Why the hell are we in Syria to begin with?

We are in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Hellholes worldwide so the military is forced to buy more equipment, and consumable supplies from Defense Contractors.

They hate Trump and have a lot of both Republican and Democrat politicians in their pocket and on their payrolls. They also have a lot of DOD employees locked up for future jobs after they retire. It is a total SCAM. Yet Trump has placated them with a LOT military spending, but that isn't enough. They are looking ahead.
This is the web we weave through decades of bad foreign policy.

Okay... I agree. Our policy is dumb.

How is this smart? We are letting Turkey's Islamist, anti-Western dictator attack people who fought on our side.

Please note, Ergodan felt no need to attack Syria when ISIS controlled half of it and were exporting terrorism to Europe.
It's like everything else Trump does. He took a policy that probably needed some work and made it much worse. We are working with people all over the world for lots of different reasons and now we just showed them all that our word is worth doodly-squat.
We have been there to limit Russia's access. Without us there, Russia will likely swoop in there unrestricted with nothing stopping them in partnering with Iran, Syria and others and becoming the dominant power in the region. A strategic fail.

You are half right, which is a win for you. Russia has already had unrestricted access to Syria, we tried to take advantage of the civil war to dislodge them. It was doomed to fail from day one as Russia was more than willing to start WWIII to keep the access to the warm water port and the Russian naval facility in Tartus (which has been there since the 70s).

We are wasting our troops and resources there.
We are in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Hellholes worldwide so the military is forced to buy more equipment, and consumable supplies from Defense Contractors.

They hate Trump and have a lot of both Republican and Democrat politicians in their pocket and on their payrolls. They also have a lot of DOD employees locked up for future jobs after they retire. It is a total SCAM. Yet Trump has placated them with a LOT military spending, but that isn't enough. They are looking ahead.

Sorry, but that's just 60s Hippy BS that's been around for decades. Started with the pacifist/Peace niks/Hippy movement in the 1960s during the Vietnam War.
We are in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Hellholes worldwide so the military is forced to buy more equipment, and consumable supplies from Defense Contractors.

They hate Trump and have a lot of both Republican and Democrat politicians in their pocket and on their payrolls. They also have a lot of DOD employees locked up for future jobs after they retire. It is a total SCAM. Yet Trump has placated them with a LOT military spending, but that isn't enough. They are looking ahead.

Sorry, but that's just 60s Hippy BS that's been around for decades. Started with the pacifist/Peace niks/Hippy movement in the 1960s during the Vietnam War.

Have you ever worked for a large Defense Contractor? I have. Saw everything I said, personally, from the inside.
All these warmongers are mad at Trump for pulling us out of Syria.

Why the hell are we in Syria anyway?

To protect the Kurds? They can fucking take care of themselves.

To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated.

It is not worth the life of one American to save a million of those shitheads in the Middle East.

"To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated."

Trump said they were defeated. He was either lying or didn't listen to General Mattis.
But after Trump said it, you might remember that's when Mattis quit, too.
Stop listening to what Trump says....about anything.
He's a fucking gas bag, out of control.
All these warmongers are mad at Trump for pulling us out of Syria.

Why the hell are we in Syria anyway?

To protect the Kurds? They can fucking take care of themselves.

To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated.

It is not worth the life of one American to save a million of those shitheads in the Middle East.
Obama sent us there to overthrow the govt.
All these warmongers are mad at Trump for pulling us out of Syria.

Why the hell are we in Syria anyway?

To protect the Kurds? They can fucking take care of themselves.

To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated.

It is not worth the life of one American to save a million of those shitheads in the Middle East.
America doesn't protect anything anymore
Apparently not. And we don't keep our promises either. (of course, Native Americans knew that)
I knew it would take about 24 hours for the trumpanzees to be ok with abandoning our allies.
All these warmongers are mad at Trump for pulling us out of Syria.

Why the hell are we in Syria anyway?

To protect the Kurds? They can fucking take care of themselves.

To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated.

It is not worth the life of one American to save a million of those shitheads in the Middle East.
Funny how the establishment dems and rhino swines are all of a sudden concerned about borders.......but still not our own

Friggin globo homo inc swamp monsters ..

I think I got a little hard when trump every one should eat a bag of dicks because we're not the world's godamn policeman

No amount of third world lives is worth one american soldiers life or limbs
All these warmongers are mad at Trump for pulling us out of Syria.

Why the hell are we in Syria anyway?

To protect the Kurds? They can fucking take care of themselves.

To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated.

It is not worth the life of one American to save a million of those shitheads in the Middle East.
Our job in Syria is to spend billions of dollars on creating chaos so we can send Muslims to Minnesota.
What no one seems to be discussing here is Turkey and it's wish to obliterate the Kurds. Erdogan calls up Trump and tells him to leave Syria so he can murder some people we call allies. And he does. Part of his stated reasoning behind this decision seems to be based on protecting his Istanbul real estate development.

If it turns out Erdogan successfully threatened Trump's buildings in Turkey as leverage to get us to abandon our allies and mission in Syria then we have a president compromised by his own wealth and greed. Now the other places Trump owns stuff will be calling him up saying: "Nice resort, be a shame if something happened to it".

YOU ARE SPOT ON! Thank you! High 5

Everybody should keep in mind that when Trump does something, it's for his immediate personal good. Nobody else. He doesn't give a flying fuck about anybody but himself and money.
I knew it would take about 24 hours for the trumpanzees to be ok with abandoning our allies.

With all of these GOP congressmen and women up in arms about Trump doing this, it illustrates VERY WELL that the Trumpies are just mindless, blind followers of THEIR messiah.

We could ship them to North Korea and they would just fall right into step with the locals, worshipping KJU. They've been completely brainwashed.
What no one seems to be discussing here is Turkey and it's wish to obliterate the Kurds. Erdogan calls up Trump and tells him to leave Syria so he can murder some people we call allies. And he does. Part of his stated reasoning behind this decision seems to be based on protecting his Istanbul real estate development.

If it turns out Erdogan successfully threatened Trump's buildings in Turkey as leverage to get us to abandon our allies and mission in Syria then we have a president compromised by his own wealth and greed. Now the other places Trump owns stuff will be calling him up saying: "Nice resort, be a shame if something happened to it".

YOU ARE SPOT ON! Thank you! High 5

Everybody should keep in mind that when Trump does something, it's for his immediate personal good. Nobody else. He doesn't give a flying fuck about anybody but himself and money.
Compare Trumps current net worth with his net worth 3 years ago.
Trump does what is best for America.
What a President should do.
All these warmongers are mad at Trump for pulling us out of Syria.

Why the hell are we in Syria anyway?

To protect the Kurds? They can fucking take care of themselves.

To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated.

It is not worth the life of one American to save a million of those shitheads in the Middle East.
You shouldn't think if you think ISIS is a done deal
All these warmongers are mad at Trump for pulling us out of Syria.

Why the h*** are we in Syria anyway?

To protect the Kurds? They can f***ing take care of themselves.

To fight ISIS? Excuse me, but I thought they were defeated.

It is not worth the life of one American to save a million of those s***heads in the Middle East.
Because President Obama was concerned that the US embassy in Baghdad could get flooded.

Writing to Congress, President Obama cited the potentially massive loss of civilian life and the possible threat to the US embassy in Baghdad.

Those dangers, he wrote, were sufficient reasons for deploying air power to support Kurdish forces trying to recapture the dam.

Mosul Dam: Why the battle for water matters in Iraq

Not because the IS executed 2000 Iraqi air force recruits and showed the pictures to the entire world.

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