Why the January 6 thing?

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I disagree with your opinion expressed in #1. Which leaves us with your failure to refute the facts in the article while feeling, without an apparent reason, it's a leftist rag. That is, other than you don't like the facts they publish.
Of course you would disagree. It's one of your ilk that did it.

You're a flea on a gnat's ass.

Not scared. I eat combat marines for lunch.

Hey fucktard, I don't care who or what you are, if you think you can grab my country by the sphincter I'm going to make your life so totally fucking miserable you'll have NO CHOICE but to let go.
You eat Marines for lunch? Good, then Eat Me!! And the only sphincters this country has are Trump and fools like you who worship him. BTW November may have some surprises in store for you bleating types. In fact, I'll bet you'll be talking out of your other asshole (the one on your face) long before November. Buckle up tough guy! This is gonna be a learning experience for ya. And boy, do you need it!
It’s definitely fair to say Black Lives Matter riots are a major concern. January 6 that was one single event. You had 100s of different events associated with the BLM riots.

Any violent January 6 protester should be prosecuted. But there’s hundreds maybe thousands of BLM rioters that have not been prosecuted. There were BLM rioters who murdered innocent people during the 2020 summer riots.

By the way I am a democrat. I’m a Franklin Roosevelt Democrat. I’m a Democrat who respects the legacy of John F. Kennedy. I am a democrat and I love American institutions and I do occasionally vote Republican. In my estimation Democrat save this country during the World War II era the World War II Americans were the best generation to ever live. Republicans or Democrats stood united in World War II.

And Ashli Babbit what about her death. This was a white woman who served the US military. We hear way too much about Black Lives Matter talking about white people shooting Black people what about this one. A black man murdered Ashley one might say. She was by all testimonials a beautiful person and she did not have a gun with her apparently she was trying to direct people out of the crowd there is a video that shows police officers behind her by the way. But look I’m not like Black Lives Matter I believe in investigations and Ashley‘s death needs to be investigated there might have been a wrongdoing by the black cop that shot her. ... he could be charge with involuntary manslaughter? maybe He can get a suspended sentence? But the bottom line is Black Lives Matter is horrible ... the problem with Black Lives Matter is not the members it’s the leader ship.... they have brainwashed young black men to go and attack and even murder people who they oppose. I said it before Black Lives Matter has a very small support base but they have support from the media and from rich actors and politicians. And Republicans have to do a better job opposing BLM. So we need to help the young black and white people who have been brainwashed by the BLM leaders.

I believe in equality among man. There’s too many Democrats today inventing and lying about other peoples viewpoints.. making up the viewpoint that they are racist. That is sickening and demented and has no place in America. Disagree with Black Lives Matter it’s not racist it’s the right thing to do. Believing that white people or Black people are born privileged is insanely racist and has no place in America.

I don’t want this message to be taken the wrong way. We are all Americans we are all brothers no matter our party, religion or skin color. We are united and we will prevail. There is a lot of positive things ahead.
OH! Whatabout Whatabout Whatabout! Misdirection plays are transparent and useless. The hearings are about January
OH! Whatabout Whatabout Whatabout! Misdirection plays are transparent and useless. The hearings are about January
As I have already informed you...you are a facist.
Attacks on Municipal and State buildings mean nothing to you, only your revered Federal Government is sacred.
Take you PTSD and stick it up your ass.
Maybe you can't figure it out because you live in an information bubble that constantly poses strawmans?

I'll demonstrate. During the summer in 2020 there were statements after statements put out by Democrats that while protests are fine. Violence during protests isn't.

As for Jan 6th. What it was, was a break in off the Capitol building, with the purpose of stopping the certification of the election of a duly elected president. They did this because the loser of that election, called them to Washington to attend a rally and where he asked them to go to the Capitol. When they used force to break in, wounding well over a hundred police officers in the process, that same president didn't attempt to stop them, in fact he went as far as berating his own vice-president as he was being evacuated and armed police officers where literally barricading the house floor.

Nor has it stopped after. That same loser of the election is still claiming that he was cheated, and legislation is being pushed through States that would make it easier for legislators to ignore election results they don't like. Jan 6th is not something that happened in isolation, nor has it stopped. Especially because that same loser is still the front runner for the GOP in 2024.
Hillary tried to remove a duly elected POTUS. She attempted a coup along with the CIA and FBI. How fucked up was that?
OH! Whatabout Whatabout Whatabout! Misdirection plays are transparent and useless. The hearings are about January
Hey brother. I believe we can get along with each other.

As I said before anyone who committed violence on January 6 should be prosecuted. My position as an American with free speech is that the hearings are misguided. They need to include Black Lives Matter riots or go after Black Lives Matter after January 6 hearings.

And I talked at length about the January 6 event. That woman Ashley was murdered perhaps. And the black man who shot her should possibly go to jail. There needs to be an investigation and a big-time one.

We had white Americans , black Americans veterans , civilians Americans of all ages that went to the capital building some of them were inside the building walked around and did nothing they didn’t attack anybody. I think that the Democratic Party is misrepresenting what happened on January 6. I am a democrat a proud FDR Democrat and I think the Democratic Party of today has lost its way. We used to stand for the workingman, for unions , for productive foreign diplomacy ....we’ve gotten away from it and we need to get it back.

January 6 protest might have been misguided but those people cared American flags and we’re pro American. Black Lives Matter is violent and anti-American they put forth the false view of history that Christian Europeans were imperialists and evil. The truth is slaveowners come from Africa, come from Europe and come from all over the world. But also true liberals come from all over the world and the values of the United States of America and France for example they are the values of freedom, liberty, equality Fraternity.
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I'll demonstrate. During the summer in 2020 there were statements after statements put out by Democrats that while protests are fine. Violence during protests isn't.
Words vs Action.
The left covered for these CRIMES and you know it
As I have already informed you...you are a facist.
Attacks on Municipal and State buildings mean nothing to you, only your revered Federal Government is sacred.
Take you PTSD and stick it up your ass.
People protest for a variety of reasons. Some because they feel disenfranchised, some because they want to redress grievances against their gov't. Those who break the law need to be held accountable. But that doesn't mean that when some are carrying signs and others are torching buildings, they should all be considered criminals. And they should never be beaten, shot at, prosecuted and /or murdered because the lunatic fringe took a different route. But what we are discussing here is January 6th. Each of the rioters will and should be held accountable. They all knew that to breech the Capitol was criminal no matter what the reason. Street protests are constitutional until and unless there is violence. And those among them who committed crimes above and beyond just being there should be dealt with just like those in the first example. And in both instances, if there were agitators among them who organized, orchestrated and lit the fuse to set off the violence they should be charged according to their actions or inactions. This particular instance is thankfully rare as hen's teeth. And the consequences of what was done, by whom and why should also be rare. This was unique in that it was an orchestrated attempt to overthrow our government and our democracy. Thus, every American was and is affected by it as is the future of our country. Different animal altogether! To not see it as such is to be willfully blind. And why have you raised the subject of PTSD? A cheap shot to shake me? Didn't work. I see it for exactly what it is, a cowardly, snipe from the safety of the internet. Shame on you. I thought foolishly that maybe you were better than that. I should have known you aren't, so that's on me. And I also was mistaken to think that you were maturing and learning as we go. Wrong again. But that should not have surprised me either because what the GOP has devolved into was somewhat of a shock too. Someday soon you will realize that you have been playing on the wrong team. When that realization comes your way, you can shove your naivete up your ass as well.
Hey brother. I believe we can get along with each other.

As I said before anyone who committed violence on January 6 should be prosecuted. My position as an American with free speech is that the hearings are misguided. They need to include Black Lives Matter riots or go after Black Lives Matter after January 6 hearings.

And I talked at length about the January 6 event. That woman Ashley was murdered perhaps. And the black man who shot her should possibly go to jail. There needs to be an investigation and a big-time one.

We had white Americans , black Americans veterans , civilians Americans of all ages that went to the capital building some of them were inside the building walked around and did nothing they didn’t attack anybody. I think that the Democratic Party is misrepresenting what happened on January 6. I am a democrat a proud FDR Democrat and I think the Democratic Party of today has lost its way. We used to stand for the workingman, for unions , for productive foreign diplomacy ....we’ve gotten away from it and we need to get it back.

January 6 protest might have been misguided but those people cared American flags and we’re pro American. Black Lives Matter is violent and anti-American they put forth the false view of history that Christian Europeans were imperialists and evil. The truth is slaveowners come from Africa, come from Europe and come from all over the world. But also true liberals come from all over the world and the values of the United States of America and France for example they are the values of freedom, liberty, equality Fraternity.
Absolutely, there should be investigations and prosecutions to winnow out those who were there to peacefully protest and those whose only purpose was to incite violence. I couldn't agree more. But I'm sick of the tactics by Trumpian apologists who refuse to focus on Jan 6th or realize there are major differences in their impact on America. Crimes are crimes and nobody should get a pass. Not even Trump. Especially not Trump. But the plan is plain for anyone who looks and listens. Throw as many other shiny objects as possible to divide the attention of Americans who deserve to know the truth. But it's wrong to toss shit against the walls in an effort to hide that truth from the people. One crime at a time and one investigation/prosecution at a time.
People protest for a variety of reasons. Some because they feel disenfranchised, some because they want to redress grievances against their gov't. Those who break the law need to be held accountable. But that doesn't mean that when some are carrying signs and others are torching buildings, they should all be considered criminals. And they should never be beaten, shot at, prosecuted and /or murdered because the lunatic fringe took a different route. But what we are discussing here is January 6th. Each of the rioters will and should be held accountable. They all knew that to breech the Capitol was criminal no matter what the reason. Street protests are constitutional until and unless there is violence. And those among them who committed crimes above and beyond just being there should be dealt with just like those in the first example. And in both instances, if there were agitators among them who organized, orchestrated and lit the fuse to set off the violence they should be charged according to their actions or inactions. This particular instance is thankfully rare as hen's teeth. And the consequences of what was done, by whom and why should also be rare. This was unique in that it was an orchestrated attempt to overthrow our government and our democracy. Thus, every American was and is affected by it as is the future of our country. Different animal altogether! To not see it as such is to be willfully blind. And why have you raised the subject of PTSD? A cheap shot to shake me? Didn't work. I see it for exactly what it is, a cowardly, snipe from the safety of the internet. Shame on you. I thought foolishly that maybe you were better than that. I should have known you aren't, so that's on me. And I also was mistaken to think that you were maturing and learning as we go. Wrong again. But that should not have surprised me either because what the GOP has devolved into was somewhat of a shock too. Someday soon you will realize that you have been playing on the wrong team. When that realization comes your way, you can shove your naivete up your ass as well.
That was a nice word wall of bullshit.
You have already admitted several times that you are a bleeding heart LibTard that will defend anything non-Whites do, even if they murder each other.
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