Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

The GOP's belief that the uninsured did something wrong to make them uninsured, and that they deserve to stay uninsured and suffer, has been a political loser for the GOP.

When are conservatives going to learn this, and change their policies?

Not all people who are suffering from not being able to afford their care are old white people, who the GOP helped so generously by creating Medicare D, and huge social program funded by taxpayers.

completely false. Every american should have healthcare, and before the ACA bill they did. No one in the USA was being denied healthcare, NO ONE.

There were, and are, cost issues that need addressing, but obamacare does nothing to reduce cost. But it will limit treatment options, it will delay treatment, and it will cause doctors to quit. It is terrible legislation.

but tell me old fart, why has congress exempted itself if its so wonderful?

Exactly true.
Basically it this:

The GOP wants to defund obamacare because it is the right thing to do. They are correct when they say it will ruin healthcare. It already is even though it isn't yet fully instituted. They are also correct when they sat that it will harm the economy. It is already doing that as well.

They know that the attempt to defund it has zero chance of working. Even if it passed the senate, obama will veto it and they have no chance of getting 2/3 of Congress.

So what is the point? Because it's the right thing to do for the reasons stated above.

The difference between the GOP and the DNC is that the DNC doesn't care about the results of their policies other than its ability to garner them votes. Power is what they want. Control is what they want. They don't care what their policies do to the country or the people, as longas they stay in power. The GOP otoh, most of them anyway, tend to do what is right despite the fact that it could cost them an election.

The democrats are for control and power, the GOP is for doing what is right.

Excellent post.

The Democrats showed us what they really thought about Obamacare when they fought to exempt themselves and their staff. The IRS showed us how they felt when they requested to be exempt.

The Republicans are on the side of the majority of people on this issue. Obamacare is already hurting companies and people are losing jobs. Untrained people are about to have access to all our sensitive information and no one should feel good about that. And it will get worse. Even notable Dems, like Warren Buffet, have spoken out on how horrible this will be for the country. The unions are mad as hell. Of course, they helped push this crap and now want to be one of the few special people who won't have to participate.

For the Dems to push this on the people knowing that it's bad policy is absolutely inexcusable. I hope this gets defunded. I don't expect the Dem-controlled senate to start caring about the little people, but I am hoping that they will vote to defund it based on what is more important to them- their own careers.

If this shit holds up and doesn't get defunded, then the law has to apply to everyone and Obama cannot arbitrarily decided who does and doesn't have to follow the law. Who the hell does he think he is anyway?
It's like my situation.

I'm a healthcare worker. If I fast forward to the point where it's single payer, and we all know that's exactly where this is headed, things don't look bad for me personally. Government employee, unionized, good pay and benefits, less work.

Yet, I fight it. Why, because it's going to suck ass for the country and all of the non-healthcare workers and the non-rich. Because fighting the disaster that is Obamacare, is the right thing to do.
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Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

Because having failed to defeat the president in 2012, the partisan right perceives ‘repealing’ or ‘defunding’ the ACA as the next best thing, a way to politically embarrass the president and adversely effect his legacy.

That conservatives offer no viable, good faith alternative to the ACA is proof of this, exhibiting conservative contempt for the millions of Americans suffering without health insurance, and consequently going without needed healthcare.
NOT ONE person has answered my question "What was the major reason Congress passed by just 6 votes Obamacare?"

My answer is because Congress like most people thought there were as Obama said:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
BUT NO ONE seem to question.. "Who are these 46 million ???"

ACA was passed primarily because everyone felt sorry for the 46 million "uninsured"!

BUT WERE there 46 million people that wanted health insurance, or NEEDED health insurance or were legally able to get insurance?

1) Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually.
They don't want nor need health insurance as they pay less then $1,000 out of pocket per year!


Subtract from 46 million the 18 million and you get 28 million.

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid!
SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

The Census never told them they qualified for Medicaid and so these 14 million are counted as uninsured.
Subtract from 28 million the 14 million covered by Medicaid leaves 14 million

3) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Subtract from 14 million the 10 million NOT citizens leaves 4 million!

Now there are going to be some real idiots responding that they've debunked the above BUT THEY NEVER showed their
proof versus READ THE LINKS I've provided!
4 million that want and NEED coverage is the issue!
SO why are we destroying the country over 4 million that simply paying a $5,000 per person uninsured premium would solve the problem!
THAT's it!
$20 billion VERSUS destruction of $100 billion a year in tax revenue from 1,300 companies that won't be able to sell health insurance!
Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

Because having failed to defeat the president in 2012, the partisan right perceives ‘repealing’ or ‘defunding’ the ACA as the next best thing, a way to politically embarrass the president and adversely effect his legacy.

That conservatives offer no viable, good faith alternative to the ACA is proof of this, exhibiting conservative contempt for the millions of Americans suffering without health insurance, and consequently going without needed healthcare.


Wake me when you have a new or original line of bull shit.
Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

Because having failed to defeat the president in 2012, the partisan right perceives ‘repealing’ or ‘defunding’ the ACA as the next best thing, a way to politically embarrass the president and adversely effect his legacy.

That conservatives offer no viable, good faith alternative to the ACA is proof of this, exhibiting conservative contempt for the millions of Americans suffering without health insurance, and consequently going without needed healthcare.

As long as there are FREE clinics, emergency rooms and Medicaid no one has to do without needed healthcare.
Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

Because having failed to defeat the president in 2012, the partisan right perceives ‘repealing’ or ‘defunding’ the ACA as the next best thing, a way to politically embarrass the president and adversely effect his legacy.

That conservatives offer no viable, good faith alternative to the ACA is proof of this, exhibiting conservative contempt for the millions of Americans suffering without health insurance, and consequently going without needed healthcare.

As long as there are FREE clinics, emergency rooms and Medicaid no one has to do without needed healthcare.

Another thing that the left wing nuts refuse to understand.
The GOP's belief that the uninsured did something wrong to make them uninsured, and that they deserve to stay uninsured and suffer, has been a political loser for the GOP.

When are conservatives going to learn this, and change their policies?

Not all people who are suffering from not being able to afford their care are old white people, who the GOP helped so generously by creating Medicare D, and huge social program funded by taxpayers.

completely false. Every american should have healthcare, and before the ACA bill they did. No one in the USA was being denied healthcare, NO ONE.

There were, and are, cost issues that need addressing, but obamacare does nothing to reduce cost. But it will limit treatment options, it will delay treatment, and it will cause doctors to quit. It is terrible legislation.

but tell me old fart, why has congress exempted itself if its so wonderful?

Being able to go into any emergency room and get healthcare services doesn't cut it. I want all Americans to know they can see a doctor and if they can't afford the bill, that the taxpayers will cover it.

The GOP had unified power for six years, and didn't do anything about healthcare costs but give old people taxpayer subsidized medicines, so we know that for many GOPers it's not what the law is, but who passed it, and who benefits from it, that's important to them.
In short, it’s true that many of the 45.7 million "uninsured"
could find coverage through existing government programs
or pay for their own coverage if they chose.

Some, perhaps 6 million, are illegal immigrants who would not receive coverage under any proposal now being considered.
The ?Real? Uninsured
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Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

Because Republicans enjoy Americans suffering. We know that from "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and so on. They could be helping the country create jobs, but that would be "socialism" and would lesson the suffering.
So again... folks why are we concerned about 1% of the USA population when for a measly 10% tax on lawyers $270 billion would provide a $5,000 premium per year for the 4 million that truly want and need but can't afford health insurance???
Surely these millionaire lawyers can afford that?

Number of Lawyers in the US. According to the American Bar Association, there were 1,128,729 resident and active attorneys in the United States in 2006....$270 billion divided by 1,128,729 lawyers equals $239,207.

That works out to the lawyers taxed $23,000 each from their $239,207 annual average income..
After Obamacare taxes tanning salons 10% because tanning promotes skin cancer!
So why not tax lawyers that promote the $850 billion a year in "defensive medicine" which 90% of doctors surveyed said they
practice out of fear of LAWSUITS caused by lawyers!

The total cost of non melanoma skin cancer care in the United States in the Medicare population is $426 million/year.!
Cost of nonmelanoma skin cancer treatment in t... [Dermatol Surg. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI

The cost to health insurance companies/Medicare and out of pocket due to "defensive medicine practices" $850 billion a year!

Just doesn't seem proportional does it??

  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles
Basically it this:

The GOP wants to defund obamacare because it is the right thing to do. They are correct when they say it will ruin healthcare. It already is even though it isn't yet fully instituted. They are also correct when they sat that it will harm the economy. It is already doing that as well.

They know that the attempt to defund it has zero chance of working. Even if it passed the senate, obama will veto it and they have no chance of getting 2/3 of Congress.

So what is the point? Because it's the right thing to do for the reasons stated above.

The difference between the GOP and the DNC is that the DNC doesn't care about the results of their policies other than its ability to garner them votes. Power is what they want. Control is what they want. They don't care what their policies do to the country or the people, as longas they stay in power. The GOP otoh, most of them anyway, tend to do what is right despite the fact that it could cost them an election.

The democrats are for control and power, the GOP is for doing what is right.


That's a great argument. They keep voting to defund it - even though they know they will never succeed - because, they don't like it.

No plan of their own. Just, we don't like it.

Go sell that to the American people...oh yeah, you did and it didn't work. Oh well, keep repeating it. Maybe reality will magically change.
Basically it this:

The GOP wants to defund obamacare because it is the right thing to do. They are correct when they say it will ruin healthcare. It already is even though it isn't yet fully instituted. They are also correct when they sat that it will harm the economy. It is already doing that as well.

They know that the attempt to defund it has zero chance of working. Even if it passed the senate, obama will veto it and they have no chance of getting 2/3 of Congress.

So what is the point? Because it's the right thing to do for the reasons stated above.

The difference between the GOP and the DNC is that the DNC doesn't care about the results of their policies other than its ability to garner them votes. Power is what they want. Control is what they want. They don't care what their policies do to the country or the people, as longas they stay in power. The GOP otoh, most of them anyway, tend to do what is right despite the fact that it could cost them an election.

The democrats are for control and power, the GOP is for doing what is right.


That's a great argument. They keep voting to defund it - even though they know they will never succeed - because, they don't like it.

No plan of their own. Just, we don't like it.

Go sell that to the American people...oh yeah, you did and it didn't work. Oh well, keep repeating it. Maybe reality will magically change.

You know, I've tried in the past to help you with your reading comprehension problems, but I see you are still struggling with even the simplest of written sentences, paragraphs and ideas. How unfortunate for you.
Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.

Because having failed to defeat the president in 2012, the partisan right perceives ‘repealing’ or ‘defunding’ the ACA as the next best thing, a way to politically embarrass the president and adversely effect his legacy.

That conservatives offer no viable, good faith alternative to the ACA is proof of this, exhibiting conservative contempt for the millions of Americans suffering without health insurance, and consequently going without needed healthcare.

As long as there are FREE clinics, emergency rooms and Medicaid no one has to do without needed healthcare.

Free clinics aren't free. Emergency rooms aren't PCPs and also are not free. Medicaid is only for the poor - what about those that make too much for Medicaid and too little to afford private insurance?
Basically it this:

The GOP wants to defund obamacare because it is the right thing to do. They are correct when they say it will ruin healthcare. It already is even though it isn't yet fully instituted. They are also correct when they sat that it will harm the economy. It is already doing that as well.

They know that the attempt to defund it has zero chance of working. Even if it passed the senate, obama will veto it and they have no chance of getting 2/3 of Congress.

So what is the point? Because it's the right thing to do for the reasons stated above.

The difference between the GOP and the DNC is that the DNC doesn't care about the results of their policies other than its ability to garner them votes. Power is what they want. Control is what they want. They don't care what their policies do to the country or the people, as longas they stay in power. The GOP otoh, most of them anyway, tend to do what is right despite the fact that it could cost them an election.

The democrats are for control and power, the GOP is for doing what is right.


That's a great argument. They keep voting to defund it - even though they know they will never succeed - because, they don't like it.

No plan of their own. Just, we don't like it.

Go sell that to the American people...oh yeah, you did and it didn't work. Oh well, keep repeating it. Maybe reality will magically change.

You know, I've tried in the past to help you with your reading comprehension problems, but I see you are still struggling with even the simplest of written sentences, paragraphs and ideas. How unfortunate for you.

You know, you really should own up to your failed arguments instead of projecting your failures onto others. I read and understood your op just fine. The GOP doesn't like the ACA just, because...and they have no plan of their own. Good luck with that one, sparky :thup:

That's a great argument. They keep voting to defund it - even though they know they will never succeed - because, they don't like it.

No plan of their own. Just, we don't like it.

Go sell that to the American people...oh yeah, you did and it didn't work. Oh well, keep repeating it. Maybe reality will magically change.

You know, I've tried in the past to help you with your reading comprehension problems, but I see you are still struggling with even the simplest of written sentences, paragraphs and ideas. How unfortunate for you.

You know, you really should own up to your failed arguments instead of projecting your failures onto others. I read and understood your op just fine. The GOP doesn't like the ACA just, because...and they have no plan of their own. Good luck with that one, sparky :thup:

Wow, and to add to your problem, you are in denial. Difficult thing for you to try to overcome when you are incapable of realizing you have the problem. How very unfortunate for you.

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