Why the January 6 thing?

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NO other democrat in history had the audacity to to declare that questioning THEM is a threat to Democracy. So their hegemony is the same as Democracy?
JANUARY 6th was worse than January December 7th 1941. Or September 11 2001. What is worse? This ignorantly blithely accepting anything Democrats say because they say so. We had 500+ race riots' that destroyed billions and murderered thousands and destroyed billions in 2020. Because liberals says so.

Worst threat to democracy Ever?​

Illegal wetbacks…and it’s not even close.
Democrats are only relevant because of wetbacks…they OWN Mexifornia, NV, AZ, NM and much of Texas thanks to Mexicos finest.
That kind of information is not allowed in their universe.
What kind of information? Exactly what breathtaking new revelation did Lez make the other night that is both something we didn't see and know before during Trump's farewell from office impeachment AND is criminally/prosecutorily damning in CONVICTING Trump of actually intending and planning to overthrown the US federal government with a bunch of middle aged people in heavy coats who didn't even bring any weapons or know the floor layout inside the Capitol?

And if the case against Trump is so overwhelming, why the need to make many obvious lies while omitting HUGE areas of interest, such as what Ray Epps was doing there for two days yelling for people to enter the Capitol?

And what about the state Rep from Texas whose office was recently broken into by Capitol police taking photos of all the documents on his desk like the Gestapo because he has been a vocal opponent critical of the J6 committee?

And if the case against Trump is so airtight, then where is the explanation or why the avoidance of answering who the man was seen the night before on capitol video planting pipe bombs? Then he is seen making a cell call, so there must be GPS data on who it was. I mean, what would be the point of planting pipe bombs around the capitol, why not just bring them in your pockets the next day? And why plant pipe bombs if no one intended to use them? It is as if they were put there just to be found by security to better make it look like this was some sort of radical extremist terroristic plot?

Almost like that gallows. How do you get a gallows to the Capitol without someone seeing you? Do you transport it in the back of a pick up down the streets of DC or carry big parts and literally build it on the Capitol grounds with cordless power tools and how is it no one saw anything? What was that gallows there for other than to look ominous while being functionally USELESS for anything other than a photo opp and to maybe hang a cat.

Huh? Why is no one answering these obvious questions?

And if the case is so sure against Trump, then why the need to refuse republicans appointing any of their own people as is customary and ask the questions (like these) they want to ask? What are you people hiding that you are so afraid of?

Just WHO again is running away from reality and facts? :auiqs.jpg:
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What kind of information? Exactly what breathtaking new revelation did Lez make the other night that is both something we didn't see and know before during Trump's farewell from office impeachment AND is criminally/prosecutorily damning in CONVICTING Trump of actually intending and planning to overthrown the US federal government with a bunch of middle aged people in heavy coats who didn't even bring any weapons or know the floor layout inside the Capitol?

And if the case against Trump is so overwhelming, why the need to make many obvious lies while omitting HUGE areas of interest, such as what Ray Epps was doing there for two days yelling for people to enter the Capitol?

And what about the state Rep from Texas whose office was recently broken into by Capitol police taking photos of all the documents on his desk like the Gestapo because he has been a vocal opponent critical of the J6 committee?

And if the case against Trump is so airtight, then where is the explanation or why the avoidance of answering who the man was seen the night before on capitol video planting pipe bombs? Then he is seen making a cell call, so there must be GPS data on who it was. I mean, what would be the point of planting pipe bombs around the capitol, why not just bring them in your pockets the next day? And why plant pipe bombs if no one intended to use them? It is as if they were put there just to be found by security to better make it look like this was some sort of radical extremist terroristic plot?

Almost like that gallows. How do you get a gallows to the Capitol without someone seeing you? Do you transport it in the back of a pick up down the streets of DC or carry big parts and literally build it on the Capitol grounds with cordless power tools and how is it no one saw anything? What was that gallows there for other than to look ominous while being functionally USELESS for anything other than a photo opp and to maybe hang a cat.

Huh? Why is no one answering these obvious questions?

And if the case is so sure against Trump, then why the need to refuse republicans appointing any of their own people as is customary and ask the questions (like these) they want to ask? What are you people hiding that you are so afraid of?

Just WHO again is running away from reality and facts? :auiqs.jpg:
Any more Whataboutisms? Going for the record? Wow. Nothing new? Well. if you silly geese would listen the first time there would be no need to repeat. Thick skulls require multiple strikes with the hammer and chisel.

Nice try though. Going for the "whole thing was a Democrat hoax bullshit?" Hence the need to smack that chisel even more.
Yeah? But Whatabout this and whatabout that and and and. You trumpers can't help yourselves.

See how the far left ignores their own, yet still needs their boogy man. They run their narratives even in the face of certain defeat. The far left has proven they are not connected to reality.

It is all for show to try and divert from inflation and how bad the far left is making things.
I cant figure this out, ignoring massive harm and violence racial incited, democrat pushed, in 2020 billions of dollars burning down cities and 2020 "mostly peaceful" over January 6 thing, Really?
The Democrats, the Deep State, the liberal media and Hillary do not want to see Trump win the 2024 election so they hope they can convince people Trumpo is a threat to democracy.

Plus it looks like they have no answer to rising gasoline prices, skyrocketing inflation and all the other major problems our nation is facing at this time.

Attacking Trump worked in the past so perhaps it will work once again.
Any more Whataboutisms? Going for the record? Wow. Nothing new? Well. if you silly geese would listen the first time there would be no need to repeat. Thick skulls require multiple strikes with the hammer and chisel.

Trying to convince yourself, Boob? Shut up already if you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation or just intend to spin continual bullshit and just try to kill the messenger.

Why don't YOU add something new like a credible explanation to how that gallows got there, by who, why would someone plant bombs no one was interested in using yet both he and Ray Epps are neither identified or explained!

Why are there people in jail over 15 months now for doing far less than Ray Epps who is on tape inciting the riot?
JANUARY 6th was worse than January December 7th 1941. Or September 11 2001. What is worse? This ignorantly blithely accepting anything Democrats say because they say so. We had 500+ race riots' that destroyed billions and murderered thousands and destroyed billions in 2020. Because liberals says so.
There are good liberals(Classical Liberals e.g. Tom Jefferson/Ron Paul) now a days mostly called Libertarians, vs the liberals we view as the dark side of humanity(Social Liberals e.g Nazi Pelosi/Burnin' Burnie Sinders) now a days mostly referred to as Democrats, but I refer to the Social Liberals as the statist left or just Nazis. EXCELLENT/TRUTHFUL post on your part MaryL like keep exposing the statist left for what they really stand for!
JANUARY 6th was worse than January December 7th 1941. Or September 11 2001. What is worse? This ignorantly blithely accepting anything Democrats say because they say so. We had 500+ race riots' that destroyed billions and murderered thousands and destroyed billions in 2020. Because liberals says so.

Our biggest threat to democracy is our own government in reality.

The only rights or freedoms we've ever lost or will lose will be because our government took them away from us. In short of a total invasion by a foriengn power and a total take over only our government can be a threat to our democracy.

And we have seen the current administration attempt to do with that with censorship, msm influence/control, proposed mandates, them trying to position backdoors with gun control, tipping the scales and unbalancing the system with large amounts of illegals, among other things.
Maybe you can't figure it out because you live in an information bubble that constantly poses strawmans?

I'll demonstrate. During the summer in 2020 there were statements after statements put out by Democrats that while protests are fine. Violence during protests isn't.

As for Jan 6th. What it was, was a break in off the Capitol building, with the purpose of stopping the certification of the election of a duly elected president. They did this because the loser of that election, called them to Washington to attend a rally and where he asked them to go to the Capitol. When they used force to break in, wounding well over a hundred police officers in the process, that same president didn't attempt to stop them, in fact he went as far as berating his own vice-president as he was being evacuated and armed police officers where literally barricading the house floor.

Nor has it stopped after. That same loser of the election is still claiming that he was cheated, and legislation is being pushed through States that would make it easier for legislators to ignore election results they don't like. Jan 6th is not something that happened in isolation, nor has it stopped. Especially because that same loser is still the front runner for the GOP in 2024.
And yet the dems still supported and did all they could to encourage the "protests" instead of calling out the military to deal with the terrorists burning city down. Look at how they attacked children like Sandman and young man who shot 3 criminals dead who attacked him.

and don't even get me started on that dipshit Obama using federal tax money to bus protestors to go after Zimmerman.

Kamala Harris promoted fund that bailed out Minneapolis rioters and a twice convicted rapist​

Harris promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund after it bailed out a twice-convicted rapist accused of sexual assault, an alleged murderer and a woman accused of shooting at police.
That's not all that dumb **** did.
Do you oppose people being released on bail? The bail fund doesn't set the bail or determine who is eligible for bail.
Communist agitators?

Hell yes! I oppose them being released on bail. I oppose them being released AT ALL.

Let them rot in jail with no charges, just like the J6 protesters
Another case of GOP Trumpist Whataboutisms. Never face the truth. deflect deflect and deflect. But the good news is that it only works on fools.
YOU, leftard fool, can't run away from it.

YOU will always be associated with race riots. Now and forever
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