Why the January 6 thing?

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I'm sure if 1-6 had been done by liberals we'd be seeing comparisons to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Well let's see, between Hiroshima and Nagasaki over 200,000 died. At the Jan 6th riot, what was there 5 people died?
Yeah, I can see how that would be a good comparison.
I'm sure if 1-6 had been done by liberals we'd be seeing comparisons to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
How about the Wisconsin teachers storming their state capitol? What historical event would you compare that to?
The Bastille?
I'm sure if 1-6 had been done by liberals we'd be seeing comparisons to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But it wasn’t.

It was done by conservatives, illustrating their contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the American people.

Indeed, 1/6 was just a first attempt, conservatives will continue to attack and undermine democracy and poison the political process with the goal of establishing the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
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Well let's see, between Hiroshima and Nagasaki over 200,000 died. At the Jan 6th riot, what was there 5 people died?
Yeah, I can see how that would be a good comparison.
Looking at how you nutjobs deny 1-6 for what is was and the declarations you're making against democrats WHO HAVE NEVER TRIED TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, then you guys will claim anything.
But it wasn’t.

It was done by conservatives, illustrating their contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the American people.

Indeed, 1/6 was just a first attempt, conservatives will continue to attack and undermine democracy and poison the political process with the goal of establishing the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
You are exactly right. These guys have been brainwashed and when you include the racirsm, we see a bunch of people scared at the prospect of losing white preference and they will use any means necessary to try keeping it.
How about the Wisconsin teachers storming their state capitol? What historical event would you compare that to?
The Bastille?
They weren't trying to overthrow the state government. They were protesting dumb ass republican legislation. Try not to make false equivalences.
Our biggest threat to democracy is our own government in reality.

The only rights or freedoms we've ever lost or will lose will be because our government took them away from us. In short of a total invasion by a foriengn power and a total take over only our government can be a threat to our democracy.

And we have seen the current administration attempt to do with that with censorship, msm influence/control, proposed mandates, them trying to position backdoors with gun control, tipping the scales and unbalancing the system with large amounts of illegals, among other things.
American government does NOT 'take away by force' the American constituencies rights, Liberties &/or freedoms. Our current American constituency ALLOWS their government to take away their rights, Liberties & freedoms. How so? By the American constituency allowing itself to become DIVIDED through very clever manipulation by a small minority of well organized folks that harbor less than positive motives for their fellow Americans. The Divide & Conquer strategy has not only been effective in reducing the quality of life within America but in collapsing any & all great nations & empires throughout history except the Egyptian empire. Our America is no exception to this rule.
Communist agitators?

Hell yes! I oppose them being released on bail. I oppose them being released AT ALL.

Let them rot in jail with no charges, just like the J6 protesters
But, of course not those who are ultimately responsible for the insurrection?? Do you understand just how silly that sounds?
Poor Me! LOL What you will always be associated with is conspiracy to plan, orchestrate and trigger a coup!
Still tripping, I see. Wow, that Kool Aid is strong.

Tell ya what fucktard - if you insist on using the law as a partisan weapon, you'll get a real insurrection. And it won't be long either.

And when it happens, you fucktard leftist cowards will run and hide just like our elected morons did.

If it does happen, it'll be the end of you fuckwit leftards for a good long while.
Why aren't the Democrats this enthusiastic on BLM actually inciting REAL RIOTS that cost BILLIONS? Why don't these clowns have as much zeal exploring any democrat that supported BLM?
Why aren't the Democrats this enthusiastic on BLM actually inciting REAL RIOTS that cost BILLIONS? Why don't these clowns have as much zeal exploring any democrat that supported BLM?
Because they don't care about you. Or me. Or our children.

Their utopia is a world full of brain dead lefties. Which is about as delusional as any human being can get.
Still tripping, I see. Wow, that Kool Aid is strong.

Tell ya what fucktard - if you insist on using the law as a partisan weapon, you'll get a real insurrection. And it won't be long either.

And when it happens, you fucktard leftist cowards will run and hide just like our elected morons did.

If it does happen, it'll be the end of you fuckwit leftards for a good long while.
Are you okay? Seriously. Those are some fuckin' sick words even coming from you. Get some fuckin' help.
Are you okay? Seriously. Those are some fuckin' sick words even coming from you. Get some fuckin' help.
So equal application of the law is "sick"?

That figures, stinky leftist turd.

You fuckers are THAT dangerous, to where you're going to mock the equal application of the law?

In that case you're going to need to be put down. Or excluded. One or the other.

I will not allow you to abuse the law in that manner. Not on my watch, pal
So equal application of the law is "sick"?

That figures, stinky leftist turd.

You fuckers are THAT dangerous, to where you're going to mock the equal application of the law?

In that case you're going to need to be put down. Or excluded. One or the other.

I will not allow you to abuse the law in that manner. Not on my watch, pal
I'm a combat Marine. You sickos come after me, you'd better bring your A game. A better idea would be to GET SOME FUCKIN' HELP!!
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