Why the GOP should continue to oppose gay marriage

The sooner all the crusty old Baby Boomers die out the better off this country will be. They're the ones who have ruined it for future generations.

well they only helped make it SO you spoiled brats could come up and just whine about how much your wages are just not enough when you have to work, why should you be responsible for those student loans, and government should give you free healthcare, condoms, and money because you all have done so much for this country in your short whiny lives you DESERVE IT damnit

screw all them old fogies who went through the industrial revolution, or you would be in them fields picking cotton...and they went thought the great Dust bowl where many suffered only to change the way farming of the land was done...and who went through the great depression because they really needed that but yet a lot survived to make your lives easier and worked like dogs to make you brats a better life

and why wait for them to die out, ask your government to send them into ovens next year, YOU MIGHT appreciate that at least
The sooner all the crusty old Baby Boomers die out the better off this country will be. They're the ones who have ruined it for future generations.

Wut? They've probably done more to advance civil rights than anyone in US history.

Right before they blew the country to bits with their greed.

they worked and earned it why shouldn't they be greedy with it?
How many hours you work and where do you donate your weekly paychecks to? charity, homeless shelters, you send it to the guberment and ask them to hand it out to those in need?

and then you all turn around and vote for some the greediest bastards in this country when you pull that lever for your government

you can't be for real are you a tool?
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Opposition cannot be justified from any position other than "god hates fags" even though he keeps stubbornly making them anyway.

Wrong answer oh ignorant one, the courts should not be allowed to dictate to the States over matters that the feds have no constitutional power over.
The states aren't allowed to take away a citizens constitutional rights.
Opposition cannot be justified from any position other than "god hates fags" even though he keeps stubbornly making them anyway.

Wrong answer oh ignorant one, the courts should not be allowed to dictate to the States over matters that the feds have no constitutional power over.
The states aren't allowed to take away a citizens constitutional rights.

Show me the constitutional right to be married, not invented by some lawyer.

man wrote the Bible .... Goobers like you are a mistake from God
Wrong answer oh ignorant one, the courts should not be allowed to dictate to the States over matters that the feds have no constitutional power over.
The states aren't allowed to take away a citizens constitutional rights.

Show me the constitutional right to be married, not invented by some lawyer.

No, you show me where the constitution forbids it. We have a right to do anything unless there is a compelling reason for the government to deny it.
The issue is a done deal

All that is left is for Conservatives to claim that they thought of it first

Yeah, just like global warming is a "done deal." The science is settled.

Gay marriage has never been approved by referendum in any state. In most cases it comes about because of some ruling by an unelected judge.

Matters of civil rights are not up tot the people so the referendum is meaningless. 99% of the US population can oppose gay marriage but that doesn't make it Constitutional. Civil Rights are guaranteed by Constitutional authority. Period. There is no other argument. I wish people who claim to be Constitutionalists would at least take the time to actually understand how it works.


Case closed. Next!
I frankly don't care what the Republican party does on this issue, and gay marriage will be nationally legal everywhere regardless.

I personally will never recognize two people of the same sex as a married couple.

And you have the right to do so and to teach that to your children and preach it to your peers. You just cannot tell the government to deny gay their fundamental rights without first admitting that you do not believe in freedom and liberty for all. It seems to me that you do, so BRAVO and let's just agree to disagree and move on. :)
What Ok doesn't get, or want to get, is that states could pass a law saying nobody gets married. A federal court would have to find a state does not have that power. I doubt that can be done. We find mates, raise children, leave our estates to others. A law that prohibited mating might find a problem with the Fifth Amendment, but that's another issue. Rather, there's no requirement that a state actually regulate mating. A law saying nobody gets married wouldn't interfere with mating. But of course, no state would ever do that, because it'd be politically unpopular to say nobody gets married or nobody has to support his/her family. Rather, the question becomes can the state say one group can, and another group can't, get married.

Thus the Loving decision. Virginia didn't dispute that marriage was a fundamental right. Quite the contrary. Virginia based it's rational in no mixed race marriage as being part of it's police power to protect society and the "proper" procreation.

It's no different with gay marriage. The opposition isn't to marriage. Certainly the Mormons seem quite fond of it, as they nearly went to war with the feds over it. Rather, the rational for banning gay marriage is that it someone negatively affected the presumed benefits of marriage: stability, procreation, etc. The problem for the states is that, as in Loving, there's no rational proof to support banning gay marriage has the negative consequences the state asserts it has.
The generation of children that grew up with their parents hating black people saw how ignorant and pathetic their parents were. They grew up more compassionate and tolerant because they didn't want to become like their bigoted parents.

Today's generation of children see how ignorant and pathetic their parents are, and how much damage they inflict on gay people, and want no part of that type of hate.

And the Earth keeps on turning.

you are one of the dumbest posters on this forum. There is no hate of gays by conservatives. Conservatives want gays to have equality and fair treatment. But gay marriage is an oxymoron.

We fully support gay civil unions that would give gay couples the exact same rights as man/woman married couples.

But thats not good enough is it? The gay agenda is not about equality its about mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal lifestyle. You don't really give a shit about equality---------its all about ramming the words "gay marriage" up the asses of the majority who oppose it.

Hell, even the left wing state of Ca voted it down twice, only to have the will of the people overturned by an activist left wing judge----------is that the america you want?

:rofl: and up is down and black is white :rofl:
Opposition cannot be justified from any position other than "god hates fags" even though he keeps stubbornly making them anyway.

Wrong answer oh ignorant one, the courts should not be allowed to dictate to the States over matters that the feds have no constitutional power over.

Civil Rights guaranteed in the Constitution supersede State authority. In fact, all matters of Civil Rights are solely dictated by the Supreme Law of the Land, that being the Constitution of the United States of America.

Do you even understand how this works or are you just making stuff up pretending to know something about Constitutional Law?
I know that gay marriage now polls at 55% and whatnot, and some conservatives think in order to win another national election they have to turn the page on gay marriage.

Here's why that's not only not true, but a bad idea.

First of all, notice how there are two separate but parallel narratives with the push for gay marriage. The first one goes "it's only a matter of time until it's nationally legal, so opponents need to drop it because they're on the wrong side of history". The second one goes, "this is about equal rights and gays not being denied their constitutional rights". Hmm.

If it's inevitable and all the young people and smart people agree with it, why does it matter that we see it as a matter of equal rights? It has a majority of support. The people have spoken. They want gay marriage. What's with the need to be Right when you're so sure you're going to Win?


If it's about equal rights and constitutional rights, why does it matter if the people agree with it or not? If this is about the principles of the Bill of Rights and not denying certain classes of people their right to marry, who cares if it enjoys populist support? Right is right, right?

Methinks supporters are trying to create an aura of support while not placing much faith in either tactic.

Remember something: California voted twice in eight years to define marriage as a man and woman...and yet, it is now legal. In 1996, Congress passed DOMA with bipartisan support and over 2/3 of the states followed suit...and now many of them have legalized SSM and part of DOMA has been struck down.

Few states have shown through popular vote that they agree with same-sex marriage, if any. And yet, because of a few polls, it's now accepted that most Americans support same-sex marriage. What sense does that make?

I think it's clear that the mentality for most supporters entrenched in this fight is something like: If most Americans agree with gay marriage, great, we'll go with that. If not, we're perfectly fine Just Legalizing It Anyway.

And that's why the GOP needs to continue to oppose it. They need to tell the truth. Gay marriage supporters are fine using any means to get what they want, but most Americans have demonstrably shown they disagree with it. Using data without the anticipation of an actual vote to push a narrative shouldn't be just accepted as political wisdom. They need to stop being scared of being booed -- because the bottom line is gays and young people aren't going to vote for a Republican by any wide margin regardless what they say on these issues du jour (i.e. pot legalization, gay marriage, etc) -- and make a principled argument based on the truth.
Your argument would not withstand scrutiny. There can be no doubt that that is how many people thought in the Fifties when Blacks were also trying to get their civil and human rights and people resisted that and wanted for Rosa Parks to continue sitting in the back of the bus. In essence, they threw Black people under the bus. We see basically the very same thing happening with GLBT citizens. The fact of the matter is that with people voting in states against Gay marriage and GLBT civil rights, a majority simply cannot be given the green light to vote against a minority when it comes to their civil and human rights. To allow for that is not just wrong but it shows great prejudice and discrimination since they most likely don't understand that Gays and Lesbians are Citizens of this country too who work, pay their taxes, worship in church, have children or adopt, and vote just like everyone else. That is why fair-minded judge after judge in all states across the country where citizens are challenging bans to Gay marriage are ruling that the bans, many of which were enacted through voter approval, are unconstitutional as it does not afford Gay American Citizens Equality with regard to the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. To want to proceed with your penchant to marginalize Gay and Lesbian citizens just to exert an aire of prejudice and superiority over them is not only despicable and unacceptable but it is likewise Deplorable and Outrageous! That is why the GOP continues to lose in elections as the people of today are not buying the draconian excuses of the past Conservatives often use to justify their continued prejudice and discrimination against Gay people.
IF the libs/left/Democrats think this is going to be the big ticket draw for the in the coming elections

wailing about the war on women, homosexual marriage....I think they better think again

With the disapprovals of Obama and his party your little games like the war on women I don't think is going to cut it this time around for you

Homosexaul marriage is way down on the list of what the American people thinks is a major issue for them.... the same with GOBULL warming

but hey, you want to run with it because you sure can't stand on Obama's record and approvals

cut your own and your parties throats...PEOPLE are pissed how things have gone under Obama...You want to pretend they're not, then play your silly war on women, war on homosexuals, war war war war war games....I doubt you'll be able to dupe as many people this time around like Obama did...They have seen him unleash this Federal government upon them, from the IRS, to the BLM trying to seize a mans property with 200 armed Federal agents, to a new Government Entitlement laid on their backs when they could least afford it and against their will.... that cost TRILLIONS, was changed and delayed over 40 times and it has his name on it, the OscamCare and it's only signed up A MEASLY 6millon people while that same amount LOST THEIR POLICIES because of him...but go ahead you really have nothing else but to offer people free condoms and birth control pills, and all your made up WARS
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IF the libs/left/Democrats think this is going to be the big ticket draw for the in the coming elections

wailing about the war on women, homosexual marriage....I think they better think again

With the disapprovals of Obama and his party your little games like the war on women I don't think is going to cut it this time around for you

Homosexaul marriage is way down on the list of what the American people thinks is a major issue for them.... the same with GOBULL warming

but hey, you want to run with it because you sure can't stand on Obama's record and approvals

cut your own and your parties throats...PEOPLE are pissed how things have gone under Obama...You want to pretend they're not, then play your silly war on women, war on homosexuals, war war war war war games....I doubt you'll be able to dupe as many people this time around like Obama did...They have seen him unleash this Federal government upon them, from the IRS, to the BLM trying to seize a mans property with 200 armed Federal agents, to a new Government Entitlement laid on their backs when they could least afford it and against their will.... that cost TRILLIONS, was changed and delayed over 40 times and it has his name on it, the OscamCare and it's only signed up A MEASLY 6millon people while that same amount LOST THEIR POLICIES because of him...but go ahead you really have nothing else but to offer people free condoms and birth control pills.

I don't think Obama's running.
And that's why the GOP needs to continue to oppose it. They need to tell the truth. Gay marriage supporters are fine using any means to get what they want, but most Americans have demonstrably shown they disagree with it.

Put it on the ballot in the remaining traditional marriage states, folks will find that overwhelmingly by 2020 the people will vote for marriage equality.

Oppose it all you want, but, yes, you are on the losing of history as you try to oppose civil liberties.

We know how that always ends.
The states aren't allowed to take away a citizens constitutional rights.

Show me the constitutional right to be married, not invented by some lawyer.

No, you show me where the constitution forbids it. We have a right to do anything unless there is a compelling reason for the government to deny it.

See the 10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Yep, the states can regulate marriage, so long as they don't violate DP or EP in the process.

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