Why the January 6 thing?

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When the democrat party and the FBI and the mainstream join in a propaganda effort that's what you get. It's the democrat party's last desperate effort to overcome focus on the failed Biden administration.
right-----the issue of Trump's attempt to discredit
the election ----IS, ACTUALLY, a red herring. The
ONLY way to create a cover for bumbling biden is---
lets make a total mess out of Trump
No cities were “burned down” and the fact that you engage in hyperbolic exaggeration is testimony to your dishonesty. A dishonesty rooted in the fact that you don’t value our democracy

A man on a bike rides past a city truck on fire outside the Kenosha County Courthouse during riots following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, Kenosha, Wis., August 23, 2020. (Mike De Sisti/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/USA TODAY/Reuters)
Maybe you can't figure it out because you live in an information bubble that constantly poses strawmans?

I'll demonstrate. During the summer in 2020 there were statements after statements put out by Democrats that while protests are fine. Violence during protests isn't.

As for Jan 6th. What it was, was a break in off the Capitol building, with the purpose of stopping the certification of the election of a duly elected president. They did this because the loser of that election, called them to Washington to attend a rally and where he asked them to go to the Capitol. When they used force to break in, wounding well over a hundred police officers in the process, that same president didn't attempt to stop them, in fact he went as far as berating his own vice-president as he was being evacuated and armed police officers where literally barricading the house floor.

Nor has it stopped after. That same loser of the election is still claiming that he was cheated, and legislation is being pushed through States that would make it easier for legislators to ignore election results they don't like. Jan 6th is not something that happened in isolation, nor has it stopped. Especially because that same loser is still the front runner for the GOP in 2024.
I'll demonstrate. During the summer in 2020 there were statements after statements put out by Democrats that while protests are fine. Violence during protests isn't.

...every Blue Mayor said to let them get it out of their systems and did nothing.
yes----we do. IMVO----election irregularities to
not describe the sum total of felonies and misdemeanors committed in the USA

I have seen lots of episodes of necessary restraining of people.------for various reasons-----the legal formula is "is the patient a danger to himself or
others" ? If so----restraint is required if the patient resists. Floyd was CLEARLY A "danger" There was
no actual evidence that Floyd died of a "knee on his

He actually died from the drugs he ingested before the knee incident.
As a multiple time convicted Felon - he needed to get rid of them.
Another bad decision that he made.
I'll demonstrate. During the summer in 2020 there were statements after statements put out by Democrats that while protests are fine. Violence during protests isn't.

...every Blue Mayor said to let them get it out of their systems and did nothing.

Correct of course.
Yahoo News Video

Portland riots rage as protesters set fires, attack government building​

August 19, 2020

Protesters lit fires, threw rocks and smashed windows at county government offices in Portland, Ore., on Tuesday, prompting police to declare a riot, after weeks of mostly peaceful antiracism demonstrations.
their donations to a group that pays bail fees in Minneapolis after the city’s police jailed people protesting

Do you oppose people being released on bail? The bail fund doesn't set the bail or determine who is eligible for bail.
Yahoo News Video

Portland riots rage as protesters set fires, attack government building​

August 19, 2020

Protesters lit fires, threw rocks and smashed windows at county government offices in Portland, Ore., on Tuesday, prompting police to declare a riot, after weeks of mostly peaceful antiracism demonstrations.
Federal Buildings are more important than State or Municipal Buildings.
Private Property is not important at all.
Harris promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund after it bailed out a twice-convicted rapist accused of sexual assault, an alleged murderer and a woman accused of shooting at police.
Why do you have to lie? She made the tweet June 1st.
It's obvious you ignore all the images here of fires set by peaceful protestors.
Go suck your Reform Rabbi's dick.

Peaceful protesters don't set fires and riot. But Faux has convinced you (aka you've been groomed) that they did haven't they? Turn off Faux. It's not really News anyway.
Peaceful protesters don't set fires and riot. But Faux has convinced you (aka you've been groomed) that they did haven't they? Turn off Faux. It's not really News anyway.
There were no Peaceful protesters until at least a week after the riots and the only reason there were Peaceful protesters was because the police in Red areas would have kicked their asses.
Peaceful protesters don't set fires and riot. But Faux has convinced you (aka you've been groomed) that they did haven't they? Turn off Faux. It's not really News anyway.
I don't watch Fox, CNN or MSLSD.

I read Reuters, AP News and the BBC.

Stop watching CNN and MSLSD.
I don't watch Fox, CNN or MSLSD.

I read Reuters, AP News and the BBC.

Stop watching CNN and MSLSD.

NEW YORK (AP) — The nation’s unrest has made for an unprecedented nightly action show on television, with control rooms that switch quickly between cars ablaze, police officers advancing on demonstrators and ransacked stores in cities across the country.

What’s easy to get lost are peaceful protesters concerned about police treatment of minorities — the raw wound reopened by George Floyd’s death.

Floyd’s brother, Terrence, publicly asked Monday for those people outraged by how George died last week after a Minneapolis police officer pressed a knee to his brother’s neck to make their feelings known peacefully.

That’s daytime television, however.

When darkness falls and prime-time television begins, earnest activism is replaced by tense scenes of conflict unique in their breadth. Scenes of urban unrest have been visible before in the nation’s history — the 1968 riots were more frightening and deadly — but not in so many cities at the same time, with so many cameras to observe.

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton said Monday that he’s worried about a backlash caused by the attention paid to violent demonstrations.

“If you only display that, in this whole ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ media obsession, than in many ways you are hurting George Floyd all over again,” said Sharpton, an MSNBC host. “Because he becomes a side story to the tragedy of what happened and to the pursuit of justice.”

What’s happening in the cities need to be covered, but not at the expense of losing Floyd, he said.
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