Why "the fence" won't work

Ummm.Isnt there a fence or wall around every prison in the world? Yes, there is and they've worked very well.
The White House has a fence around it.
Sensors can be placed in the groung to detect tunneling.

"The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75% to around 2,300 per annum for the rest of the decade. The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988."
Escape attempts and victims of the inner German border - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And that's with people shooting at you. Just a fence? Good luck with that.
Was the berlin wall 3k miles long in the middle of no where? Do you have a mental incapacity that we need to know about?

Ya, can see proof of it in the "newer new math" thread.
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.
Ummm.Isnt there a fence or wall around every prison in the world? Yes, there is and they've worked very well.
The White House has a fence around it.
Sensors can be placed in the groung to detect tunneling.

"The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75% to around 2,300 per annum for the rest of the decade. The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988."
Escape attempts and victims of the inner German border - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And that's with people shooting at you. Just a fence? Good luck with that.
Was the berlin wall 3k miles long in the middle of no where? Do you have a mental incapacity that we need to know about?

Ya, can see proof of it in the "newer new math" thread.
Newer math thread?
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.

There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.

There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.

ROFL... was down to a trickle at the wall for a couple months while they built the tunnels and walked, and boated around the wall.
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.

There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.

ROFL... was down to a trickle at the wall for a couple months while they built the tunnels and walked, and boated around the wall.

Wrong! Please provide proof of your assertions. They merely moved further east to enter but if we have this type of wall along the most porous parts of our border as promised then it would be a big deterrent. A lot fewer would even attempt to come here. How many times do I have to mentions tunnel sensors to you?
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.

There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.

ROFL... was down to a trickle at the wall for a couple months while they built the tunnels and walked, and boated around the wall.

Wrong! Please provide proof of your assertions. They merely moved further east to enter but if we have this type of wall along the most porous parts of our border as promised then it would be a big deterrent. A lot fewer would even attempt to come here. How many times do I have to mentions tunnel sensors to you?
Are you retarded? The most porous part of our border is NINE THOUSAND MILES OF RIVER DESERT AND BEACHES.
main thing for me is the next generation or few generations . .

Then stop worrying.

By the 3rd generation, English is the dominant language - even at home - for the descendants of Latino immigrants. Recent immigrants are assimilating at least as quickly and completely as previous immigrant groups did.
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.

There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.

ROFL... was down to a trickle at the wall for a couple months while they built the tunnels and walked, and boated around the wall.

Wrong! Please provide proof of your assertions. They merely moved further east to enter but if we have this type of wall along the most porous parts of our border as promised then it would be a big deterrent. A lot fewer would even attempt to come here. How many times do I have to mentions tunnel sensors to you?
Tunnel sensors are easy to defeat. They are therefore not reliable and very costly to maintain, but still unreliable. Ask the Israel's.
time goes on and tunneling sensors get better , declare war on tunnelers and just keep working and improving sensors rather than giving up to defeat and a ' its too hard ' attitude Camp . Beside that tunnels aren't the big problem so build the wall , man the wall , use other means of surveillance and watch fer tunnels .
like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass . 200 million in 1970 and over 300 million in 2010 .
time goes on and tunneling sensors get better , declare war on tunnelers and just keep working and improving sensors rather than giving up to defeat and a ' its too hard ' attitude Camp . Beside that tunnels aren't the big problem so build the wall , man the wall , use other means of surveillance and watch fer tunnels .
The more sensitive you make them the easier they are to confuse and defeat. The less sensitive you make them the more you need and costlier they are to maintain.
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.

There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.

ROFL... was down to a trickle at the wall for a couple months while they built the tunnels and walked, and boated around the wall.

Wrong! Please provide proof of your assertions. They merely moved further east to enter but if we have this type of wall along the most porous parts of our border as promised then it would be a big deterrent. A lot fewer would even attempt to come here. How many times do I have to mentions tunnel sensors to you?
Are you retarded? The most porous part of our border is NINE THOUSAND MILES OF RIVER DESERT AND BEACHES.

WTH are you talking about? Our southern borders is only 2,000 miles long!
How to build the very necessary fence very inexpensively:

Require 30-days bread-and-water fed labour at fence-building from each illegal alien caught inside U.S. borders prior to their being placed on the far side of the border and being told to run or be shot.
like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass . 200 million in 1970 and over 300 million in 2010 .

I object to our "immigration" numbers not being diversified. Since they aren't they are colonizing rather than assimilating. I don't care how many generations go by if this continues especially via illegal immigration they will never fully assimilate to the English language. Oh, they may learn it but will refuse to speak it unless they have to just like now. As their numbers grow Spanish will replace English as the dominant language and I object to this unnatural and unlawful transformation of our country.
like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass . 200 million in 1970 and over 300 million in 2010 .

I object to our "immigration" numbers not being diversified. Since they aren't they are colonizing rather than assimilating. I don't care how many generations go by if this continues especially via illegal immigration they will never fully assimilate to the English language. Oh, they may learn it but will refuse to speak it unless they have to just like now. As their numbers grow Spanish will replace English as the dominant language and I object to this unnatural and unlawful transformation of our country.

Your insecurity has now turned to paranoia. You are wrong.
like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass .

And it has been proven to you that your fears are irrational and pointless.
not been proven and I have no fears , I just have preferences . I don't want population growth in the USA .

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