Why the Democrats Lost

The Democrats lost because...

The Democrats were the part of...

- Obamacare
- Scandals
- Apologies for America
- NO border
- Forced Immigration Amnesty to come
- No jobs
- Weakened Military
- Foreign Policy failures
- Disengaged president

Not to mention Obama's bizarre decision to
send US troops to go "fight Ebola", and hinting of sending the National Guard, as well, to Ebola-stricken areas of Africa.....while refusing to commit troops to fight ISIS.

And his orchestrated invasion of thousands of illegal immigrants, including diseased illegals, across our open borders and then transported to various states against the wishes of the residents and leaders of those states.

Obama doesn't give 2 chits what Americans want or think. He has proven that over and over again.

He will now double-down on proving his lack of concern for the rule of law, the US Constitution, and what We, the People want.
How about the economy and foreign policy still sucks as the primary reasons for not only voter apathy but also the GOP wins. Pretty simple. The GOP better focus on both in a positive way and not "read in" any other mandate or the next election cycle will probably go back to the DNC.........
The 900 lb gorilla in the room mandate is STOP OBAMA. Had the electorate been OK with what obama and his henchmen have been doing, they'd have elected more DEMOCRATS. But that was NOT the case. They elected republicans, and they elected them because they want obama STOPPED. There is no other conclusion to draw.
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better and push the GOP to act in that manner...... That is if you don't mind the DNC being back in power in 2 years, try to remember most of us (ya know, voters) aren't far right like you or far left like Bfgrn.
How about the economy and foreign policy still sucks as the primary reasons for not only voter apathy but also the GOP wins. Pretty simple. The GOP better focus on both in a positive way and not "read in" any other mandate or the next election cycle will probably go back to the DNC.........
The 900 lb gorilla in the room mandate is STOP OBAMA. Had the electorate been OK with what obama and his henchmen have been doing, they'd have elected more DEMOCRATS. But that was NOT the case. They elected republicans, and they elected them because they want obama STOPPED. There is no other conclusion to draw.
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better and push the GOP to act in that manner...... That is if you don't mind the DNC being back in power in 2 years, try to remember most of us (ya know, voters) aren't far right like you or far left like Bfgrn.
Well, and the same goes for you too Ringel... you tell yourself that the reason people just gave the democrats a blood bath was because they LIKED WHAT THEY WERE DOING, and that now they're expecting republicans to work with them to do MORE OF IT.

You're as crazy as a loon if that's what YOU think, and yes, I'll remember.
The Democrats lost because...

The Democrats were the part of...

- Obamacare
- Scandals
- Apologies for America
- NO border
- Forced Immigration Amnesty to come
- No jobs
- Weakened Military
- Foreign Policy failures
- Disengaged president
You are correct I don't understand why anyone would think it was anything but what is listed above.
How about the economy and foreign policy still sucks as the primary reasons for not only voter apathy but also the GOP wins. Pretty simple. The GOP better focus on both in a positive way and not "read in" any other mandate or the next election cycle will probably go back to the DNC.........
The 900 lb gorilla in the room mandate is STOP OBAMA. Had the electorate been OK with what obama and his henchmen have been doing, they'd have elected more DEMOCRATS. But that was NOT the case. They elected republicans, and they elected them because they want obama STOPPED. There is no other conclusion to draw.
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better and push the GOP to act in that manner...... That is if you don't mind the DNC being back in power in 2 years, try to remember most of us (ya know, voters) aren't far right like you or far left like Bfgrn.
Well, and the same goes for you too Ringel... you tell yourself that the reason people just gave the democrats a blood bath was because they LIKED WHAT THEY WERE DOING, and that now they're expecting republicans to work with them to do MORE OF IT.

You're as crazy as a loon if that's what YOU think, and yes, I'll remember.
Yeah, us independent moderates (the vast majority of independent swing voters) are crazy as loons because we don't hold to the far right or far left insane bull shit......... :thup:
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How about the economy and foreign policy still sucks as the primary reasons for not only voter apathy but also the GOP wins. Pretty simple. The GOP better focus on both in a positive way and not "read in" any other mandate or the next election cycle will probably go back to the DNC.........
The 900 lb gorilla in the room mandate is STOP OBAMA. Had the electorate been OK with what obama and his henchmen have been doing, they'd have elected more DEMOCRATS. But that was NOT the case. They elected republicans, and they elected them because they want obama STOPPED. There is no other conclusion to draw.
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better and push the GOP to act in that manner...... That is if you don't mind the DNC being back in power in 2 years, try to remember most of us (ya know, voters) aren't far right like you or far left like Bfgrn.
Well, and the same goes for you too Ringel... you tell yourself that the reason people just gave the democrats a blood bath was because they LIKED WHAT THEY WERE DOING, and that now they're expecting republicans to work with them to do MORE OF IT.

You're as crazy as a loon if that's what YOU think, and yes, I'll remember.
Yeah, us independent moderates (the vast majority of independent swing voters) are are crazy as loons because we don't hold to the far right or far left insane bull shit......... :thup:
You independent moderates are a small minority. But when it comes right down to it, you're either on one side or the other, or you're irrelevant.

What the country has been going through for the last six years IS, FAR LEFT BULL SHIT. The right hasn't had the opportunity or the power to do ANYTHING. That's why you saw what happened happen Tuesday night. The vast majority of Americans are sick of it, and they want it STOPPED.

It's not rocket science, even a wishy, washy fence sitter ought to be able to see it.
How about the economy and foreign policy still sucks as the primary reasons for not only voter apathy but also the GOP wins. Pretty simple. The GOP better focus on both in a positive way and not "read in" any other mandate or the next election cycle will probably go back to the DNC.........
The 900 lb gorilla in the room mandate is STOP OBAMA. Had the electorate been OK with what obama and his henchmen have been doing, they'd have elected more DEMOCRATS. But that was NOT the case. They elected republicans, and they elected them because they want obama STOPPED. There is no other conclusion to draw.
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better and push the GOP to act in that manner...... That is if you don't mind the DNC being back in power in 2 years, try to remember most of us (ya know, voters) aren't far right like you or far left like Bfgrn.
Well, and the same goes for you too Ringel... you tell yourself that the reason people just gave the democrats a blood bath was because they LIKED WHAT THEY WERE DOING, and that now they're expecting republicans to work with them to do MORE OF IT.

You're as crazy as a loon if that's what YOU think, and yes, I'll remember.
Yeah, us independent moderates (the vast majority of independent swing voters) are are crazy as loons because we don't hold to the far right or far left insane bull shit......... :thup:
You independent moderates are a small minority. But when it comes right down to it, you're either on one side or the other, or you're irrelevant.

What the country has been going through for the last six years IS, FAR LEFT BULL SHIT. The right hasn't had the opportunity or the power to do ANYTHING. That's why you saw what happened happen Tuesday night. The vast majority of Americans are sick of it, and they want it STOPPED.

It's not rocket science, even a wishy, washy fence sitter ought to be able to see it.
Sure thing Sparky....... Moderates are the minority....... :lmao: By the way, when was your last psych exam?
Real Easy Answer......

How about the economy and foreign policy still sucks as the primary reasons for not only voter apathy but also the GOP wins. Pretty simple. The GOP better focus on both in a positive way and not "read in" any other mandate or the next election cycle will probably go back to the DNC.........
The 900 lb gorilla in the room mandate is STOP OBAMA. Had the electorate been OK with what obama and his henchmen have been doing, they'd have elected more DEMOCRATS. But that was NOT the case. They elected republicans, and they elected them because they want obama STOPPED. There is no other conclusion to draw.


Isn't Obama a lame duck president?

What are you talking about?

Dems lost because they got off message:

1. Kill the rich
2. Government is the one and only employer and way of life
3. If you're not getting ahead in life, it's the Republicans fault!
4. The government IS the economy
You are about to witness the biggest attack on environmental protection in your lifetime. Stand proud you left the party of people, for the party of corporations and polluters.

I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.
Good luck with that, Bfgrn is probably one of the most leftist people an the board, nothing gets through unless it's filtered through the DNCs rhetoric filter process.
Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if Bfgrn thought Mao was a neo-con. :dunno:

I am probably the most pragmatic poster on the board. Protecting our environment used to be a non partisan issue. Not anymore. If protecting the environment is now considered extreme, then what is the position of trashing it? Is THAT what being a conservative now means???

What is truly alarming is today's GOP and last centuries Soviet Politburo have the SAME agenda.
Soooo,....... you think I'm only referring to your environmental position......... Yeah right.......
(Hint: Look at your last sentence and tell me honestly whether that's a rational, unbiased statement......... If you say yes, seek immediate psychiatric help........)
Oh and there is bipartisan support for environmental issues, just not the extreme approach or the extreme issues....... :eusa_whistle:

It is an honest and accurate statement. Tell me what environmental 'issues' the right supports? Better yet, PLEASE tell me what environmental 'issues' the right is even aware of??
You are about to witness the biggest attack on environmental protection in your lifetime. Stand proud you left the party of people, for the party of corporations and polluters.

I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.
Good luck with that, Bfgrn is probably one of the most leftist people an the board, nothing gets through unless it's filtered through the DNCs rhetoric filter process.
Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if Bfgrn thought Mao was a neo-con. :dunno:

I am probably the most pragmatic poster on the board. Protecting our environment used to be a non partisan issue. Not anymore. If protecting the environment is now considered extreme, then what is the position of trashing it? Is THAT what being a conservative now means???

What is truly alarming is today's GOP and last centuries Soviet Politburo have the SAME agenda.
You should read this over, perhaps your doom and gloom opinions will be introduced to reality.

Where do the Dems and GOP stand on energy and the environment

Have an adult read it to you Lumpy...even the GOP platform, which is mostly fairy tale rhetoric, reveals their fairy tale belief that industry can be regulated by an invisible hand.
You are about to witness the biggest attack on environmental protection in your lifetime. Stand proud you left the party of people, for the party of corporations and polluters.

I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.
Good luck with that, Bfgrn is probably one of the most leftist people an the board, nothing gets through unless it's filtered through the DNCs rhetoric filter process.
Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if Bfgrn thought Mao was a neo-con. :dunno:

I am probably the most pragmatic poster on the board. Protecting our environment used to be a non partisan issue. Not anymore. If protecting the environment is now considered extreme, then what is the position of trashing it? Is THAT what being a conservative now means???

What is truly alarming is today's GOP and last centuries Soviet Politburo have the SAME agenda.
You should read this over, perhaps your doom and gloom opinions will be introduced to reality.

Where do the Dems and GOP stand on energy and the environment

Here is the reality Lumpy...

The Anti-Environment Record of the U.S.House of Representatives 112th Congress, 1st Session

The House of Representatives averaged more than one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011. Of the 770 legislative roll call votes taken in the House this year, 22% – more than one out of every five – were votes to undermine environmental protection. During these roll calls, 94% of Republican members voted for the anti-environment position, while 86% of Democratic members voted for the pro-environment position.

The Environmental Protection Agency was the most popular target of House Republicans. Of the 191 anti-environment votes, 114 targeted EPA; 35 targeted the Department of the Interior; and 31 targeted the Department of Energy.

This analysis, prepared at the request of ranking members Henry A. Waxman, Edward J. Markey, and Howard L. Berman, provides a summary of the 191 times that House Republicans have voted to weaken environmental protections in 2011. Among these votes are:

27 votes to block action to address climate change, including votes to overturn EPA’s scientific findings that climate change endangers human health and welfare; to block EPA from regulating carbon pollution from power plants, oil refineries, and vehicles; to prevent the United States from participating in international climate negotiations; and even to cut funding for basic climate science.

77 votes to undermine Clean Air Act protections, including votes to repeal the health-based standards that are the heart of the Clean Air Act and to block EPA regulation of toxic mercury and other harmful emissions from power plants, incinerators, industrial boilers, cement plants, and mining operations.

28 votes to undermine Clean Water Act protections, including votes to strip EPA of authority to set water quality standards and enforce limits on industrial discharges; to repeal EPA’s authority to stop mountaintop removal mining disposal; and to block EPA from protecting headwaters and wetlands that flow into navigable waters.

47 votes to weaken protection of public lands and coastal waters, including votes to curtail environmental review of offshore drilling; to halt reviews of public lands for possible wilderness designations; and to remove protections for salmon, wolves, and other species
You are about to witness the biggest attack on environmental protection in your lifetime. Stand proud you left the party of people, for the party of corporations and polluters.

I don't know about that. Some republicans are staunch supporters of environmental issues.

In Florida, back 94, Republicans helped to outlaw commercial fishing within 100 miles of the state. Very nice move that actually helped the economy.
Good luck with that, Bfgrn is probably one of the most leftist people an the board, nothing gets through unless it's filtered through the DNCs rhetoric filter process.
Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if Bfgrn thought Mao was a neo-con. :dunno:

I am probably the most pragmatic poster on the board. Protecting our environment used to be a non partisan issue. Not anymore. If protecting the environment is now considered extreme, then what is the position of trashing it? Is THAT what being a conservative now means???

What is truly alarming is today's GOP and last centuries Soviet Politburo have the SAME agenda.
Soooo,....... you think I'm only referring to your environmental position......... Yeah right.......
(Hint: Look at your last sentence and tell me honestly whether that's a rational, unbiased statement......... If you say yes, seek immediate psychiatric help........)
Oh and there is bipartisan support for environmental issues, just not the extreme approach or the extreme issues....... :eusa_whistle:

It is an honest and accurate statement. Tell me what environmental 'issues' the right supports? Better yet, PLEASE tell me what environmental 'issues' the right is even aware of??
Sure thing....... When's your next psych eval?

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