maintain an entitlement mentality and make others pay for past sins. It gets people no where. They live on empty promises of increased alms. Nothing will ever be enough. The only thing that sets people free is actually understanding what true freedom is and getting away from the trap of the liberal plantation.

The guy explained things quite clearly. Too many still have the 'field' mentality and will forever hate the 'house' blacks. Blacks who do well are painted as traitors and Uncle Toms. The left embraces the notion that a lack of government dependency means that a minority sold out and is no longer true to their race. If a black is Republican, the left portrays them as mentally ill puppets.

Seriously, the left is brutal to any and all blacks that reject nanny government.

The old myth that the party's switched is still used today as we know. The left needs the narrative to keep Black Americans on the plantation, while they court their new constituency; Hispanics, which will allow the Democrats to throw Blacks under the bus.......again!

Most of the intelligent people on the left know the whole "switch" narrative is total fantasy, but as long as they can keep the waters muddy, it serves their purpose. And let us be honest here---------------> Black people don't sit at home and talk about the "mythical switch" with their children. It is a purposeful propaganda campaign, still invoked by the left. It is just like economics. If people were taught economics, the Democrats would be screwed, so they control the NEA, and no real economics are taught, especially to poorer students. The left has it sewn up as far as I am concerned. The students aren't even taught about our struggle with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Socialism. We see that just by those on here supporting the Socialist ideals. It is pathetic, but the truth is.......the left has won. Unless someone comes up with a brilliant idea, between the propaganda, and illegals, it is just to much to overcome, and I believe the country will go down within 20 years.
Telling it like it is. I bet most libs can't get through this video. The truth is too hard and they'll probably run off to their safe spaces.

Slavery ended 150 years ago.

And yet the Dems are still wanting to apologize and make reparations to people who no longer exist.

Thing is, the Dems have more or less enslaved many Americans in different ways. Too many are hopelessly dependent on government and will never know true independence. Others are enslaved by way of increasing taxes.

Slavery did end, yet the Dems still manage to keep people angry over it. And they falsely claim that the parties switched places because they can't own up to the past and admit that it was Dems who strongly objected to ending slavery. It was Dems who fought against equal rights. It was Dems who started the KKK. It was Dems who feared the free slaves and sought to win them over by encouraging dependency. It's the Dems who still do everything in their power to keep people divided by race and class. It's the Dems who insist that blacks cannot function as well as whites. They claim they cannot support themselves, obtain an ID or learn as well.

It's the left that has no faith in people of color and try to cover it by claiming that racism stops people from succeeding. It's leftist policies over decades that have conned people into trusting the hand that feeds them and blames anything and everything but the real reason.

Some get it. Others like remaining ignorant. Somehow, the left has convinced many that it's no use trying and much better to maintain an entitlement mentality and make others pay for past sins. It gets people no where. They live on empty promises of increased alms. Nothing will ever be enough. The only thing that sets people free is actually understanding what true freedom is and getting away from the trap of the liberal plantation.

The guy explained things quite clearly. Too many still have the 'field' mentality and will forever hate the 'house' blacks. Blacks who do well are painted as traitors and Uncle Toms. The left embraces the notion that a lack of government dependency means that a minority sold out and is no longer true to their race. If a black is Republican, the left portrays them as mentally ill puppets.

Seriously, the left is brutal to any and all blacks that reject nanny government.

The old myth that the party's switched is still used today as we know. The left needs the narrative to keep Black Americans on the plantation, while they court their new constituency; Hispanics, which will allow the Democrats to throw Blacks under the bus.......again!

Most of the intelligent people on the left know the whole "switch" narrative is total fantasy, but as long as they can keep the waters muddy, it serves their purpose. And let us be honest here---------------> Black people don't sit at home and talk about the "mythical switch" with their children. It is a purposeful propaganda campaign, still invoked by the left. It is just like economics. If people were taught economics, the Democrats would be screwed, so they control the NEA, and no real economics are taught, especially to poorer students. The left has it sewn up as far as I am concerned. The students aren't even taught about our struggle with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Socialism. We see that just by those on here supporting the Socialist ideals. It is pathetic, but the truth is.......the left has won. Unless someone comes up with a brilliant idea, between the propaganda, and illegals, it is just to much to overcome, and I believe the country will go down within 20 years.

Both parties are very flawed and manipulative in their messages. You bring up economics, I hear so much BS from the right when they talk about the debt and the deficit... manipulating peoples understanding of what those things are, it is infuriating. The Left does their fair share of exaggerating, i guess thats just the times we live in... At least our resources to fact check are getting better and better as long as we can weed through all the partisan hot air in our media.
Telling it like it is. I bet most libs can't get through this video. The truth is too hard and they'll probably run off to their safe spaces.

I love it when Republicans remind us how tolerant they used to be 150 years ago

Maybe they can learn something from their past
You're joking right? Do you really take this stuff seriously?

Yes, and you should, too, but a lack of critical thinking means you probably embrace the false narrative pushed by the left for decades.

You obviously didn't watch the video. I expect many libs won't bother and will have the usual knee jerk reaction to having their conventional beliefs challenged.

Blacks are worse off today than ever before. All those decades of trusting the left have only made things worse.
Given your posting history – this thread included – you’re in no position to accuse others of having a lack of critical thinking skills.
Demoracts are also the party of American-hating, white-hating, Western-hating, anti-free-speech hobgoblins who belong in a whorehouse, picking scabs of $20 hookers. While bathing in the urine-colored glow of their own egos. If liberal subhumans had any decency at all, they'd commit suicide (and record it so I can watch and jack off). These treasonous THINGS about as useful to this country as the wheel-well scrapings of a Greyhound bus full of Jerry Springer guests.
Democrats also sell out of date tampons on street corners...
Telling it like it is. I bet most libs can't get through this video. The truth is too hard and they'll probably run off to their safe spaces.

Slavery ended 150 years ago.

And yet the Dems are still wanting to apologize and make reparations to people who no longer exist.

Thing is, the Dems have more or less enslaved many Americans in different ways. Too many are hopelessly dependent on government and will never know true independence. Others are enslaved by way of increasing taxes.

Slavery did end, yet the Dems still manage to keep people angry over it. And they falsely claim that the parties switched places because they can't own up to the past and admit that it was Dems who strongly objected to ending slavery. It was Dems who fought against equal rights. It was Dems who started the KKK. It was Dems who feared the free slaves and sought to win them over by encouraging dependency. It's the Dems who still do everything in their power to keep people divided by race and class. It's the Dems who insist that blacks cannot function as well as whites. They claim they cannot support themselves, obtain an ID or learn as well.

It's the left that has no faith in people of color and try to cover it by claiming that racism stops people from succeeding. It's leftist policies over decades that have conned people into trusting the hand that feeds them and blames anything and everything but the real reason.

Some get it. Others like remaining ignorant. Somehow, the left has convinced many that it's no use trying and much better to maintain an entitlement mentality and make others pay for past sins. It gets people no where. They live on empty promises of increased alms. Nothing will ever be enough. The only thing that sets people free is actually understanding what true freedom is and getting away from the trap of the liberal plantation.

The guy explained things quite clearly. Too many still have the 'field' mentality and will forever hate the 'house' blacks. Blacks who do well are painted as traitors and Uncle Toms. The left embraces the notion that a lack of government dependency means that a minority sold out and is no longer true to their race. If a black is Republican, the left portrays them as mentally ill puppets.

Seriously, the left is brutal to any and all blacks that reject nanny government.

The old myth that the party's switched is still used today as we know. The left needs the narrative to keep Black Americans on the plantation, while they court their new constituency; Hispanics, which will allow the Democrats to throw Blacks under the bus.......again!

Most of the intelligent people on the left know the whole "switch" narrative is total fantasy, but as long as they can keep the waters muddy, it serves their purpose. And let us be honest here---------------> Black people don't sit at home and talk about the "mythical switch" with their children. It is a purposeful propaganda campaign, still invoked by the left. It is just like economics. If people were taught economics, the Democrats would be screwed, so they control the NEA, and no real economics are taught, especially to poorer students. The left has it sewn up as far as I am concerned. The students aren't even taught about our struggle with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Socialism. We see that just by those on here supporting the Socialist ideals. It is pathetic, but the truth is.......the left has won. Unless someone comes up with a brilliant idea, between the propaganda, and illegals, it is just to much to overcome, and I believe the country will go down within 20 years.

They DID, in effect "switch". Of course it was neither overnight nor by design but that's the net effect.

When the RP was founded it drew from two sources: the Abolitionist movement and the Whig Party, which was the home of Big Government (Lincoln had been one), while the DP at the time was the home of "States rights" and decentralization. Wellsir, being Abolitionists means by definition that the RP was where the Liberals lived.

Round about the turn of the century (19th > 20th) the RP started taking on the interests of the rich and corporations while the DP absorbed the Populist movement, culminating with FDR. And here we are. In effect the RP ceased to be the party of the "little guy" and the DP took it up. Especially with immigrants and unions in that time.

This is basic American history. Political parties are not some kind of static force put there to represent an ideology forever. They can and do shift with the winds.

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