Why the January 6 thing?

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On one hand, what happened is mostly clear, and will probably be even more clear by the end of these hearings. We know what these people were trying to do, so it's now just a matter of the specifics. They were trying to overturn a legitimate election with blatant lies and manipulation.

On the other hand, the question will how be how many (if any) actual laws were broken. I've seen that the state of New York is going after him the way it goes after mob figures, and that makes sense. People like this know how to skirt the law without blatantly breaking it, like the Mafia.

As we've known for years now, this is a terribly ugly period in our history, a stain. A political cult has turned this country upside down. I'm just not at all confident that the villains here will pay any price for either what they have done or what they are still doing.
At least the record of the assault on democracy and the self-serving lie that incited it, as well as the convictions and guilty pleas of those who swallowed the lie, will provide an official record for posterity. An uncontested, irrefutable record.

Meanwhile, the liar and those who tout the lie have only the baseless, airy-fairy "bullshit" of their ideological media entertainers, grievance jamborees, and Cry Baby Loser's petty vendettas. Even Daddy's Little Girl couldn't endure the stench any longer.
At least the record of the assault on democracy and the self-serving lie that incited it, as well as the convictions and guilty pleas of those who swallowed the lie, will have an official record for posterity. An uncontested, irrefutable record.

Meanwhile, the liar and those who tout the lie have only the baseless, airy-fairy "bullshit" of their ideological media entertainers, grievance jamborees, and Cry Baby Loser's petty vendettas. Even Daddy's Little Girl couldn't endure the stench any longer.
Yeah, I'm just comforting myself with the knowledge that the information is at least getting out. Maybe one day, if we manage to recover a bit, we'll be able to look at this stuff in a serious way. I won't be holding my breath, though.
Yeah, I'm just comforting myself with the knowledge that the information is at least getting out. Maybe one day, if we manage to recover a bit, we'll be able to look at this stuff in a serious way. I won't be holding my breath, though.
The accrual of well-documented evidence damning Trump is enhanced by the Trumpies inability to mount even a feeble fact-based defense. The stark contrast will endure.

It will always be difficult to take their zany cyber ninjas caper with its bamboo ballots, etc. seriously, and Giuliani's raving (the setting of a parking lot outside a Philadelphia landscape company and a porn shop enhancing his aura of authenticity) is destined to be a comedy classic.

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On the eve of the 2020 election,
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The Loser did not try to claim a fluke victory, but a mysterious "Landslide!"

The Democrats are terrified that Trump will run again and this time they will not be able to defeat him. Joe Biden has bungled his job that badly.

Therefore they hope to stain Trump’s reputation, file criminal charges against him Or hope he get angry and says something really stupid.
When has he ever said something that was not stupid?

A Jan. 6 panel member says Trump raising money off bogus election claims was ‘the big rip-off.’

As it zoomed in on the origins, spread and consequences of Mr. Trump’s election lie, the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol also made the case on Monday that his false claims amounted to a fraud perpetrated on his supporters.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California, wrapped up Monday’s session by laying out how Mr. Trump’s campaign, a related political action committee and his allies raised $250 million by claiming they were fighting widespread election fraud at a time when they knew there was none.

“Throughout the committee’s investigation, we found evidence that the Trump campaign and its surrogates misled donors as to where their funds would go and what they would be used for, so not only was there the big lie, there was the big rip-off,” Ms. Lofgren said. “Donors deserve to know where their funds are really going. They deserve better than what President Trump and his team did.”

Are there any Trumper's out there interested in filing a class action suit for getting fleeced by the Orange Elmer Gantry?
The point about race and January 6 is brought up because of the fact that some of the Black Lives Matter extremists prehaps all of them have been brainwashed or either provide the lie that “if Black people stormed the January 6 capital there will be a bloodbath.”

That’s a totally false anti-American idea just look at the Jan 6 protest.... there were actually Black people who were a part of that event. And 2 look at the Black Lives Matter riots over the summer many of them went unabated there was no police response were able to do whatever the heck they wanted to do.

My position is that we have good black and white Americans. But Black Lives Matter is anti-American they believe in the racist idea that white people are born privileged. Black Lives Matter doesn’t do anything to help poor Black people either... they steal the money BLM leaders steal the money.

Blm and Democrats are attempting to use the race card associated with January 6 which is very disturbing. And indeed they are hypocrites they show themselves to be anti-American by not only doing nothing about the BLM violence but they support Black Lives Matter.
BLM was born of the police violence aimed specifically at blacks. But, like every group of protestors nowadays, a part of that movement was hijacked by militants and crazies. Very much like the way Blue Lives Matter was Hijacked by aggressive, murderous cops. The real root of both is the fact that Police have been given Carte Blanche to do whatever they want with no guardrails. Any section of our society, when given immunity from prosecution for even murder will prove just what a fucked up and terrible that idea is. What the GOP has done is to downplay nearly every instance of police brutality and blame the victim almost every time. And until bad policies like Qualified Immunity and stacking Police unions with money and unbridled power are eliminated, it will only get worse. But of course, every move towards authoritarianism is dubbed a good thing by the right. The GOP has adopted a policy of ignoring the core problems and punishing those effected by them the most.
BLM was born of the police violence aimed specifically at blacks. But, like every group of protestors nowadays, a part of that movement was hijacked by militants and crazies. Very much like the way Blue Lives Matter was Hijacked by aggressive, murderous cops. The real root of both is the fact that Police have been given Carte Blanche to do whatever they want with no guardrails. Any section of our society, when given immunity from prosecution for even murder will prove just what a fucked up and terrible that idea is. What the GOP has done is to downplay nearly every instance of police brutality and blame the victim almost every time. And until bad policies like Qualified Immunity and stacking Police unions with money and unbridled power are eliminated, it will only get worse. But of course, every move towards authoritarianism is dubbed a good thing by the right. The GOP has adopted a policy of ignoring the core problems and punishing those effected by them the most.
For me the key is all about avoiding secretarian division. When studying the history of the Middle East knowing that Iraq was more united in the 70s and 80s and was destroyed at least its unity it had was destroyed after the 2003 American invasion. I think that was one of the mistakes of America But I stand by the USA because no country is perfect. We can learn from our mistakes.

There are cases across the board in every state each year there’s going to be instances of police corruption. It happens in every country. But compared to other parts of the world the American police system is pretty good. The thing with Black Lives Matter is they promote division. Their problem is they need to concentrate on the fact that there is injustice against people of all color in America. There is a criminal recidivism rate in America. We have a bad prison system in America and it affects people of all colors. So Black Lives Matter was wrong from the start their name alone promotes massive division and the whole thing needs to be reimagined and renamed.

We need to avoid the United States turning into something like Iraq or when Yugoslavia broke up. There can’t be any room for ethnic division or for politicians who promote ideas that white people or Black people are born privileged.
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For me the key is all about avoiding secretarian division. When studying the history of the Middle East knowing that Iraq was more united in the 70s and 80s and was destroyed at least its unity it had was destroyed after the 2003 American invasion. I think that was one of the mistakes of America But I stand by the USA because no country is perfect. We can learn from our mistakes.

There are cases across the board in every state each year there’s going to be instances of police corruption. It happens in every country. But compared to other parts of the world the American police system is pretty good. The thing with Black Lives Matter is they promote division. Their problem is they need to concentrate on the fact that there is injustice against people of all color in America. There is a criminal recidivism rate in America. We have a bad prison system in America and it affects people of all colors. So Black Lives Matter was wrong from the start their name alone promotes massive division and the whole thing needs to be reimagined and renamed.

We need to avoid the United States turning into something like Iraq or when Yugoslavia broke up. There can’t be any room for ethnic division or for politicians who promote ideas that white people or Black people are born privileged.
So what should Black lives Matter have called themselves? That's an interesting take. How exactly was BLM promoting division?
the original question was why are the dems pushing Jan 6th.
As previously quoted, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, among other Republicans, clearly articulated the need for such an investigation:
"We cannot just sweep this under the rug.
We need to know why it happened, who did it,
and people need to be held accountable for it.
And I’m committed to making sure that happens.”

Did some want to "just sweep this under the rug"?

An Engineer? Where did you conjure that from?
You posted you were slated to be involved in a water related project whose funding was stopped by Trump.
Feel free to refresh my memory as you post so much bullshit it's hard to keep a track of your nonsense.
You posted you were slated to be involved in a water related project whose funding was stopped by Trump.
Feel free to refresh my memory as you post so much bullshit it's hard to keep a track of your nonsense.
WTF? Again. Where do you come up with this shit? Never said that and never would. Lying is the realm of the right and fools who believe in them.
WTF? Again. Where do you come up with this shit? Never said that and never would. Lying is the realm of the right and fools who believe in them.
You're a liar or psychotic; I'm betting on psychotic.
We had a morning about a month ago with several dozen exchanges and you bitched that Trump did not fund a project you were slated to be on.
You don't remember?!
You're a liar or psychotic; I'm betting on psychotic.
We had a morning about a month ago with several dozen exchanges and you bitched that Trump did not fund a project you were slated to be on.
You don't remember?!
I don't remember because it didn't happen. Are you okay? Seriously. I always knew you were delusional but this is proof positive. If we had several back and forths about it then it should be fairly easy to find. Go for it.
In fairness, much of what happened before, during and after the insurrection has been kept from them, and/or distorted.

So, within the context of their tightly-controlled reality, they're being honest, kind of.
The term Insurrection has been BS from day 1. Now repeat after me.

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