Why the January 6 thing?

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I cant figure out why liberals continually talk about how much ALL lives matter, and our collective "children", Gun deaths or banning the death penalty but lives matter or trans suicides then support Abortion. Something isn't adding up here.
as I have been saying/thinking for a long time, The Church begun by Jesus Christ, who is objective truth itself, should "run things"

few people seem to agree w/ that thought but I don't see how we are going to have people "acting right" when our own govt does not...

and will not

unless there is a Church there to keep it in line.. But the liberals made sure the Church was impotent... It's called Vatican II

the Liberal Council

basically that Council said that all religions are the same... All paths lead to God.. what a LIE. People who have tried to evangelize the heathen in certain places of the world have learned that a lot of these cultures are so stuck on their own belief system, they just refuse to listen to the missionaries and some have said that this resistance comes not from the fact that their religion has some "good and holy" aspects.. but just the opposite... In other words, many "religions" .. non-Christian ones are demonic..
The Nazis need their show trials. That's all you need to know. Now Shut up, do what CNN tells you and never question anything ever, or you are a threat to Joe Bid.....errrr DEMOCRACY!
again, they think Americans are stupid. They think they can put on any damn show in DC and we will.. or most of us anyhow will buy it.. they think we are all cnn viewers

well, some are, unfortunately

But some of us see the truth of what is going on.

To sum up what is going on in both Church and state lately

The lawless have taken over the law-abiding, whether we speak of evil clergy or evil politicians
again, they think Americans are stupid. They think they can put on any damn show in DC and we will.. or most of us anyhow will buy it.. they think we are all cnn viewers

well, some are, unfortunately

But some of us see the truth of what is going on.

To sum up what is going on in both Church and state lately

The lawless have taken over the law-abiding, whether we speak of evil clergy or evil politicians
The fact is that CNN is on at airports, gyms and as background noise as are MSNBC and and Fox.
CNN, however, is overtly going down the toilet.
The fact is that CNN is on at airports, gyms and as background noise as are MSNBC and and Fox.
CNN, however, is overtly going down the toilet.
well, at least they are on the tv in all those places u mention--so not sure they are toast yet..

i can't find fox anywhere... blue state...

when i lived in red states you could find fox in restraurants, etc..
well, at least they are on the tv in all those places u mention--so not sure they are toast yet..

i can't find fox anywhere... blue state...

when i lived in red states you could find fox in restraurants, etc..
I think Fox sucks as much as the others, but as you quite astutely pointed out, it's dangerous to have it on when a LibTard is in the vicinity.
What have we learned so far?

Trump's own people were telling him that the election was lost and there was no fraud

Trump was listening to a drunken Roody Ghouliani

The attack on the Capitol was an orchestrated event was far more violent than Trumpers claim

And there's going to be more
What have we learned so far?

Trump's own people were telling him that the election was lost and there was no fraud

Trump was listening to a drunken Roody Ghouliani

The attack on the Capitol was an orchestrated event was far more violent than Trumpers claim

And there's going to be more
Yes. And we also learned that a number of Trump's "only the best people" were desperate to get their pardons before the truth was revealed and that Trump has loyalty to nobody, including his own kids and they are returning the sentiment. What a clan!
Maybe you can't figure it out because you live in an information bubble that constantly poses strawmans?

I'll demonstrate. During the summer in 2020 there were statements after statements put out by Democrats that while protests are fine. Violence during protests isn't.

As for Jan 6th. What it was, was a break in off the Capitol building, with the purpose of stopping the certification of the election of a duly elected president. They did this because the loser of that election, called them to Washington to attend a rally and where he asked them to go to the Capitol. When they used force to break in, wounding well over a hundred police officers in the process, that same president didn't attempt to stop them, in fact he went as far as berating his own vice-president as he was being evacuated and armed police officers where literally barricading the house floor.

Nor has it stopped after. That same loser of the election is still claiming that he was cheated, and legislation is being pushed through States that would make it easier for legislators to ignore election results they don't like. Jan 6th is not something that happened in isolation, nor has it stopped. Especially because that same loser is still the front runner for the GOP in 2024.
Bill Ayers and Susan Rosenberg were involved in separate plots to blow up the Capitol yet today those traitors are celebrated by the Left as thought leaders. Imagine the disruption to Congress had the Bernie Sanders supporter been successful spraying the open field of Republican Congressional representatives?

You people don’t give a flying fuck about the safety and welfare of Congress except when it benefits YOU.
As previously quoted, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, among other Republicans, clearly articulated the need for such an investigation:
"We cannot just sweep this under the rug.
We need to know why it happened, who did it,
and people need to be held accountable for it.
And I’m committed to making sure that happens.”

Did some want to "just sweep this under the rug"?

Do some want to destroy Trump with the attitude that the end justifies the means?


Hillary Clinton is one. Plus we have the Democrats who fear Trump will be re-elected if he runs, the establishment Republicans (especially the Bush Wing of the Party) and of course the Deep State.
Bill Ayers and Susan Rosenberg were involved in separate plots to blow up the Capitol yet today those traitors are celebrated by the Left as thought leaders. Imagine the disruption to Congress had the Bernie Sanders supporter been successful spraying the open field of Republican Congressional representatives?

You people don’t give a flying fuck about the safety and welfare of Congress except when it benefits YOU.
Ah, whataboutisms, the tool of those that can't defend their own behavior.
Ah, whataboutisms, the tool of those that can't defend their own behavior.
You stupid ignorant asshole, Susan Rosenberg is the one who provided seed money for BLM.

Without her, those goddamn commies would never have existed AT ALL.

Why don't you lift your head out of your butt sometime, you might smell fresh air.
Ah, whataboutisms, the tool of those that can't defend their own behavior.
I have never defended the actions of the perpetrators of January 6th. At the same time, it is yet another chapter of egregious hypocrisy and double standard from the violent Left.
I have never defended the actions of the perpetrators of January 6th. At the same time, it is yet another chapter of egregious hypocrisy and double standard from the violent Left.
Yet another not-so-clever thinly veiled Whataboutism! These righties can't help themselves.
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