Why the January 6 thing?

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I'm a combat Marine. You sickos come after me, you'd better bring your A game. A better idea would be to GET SOME FUCKIN' HELP!!

You're a flea on a gnat's ass.

Not scared. I eat combat marines for lunch.

Hey fucktard, I don't care who or what you are, if you think you can grab my country by the sphincter I'm going to make your life so totally fucking miserable you'll have NO CHOICE but to let go.

You're a flea on a gnat's ass.

Not scared. I eat combat marines for lunch.

Hey fucktard, I don't care who or what you are, if you think you can grab my country by the sphincter I'm going to make your life so totally fucking miserable you'll have NO CHOICE but to let go.
Internet “tough guys” are hilarious

These are not your daddy's Democrats

They're evil and virulent

Very much like Mao's peasants

My father was a REPUBLICAN
He worked for Western Electric
Drove a school bus to supplement his income

We are Democrats

Times change

Life goes on

My father was a REPUBLICAN
He worked for Western Electric
Drove a school bus to supplement his income

We are Democrats

Times change

Life goes on
I'm not sure how that constitutes a lie, but ... whatever.

All I can tell you is, if you're voting Democrat TODAY you're paying way too much for a bottle of snake oil.
That's not all that dumb **** did.

Last year, before she was vice president, Kamala Harris used her social media accounts to encourage donations to a Minnesota nonprofit “to help post bail” for individuals arrested in the state while protesting the death of George Floyd.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham twisted those facts to claim “she actually bailed out rioters,” one of whom, he said, “went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open.”

We found no evidence that happened.

In fairness, much of what happened before, during and after the insurrection has been kept from them, and/or distorted.

So, within the context of their tightly-controlled reality, they're being honest, kind of.
Honest lies........interesting concept. It has some merit among the brainwashed rubes with their eyes and ears stuck only on propagandists like Carlson, Hannity, Bannon, and Ingraham.

Personally, I think it is incumbent on all Americans to seek the truth. To be an informed member of the electorate. So I give them no quarter.

Last year, before she was vice president, Kamala Harris used her social media accounts to encourage donations to a Minnesota nonprofit “to help post bail” for individuals arrested in the state while protesting the death of George Floyd.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham twisted those facts to claim “she actually bailed out rioters,” one of whom, he said, “went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open.”

We found no evidence that happened.

Well, two things, number one is that your parsing. Kam should not have been in an arms length with anything
going on with the bail.
Number two....Factcheck? :auiqs.jpg: If it's politics that's being checked, that's a rag site for the left.
Number two....Factcheck? :auiqs.jpg: If it's politics that's being checked, that's a rag site for the left.
I couldn't hep noticing while you did a good job of disparaging the source you failed completely at rebutting any facts in the article. That's common practice among conservatives for whom facts get in the way of their beliefs.
Honest lies........interesting concept. It has some merit among the brainwashed rubes with their eyes and ears stuck only on propagandists like Carlson, Hannity, Bannon, and Ingraham.

Personally, I think it is incumbent on all Americans to seek the truth. To be an informed member of the electorate. So I give them no quarter.
Agreed, there's little excuse for willful ignorance.

But it does explain their passion and commitment. They really do believe this stuff. All of it.

They're at war, they're saving America from the evil leftist Satanic commies, and we need to understand that they're True Believers.
Agreed, there's little excuse for willful ignorance.

But it does explain their passion and commitment. They really do believe this stuff. All of it.

They're at war, they're saving America from the evil leftist Satanic commies, and we need to understand that they're True Believers.
Clearly they are. Which makes them all the more dangerous. The question being, is it possible to get them to slowly acknowledge they've been sold on a narrative that's detached from reality? Because if it's not possible we have lost our ability as a nation to self-govern ourselves.
Clearly they are. Which makes them all the more dangerous. The question being, is it possible to get them to slowly acknowledge they've been sold on a narrative that's detached from reality?
Well, I think those who look to the psychology of cults are on the right path. Your term "slowly" is key. For most of those who recover, it appears to happen over time rather than all at once.

And yes, I'd much rather deal with a liar than a True Believer.

This ain't going away any time soon.
I couldn't help but noticed you completely ignored number one.
I disagree with your opinion expressed in #1. Which leaves us with your failure to refute the facts in the article while feeling, without an apparent reason, it's a leftist rag. That is, other than you don't like the facts they publish.
Well, I think those who look to the psychology of cults are on the right path. Your term "slowly" is key. For most of those who recover, it appears to happen over time rather than all at once.

And yes, I'd much rather deal with a liar than a True Believer.

This ain't going away any time soon.
Speaking of psychology, studies show once a belief (or more specifically in the case of Trumpleton's a lie) is adopted it is extremely resistant to being extinguished. Hence why Trumpers cling to their lies even after they've been thoroughly debunked.
It’s definitely fair to say Black Lives Matter riots are a major concern. January 6 that was one single event. You had 100s of different events associated with the BLM riots.

Any violent January 6 protester should be prosecuted. But there’s hundreds maybe thousands of BLM rioters that have not been prosecuted. There were BLM rioters who murdered innocent people during the 2020 summer riots.

By the way I am a democrat. I’m a Franklin Roosevelt Democrat. I’m a Democrat who respects the legacy of John F. Kennedy. I am a democrat and I love American institutions and I do occasionally vote Republican. In my estimation Democrat save this country during the World War II era the World War II Americans were the best generation to ever live. Republicans or Democrats stood united in World War II.

And Ashli Babbit what about her death. This was a white woman who served the US military. We hear way too much about Black Lives Matter talking about white people shooting Black people what about this one. A black man murdered Ashley one might say. She was by all testimonials a beautiful person and she did not have a gun with her apparently she was trying to direct people out of the crowd there is a video that shows police officers behind her by the way. But look I’m not like Black Lives Matter I believe in investigations and Ashley‘s death needs to be investigated there might have been a wrongdoing by the black cop that shot her. ... he could be charge with involuntary manslaughter? maybe He can get a suspended sentence? But the bottom line is Black Lives Matter is horrible ... the problem with Black Lives Matter is not the members it’s the leader ship.... they have brainwashed young black men to go and attack and even murder people who they oppose. I said it before Black Lives Matter has a very small support base but they have support from the media and from rich actors and politicians. And Republicans have to do a better job opposing BLM. So we need to help the young black and white people who have been brainwashed by the BLM leaders.

I believe in equality among man. There’s too many Democrats today inventing and lying about other peoples viewpoints.. making up the viewpoint that they are racist. That is sickening and demented and has no place in America. Disagree with Black Lives Matter it’s not racist it’s the right thing to do. Believing that white people or Black people are born privileged is insanely racist and has no place in America.

I don’t want this message to be taken the wrong way. We are all Americans we are all brothers no matter our party, religion or skin color. We are united and we will prevail. There is a lot of positive things ahead.
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