Why the fuck would a company hire someone and not tell the person

They don't have to tell me I will receive a 60 question mutiple choice test after lunch without notice??
If you are intelligent and qualified for the job, what is the problem?

because I like to know when a test is so I can prepare for the shit
If you are qualified for the job, what is to prepare for?

They trying to see if I am qualified based on how well I do on the test from all the training I received
If you are qualified, there should not be a problem.
If he paid attention to the training he was getting he should have no problem either.

What did he think it was for, shits and giggles?
They have to take a test during probation which is on all the training you received during probation. If you pass you are part of the staff and if you fail you done. Shouldn't they tell people that shit in the interview? Now I have to wonder if I passed the fucking test all weekend to know if I will still be working.

Stupid ass companies

A lot of them test you before you get a job offer to weed out people that can't do basic office and computer work ... Then if your job is specalized and requires company training (which a lot of corporations do now) you spend several weeks learning the system and procedures. Tests are to see if you are serious and to make sure they aren't wasting their time. A lot of employees go through traing and then quit ( to much work and they are lazy) corporations try to weed these people out before they invest time and money on them. Many companies have a training curve of 12/14 months... so they want serious employees that want to do the job. Common practice across the board. If you want a corporate job... get used to it... they ain't all that easy. And they upgrade,change systems,change procedures frequently. Be prepared to attend required training and testing once a year or more.
They have to take a test during probation which is on all the training you received during probation. If you pass you are part of the staff and if you fail you done. Shouldn't they tell people that shit in the interview? Now I have to wonder if I passed the fucking test all weekend to know if I will still be working.

Stupid ass companies

One time I worked at a place that hired 7 people as temps. The job was manageable. Then there were 6. Then there were 5. So on and so forth. Holy crap! After a month or two I was the only one there. Too late. The assholes already hired me on permanently. I was doing the job of 7 people. It was very dishonest. Luckily I got fired from that crap hole.

If you are lucky then you will have the courage to smile really big, take the test and then walk out on them right after you get done taking the test. Just make sure you ace the test before you leave.

Hindsight is 20/20.
Because if they move that employee from "probation" to "hired in" they have to pay him/her more and/or provide some benefits. It's cheaper to hire in temps and let them go just as the probation deadline is about to expire.

You're new to the job market, aren't you.

Don't be so sure. There are good companies out there. I have worked for a good company in the past. Not all companies treat their employees like crap. Don't tell me that I was the only person who has worked for a good and honest company. I'll have a hard time believing that.
They don't have to tell you shit. Do your fucking job and shut up.

They don't have to tell me I will receive a 60 question mutiple choice test after lunch without notice??
If you are intelligent and qualified for the job, what is the problem?

because I like to know when a test is so I can prepare for the shit
If you are qualified for the job, what is to prepare for?

They trying to see if I am qualified based on how well I do on the test from all the training I received
And based on the mountain you're making out of this molehill you're not the type of person I'd hire. Yes, they are trying to see if you're qualified after investing their time and energy in training you. It's their way of finding out if you've been diligent or just another fuckup who doesn't take work responsibilities seriously and thus no use to them whatsoever.

Good luck with your next job interview. Sounds like you'll need it.
They don't have to tell you shit. Do your fucking job and shut up.

They don't have to tell me I will receive a 60 question mutiple choice test after lunch without notice??

No. They don't. On the same note: You don't have to tell them that you are walking out after the test. You can smile and pretend everything is hunky doorey then say, "See you tomorrow." and never come back. At one company I worked for it was called pulling a Shanoboo because a girl named Shanoboo did that one time. She was our hero.
They don't have to tell me I will receive a 60 question mutiple choice test after lunch without notice??
If you are intelligent and qualified for the job, what is the problem?

because I like to know when a test is so I can prepare for the shit
If you are qualified for the job, what is to prepare for?

They trying to see if I am qualified based on how well I do on the test from all the training I received
And based on the mountain you're making out of this molehill you're not the type of person I'd hire. Yes, they are trying to see if you're qualified after investing their time and energy in training you. It's their way of finding out if you've been diligent or just another fuckup who doesn't take work responsibilities seriously and thus no use to them whatsoever.

Good luck with your next job interview. Sounds like you'll need it.

Plus they need to make sure employees know the procedures and ethics policies of the job. If they don't it can open the company up to huge lawsuits. Especially if you are dealing with the publics personal information.
They don't have to tell me I will receive a 60 question mutiple choice test after lunch without notice??
If you are intelligent and qualified for the job, what is the problem?

because I like to know when a test is so I can prepare for the shit
If you are qualified for the job, what is to prepare for?

They trying to see if I am qualified based on how well I do on the test from all the training I received
And based on the mountain you're making out of this molehill you're not the type of person I'd hire. Yes, they are trying to see if you're qualified after investing their time and energy in training you. It's their way of finding out if you've been diligent or just another fuckup who doesn't take work responsibilities seriously and thus no use to them whatsoever.

Good luck with your next job interview. Sounds like you'll need it.
Needs the job, but is already bitching; looks like a candidate to stay long enough to recharge unemployment bennies and find a way to get laid off.
They don't have to tell you shit. Do your fucking job and shut up.

They don't have to tell me I will receive a 60 question mutiple choice test after lunch without notice??

No. They don't. On the same note: You don't have to tell them that you are walking out after the test. You can smile and pretend everything is hunky doorey then say, "See you tomorrow." and never come back. At one company I worked for it was called pulling a Shanoboo because a girl named Shanoboo did that one time. She was our hero.
A friend of mine did that at his draft physical; just walked out and said he would see them later.

Two years later he walked back in, and asked to finish the physical.

Needless to say he was crazy, and got a 4-F.
Needs the job,

Did I miss something? I didn't read anything that implied that he needed the job. This is a very common misconception that really pisses me off. Most people in the United States don't need a job. They just want one.

Almost all married people could quit their job and continue breathing for another 50 years. They could continue paying bills for 3 or 4 years.

Very few people need a job. That's a costly assumption.
Needs the job,

Did I miss something? I didn't read anything that implied that he needed the job. This is a very common misconception that really pisses me off. Most people in the United States don't need a job. They just want one.

Almost all married people could quit their job and continue breathing for another 50 years. They could continue paying bills for 3 or 4 years.

Very few people need a job. That's a costly assumption.

"But when you are hired and receive a offer letter you think you are employed again. Only to find another barrier to employment"

Sounds like NEED to me.
They don't have to tell you shit. Do your fucking job and shut up.

They don't have to tell me I will receive a 60 question mutiple choice test after lunch without notice??

Somehow I question that.

But others have said you should just "do your job".

Me, I don't work for companies that don't communicate things like that.

It sounds like shoddy management. Pass the test...keep working...and start looking for the next job. To many people I know settle for employment that sucks.
"But when you are hired and receive a offer letter you think you are employed again. Only to find another barrier to employment"

Sounds like NEED to me.

If everybody needed a job so bad then they would all pay $7.25 an hour. There would be no jobs paying $7.26 an hour or higher. There is this misconception that companies always have the upper hand. There is another misconception that employees always have the upper hand. The truth is that there are billions of variables. Sometimes you are the bug. Sometimes you are the windshield. The world is more complex than,

"The company always screws the employees and the employees just has to take it."

The world is way more diverse than that.
"But when you are hired and receive a offer letter you think you are employed again. Only to find another barrier to employment"

Sounds like NEED to me.

If everybody needed a job so bad then they would all pay $7.25 an hour. There would be no jobs paying $7.26 an hour or higher. There is this misconception that companies always have the upper hand. There is another misconception that employees always have the upper hand. The truth is that there are billions of variables. Sometimes you are the bug. Sometimes you are the windshield. The world is more complex than,

"The company always screws the employees and the employees just has to take it."

The world is way more diverse than that.
To many people I know settle for employment that sucks.

I have noticed that too.
All jobs suck, get old and are boring......I usually whore myself out to the highest bidder for my labor...

I don't agree.

All days have their moments...but so do marriages...and I don't advocate breaking them up.

And no company has to make your job interesting. You can do that yourself within reason.

But if your job sucks....find a new one.
For a floor sweeping job?

I'm not sure but I think he said it was 60 questions. I think he'll do fine with the test. The problem is that he felt like he was swindled. It doesn't matter if he was swindled or not. The important thing to remember is that he will feel that way indefinitely. That anger is bound to rear its ugly head eventually. He needs to get out of dodge before he does something that he will regret later. Nobody should ever work for a company that mistreats them unless they enjoy being mistreated. In that case they should stay and ask for more. He just doesn't seem like the kind of guy that enjoys abuse.

Staying at a job that treats you like crap is bad for you and bad for the company who treats you like crap. This is especially true if the person being abused has an extensive gun collection.

Back in the late 80's it was common for Postal Workers to be gun collectors.

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