Why the January 6 thing?

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That was a nice word wall of bullshit.
You have already admitted several times that you are a bleeding heart LibTard that will defend anything non-Whites do, even if they murder each other.
Now if I could only get that spirit in the Trump sheep and the QAnon community. I'd even allow open carry for a day. Hell, I'll cater that affair.
You eat Marines for lunch? Good, then Eat Me!! And the only sphincters this country has are Trump and fools like you who worship him. BTW November may have some surprises in store for you bleating types. In fact, I'll bet you'll be talking out of your other asshole (the one on your face) long before November. Buckle up tough guy! This is gonna be a learning experience for ya. And boy, do you need it!

I flatulate in your general direction. :p
And that tsunami in 2004 was a doozie!

Why is Congress poking its nose into an unprecedented violent attack on Congress, of all things?

Just because Kevin McCarthy said

The Democrats are terrified that Trump will run again and this time they will not be able to defeat him. Joe Biden has bungled his job that badly.

Therefore they hope to stain Trump’s reputation, file criminal charges against him Or hope he get angry and says something really stupid.
The Democrats are terrified that Trump will run again and this time they will not be able to defeat him. Joe Biden has bungled his job that badly.

Therefore they hope to stain Trump’s reputation, file criminal charges against him Or hope he get angry and says something really stupid.
Weird worshipers are hysterical over all the the evidence of the Cry Baby Loser's perfidy and, of course, the damning words of Republicans, intimate minions of the Loser as well as family, who acknowledge, under oath, his losing and lying about it.

That is now being documented for posterity. Meanwhile, his lie concerning his stolen "Landslide!" only festers in hyper-partisan propaganda outlets and his grievance jamborees. His suspect-free fantasy remains devoid of any legitimate appeal anywhere by anyone.

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“We cannot just sweep this under the rug. We need to know why it happened,
who did it, and people need to be held accountable for it.
And I’m committed to making sure that happens.”
McCarthy in audio said days after Jan. 6
I cant figure this out,
The Cry Baby Loser failed attempt to subvert democracy will continue to be exposed today.

After so many Republicans in Trump's sphere, including family, testified under oath concerning the Loser's "bullshit," more will corroborate the discrediting of the Loser's "Big Lie."

The Trump diehards appear incapable of refuting anything of substance that is now part of the official record.
Why do Trumptards keep trying to compare two totally, separate, incidences not even the tiniest bit of similarity.
The weird worshipers are impotent in confronting what is being exposed, and are parroting their hyper-partisan media entertainers' diversionary strategy.


"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"
Weird worshipers are hysterical over all the the evidence of the Cry Baby Loser's perfidy and, of course, the damning words of Republicans, intimate minions of the Loser as well as family, who acknowledge, under oath, his losing and lying about it.

That is now being documented for posterity. Meanwhile, his lie concerning his stolen "Landslide!" only festers in hyper-partisan propaganda outlets and his grievance jamborees. His suspect-free fantasy remains devoid of any legitimate appeal anywhere by anyone.

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“We cannot just sweep this under the rug. We need to know why it happened,
who did it, and people need to be held accountable for it.
And I’m committed to making sure that happens.”
McCarthy in audio said days after Jan. 6
So you honestly feel Joe Biden is doing such a good job that your wonderful, highly educated Democrats will sweep the midterms and win the next Presidential election.

If so explain Biden’s popularity numbers.

Even CNN isn’t all champagne and roses for Biden.

The Democrats are hoping to use Trump as a distraction so people forget how much they are paying for gas and groceries. Plus in my opinion they are terrified that he might just run again. Who would they run against him? Joe Biden? Kamala Harris? AOC? Bernie Sanders? Pete Buttigieg?
So you honestly feel Joe Biden is doing such a good job ...
Why are you diverting to irrelevancies? Please cite where I ever said any such thing?

That the President's approval/disapproval numbers have plummeted to the Trump zone has nothing to do with exposing January 6.
Why are you diverting to irrelevancies? Please cite where I ever said any such thing?

That the President's approval/disapproval numbers have plummeted to the Trump zone has nothing to do with exposing January 6.
the original question was why are the dems pushing Jan 6th.

My feeling is basically they fear Trump might run again so they want to make him look like a person trying to overthrow the government or charge him with a crime.

That tactic is also to divert attention from Joe Biden's total failure as President.

That’s why I asked you if you thought Joe Biden is doing such a good job that the dems will win the Midterms and the Presidential Election.

I guess you don’t as you accuse me of diverting to irrelevancies.

I never said Trump was responsible for Joe’s low popularity. Joe did that all by himself.
The Cry Baby Loser failed attempt to subvert democracy will continue to be exposed today.

After so many Republicans in Trump's sphere, including family, testified under oath concerning the Loser's "bullshit," more will corroborate the discrediting of the Loser's "Big Lie."

The Trump diehards appear incapable of refuting anything of substance that is now part of the official record.
On one hand, what happened is mostly clear, and will probably be even more clear by the end of these hearings. We know what these people were trying to do, so it's now just a matter of the specifics. They were trying to overturn a legitimate election with blatant lies and manipulation.

On the other hand, the question will how be how many (if any) actual laws were broken. I've seen that the state of New York is going after him the way it goes after mob figures, and that makes sense. People like this know how to skirt the law without blatantly breaking it, like the Mafia.

As we've known for years now, this is a terribly ugly period in our history, a stain. A political cult has turned this country upside down. I'm just not at all confident that the villains here will pay any price for either what they have done or what they are still doing.
Absolutely, there should be investigations and prosecutions to winnow out those who were there to peacefully protest and those whose only purpose was to incite violence. I couldn't agree more. But I'm sick of the tactics by Trumpian apologists who refuse to focus on Jan 6th or realize there are major differences in their impact on America. Crimes are crimes and nobody should get a pass. Not even Trump. Especially not Trump. But the plan is plain for anyone who looks and listens. Throw as many other shiny objects as possible to divide the attention of Americans who deserve to know the truth. But it's wrong to toss shit against the walls in an effort to hide that truth from the people. One crime at a time and one investigation/prosecution at a time.
I agree No person is free from persecution. But it comes down to the question... did the accused whether Trump, whether it be a democrat or republican commit a crime?

Now I believe there’s another thing that play here. Our Economy right now is horrendous. Real estate prices have literally priced good Americans out of the housing market. Is it possible that some Republicans and Democrats are using all these issues like abortion and race to distract us from a horrible economy?

I have a ton of extra cash on my disposal but I don’t even think I can get a house right now. I have a cousin who her and her husband have to live with their parents. My cousin’s husband is 37 how does he feel as a man having to move in with his wife’s parents? This is an image we see all across America we didn’t see it back in the 1940s or 1960s.

I criticize both modern-day Republicans and Democrats. Look at the price of houses, look at the price of gas and with the high gas prices everything else is up. So I believe that the January 6 committee concentrates on this false idea that there’s racism in America. I hear Talking Heads on the media blame white people for January 6 which is an insane way to talk about things. You see I don’t blame Black people in general for violent black lives matters.

Bigotry is a worldwide issue it’s a much greater issue around the world than in America.

I believe that because of World War II and the leadership of the Democrats... that the United States became the bastion of liberty and economic power and military power. We should keep that up we should be the most liberal country of the world and the most powerful country of the world. While there are problems with Republicans their problems are more economic related..... some Republicans are against banning the death penalty, some Republicans are against Medicare and Social Security and this is not right.

but too many Democrats of today concentrate on the false idea that America is racist or that we have a racist imperialist history... when the truth is every country of the world has a history of bigotry but also a history of doing liberal positive things.
The point about race and January 6 is brought up because of the fact that some of the Black Lives Matter extremists prehaps all of them have been brainwashed or either provide the lie that “if Black people stormed the January 6 capital there will be a bloodbath.”

That’s a totally false anti-American idea just look at the Jan 6 protest.... there were actually Black people who were a part of that event. And 2 look at the Black Lives Matter riots over the summer many of them went unabated there was no police response were able to do whatever the heck they wanted to do.

My position is that we have good black and white Americans. But Black Lives Matter is anti-American they believe in the racist idea that white people are born privileged. Black Lives Matter doesn’t do anything to help poor Black people either... they steal the money BLM leaders steal the money.

Blm and Democrats are attempting to use the race card associated with January 6 which is very disturbing. And indeed they are hypocrites they show themselves to be anti-American by not only doing nothing about the BLM violence but they support Black Lives Matter.
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