Why the Hillary investigation is taking so long

Biden is the nominee if he ask for it. Sanders is a nobody, his only vote is the anti Clinton vote anyway, so with Clinton not there, Biden takes over unless he seriously says no, which he will not.

Like I said, that would be a Republicans dream. I hope the Democrat party is stupid enough to give it to smoking Joe.
Biden is the nominee if he ask for it. Sanders is a nobody, his only vote is the anti Clinton vote anyway, so with Clinton not there, Biden takes over unless he seriously says no, which he will not.

Like I said, that would be a Republicans dream. I hope the Democrat party is stupid enough to give it to smoking Joe.
Joe would likely destroy Trump, as his negatives would be low.
Joe would likely destroy Trump, as his negatives would be low.

No, because half of their constituents wouldn't go out and vote for him. In fact, some of those disgruntled people from the other half may cross lines and vote for Trump just to get even with the Democrat party.
It does seem that if nothing was there they'd have closed it already and make it a non issue. But they havent.
That is because it is a 100 percent certainty that the Kremlin has Hillaries emails, the only questionis how many and which ones. If Hillary is not indicted and Putin sends over emails that are work or Clinton foundation related that Hillary deleted, our government is in shambles if Hillary is the president.
We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your heart's content.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Generally people don't give a shit about the emails. What is that supposed to prove? Hillary made a mistake in using a private server. She did not sell those emails to the enemy.
FBI and GOPs has been investigating emails and Benghazi for years now. So far............... What? Except a crap. If this all you've got to beat Hillary................... I'm laughing and shaking my head. On the other hand you have the GOPs distancing themselves from adolf Trump.
If Putin releases her classified e-mails. It will prove you to be the fool you are. Keep supporting the traitor, which shows your stance on America also.

They hacked her email.... And she is a traitor? This just shows ................ The thinking of Trump supporters. I just cannot believe the thinking of you people.
The only common sense I can come up with is .............. This emails is all you got.................. Which very weak. Who give a shit about emails?
People are more interested in tax returns see if Trump income came from mob or fraud.
Joe would likely destroy Trump, as his negatives would be low.

No, because half of their constituents wouldn't go out and vote for him. In fact, some of those disgruntled people from the other half may cross lines and vote for Trump just to get even with the Democrat party.

Percentage of that is extremely very very low.
Joe would likely destroy Trump, as his negatives would be low.

No, because half of their constituents wouldn't go out and vote for him. In fact, some of those disgruntled people from the other half may cross lines and vote for Trump just to get even with the Democrat party.
I disagree, Clinton is a criminal and Sanders is a communist, Biden is neither.
Joe would likely destroy Trump, as his negatives would be low.

No, because half of their constituents wouldn't go out and vote for him. In fact, some of those disgruntled people from the other half may cross lines and vote for Trump just to get even with the Democrat party.
I disagree, Clinton is a criminal and Sanders is a communist, Biden is neither.
The fix is in. We should know that by now. I am predicting around October or so that the FBI or DOJ will announce no charges.

The cackling hyenas on the left will laugh and say Hillary has never done anything wrong and it has always been a vast right wing conspiracy and poor little Hillary was just a little damsel in distress.

The length and time of the investigation only makes her look like more of a victim. Pure gold for the left and their victimology strategy. The only thing the left knows.
We will see. I predict the FBI will release the results of their 'criminal investigation' in the first week of July.
A number of felony charges will be recommended. Whether Lynch does anything or nor will be irrelevant. The 'The Almost Queen' will drop out for 'the good of the party' and for 'health reasons' two weeks later.
Debbie already has Biden and Pocahontas in the bullpen.
Not a chance.
They hacked her email.... And she is a traitor? This just shows ................ The thinking of Trump supporters. I just cannot believe the thinking of you people.
The only common sense I can come up with is .............. This emails is all you got.................. Which very weak. Who give a shit about emails?
People are more interested in tax returns see if Trump income came from mob or fraud.

Talk about something most people are disinterested in.............
It does seem that if nothing was there they'd have closed it already and make it a non issue. But they havent.
That is because it is a 100 percent certainty that the Kremlin has Hillaries emails, the only questionis how many and which ones. If Hillary is not indicted and Putin sends over emails that are work or Clinton foundation related that Hillary deleted, our government is in shambles if Hillary is the president.
We have her emails you moron. Look, they are all right here, you can search through all of them till your hearts content.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
The Kremlin may have every email that hilarious thought she deleted. Were you born defective or did you study at Harvard?
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa good one! hehheh
The longer it takes, the more difficult sh'e going to make it for Bernie to salvage whats left and get back into the race

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