Why "the fence" won't work

like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass . 200 million in 1970 and over 300 million in 2010 .

I object to our "immigration" numbers not being diversified. Since they aren't they are colonizing rather than assimilating. I don't care how many generations go by if this continues especially via illegal immigration they will never fully assimilate to the English language. Oh, they may learn it but will refuse to speak it unless they have to just like now. As their numbers grow Spanish will replace English as the dominant language and I object to this unnatural and unlawful transformation of our country.

This is extremely ironic, in view of the fact that my house sits on land that was owned by Mexico until 1854, and has a saguaro cactus in the front yard that is older than that. Frankly, I am at a loss as to why half of the people who live here don't speak Spanish as their primary language.
like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass . 200 million in 1970 and over 300 million in 2010 .

I object to our "immigration" numbers not being diversified. Since they aren't they are colonizing rather than assimilating. I don't care how many generations go by if this continues especially via illegal immigration they will never fully assimilate to the English language. Oh, they may learn it but will refuse to speak it unless they have to just like now. As their numbers grow Spanish will replace English as the dominant language and I object to this unnatural and unlawful transformation of our country.

This is extremely ironic, in view of the fact that my house sits on land that was owned by Mexico until 1854, and has a saguaro cactus in the front yard that is older than that. Frankly, I am at a loss as to why half of the people who live here don't speak Spanish as their primary language.

Your clue here is "once". It doesn't belong to Mexico anymore. It is only in the southwest (or Miami) where Spanish is spoken with any significance. The rest of the country primarily speaks English and it's because English is our national de facto language. Why would blacks, Asians and non-Hispanic whites speak Spanish?
like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass . 200 million in 1970 and over 300 million in 2010 .

I object to our "immigration" numbers not being diversified. Since they aren't they are colonizing rather than assimilating. I don't care how many generations go by if this continues especially via illegal immigration they will never fully assimilate to the English language. Oh, they may learn it but will refuse to speak it unless they have to just like now. As their numbers grow Spanish will replace English as the dominant language and I object to this unnatural and unlawful transformation of our country.

This is extremely ironic, in view of the fact that my house sits on land that was owned by Mexico until 1854, and has a saguaro cactus in the front yard that is older than that. Frankly, I am at a loss as to why half of the people who live here don't speak Spanish as their primary language.

Your clue here is "once". It doesn't belong to Mexico anymore. It is only in the southwest (or Miami) where Spanish is spoken with any significance. The rest of the country primarily speaks English and it's because English is our national de facto language. Why would blacks, Asians and non-Hispanic whites speak Spanish?

So, when we bought he land from Mexico 160 years ago, everyone living here should have instantly stopped speaking Spanish. Gotcha!
3000 mile fence, sentries every what 100 meters? 35,000-40,000 new hires needed, but Republicans are against taxes...Hmm, dilemna.

There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.

ROFL... was down to a trickle at the wall for a couple months while they built the tunnels and walked, and boated around the wall.

Wrong! Please provide proof of your assertions. They merely moved further east to enter but if we have this type of wall along the most porous parts of our border as promised then it would be a big deterrent. A lot fewer would even attempt to come here. How many times do I have to mentions tunnel sensors to you?
Are you retarded? The most porous part of our border is NINE THOUSAND MILES OF RIVER DESERT AND BEACHES.

WTH are you talking about? Our southern borders is only 2,000 miles long!
ROFL you think our southern border is a straight line? ROFL You think magic happens at the end of mexico's border and suddenly it's not the south any more? Did you count Florida? Did you count California? You think they don't know how to use boats in any other country outside the us? WOW
there are MANY means to exclude unwanted invaders as I roll my eyes RMK !!
like I've said in previous posts Unkatore , I don't object to race , ethnicity . I object to population growth in the USA land mass . 200 million in 1970 and over 300 million in 2010 .

I object to our "immigration" numbers not being diversified. Since they aren't they are colonizing rather than assimilating. I don't care how many generations go by if this continues especially via illegal immigration they will never fully assimilate to the English language. Oh, they may learn it but will refuse to speak it unless they have to just like now. As their numbers grow Spanish will replace English as the dominant language and I object to this unnatural and unlawful transformation of our country.

This is extremely ironic, in view of the fact that my house sits on land that was owned by Mexico until 1854, and has a saguaro cactus in the front yard that is older than that. Frankly, I am at a loss as to why half of the people who live here don't speak Spanish as their primary language.

Your clue here is "once". It doesn't belong to Mexico anymore. It is only in the southwest (or Miami) where Spanish is spoken with any significance. The rest of the country primarily speaks English and it's because English is our national de facto language. Why would blacks, Asians and non-Hispanic whites speak Spanish?

So, when we bought he land from Mexico 160 years ago, everyone living here should have instantly stopped speaking Spanish. Gotcha!

No one is saying that since all those people are dead now anyways. Speaking a foreign language privately in a decent tone of voice or in the home is not the issue. No one is suggesting that Spanish or any other foreign language be forbidden to be spoken. Just show respect for where you are. Most offenders do know English so in that case why aren't they speaking it? They seem to have an adversion towards it.
There is no proposal for a 3,000 mile fence. Congress approved 700 miles of double wall on our southern border but they never funded it. I am a Republican and taxes should be spent on things we need. Securing our border is one of them. It was erected on a few miles along our San Diego border and illegal entry was down to a trickle.

ROFL... was down to a trickle at the wall for a couple months while they built the tunnels and walked, and boated around the wall.

Wrong! Please provide proof of your assertions. They merely moved further east to enter but if we have this type of wall along the most porous parts of our border as promised then it would be a big deterrent. A lot fewer would even attempt to come here. How many times do I have to mentions tunnel sensors to you?
Are you retarded? The most porous part of our border is NINE THOUSAND MILES OF RIVER DESERT AND BEACHES.

WTH are you talking about? Our southern borders is only 2,000 miles long!
ROFL you think our southern border is a straight line? ROFL You think magic happens at the end of mexico's border and suddenly it's not the south any more? Did you count Florida? Did you count California? You think they don't know how to use boats in any other country outside the us? WOW

I am merely quoting the mileage that is considered to be our border with Mexico.
Most offenders do know English so in that case why aren't they speaking it? They seem to have an adversion [sic] towards it.

Again, NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS what language other people speak to each other or why or how loudly in private or public. "Offenders"? Who the fuck are you again? "An aversion"? (that's how you spell that word, hypocrite) You have no idea what you are talking about.
Everyone in here should be entitled to express their opinion but with civility. That's not telling other people what they can and can't do by merely expressing an opinion. That's just plain idiotic! Adults can agree to disagree without childish insults, personal attacks and profanity. Those who resort to making fun of typos or misspellings have shown they have lost the debate also. Someone in here needs an anger management class.
Take away the freebies, legalize marijuana, and the problem goes away.

How can letting a bunch of stupid teenagers get high make illegal immigrants stop coming here? Do you seriously believe this or are you just using the immigration crisis as an excuse to push for being able to get your illegal drugs?
with all respect TPP , --- the argument for legalizing marijuana is because if its legal in the USA then pot from Mexico will dry up because anyone in the USA can get legally grown marijuana from / in the USA . --- something like that !! So if a guy can buy at a legal government or private run pot store in the USA he then has no need for illegal pot from Mexico !! I think that's the reasoning for legalizing marijuana .
Take away the freebies, legalize marijuana, and the problem goes away.

How can letting a bunch of stupid teenagers get high make illegal immigrants stop coming here? Do you seriously believe this or are you just using the immigration crisis as an excuse to push for being able to get your illegal drugs?
You misunderstood what I said. I made two points, you only focused on one. There are two problems with illegals coming into our country. One problem is the freeloaders, the ones that come here for welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare. Cut off those freebies and they'll stop coming.

The other problem is the drug dealers who come here to sell their goods. Legalizing marijuana will take the profit out of their hands, which will take away their incentive to come here.
two mile wide mine field along the mexican border would do wonders
Not so good for the wildlife, cattle, ranchers, and Towns and Cities along our side of the Rio Grande though. And even if you did close all those towns down and ranchers, and kill all the animals... what about boats and planes?

The wolves they're releasing aren't good for the cattle either. Maybe they should have a 10 mile strip along the border and make it for wolves.
ok with me , start the country wide Arresting .
Can't it's against the law to arrest illegal immigrants.
It isn't against the law to arrest the people who knowingly hire them.

So you claim the entire problem is with those that hire them? That's like saying that if I leave my door unlock and a thief comes in and takes my belongings it's my fault for not locking the door. I've actually had someone tell me that I should be held responsible if a gun someone broke a window in my truck to steal and that was in the glove box as State law requires is used in a crime.

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