Why the GOP should continue to oppose gay marriage

The answer is pretty simple. And, it's really no different from any other "no compromise" issue by the very right, amnesty and obamacare for example. The numbers are simply against you on these issues, as your post points out. So, your options are two: One: gee six out of ten disagree with me, could there be something to their view? Two: I'm principled. No compromise.

What your choice (and I mean the gop's choice too) does is that all those who'd seek to look at the other sides' motivations to find some good will are now unacceptable to you. So, in order to win a national election is you'll need someone like Caesar who was all things to all people.

I don't think gay marriage has enough literal support to justify the GOP changing their stance. People can admit to, and can report on, whatever they want. A vote is an actual thing...an affirmation of support. If you call somebody and go, "do you support gay marriage, yes or no?" they can say "yes" without meaning it. If you call more Democrats than Republicans, your poll might reflect more support than it would if the demographic breakdown was different.

And then, there's also the point gay marriage supporters like to skirt around by arguing "We're Right Because We Said So, But We're Gonna Win So It Doesn't Matter Anyway" which is that even if an idea "polls" well, you still have to deal with the inconvenient fact that you might still lose anyway. Since when does polling well automatically mean people don't have to affirm anything with an actual vote? What if we did that with Presidents? On Election Day, we shouldn't worry about voting. No, we can just see who polls the best in each state and let that decide the winner. That wouldn't fly...so why should people just submit to what someone else says is the popular opinion when the actual votes paints a different picture?
The issue is a done deal

All that is left is for Conservatives to claim that they thought of it first

Yeah, just like global warming is a "done deal." The science is settled.

Gay marriage has never been approved by referendum in any state. In most cases it comes about because of some ruling by an unelected judge.

Yes...now you are catching on
for a minuscule blip in our population they sure do whine, demand, and will beat you to a pulp you DARE dare disagree with them....you see the play on words they do, MARRIAGE isn't a RIGHT

And the last I checked California who voted down Homosexual marriage is far from being Republicans...

you all LOVE that Democracy until it GOES AGAINST you and your demands that ALL 360 MILLION people in this country bow down to you or they will get BEAT Down and called all kinds of vile names

I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait until all them old foggies SUCH as me, and all them including your parents, and all them including your grandparents DIE OFF so you can have your desires fulfilled....what a bunch of selfish people
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I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait until all them old foggies SUCH as me, and all them including your parents, and all them including your grandparents DIE OFF so you can have your desires fulfilled....what a bunch of selfish people

Very true. But unfortunately many gay people will die without the chance to marry until that happens. So they will keep fighting against the old fogies who want to bar them from happiness.
there's no constitutional prohibition on requiring all RW chrisitans to register and wear tracking devices at all times. Yet, I suspect you'd holler if a law required it.
Where does the government get the right to determine who can or cannot be married? I thought conservatives were all about keeping government out of our lives. Just more bullshit, apparently.
The generation of children that grew up with their parents hating black people saw how ignorant and pathetic their parents were. They grew up more compassionate and tolerant because they didn't want to become like their bigoted parents.

Today's generation of children see how ignorant and pathetic their parents are, and how much damage they inflict on gay people, and want no part of that type of hate.

And the Earth keeps on turning.

you are one of the dumbest posters on this forum. There is no hate of gays by conservatives. Conservatives want gays to have equality and fair treatment. But gay marriage is an oxymoron.

We fully support gay civil unions that would give gay couples the exact same rights as man/woman married couples.

But thats not good enough is it? The gay agenda is not about equality its about mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal lifestyle. You don't really give a shit about equality---------its all about ramming the words "gay marriage" up the asses of the majority who oppose it.

Hell, even the left wing state of Ca voted it down twice, only to have the will of the people overturned by an activist left wing judge----------is that the america you want?

the majority that opposes it ?

A Gallup poll conducted in May 2014 found that 55% of Americans support allowing marriage for same-sex couples, the largest percentage ever measured by the organization.[14] The same poll found only 42% opposed, and 4% had no opinion on the issue.

A Pew Research Center poll released in March 2014 researched support for same-sex marriage among Republican leaning voters in the United States. 61% of Republican leaning voters aged 18–29 support allowing same-sex couples to marry, while only 27% of Republican leaning voters over 50 years of age are supportive.[15] 52% of Republican voters aged 18–50 support same-sex marriage.[16]

A Washington Post/ABC News poll from February–March 2014 found a record high of 59% of Americans approve of same-sex marriage, with only 34% opposed and 7% with no opinion. The poll also revealed that 53% of the population in the States that currently do not allow same-sex couples to marry approve of same-sex marriage. 50% of respondents said that the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom to marry the person of one's choice, regardless of that persons's sex or sexual orientation. 41% disagreed, and 9% had no opinion.[17] The same poll also found that 81% of people found that businesses should not be allowed to refuse to serve gays and lesbians. 16% disagreed, and 3% had no opinion. 78% thought that gay couples can be "just as good parents" as straight couples, while 18% disagreed and 4% had no opinion

The sooner all the crusty old Baby Boomers die out the better off this country will be. They're the ones who have ruined it for future generations.
there's no constitutional prohibition on requiring all RW chrisitans to register and wear tracking devices at all times. Yet, I suspect you'd holler if a law required it.

4th Amendment

Ah, but registration and tracking of rw facist christians is not specifically prohibited. And neither is applying equal protection to all people desiring to get married.

As to your former questions, states regulated marriage prior to the constitution.

Colonial Love and Marriage

there's no constitutional prohibition on requiring all RW chrisitans to register and wear tracking devices at all times. Yet, I suspect you'd holler if a law required it.

4th Amendment

Ah, but registration and tracking of rw facist christians is not specifically prohibited.

That specific act doesn't have to be spelled out. It qualifies as an unreasonable search to anyone with more than a kindergarten level education.

And neither is applying equal protection to all people desiring to get married.

And that's where the 14th Amendment comes into play

As to your former questions, states regulated marriage prior to the constitution.

Colonial Love and Marriage

Correct, prior to the 14th Amendment.
The sooner all the crusty old Baby Boomers die out the better off this country will be. They're the ones who have ruined it for future generations.

Wut? They've probably done more to advance civil rights than anyone in US history.

Right before they blew the country to bits with their greed.
Opposition cannot be justified from any position other than "god hates fags" even though he keeps stubbornly making them anyway.

Wrong answer oh ignorant one, the courts should not be allowed to dictate to the States over matters that the feds have no constitutional power over.

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