Why the January 6 thing?

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Democrats ABSOLUTELY DID fund, promote, and logistically support violent race riots.
Which Democrat(s) didn't support this statement by then candidate Biden.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”
That's hilarious. Seeing the dude leading those stupid fucks away from the lawmakers being used in a meme pretending that he allowed them in the building.

The Neo-GOP dopes have no brains, or shame.

The collective IQ of the Neo-GOP drops.
But you didn't tell me which was the legitimate signature!
Again in case you didn't pay attention.
Which was the legitimate signature? Did the legitimate voter send the voter file form which like I've done for several elections requested the vote by mail, I signed the voter request form and then when I got the ballot
I signed the envelope which contained my unsigned ballot. So which one of these is the original signature?

Voting in France: Paper ballots, cast in person; no machines​

France doesn’t do mail-in voting, early voting or use voting machines en masse like the United States. President Emmanuel Macron is the clear front-runner, though an unprecedented proportion of people say they are unsure who they will vote for or whether they will vote at all.

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It's irrelevant. The topic concerns the January 6 attack by Trump goons on the Capitol, and the orthographic inconsistencies of your Frank, your Henry, and your Rosalie had no impact on it.

All fifty states certified their election results, Republican- and Democratically-administered states included, often after recounts, audits, multiple judicial appeals, and investigations into alleged inconsistencies.

If you think that Frank, Henry, and Rosalie may have cast bogus ballots for Trump or for Biden, there is no shortage of prosecutors who can and will pursue the matter in a legitimate venue. You should report your finding to them.

How many in-person voters flashed fake IDs at a poll nanny and cast fraudulent ballots? We don't know, but it no doubt happens.

We rely upon folks like Trump's Attorney General, Robert Barr, and his Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Christopher Krebbs, as well as 50 secretaries of state of integrity, like Brad Raffensperger, to insure and assure us of the legitimacy of our elections. By all objective standards, 2020 was legitimate, as Krebbs put it, "the most secure election in modern history.”
That's hilarious. Seeing the dude leading those stupid fucks away from the lawmakers being used in a meme pretending that he allowed them in the building.

The Neo-GOP dopes have no brains, or shame.

The collective IQ of the Neo-GOP drops.
The meticulous congressional exposé of the Trump goon attack of the Capitol will not impact the impervious dogma of the weird worshipers of one dude, but will serve to document the reality for the record, for those who form their conclusions based upon credible evidence, and for history. Long after the cult of trumpery has stopped befouling the nation with their veneration of their grievance-spewing vendetta boy, a Loser who can't handle the truth, that official record will endure.
I cant figure this out, ignoring massive harm and violence racial incited, democrat pushed, in 2020 billions of dollars burning down cities and 2020 "mostly peaceful" over January 6 thing, Really?
No cities were “burned down” and the fact that you engage in hyperbolic exaggeration is testimony to your dishonesty. A dishonesty rooted in the fact that you don’t value our democracy
I cant figure out why liberals continually talk about how much ALL lives matter, and our collective "children", Gun deaths or banning the death penalty but lives matter or trans suicides then support Abortion. Something isn't adding up here.
abortion by choice is not "Anti--NUTHIN'" <<<
as an issue unrelated to the presently pixilated
donkey. It is----for LOTS OF WOMEN---a logical
and private choice. I have interviewed LOTS of
women (it's called a complete medical history)
A complete medical history INCLUDES---complete
pregnancy and outcome thereof events. So far,
based on my own unstructured experience---I
have yet to find a woman who giggled and laughed at the JOY of having an induced abortion--- -of course it is a tragedy------but not a sin IMVO
No cities were “burned down” and the fact that you engage in hyperbolic exaggeration is testimony to your dishonesty. A dishonesty rooted in the fact that you don’t value our democracy
People died and lots and lots of private and public
property was destroyed-----with no consequences
to the perpetrators-----that's YOUR IDEA OF
The hell they didn't, talk about stupid.

Attempted insurrection.... :laughing0301:
I am fascinated @ the attempt to explain
RIOTS. IMVO the 1/6 "riot" was not
CREATED by Trump. But I am curious to
know what CREATED the riots that destroyed
Newark, NJ in 1967 ? How about the "blackout"
riots of 1977? in NYC? The Crown Heights riots of
1991? I mention them only because I was eye witness to the atrocities which somehow never
The whole SHAM thing is a political game
Voting by mail has been around for about 50 years. Without any serious issues. Even IF I would accept that large-scale voter fraud is possible (I don't, how many people do you imagine are willing to risk felony charges to change a single vote?), it wouldn't bring you an inch closer to proving it happened, let alone that only Democrats did. In fact, the few times it happened in 2020, the people convicted were Republicans.

Arizona for instance had that Cyber Ninja "audit" using the term lightly. Which was commissioned by Republicans and the company chosen was led by someone who was on record believing in voter fraud. When it came to the final report, Biden actually increased his lead.

There is absolutely no reason to believe large-scale voter fraud happened. Lawsuits across the board were rejected regardless of the presiding judge. Even lawyers bringing some of these lawsuits got sanctioned because their arguments were so ridiculous they were considered bad faith. And yet TRUMP when all these things failed not only persisted and still persists it happened.

He organized a rally to find another way to prevent his successor from taking power. And you, I presume, just like most people on the right on this board making the ridiculous argument that he wasn't responsible for any of the violence.
I vote in my local school house. My sense is----
ANYONE can manage to cheat----either the voter
or the kindly ladies that check the rolls. It can
happen----so probably does
Dropping of other people's ballot was legal in all but one State in 2020. It doesn't mean it is fraudulent. Even if it were fraudulent ballots you still wouldn't be able to prove it was a Democrat doing it or for that matter that it signals any type of large scale fraud. Hell he isn't wearing a mask and could be identified. Not a very good criminal I would say if he is committing a crime.

As for your question. I do not need to identify who's signature are correct. YOU need to be able to establish the are incorrect, YOU need to establish that the ballots are for Biden , YOU need to establish that people forged signatures on a large enough scale to influence the election results. None of this, you actually do.

What you are left with is a conspiracy theory that has been debunked by the fact that so few actual instances of voting fraud actually were charged in 2020. This despite people looking.

Think about the logistics of it. In order to cast a fraudulent ballot by forging a signature. You need to get a hold of the actual ballot. KNOW that the person won't vote. Actually steal the ballot. And then send it in or go in person to drop it of. Making you traceable. All so you can change a single vote. An action you are risking felony charges for.

The mere possibility for something doesn't mean it actually did happen. Nor does it mean it is likely to happen. And if it happened at any scale, there would be more instances were it actually was caught. About 150 million votes were cast. Only a handful genuine cases of fraud were charged, nearly all of them Republicans.
First all how can any believe you as you provide NO LINKS...Just your observations ...subjective at the most!

You wrote.."Think about the logistics of it. In order to cast a fraudulent ballot by forging a signature. You need to get a hold of the actual ballot. KNOW that the person won't vote."
FACTS from: Table 1: States with No-Excuse Absentee Voting

Twenty-six states and Washington, D.C., offer "no-excuse" absentee voting, which means that any voter can request and cast an absentee/mail ballot, no excuse or reason necessary.
So for example.. a political organization could do a mass request to voting regulators and with NO excuse
the ballot mailed to a CHANGED address.
Hence that's why 2,000 Mules showed people stuffing ballots into absentee voting kiosks.

Eight states conduct elections entirely by mail (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington), which means voters do not need to request a ballot, and
instead automatically receive one.

What this was was "JUNK MAIL" voting... ballots sent to addresses that people no longer lived at the address.
FACT:9.8 percent of Americans move annually 15.3 million households in America, with an average size of 2.3 family members, move annually. 3 million people move interstate every year in the US. 60 percent of people move during summer - between May and August.Jan 19, 2022

I vote in my local school house. My sense is----
ANYONE can manage to cheat----either the voter
or the kindly ladies that check the rolls. It can
happen----so probably does
Sure anyone can manage to cheat. The only thing is, cheating isn't all that easy. Neither would it be all that hard to get caught. If cheating was pervasive, it stands to reason that the people actually getting caught would consist of more than a dozen cases in millions of votes cast. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

Give me any scenario you can think of in how you cheat and I can give you ways they can get caught. I already commented on the difficulties with stealing ballots and forging signatures, and have pointed out that the punishment for getting caught committing voter fraud far exceeds the actual reward of changing a single or even dozens of votes. It's simply not worth it.
But I am curious to
know what CREATED the riots that destroyed
Newark, NJ in 1967 ? How about the "blackout"
riots of 1977? in NYC? The Crown Heights riots of
Such disparate, desperate attempts at diversion do not mitigate the January 6, 2021 Trump goon attack on Congress, the topic of this discussion.

"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about
December 7, 1941, huh?"
People died and lots and lots of private and public
property was destroyed-----with no consequences
to the perpetrators-----that's YOUR IDEA OF
What political event were the Floyd Riots in response too? Race Riots are not part of democracy but they are a part of our legacy as a nation. That is riots over racial tensions did not start in 2020.
Such disparate, desperate attempts at diversion do not mitigate the January 6, 2021 Trump goon attack on Congress, the topic of this discussion.
View attachment 656160
"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about
December 7, 1941, huh?"
OH !!!! reality bugs you? -----the appropriate
SAUCE FOR THE GANDER" There is a principle in
law known to lawyers as SELECTIVE PROSECUTION.
I have---to my knowledge, never set foot in a
law school-------but the principle is easily googled
What political event were the Floyd Riots in response too? Race Riots are not part of democracy but they are a part of our legacy as a nation. That is riots over racial tensions did not start in 2020.
Part of our "LEGACY" ? so are abortions. ----
in fact----so is a whole plethora of CRIMES
Sure anyone can manage to cheat. The only thing is, cheating isn't all that easy. Neither would it be all that hard to get caught. If cheating was pervasive, it stands to reason that the people actually getting caught would consist of more than a dozen cases in millions of votes cast. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

Give me any scenario you can think of in how you cheat and I can give you ways they can get caught. I already commented on the difficulties with stealing ballots and forging signatures, and have pointed out that the punishment for getting caught committing voter fraud far exceeds the actual reward of changing a single or even dozens of votes. It's simply not worth it.
that "difficulty" and "chance of being caught"
stuff does not seem to have put much of a dent
in the whole plethora of crime yet
What political event were the Floyd Riots in response too? Race Riots are not part of democracy but they are a part of our legacy as a nation. That is riots over racial tensions did not start in 2020.
The deadly FLOYD RIOTS bs had no political
underpinning in your deluded mind?
Part of our "LEGACY" ? so are abortions. ----
in fact----so is a whole plethora of CRIMES

How many of those were part of a plot to overturn the legitimate winner of the 2020 election and the Constitutional process of counting the States votes?
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