Why the January 6 thing?

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Are any of you surprised?? Hey! That's what grifters do. But that isn't the most embarrassing thing about being a Trumper. What's far worse is what he has done to this country. "Won't Get Fooled Again? The Who
I have never defended the actions of the perpetrators of January 6th. At the same time, it is yet another chapter of egregious hypocrisy and double standard from the violent Left.
Oh, so you are capable of distinguishing between actions of those on your political side of the spectrum that are egregious and indefensible, but aren't capable of recognising the same thing for people on the other side?

You literally have tried to claim the ENTIRE left are hypocrites because they don't condemn actions perpetrated over 40 years ago?

As for you not defending the actions on Jan 6th. Does that include the actions of the person who organised the rally and for whom the capitol was breached?
So what should Black lives Matter have called themselves? That's an interesting take. How exactly was BLM promoting division?
BLM promotes division by constantly combining the words white supremacy. And with their false claim that white folks are born privileged. With their false claim that America was built on systemic racism and imperialism. They approach the world as if there was never a such thing as an African slave owner. We could look at history and see that liberal achievements came from every corner of the planet. Black Lives Matter doesn’t celebrate white achievements frankly they don’t even celebrate black achievements it’s all about playing the victim.

The thing is there’s over 30 million Americans living in poverty. So we don’t need a group called Black Lives Matter the name alone creates massive division. Because think about how people would react to something called white lives matter.
BLM promotes division by constantly combining the words white supremacy. And with their false claim that white folks are born privileged. With their false claim that America was built on systemic racism and imperialism. They approach the world as if there was never a such thing as an African slave owner. We could look at history and see that liberal achievements came from every corner of the planet. Black Lives Matter doesn’t celebrate white achievements frankly they don’t even celebrate black achievements it’s all about playing the victim.

The thing is there’s over 30 million Americans living in poverty. So we don’t need a group called Black Lives Matter the name alone creates massive division. Because think about how people would react to something called white lives matter.
And what are your views on the police with their Blue Lives Matter and the blue line flags?
And what are your views on the police with their Blue Lives Matter and the blue line flags?
That and red lives flags seems to be a response to Black Lives Matter. It seems Black Lives Matter provoked those responses. We didn’t have this type of thing back in the 90s.

we have one flag alone in my opinion the American flag and that’s the way forward. Now that being said I note a distinct difference between red lives matter and blue lives matter compared to Black Lives Matter. With red lives matter and blue lives matter this transcends the racial lines whereas it does not with Black Lives Matter.
The shiny object strategy.
It's like some inter-dimensional sci-fi fantasy battle, one side firmly ensconced in documented reality, credible evidence, candid first-hand accounts imparted under oath, etc. vs an alien civilization ruled by the airy-fairy eructations of a raving drunk, one side adhering to the strictures of legal standards and protocols of American jurisprudence, the other the emotionally-driven realm of the ideological entertainment industry .

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Hillary Clinton ...
Ah, those thrilling days of yesteryear.

Your desperate, hyper-partisan attempt at diversion from the current, documented revelations of the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex is futile.

The years-long Republican fatwa directed at Ms Clinton fizzled without them being able to contrive a single charge. You can screech "Lock her up! Lock her up!" incessantly, but your vendetta has been consigned to the realm of crackpot, show-biz entertainment, and has no place in our system of jurisprudence, as does the current exposé of the Cry Baby Loser by so many in his own regime.

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That and red lives flags seems to be a response to Black Lives Matter. It seems Black Lives Matter provoked those responses. We didn’t have this type of thing back in the 90s.

we have one flag alone in my opinion the American flag and that’s the way forward. Now that being said I note a distinct difference between red lives matter and blue lives matter compared to Black Lives Matter. With red lives matter and blue lives matter this transcends the racial lines whereas it does not with Black Lives Matter
Seems to me that you'll find a way to blame the victim. The group was formed to air grievances by a race of people who have been targeted by Police and have been killed by police in incidents across the country with little to no accountability. The founders of the movement wanted to bring attention to that fact. The response to their concerns was to be brutally attacked and/or shoved into unmarked vans by police wearing no identification. Where do they go from there? The very folks who could address those legitimate concerns were the ones now attacking them. They revolted with violence. That's what happens when there is no other way. They saw no other way. They were wrong of course but they were desperate. Make no mistake about it. Police earn the hate every day and now that they have unlimited and unbridled power to abuse their authority, it's fair game on black people. When it takes national and even international television broadcasts live to even begin to prosecute a murder by an officer while being guarded by other officers as he knelt on the neck of a black man begging for his life, something is rotten in Denmark. Police have far too much power and cops being hired are not being vetted properly. Every time they do wrong and a victim manages to get an award of damages in a Tort case, the money comes from the taxpayers and not the police. The system is completely broken and it's just another instance of the growing authoritarinism in America.
Trump was listening to a drunken Roody Ghouliani
Over Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas.

But Drunken, Drippin' Rudy knows best, you betcha.
Seems to me that you'll find a way to blame the victim. The group was formed to air grievances by a race of people who have been targeted by Police and have been killed by police in incidents across the country with little to no accountability. The founders of the movement wanted to bring attention to that fact. The response to their concerns was to be brutally attacked and/or shoved into unmarked vans by police wearing no identification. Where do they go from there? The very folks who could address those legitimate concerns were the ones now attacking them. They revolted with violence. That's what happens when there is no other way. They saw no other way. They were wrong of course but they were desperate. Make no mistake about it. Police earn the hate every day and now that they have unlimited and unbridled power to abuse their authority, it's fair game on black people. When it takes national and even international television broadcasts live to even begin to prosecute a murder by an officer while being guarded by other officers as he knelt on the neck of a black man begging for his life, something is rotten in Denmark. Police have far too much power and cops being hired are not being vetted properly. Every time they do wrong and a victim manages to get an award of damages in a Tort case, the money comes from the taxpayers and not the police. The system is completely broken and it's just another instance of the growing authoritarinism in America.
Neither of us blame the victim brother . But it’s the far left BLM propaganda that wants to brainwash Americans into hating their own fellow Americans who simply disagree with BLM. The playbook of BLM is to make up other people’s viewpoints and call them racist.

Stats show that police brutality in the United States compared to the world is relatively low. We’re not the best when it comes to good police work but we are far from the worst.

There are George Floyd incident everywhere in the world. But the Black Lives Matter movement hypes up extremely rare cases and sometimes they don’t even have the proof to say that the police were at fault. They act like the Ku Klux Klan‘s been running around America in trucks capturing black folks burning crosses .... I mean come on it’s absolutely insane. Black Lives Matter we have acts as if tens of thousands of unarmed blacks are killed each year with the numbers like six or 10. And the number of unarmed whites killed by cops is much higher.

There are cases of black men raping white women. Cases of black men murdering innocent white people but we don’t have a white lives matter movement for this because it would against humanity and against common sense.

And for BLM to argue that the police are racist is an insult to our fellow Americans who work very hard and serve the police forces. The police work union jobs so as a liberal and a Democrat we have to support these guys. The problem is the BLM leadership they brainwash their supporters.

We also see from the statistics. Crime, rape, violence brutality, parents assaulting children it is happening across the racial board in every country of the world. Therefore there is no basis for Black Lives Matter they’re popping up secretary division talking way too much about Black people that are only talking about supporting Black people. What do United States should do is help poor Americans in poverty That’s according to the poor peoples campaign 140 million Americans and they are black and white... are either impoverished or have a very low income.
Neither of us blame the victim brother . But it’s the far left BLM propaganda that wants to brainwash Americans into hating their own fellow Americans who simply disagree with BLM. The playbook of BLM is to make up other people’s viewpoints and call them racist.

Stats show that police brutality in the United States compared to the world is relatively low. We’re not the best when it comes to good police work but we are far from the worst.

There are George Floyd incident everywhere in the world. But the Black Lives Matter movement hypes up extremely rare cases and sometimes they don’t even have the proof to say that the police were at fault. They act like the Ku Klux Klan‘s been running around America in trucks capturing black folks burning crosses .... I mean come on it’s absolutely insane. Black Lives Matter we have acts as if tens of thousands of unarmed blacks are killed each year with the numbers like six or 10. And the number of unarmed whites killed by cops is much higher.

There are cases of black men raping white women. Cases of black men murdering innocent white people but we don’t have a white lives matter movement for this because it would against humanity and against common sense.

And for BLM to argue that the police are racist is an insult to our fellow Americans who work very hard and serve the police forces. The police work union jobs so as a liberal and a Democrat we have to support these guys. The problem is the BLM leadership they brainwash their supporters.

We also see from the statistics. Crime, rape, violence brutality, parents assaulting children it is happening across the racial board in every country of the world. Therefore there is no basis for Black Lives Matter they’re popping up secretary division talking way too much about Black people that are only talking about supporting Black people. What do United States should do is help poor Americans in poverty That’s according to the poor peoples campaign 140 million Americans and they are black and white... are either impoverished or have a very low income.
That was quite a rant
Neither of us blame the victim brother . But it’s the far left BLM propaganda that wants to brainwash Americans into hating their own fellow Americans who simply disagree with BLM. The playbook of BLM is to make up other people’s viewpoints and call them racist.

Stats show that police brutality in the United States compared to the world is relatively low. We’re not the best when it comes to good police work but we are far from the worst.

There are George Floyd incident everywhere in the world. But the Black Lives Matter movement hypes up extremely rare cases and sometimes they don’t even have the proof to say that the police were at fault. They act like the Ku Klux Klan‘s been running around America in trucks capturing black folks burning crosses .... I mean come on it’s absolutely insane. Black Lives Matter we have acts as if tens of thousands of unarmed blacks are killed each year with the numbers like six or 10. And the number of unarmed whites killed by cops is much higher.

There are cases of black men raping white women. Cases of black men murdering innocent white people but we don’t have a white lives matter movement for this because it would against humanity and against common sense.

And for BLM to argue that the police are racist is an insult to our fellow Americans who work very hard and serve the police forces. The police work union jobs so as a liberal and a Democrat we have to support these guys. The problem is the BLM leadership they brainwash their supporters.

We also see from the statistics. Crime, rape, violence brutality, parents assaulting children it is happening across the racial board in every country of the world. Therefore there is no basis for Black Lives Matter they’re popping up secretary division talking way too much about Black people that are only talking about supporting Black people. What do United States should do is help poor Americans in poverty That’s according to the poor peoples campaign 140 million Americans and they are black and white... are either impoverished or have a very low income.

According to data collected by The Washington Post, police shot and killed at least 1,055 people nationwide last year, the most since the newspaper began tracking fatal shootings by officers in 2015. That is more than the 1,021 shootings in 2020 and the 999 in 2019.

Black people, who account for 13 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for 27 percent of those fatally shot and killed by police in 2021, according to Mapping Police Violence, a nonprofit group that tracks police shootings. That means Black people are twice as likely as white people to be shot and killed by police officers.
The multiple race riots of summer 2020 and January 6th? The media driven unfounded race driven made up "hands up, I cant breath" bullshit that drove race riots and killed or cost billions, that was just fine. But January 6th was different? HOW?
The multiple race riots of summer 2020 and January 6th? The media driven unfounded race driven made up "hands up, I cant breath" bullshit that drove race riots and killed or cost billions, that was just fine. But January 6th was different? HOW?

The former succeeded, and the latter failed.

The multiple race riots of summer 2020 were staged in order to remove a very successful President from office.

The January 6 affair was held to protest the election theft that resulted in the worst President in this country's history, Joe Biden.

They should have brought guns and rope to the Jan. 6 protest, but that's just not how we roll. Yet.
People will hate this and disagree, but IMO it was a set up.

In the same way the teachers union, WH, and FBI worked together to intimidate parents, label them domestic terrorists for opposing this radical nazi yiuth indoctrination shit on our kids, using the criminal FBI to use terrorist protocol on parents to get information / leverage o. parents to shut down their opposition to what's been going on....

6 Jan was a coordinated set-up to label Conservatives and Trump supporters as terrorists, threats to our Democracy, bigger threats than Antifa and BLM...to make an example of the conservatives they arrested (reported prolonged isolation, beatings, no outside contact, etc...) to intimidate and 'put in line / pacify more' other conservatives - thinking this could happen to them...and to create another opportunity to 'Get Trump' (all the debunked false narratives, false accusations, 1-sided, fact-omitted theatrics...)

Look at Democrat-supported organized domestic terrorism of antifa and blm all over the country - the looting, destroying, burning. assaults, murders, bombings, attempting to kill federal marshalls by attempting to burn them alive in federal buildings, firebombing cop cars, a by terrorists bussed into local communities. lives destroyed, the damages totalling MILLIONS.....

Now tell me 6 Jan was actually worse....and I'll call you a liar.

An FBI Agent was busted the night before by protestors when he began telling the crowd they had to get into the Capitol the next day - they began chanting 'Fed, Fed, Fed'

The next day the same guy was reported trying to stir up the crowd. He is in video walking up to two other guys, saying something, and in less than 5 seconds they start moving metal barriers to clear the way for protestors to the Capitol.

A notorious BLM protestor (Sullivan) bragged about firing up the crowd, encouraging them to enter the Capitol, was videoed in the Capitol videoing what was going on and inciting the crowd.

The FBI confirmed agents and informants were at and in the Capitol but would not say how many or what they were doing.

Doesn't take a genius to figure out something not legit was going on.
The protests were over an unjust justice system.

Jan 6 was about people pissed they lost an election.

But you know this already as it's been discussed 500 times.
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