Why the GOP lost in VA

Mark Levin is right, and since GOP has four times as many voters and seven times as much money, guess what is going to happen.
A Furious Mark Levin Reacts to Republican Ken Cuccinelli?s Loss in Va. Governor?s Race ? Find Out Why He?s Livid | TheBlaze.com

Mark Levin hit it on the head. The reason the GOP lost in VA is because the GOP withdrew support from the Tea Party candidate. They would rather a democrat win.

Conservatives, you know what you must do, withdraw your support from the GOP and give it directly to conservative groups.

It was several reasons.
The Dems outspent the GOP by 3 to 1. Cuccinelli had some issues with his campaign. But the biggest reason was narco-libtard idiots voting for the faux libertarian candidate. Without him in the race Cuccinelli would be governor today.
A Furious Mark Levin Reacts to Republican Ken Cuccinelli?s Loss in Va. Governor?s Race ? Find Out Why He?s Livid | TheBlaze.com

Mark Levin hit it on the head. The reason the GOP lost in VA is because the GOP withdrew support from the Tea Party candidate. They would rather a democrat win.

Conservatives, you know what you must do, withdraw your support from the GOP and give it directly to conservative groups.

Levin is an anarchist. The answer is to takeover the GOP the way Moscow took over the DNC
A Furious Mark Levin Reacts to Republican Ken Cuccinelli?s Loss in Va. Governor?s Race ? Find Out Why He?s Livid | TheBlaze.com

Mark Levin hit it on the head. The reason the GOP lost in VA is because the GOP withdrew support from the Tea Party candidate. They would rather a democrat win.

Conservatives, you know what you must do, withdraw your support from the GOP and give it directly to conservative groups.

Levin is an anarchist. The answer is to takeover the GOP the way Moscow took over the DNC

The latter never happened and the latter never will, Frank. But your fascist paymaster liked your post.
The libertarians hate the TeaPoCraps even more than the Dems.

Only the establishment Republicans, who would sell their country out in a heartbeat for the sake of a cushy job, hate the TEA party.

Genuine patriots love the TEA party.

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A Furious Mark Levin Reacts to Republican Ken Cuccinelli?s Loss in Va. Governor?s Race ? Find Out Why He?s Livid | TheBlaze.com

Mark Levin hit it on the head. The reason the GOP lost in VA is because the GOP withdrew support from the Tea Party candidate. They would rather a democrat win.

Conservatives, you know what you must do, withdraw your support from the GOP and give it directly to conservative groups.

Levin is an anarchist. The answer is to takeover the GOP the way Moscow took over the DNC

The latter never happened and the latter never will, Frank. But your fascist paymaster liked your post.

"Hello, this is Jake Starkey and Terry McAuliff is counting on your vote. Will you get to the poll and vote a few times for us?"
:lol: Frank, you and the thug TeaPoCraps have demonstrated you lose elections for the GOP.
He lost because the american people have had it with the radical right wing teabaggers.
What was demonstrated that if the GOP keeps hammering ACA and stops the assault on gays and women's reproductive rights, we can beat the Dems every time.
People don't like extremists and that's why the GOP lost in Virginia.

The Teabaggers just don't seem to be able to grasp that idea.
But the biggest reason was narco-libtard idiots voting for the faux libertarian candidate. Without him in the race Cuccinelli would be governor today.

Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, but that's not true.

Fact is Cuccinelli was not a very popular candidate with some important demographics. The fact is about 40% of the electorate votes straight "D" no matter who is put up, about 40% of the candidates vote straight "R" no matter who is put up. The real decision makers are the 20% Moderate Democrates/Independents/Moderate Republicans who actually look at the candidates to make their decision and Cuccinelli was not liked by an important demographics (unmarried women) with 67-25 a percent margin against. I vote based mostly on fiscal issues and think McAuliffe is a bad choice so I voted for Cuccinelli (R) on the other hand Jackson (R) was not impressive so I vote for Northam "D" as a counter balance.

As to Sarvis costing Cuccinelli the election, poppycock. The only one that cost Cuccinelli the election was - wait for it - wait for it - Cuccinelli because he got less votes then McAuliffe and lost.

These talking points to blame anyone but Cuccinelli for losing are pretty lame. The fact is that exit polls show that McAuliffe had more votes drawn off then Cuccinelli did. You know what that means right? If Savis hadn't been in the race then Cuccinelli would have lost by a larger margin then he did because 2 of 3 "Sarvis" voters would have voted McAuliffe over Cuccinelli.

#1 "Don't blame McDonnell
If Cuccinelli loses, he can't blame his defeat on scandal-plagued outgoing GOP Gov. Bob McDonnell or third-party Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis. Virginia voters actually approve of McDonnell's job performance by 12 points (53%-41%). And if Sarvis had not been in the race, exit polls indicate McAuliffe would have beaten Cuccinelli by 7 points (50%-43%)."

#2 "Finally, while it didn’t change the outcome, the third-party candidate in the race, Libertarian Robert Sarvis, may have made it closer for McAuliffe than it would have been otherwise. Had he not been on the ballot, a third of his voters said they’d have supported McAuliffe – slightly more than twice as many as said they’d have gone for Cuccinelli.

#3 "Was the Libertarian candidate Sarvis a spoiler? In a word: no. In a straight two-way matchup, voters preferred McAuliffe to Cuccinelli by two points. That’s almost identical to the final outcome. In fact, Sarvis drew from independents and moderates, and took at least as many votes from the Democrat as the Republican."

#1 - CNN exit polls: Virginia governor?s race ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
#2 - Exit Poll Results Tell a Tale of Two Republicans - ABC News
#3 - Exit polls: McAuliffe wins in Virginia with strong support among women | Fox News


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