Why the January 6 thing?

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Your characterization of the 500 hundred being fine, was not accepted by most, except the local politicians that (unfortunately) took little or no effective action. Attempting to change a Federal election by violent attack on the capital (and if lucky, maybe hang a Vice President), with what looked like then and even more so now to be the cooperation and possible coordination of Washington Executive and legislative elected officials, against our constitution, they took oaths to protect and defend, so help them God, was a bridge too far to be crossed for the majority of Americans that support our constitutional representative republic.
Any more questions?
You speak for the majority?

Yes, I have a question.

Doesn't the integrity of our constitutional Republic depend on the CONFIDENCE the people have in our political process?

Right now 50% of Americans believe our elections are neither fair nor secure.

That sir, does not bode well for a constitutional Republic, ours or anyone else's.

And instead of rising to the occasion and helping assuage everyone's doubts, the fucktard dimwitted leftist rabble is trying to tell everyone with doubts that they're full of shit.

The equation is, there is no confidence in THE LAW. Across the board. And if there's no law for thee, there's no law for me either.

And that is a bad situation that very few people want. We have kids. We like safety.

I'm very sorry but I => INSIST <= on equal application of the law. And I will enforce that, ESPECIALLY on our elected morons. Without that, there is no law at all.
Nope....they were not fine and they were not supported by Dems. Why do you believe that lying is the only option you have left?

=> EVERY <= Democratic mayor supported those riots. Every single fucking one of them, you LYING SCUMBAG PIECE OF SHIT.
JANUARY 6th was worse than January December 7th 1941. Or September 11 2001. What is worse? This ignorantly blithely accepting anything Democrats say because they say so. We had 500+ race riots' that destroyed billions and murderered thousands and destroyed billions in 2020. Because liberals says so.
IMHO, the worst threat to democracy in this nation's history outside of the Civil War is the ongoing attempt by the democrats to abolish the filibuster. Because then we become a one-party gov't where the minority party has absolutely no say or power in determining what legislation gets passed. Bipartisanship would be gone forever, except those few issues where opposition would be political suicide. I do not believe the GOP would ever do it, but I am convinced the democrats would have done it already if Manchin and Sinema had not stopped them.
I'm sure if 1-6 had been done by liberals we'd be seeing comparisons to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved lives. The planed invasion of the Japanese mainland would have seen 100's of thousands US casualties and millions of dead Japanese civilians.
the democrats would have done it already if Manchin and Sinema had not stopped them.
I agree and that would signal the end of peaceful resolution of our differences. When the day comes that one party rigs the game so that they cannot lose, then the rest will have no choice but slavery or war.
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