Why the GOP should continue to oppose gay marriage


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
I know that gay marriage now polls at 55% and whatnot, and some conservatives think in order to win another national election they have to turn the page on gay marriage.

Here's why that's not only not true, but a bad idea.

First of all, notice how there are two separate but parallel narratives with the push for gay marriage. The first one goes "it's only a matter of time until it's nationally legal, so opponents need to drop it because they're on the wrong side of history". The second one goes, "this is about equal rights and gays not being denied their constitutional rights". Hmm.

If it's inevitable and all the young people and smart people agree with it, why does it matter that we see it as a matter of equal rights? It has a majority of support. The people have spoken. They want gay marriage. What's with the need to be Right when you're so sure you're going to Win?


If it's about equal rights and constitutional rights, why does it matter if the people agree with it or not? If this is about the principles of the Bill of Rights and not denying certain classes of people their right to marry, who cares if it enjoys populist support? Right is right, right?

Methinks supporters are trying to create an aura of support while not placing much faith in either tactic.

Remember something: California voted twice in eight years to define marriage as a man and woman...and yet, it is now legal. In 1996, Congress passed DOMA with bipartisan support and over 2/3 of the states followed suit...and now many of them have legalized SSM and part of DOMA has been struck down.

Few states have shown through popular vote that they agree with same-sex marriage, if any. And yet, because of a few polls, it's now accepted that most Americans support same-sex marriage. What sense does that make?

I think it's clear that the mentality for most supporters entrenched in this fight is something like: If most Americans agree with gay marriage, great, we'll go with that. If not, we're perfectly fine Just Legalizing It Anyway.

And that's why the GOP needs to continue to oppose it. They need to tell the truth. Gay marriage supporters are fine using any means to get what they want, but most Americans have demonstrably shown they disagree with it. Using data without the anticipation of an actual vote to push a narrative shouldn't be just accepted as political wisdom. They need to stop being scared of being booed -- because the bottom line is gays and young people aren't going to vote for a Republican by any wide margin regardless what they say on these issues du jour (i.e. pot legalization, gay marriage, etc) -- and make a principled argument based on the truth.
The issue is a done deal

All that is left is for Conservatives to claim that they thought of it first
Opposition cannot be justified from any position other than "god hates fags" even though he keeps stubbornly making them anyway.

Just yelling "first!" would've been more intellectual than this.
The issue is a done deal

All that is left is for Conservatives to claim that they thought of it first

Yeah, just like global warming is a "done deal." The science is settled.

Gay marriage has never been approved by referendum in any state. In most cases it comes about because of some ruling by an unelected judge.
It is settled. Every time there is a vote of the people, it is voted down. The voters of the left wing state of California voted it down twice.

Which controls--------the will of the people or the agenda of some liberal judge?

Think about it, do you really want this country run by the dictates of any group with an agenda?

How will you like it when a group that you disagree with takes power?

Be careful what you wish for libs, be very careful
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I know that gay marriage now polls at 55% and whatnot, and some conservatives think in order to win another national election they have to turn the page on gay marriage.

Here's why that's not only not true, but a bad idea.

First of all, notice how there are two separate but parallel narratives with the push for gay marriage. The first one goes "it's only a matter of time until it's nationally legal, so opponents need to drop it because they're on the wrong side of history". The second one goes, "this is about equal rights and gays not being denied their constitutional rights". Hmm.

If it's inevitable and all the young people and smart people agree with it, why does it matter that we see it as a matter of equal rights? It has a majority of support. The people have spoken. They want gay marriage. What's with the need to be Right when you're so sure you're going to Win?


If it's about equal rights and constitutional rights, why does it matter if the people agree with it or not? If this is about the principles of the Bill of Rights and not denying certain classes of people their right to marry, who cares if it enjoys populist support? Right is right, right?

Methinks supporters are trying to create an aura of support while not placing much faith in either tactic.

Remember something: California voted twice in eight years to define marriage as a man and woman...and yet, it is now legal. In 1996, Congress passed DOMA with bipartisan support and over 2/3 of the states followed suit...and now many of them have legalized SSM and part of DOMA has been struck down.

Few states have shown through popular vote that they agree with same-sex marriage, if any. And yet, because of a few polls, it's now accepted that most Americans support same-sex marriage. What sense does that make?

I think it's clear that the mentality for most supporters entrenched in this fight is something like: If most Americans agree with gay marriage, great, we'll go with that. If not, we're perfectly fine Just Legalizing It Anyway.

And that's why the GOP needs to continue to oppose it. They need to tell the truth. Gay marriage supporters are fine using any means to get what they want, but most Americans have demonstrably shown they disagree with it. Using data without the anticipation of an actual vote to push a narrative shouldn't be just accepted as political wisdom. They need to stop being scared of being booed -- because the bottom line is gays and young people aren't going to vote for a Republican by any wide margin regardless what they say on these issues du jour (i.e. pot legalization, gay marriage, etc) -- and make a principled argument based on the truth.

The answer is pretty simple. And, it's really no different from any other "no compromise" issue by the very right, amnesty and obamacare for example. The numbers are simply against you on these issues, as your post points out. So, your options are two: One: gee six out of ten disagree with me, could there be something to their view? Two: I'm principled. No compromise.

What your choice (and I mean the gop's choice too) does is that all those who'd seek to look at the other sides' motivations to find some good will are now unacceptable to you. So, in order to win a national election is you'll need someone like Caesar who was all things to all people.
The generation of children that grew up with their parents hating black people saw how ignorant and pathetic their parents were. They grew up more compassionate and tolerant because they didn't want to become like their bigoted parents.

Today's generation of children see how ignorant and pathetic their parents are, and how much damage they inflict on gay people, and want no part of that type of hate.

And the Earth keeps on turning.
The generation of children that grew up with their parents hating black people saw how ignorant and pathetic their parents were. They grew up more compassionate and tolerant because they didn't want to become like their bigoted parents.

Today's generation of children see how ignorant and pathetic their parents are, and how much damage they inflict on gay people, and want no part of that type of hate.

And the Earth keeps on turning.

you are one of the dumbest posters on this forum. There is no hate of gays by conservatives. Conservatives want gays to have equality and fair treatment. But gay marriage is an oxymoron.

We fully support gay civil unions that would give gay couples the exact same rights as man/woman married couples.

But thats not good enough is it? The gay agenda is not about equality its about mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal lifestyle. You don't really give a shit about equality---------its all about ramming the words "gay marriage" up the asses of the majority who oppose it.

Hell, even the left wing state of Ca voted it down twice, only to have the will of the people overturned by an activist left wing judge----------is that the america you want?
I know that gay marriage now polls at 55% and whatnot, and some conservatives think in order to win another national election they have to turn the page on gay marriage.

Here's why that's not only not true, but a bad idea.

Republican Ideology in a nutshell. Sure people want it but we're smarter than them and if we keep yelling loud and over everyone else they'll come to our side and realize how wrong they were :lol:
The generation of children that grew up with their parents hating black people saw how ignorant and pathetic their parents were. They grew up more compassionate and tolerant because they didn't want to become like their bigoted parents.

Today's generation of children see how ignorant and pathetic their parents are, and how much damage they inflict on gay people, and want no part of that type of hate.

And the Earth keeps on turning.

you are one of the dumbest posters on this forum. There is no hate of gays by conservatives. Conservatives want gays to have equality and fair treatment. But gay marriage is an oxymoron.

We fully support gay civil unions that would give gay couples the exact same rights as man/woman married couples.

But thats not good enough is it? The gay agenda is not about equality its about mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal lifestyle. You don't really give a shit about equality---------its all about ramming the words "gay marriage" up the asses of the majority who oppose it.

Hell, even the left wing state of Ca voted it down twice, only to have the will of the people overturned by an activist left wing judge----------is that the america you want?

You are one of the dumbest people on this forum. It's ALL about equality! When there are idiots like you saying "they're trying to ram an abnormal way of life up my ass..." THAT'S not equality! That's homophobia sprinkled with a little bit of good ol' conservative IGNORANCE.
I know that gay marriage now polls at 55% and whatnot, and some conservatives think in order to win another national election they have to turn the page on gay marriage.

Here's why that's not only not true, but a bad idea.

First of all, notice how there are two separate but parallel narratives with the push for gay marriage. The first one goes "it's only a matter of time until it's nationally legal, so opponents need to drop it because they're on the wrong side of history". The second one goes, "this is about equal rights and gays not being denied their constitutional rights". Hmm.

If it's inevitable and all the young people and smart people agree with it, why does it matter that we see it as a matter of equal rights? It has a majority of support. The people have spoken. They want gay marriage. What's with the need to be Right when you're so sure you're going to Win?


If it's about equal rights and constitutional rights, why does it matter if the people agree with it or not? If this is about the principles of the Bill of Rights and not denying certain classes of people their right to marry, who cares if it enjoys populist support? Right is right, right?

Methinks supporters are trying to create an aura of support while not placing much faith in either tactic.

Remember something: California voted twice in eight years to define marriage as a man and woman...and yet, it is now legal. In 1996, Congress passed DOMA with bipartisan support and over 2/3 of the states followed suit...and now many of them have legalized SSM and part of DOMA has been struck down.

Few states have shown through popular vote that they agree with same-sex marriage, if any. And yet, because of a few polls, it's now accepted that most Americans support same-sex marriage. What sense does that make?

I think it's clear that the mentality for most supporters entrenched in this fight is something like: If most Americans agree with gay marriage, great, we'll go with that. If not, we're perfectly fine Just Legalizing It Anyway.

And that's why the GOP needs to continue to oppose it. They need to tell the truth. Gay marriage supporters are fine using any means to get what they want, but most Americans have demonstrably shown they disagree with it. Using data without the anticipation of an actual vote to push a narrative shouldn't be just accepted as political wisdom. They need to stop being scared of being booed -- because the bottom line is gays and young people aren't going to vote for a Republican by any wide margin regardless what they say on these issues du jour (i.e. pot legalization, gay marriage, etc) -- and make a principled argument based on the truth.

Longest strawman fallacy. Ever.
Yes, the GOP should continue to oppose gay marriage no matter what their reasoning. It makes Republicans look like bigots that disagree with the constitution and how delicious is that!
I frankly don't care what the Republican party does on this issue, and gay marriage will be nationally legal everywhere regardless.

I personally will never recognize two people of the same sex as a married couple.
I personally will never recognize two people of the same sex as a married couple.

And there are people who still don't recognize two people of different races as a married couple.

Your opinions don't matter. The law is what matters.
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The GOP should not oppose same sex marriage. Same sex marriage will be the law nationally until the US is conquered or collapses. While supporting same sex marriage is on the wrong side of history, that doesn't mean that history will not be repeated. Once a country starts down the path of degeneracy it doesn't stop until it reaches the end.

What the GOP should do, is work towards protecting individuals from the ravages of same sex marriage effects. Start supporting freedom of religion instead. Keep it out of the schools. Protect business people.
Gay marriage doesn't have to be approved by law. It has to be disapproved of by law. Since there aren't any states with a law against gay marriage, gay marriage is therefore legal.

Something is legal if it is not illegal. Just ask Wall Street.
Gay marriage doesn't have to be approved by law. It has to be disapproved of by law. Since there aren't any states with a law against gay marriage, gay marriage is therefore legal.

Something is legal if it is not illegal. Just ask Wall Street.

You really have no clue.

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