Why the Hillary investigation is taking so long

I know and agree with doing things correctly.

All I am saying is that if they take a year and Hillary is the president then the investigation is moot - the people no longer have an option and she will have enormous power over the process.

I don't think it will take quite that long. However it may not be complete before the convention.
The investigation is hinging partly on how foreign powers behave with the emails that they have, mainly Russia, but China is no less involved as well
I know and agree with doing things correctly.

All I am saying is that if they take a year and Hillary is the president then the investigation is moot - the people no longer have an option and she will have enormous power over the process.

I don't think it will take quite that long. However it may not be complete before the convention.
As long as it's before she puts her left hand on the Communist Manifesto and takes the Oath.
As long as it's before she puts her left hand on the Communist Manifesto and takes the Oath.

The FBI stated this has nothing to do with politics and they won't rush or delay the results for any reason. It's really all up to them.
As long as it's before she puts her left hand on the Communist Manifesto and takes the Oath.

The FBI stated this has nothing to do with politics and they won't rush or delay the results for any reason. It's really all up to them.

Nothing is all up to the FBI, if these emails are in the hands of foreign powers, the CIA is in charge, and the NSA is everywhere all the time, including here now. If the agency tells the FBI that they can not act or wreck national security, they can not act. I know it doesn't seem right, but this is not really an FBI investigation at all, no matter what you hear on FOX
I know and agree with doing things correctly.

All I am saying is that if they take a year and Hillary is the president then the investigation is moot - the people no longer have an option and she will have enormous power over the process.

I don't think it will take quite that long. However it may not be complete before the convention.
Meh, the convention really does not matter. Id she was gulty she could step down and the party would replace her. If no findings then it really does not matter.

It would be funny though because I doubt Sanders would be the replacement. The left would go nuts.
Nothing is all up to the FBI, if these emails are in the hands of foreign powers, the CIA is in charge, and the NSA is everywhere all the time, including here now. If the agency tells the FBI that they can not act or wreck national security, they can not act. I know it doesn't seem right, but this is not really an FBI investigation at all, no matter what you hear on FOX

The CIA nor NSA are investigative agencies. The FBI is. Neither of those other two can come up with charges. So it really is the FBI in charge. Only the FBI can conduct investigations and recommend charges.
Nothing will come of it.

Corruption is her real expertise. Clearly, she really went over the bounds this time and will take it easy for awhile. She might get a fine at best, but that's it.

If FBI or Bengazi GOP committee found something............ Don't you think they could have exposed or charge her by now? At least there is a transparency to Hillary's business transactions all in her tax returns a available to the public.
Have Trump release any of his tax returns yet? Maybe he is hiding his income from the mob?

How is it that all Progressives live in such a world of denial?

Not on your usual sources, The Nation, DailyKOS, Alternet or the others is the FACT that it has taken this long for lawsuits to pry loose emails from the State Department concerning Benghazi. Had the administration of Lame Duck President Obama been even a fraction as transparent as he has convinced you and your comrades, the investigation would have been over years ago.
It does seem that if nothing was there they'd have closed it already and make it a non issue. But they havent.
That is because it is a 100 percent certainty that the Kremlin has Hillaries emails, the only questionis how many and which ones. If Hillary is not indicted and Putin sends over emails that are work or Clinton foundation related that Hillary deleted, our government is in shambles if Hillary is the president.
We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
No we don't. Several are classified and have not been released.
Are you suggesting that Putin has them and he is trying to make the FBI look dumb?

How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
Judge Janine and Judge Ferrer said the FBI and the Benghazi Committee wanted an airtight case before their final decisions. One Committee member hinted that it could come by the end of June.
Yeah, June 2025.
Nothing is all up to the FBI, if these emails are in the hands of foreign powers, the CIA is in charge, and the NSA is everywhere all the time, including here now. If the agency tells the FBI that they can not act or wreck national security, they can not act. I know it doesn't seem right, but this is not really an FBI investigation at all, no matter what you hear on FOX

The CIA nor NSA are investigative agencies. The FBI is. Neither of those other two can come up with charges. So it really is the FBI in charge. Only the FBI can conduct investigations and recommend charges.
The CIA and NSA investigate stuff every day. They may share their info with the FBI or they may not, this was supposed to change after 911 not sure if it really has. How does the FBI investigate stuff in Moscow or Beijing? Do they have offices there????

They don't, the CIA does...............and then the FBI gets info from the CIA, if the CIA deems this appropriate.

Again it might not be right, but it is.
It does seem that if nothing was there they'd have closed it already and make it a non issue. But they havent.
That is because it is a 100 percent certainty that the Kremlin has Hillaries emails, the only questionis how many and which ones. If Hillary is not indicted and Putin sends over emails that are work or Clinton foundation related that Hillary deleted, our government is in shambles if Hillary is the president.
We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
No we don't. Several are classified and have not been released.
Are you suggesting that Putin has them and he is trying to make the FBI look dumb?

How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
I really doubt that Hillaries emails are that valuable to anyone........... except justice
The closer they get to the election the FBI will feel more pressure to back off.
At that point they will feel they have no choice but to look the other way and not
recommend charges.
It does seem that if nothing was there they'd have closed it already and make it a non issue. But they havent.
That is because it is a 100 percent certainty that the Kremlin has Hillaries emails, the only questionis how many and which ones. If Hillary is not indicted and Putin sends over emails that are work or Clinton foundation related that Hillary deleted, our government is in shambles if Hillary is the president.
We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
No we don't. Several are classified and have not been released.
Are you suggesting that Putin has them and he is trying to make the FBI look dumb?

How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
We don't, we don't know much of anything, but that hasn't stopped all the speculation. We should strive to keep the conversation grounded in the facts that we do know.
That is because it is a 100 percent certainty that the Kremlin has Hillaries emails, the only questionis how many and which ones. If Hillary is not indicted and Putin sends over emails that are work or Clinton foundation related that Hillary deleted, our government is in shambles if Hillary is the president.
We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
No we don't. Several are classified and have not been released.
Are you suggesting that Putin has them and he is trying to make the FBI look dumb?

How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
We don't, we don't know much of anything, but that hasn't stopped all the speculation. We should strive to keep the conversation grounded in the facts that we do know.
Your post: We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.".
Now suppose you take your own advice asshole?
Neither you nor I know the "facts" visa vi if all the emails have been released.
We know the FBI have many emails too secret to be released.
We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
No we don't. Several are classified and have not been released.
Are you suggesting that Putin has them and he is trying to make the FBI look dumb?

How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
We don't, we don't know much of anything, but that hasn't stopped all the speculation. We should strive to keep the conversation grounded in the facts that we do know.
Your post: We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.".
Now suppose you take your own advice asshole?
Neither you nor I know the "facts" visa vi if all the emails have been released.
We know the FBI have many emails too secret to be released.
Yes, we have already been over that and I acknowledged the point. The FBI has confidential emails that it has not released, it is a fact.
No we don't. Several are classified and have not been released.
Are you suggesting that Putin has them and he is trying to make the FBI look dumb?

How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
We don't, we don't know much of anything, but that hasn't stopped all the speculation. We should strive to keep the conversation grounded in the facts that we do know.
Your post: We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.".
Now suppose you take your own advice asshole?
Neither you nor I know the "facts" visa vi if all the emails have been released.
We know the FBI have many emails too secret to be released.
Yes, we have already been over that and I acknowledged the point. The FBI has confidential emails that it has not released, it is a fact.
Then for Christ's sake STOP claiming "We have her emails" asshole!
The Israelis and the Chinese and the Russians, to name a few countries do, in FACT have ALL her emails.
Her little rat face friend Blumenthal, was so fucking stupid and arrogant he thought he could send Hillary emails from his computer. The FIRST time that happened there were hundreds of foreign government and private hackers watching every fucking email being literally streamed real time directly to their computers.
It was the worst kept secret on the internet.
Are you suggesting that Putin has them and he is trying to make the FBI look dumb?

How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
We don't, we don't know much of anything, but that hasn't stopped all the speculation. We should strive to keep the conversation grounded in the facts that we do know.
Your post: We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.".
Now suppose you take your own advice asshole?
Neither you nor I know the "facts" visa vi if all the emails have been released.
We know the FBI have many emails too secret to be released.
Yes, we have already been over that and I acknowledged the point. The FBI has confidential emails that it has not released, it is a fact.
Then for Christ's sake STOP claiming "We have her emails" asshole!
The Israelis and the Chinese and the Russians, to name a few countries do, in FACT have ALL her emails.
Her little rat face friend Blumenthal, was so fucking stupid and arrogant he thought he could send Hillary emails from his computer. The FIRST time that happened there were hundreds of foreign government and private hackers watching every fucking email being literally streamed real time directly to their computers.
It was the worst kept secret on the internet.
Blumenthal wasn't a government employee, who cares what he had to say to Hillary? Could his emails have been deemed classified?
Nothing will come of it.

Corruption is her real expertise. Clearly, she really went over the bounds this time and will take it easy for awhile. She might get a fine at best, but that's it.

If FBI or Bengazi GOP committee found something............ Don't you think they exposed or charge her by now? At least there is a transparency to Hillary's business transactions all in her tax returns a available the public.
Have Trump release any of his tax returns yet? Maybe he is hiding his income from the mob?

Did you not read... she is proficient at corruption. It's unlikely anyone would catch her...

Of course, her completely unethical (yet legal) behavior is documented in various books. One is on its way right now. Let's be honest now, she ain't getting paid 250K/speech for being such a delightful speaker. Pure corruption.

So where are the charges?
Maybe you have not noticed the GOPs are throwing up distancing themselves from Adolf Trump, he threatened them of going alone, his polls are going down, hiding his tax returns.
Do you want me to keep going?
How do we know that deals aren't being made to cover up these emails.
That these foreign powers wouldn't use this as leverage to get even better deals out of the deal?
We don't, we don't know much of anything, but that hasn't stopped all the speculation. We should strive to keep the conversation grounded in the facts that we do know.
Your post: We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.".
Now suppose you take your own advice asshole?
Neither you nor I know the "facts" visa vi if all the emails have been released.
We know the FBI have many emails too secret to be released.
Yes, we have already been over that and I acknowledged the point. The FBI has confidential emails that it has not released, it is a fact.
Then for Christ's sake STOP claiming "We have her emails" asshole!
The Israelis and the Chinese and the Russians, to name a few countries do, in FACT have ALL her emails.
Her little rat face friend Blumenthal, was so fucking stupid and arrogant he thought he could send Hillary emails from his computer. The FIRST time that happened there were hundreds of foreign government and private hackers watching every fucking email being literally streamed real time directly to their computers.
It was the worst kept secret on the internet.
Blumenthal wasn't a government employee, who cares what he had to say to Hillary? Could his emails have been deemed classified?
God you're a stupid fuck!
Guccifer himself has explained the route he used to get into Hillary's server!
He has stated he just hacked into Blumenthal's account and saw Blumenthal's mails sent to Hillary. THE FUCKING ADDRESS FOR HILLARY'S SERVER WAS IN THE FUCKING HEADERS!!!!!!!!!!
Guccidier was able to hack into DOZENS! of US Government employee's accounts. Who in their right mind believes he couldn't get into Hillary's private server after the fucking little rat basically gave Guccifer Hillary's fucking address?
If Guccifer hadn't been able to prove to the FBI he actually had hacked into dozens of top US officials accounts I would be sceptical about his claims.
He claims to have two gigabytes of Hillary's emails hidden away. These gigabytes are his 'get out of jail free' cards AND his immunity from suddenly deciding to commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head multiple times.....like so many of the Clinton's former friends and associates have done over the years.
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