Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

Free clinics aren't free. Emergency rooms aren't PCPs and also are not free. Medicaid is only for the poor - what about those that make too much for Medicaid and too little to afford private insurance?

they make up about 1% of the population, let the govt buy them each a policy. that would be a hell of a lot cheaper than obozocare.

People who make too much for Medicaid yet not enough to afford private insurance make up only 1% of the population? :lol:

Whose ass did you pull that from?

And did I hear you right? You support gov't subsidies for health insurance?

That's kind of what the ACA was geared to prevent. Originally, that's exactly what the Democrats wanted.

Which goes to show these folks aren't at all serious.
Naw, you just started it to troll and you got called on it.

Not to worry, though. Chances are, your Teahad heroes in Congess won't pay a significant price for this at the ballot box next year, anyway.

I'd say read that again, but hey, I can't force you to be right.

I've read it more than once and it's the usual projection. You need to go get some more spin, this has gotten a bit worn out.

If you've read it twice and still cannot grasp it, I cannot help you. Sorry.

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