Why the Democrats Lost

Actually, what really happened was that republicans, more than pushing an agenda, decided to screw up public perception of the government so badly, that there would be a backlash against it to the point where heads would roll.

Republicans then ran on the "small government" platform, banking on the fact that midterm voters are most likely to elect the non-incombent party.

This worked to a tee.

I myself voted mostly republican even though I knew what was up. Why? Because Republicans ran almost exclusively on fiscal issues.

Besides, second term presidents rarely get anything accomplished anyway, due to fierce opposition to their agenda.

I think the GOP has a strength in numbers thing going on. People see all the Republicans telling all the same lies and they start to think those things are true.
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You are about to witness the biggest attack on environmental protection in your lifetime. Stand proud you left the party of people, for the party of corporations and polluters.

I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.

You are right..."you don't know about that"

And you are always good with the predictions.

States have EPA's.

Just because the federal senate went to the GOP does not mean your crystal ball isn't residing in your colon.
You are about to witness the biggest attack on environmental protection in your lifetime. Stand proud you left the party of people, for the party of corporations and polluters.

I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.

the EPA and the first clean water act were both by a Republican.

Yea, environmental protection was once non partisan. But not anymore. Today's GOP has become the most anti-environment party in American history.

How so?

How so? Are you able to read?
You are about to witness the biggest attack on environmental protection in your lifetime. Stand proud you left the party of people, for the party of corporations and polluters.

I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.

the EPA and the first clean water act were both by a Republican.

Yea, environmental protection was once non partisan. But not anymore. Today's GOP has become the most anti-environment party in American history.

How so?

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?
I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.

the EPA and the first clean water act were both by a Republican.

Yea, environmental protection was once non partisan. But not anymore. Today's GOP has become the most anti-environment party in American history.

How so?

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.

The 900 lb gorilla in the room mandate is STOP OBAMA. Had the electorate been OK with what obama and his henchmen have been doing, they'd have elected more DEMOCRATS. But that was NOT the case. They elected republicans, and they elected them because they want obama STOPPED. There is no other conclusion to draw.
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better and push the GOP to act in that manner...... That is if you don't mind the DNC being back in power in 2 years, try to remember most of us (ya know, voters) aren't far right like you or far left like Bfgrn.
Well, and the same goes for you too Ringel... you tell yourself that the reason people just gave the democrats a blood bath was because they LIKED WHAT THEY WERE DOING, and that now they're expecting republicans to work with them to do MORE OF IT.

You're as crazy as a loon if that's what YOU think, and yes, I'll remember.
Yeah, us independent moderates (the vast majority of independent swing voters) are are crazy as loons because we don't hold to the far right or far left insane bull shit......... :thup:
You independent moderates are a small minority. But when it comes right down to it, you're either on one side or the other, or you're irrelevant.

What the country has been going through for the last six years IS, FAR LEFT BULL SHIT. The right hasn't had the opportunity or the power to do ANYTHING. That's why you saw what happened happen Tuesday night. The vast majority of Americans are sick of it, and they want it STOPPED.

It's not rocket science, even a wishy, washy fence sitter ought to be able to see it.
Sure thing Sparky....... Moderates are the minority....... :lmao: By the way, when was your last psych exam?
Let me know when you'r ready to come back to earth, skippy... I'll arrange for someone to to help you back to reality.
the EPA and the first clean water act were both by a Republican.

Yea, environmental protection was once non partisan. But not anymore. Today's GOP has become the most anti-environment party in American history.

How so?

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.


Saved 2500 to 6500 lives every year.....ROTFLMAO.

Just like 42,000 people die each year due to a lack of health care.

You can't find this kind of humor on the Comedy Channel.
the EPA and the first clean water act were both by a Republican.

Yea, environmental protection was once non partisan. But not anymore. Today's GOP has become the most anti-environment party in American history.

How so?

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.

This group is a political/legal arm of the Sierra Club..just sayin that I have no reason to trust them is all,
Last edited:
Yea, environmental protection was once non partisan. But not anymore. Today's GOP has become the most anti-environment party in American history.

How so?

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.


Saved 2500 to 6500 lives every year.....ROTFLMAO.

Just like 42,000 people die each year due to a lack of health care.

You can't find this kind of humor on the Comedy Channel.

OH, so poison is harmless? How foolish of me...
Yea, environmental protection was once non partisan. But not anymore. Today's GOP has become the most anti-environment party in American history.

How so?

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.

This group is a political/legal arm of the Sierra Club..just sayin that I have no reason to trust them is all,

WOW, can't put one by you lumpy! You are so smart to listen to the think tanks, scientists and doctors who are heavily funded by the biggest polluters on the planet. These are the very same think tanks, scientists and doctors who proved that smoking doesn't harm your health.

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.


Saved 2500 to 6500 lives every year.....ROTFLMAO.

Just like 42,000 people die each year due to a lack of health care.

You can't find this kind of humor on the Comedy Channel.

OH, so poison is harmless? How foolish of me...

The only poison is the rhetoric used in this conversation.

There is what you want (a bubble) and there is reality.

Maybe Obama can outlaw UV rays. :argue:

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.

This group is a political/legal arm of the Sierra Club..just sayin that I have no reason to trust them is all,

WOW, can't put one by you lumpy! You are so smart to listen to the think tanks, scientists and doctors who are heavily funded by the biggest polluters on the planet. These are the very same think tanks, scientists and doctors who proved that smoking doesn't harm your health.

Here we go again.......:slap:
How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.


Saved 2500 to 6500 lives every year.....ROTFLMAO.

Just like 42,000 people die each year due to a lack of health care.

You can't find this kind of humor on the Comedy Channel.

OH, so poison is harmless? How foolish of me...

The only poison is the rhetoric used in this conversation.

There is what you want (a bubble) and there is reality.

Maybe Obama can outlaw UV rays. :argue:

Yea Einstein, everyone knows poison is good for you.

These idiot doctors are just crazy!

American Heart Association – Particulate Air Matter Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease

Coal's Assault on Human Health

Coal pollutants affect all major body organ systems and contribute to four of the five leading causes of mortality in the U.S.: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory diseases. This conclusion emerges from our reassessment of the widely recognized health threats from coal. Each step of the coal lifecycle —mining, transportation, washing, combustion, and disposing of post combustion wastes—impacts human health. Coal combustion in particular contributes to diseases affecting large portions of the U.S. population, including asthma, lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, compounding the major public health challenges of our time. It interferes with lung development, increases the risk of heart attacks, and compromises intellectual capacity. Oxidative stress and inflammation are indicated as possible mechanisms in the exacerbation and development of many of the diseases under review.

How so? Are you able to read?

Read what? You didn't say one thing that I saw. Do you also drive a dodge?

So, allowing smaller incinerators -- often in urban settings -- to burn tires, solvents, plastics, oil sludge and other toxic-laden substances for profit without any oversight or reporting requirements is GOOD for humans. Who would have guessed...poison is GOOD FOR US!!!

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

October 13, 2011
Washington, D.C. —

By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.

This group is a political/legal arm of the Sierra Club..just sayin that I have no reason to trust them is all,

WOW, can't put one by you lumpy! You are so smart to listen to the think tanks, scientists and doctors who are heavily funded by the biggest polluters on the planet. These are the very same think tanks, scientists and doctors who proved that smoking doesn't harm your health.
Relax, distortions and lies come from both sides of these issues. It's interesting that you believe one side is true blue and the other corrupt and liars, seems more than a tad short sighted.


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